Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1514: The much-anticipated dawn

Jiangnan, who had recovered from the excitement, was stunned!

Damn it? What are the side effects of this thing?

I have already used three small cups, but I still don't seem to have anything to do with it!

Is it possible that this thing has no side effects?

and many more!

This swollen red envelope that is unable to extricate itself and can be regarded as a side effect after use!

The question is, this thing is for others, and the side effects are also reflected in others?

Don't be responsible for yourself?

Jiangnan is too happy to fart, then I am afraid of a ghost, me?

Most of the previous consolation prizes were used by myself, so the side effects are also acting on me!

And the small cupping pot is an offensive prop for others to use!

So strictly speaking, I am not a user!

Ah it's Nice~

As long as you don't pull it out for yourself, the side effects will not be spread on yourself!

There is still this meaning of being unable to extricate oneself?

Who named the cup? It's absolutely amazing!

Jiang Nan is now very much looking forward to plucking the one-eyed species, I don't know what the effect will be!

The only point is that the small cupping pot is currently a new consolation prize!

It can’t be like a Gemini lollipop, you can buy it at the system store at random!

The only way to get it is to rely on 100,000 lucky ten consecutive draws!

And I still have more than two million grievance points left, even if I smoke all of them, I can't make much!

Although it may have a miraculous effect on the one-eyed species, this thing is a one-time product, and it will be broken when used up!

It is obviously impossible to equip troops with hundreds of thousands in large quantities!

Should it be saved, or used to deal with the commander-level?

Jiangnan, who had made up his mind, quickly went to prepare for the war, so he had to get some cupping out!


At the same time, Kira Meteor City on the back of the moon!

At the beginning, a huge pit was blown out by Jiangnan, and most of the damaged city of Tong has been repaired long ago, and even the palace group in the middle is even bigger than before!

Even the territory of the entire city is one-third larger than before!

Main hall!

Risen spreads his arms, and the single horn of his forehead emits a long glass of light and disappears from time to time!

Endless Bose particles flow out from the high-dimensional space and are absorbed by Ruisen!

Its jelly-like body is extremely solid, and even emits a blue shimmer!

(?︶?︶) "Yes! Lord Igor! Obey the Holy Order!"

Below, the one-eyed king Jego and his queen Hathaway knelt on the ground, looking at the light emitted by Risen, their hearts were afraid!

I saw a radian at the corner of Rui Sen's mouth!

(? ̄?~ ̄?) "The matter over the Holy Law Society, Igor will appear above, it’s almost done!"

"Before he returns, he has to do things beautifully and give him an explanation!"

"How is Moonyan's excavation work? Has the subject found it?"

Yego shivered: (? Eyes) "The two mining machines have tried their best to dig, but the moon rock in the depths of the moon star is too hard because of the high pressure, and the progress is not as good as before!"

"But judging by the density of the distribution of the origin of the tinder fragments! It is not far from the main body of the digging!"

Rui Sen nodded: "The moon's back is about to enter the night, and the progress of Mooneye's excavation will be much worse than before!"

"Don't waste a lot of miners and throw them there, bring people to me to participate in the war, and send lower-level miners to dig!"

"At the same time, in order to prevent humans from drawing wages from the bottom of the tank, you should keep the moon's eyes and don't let humans come near!"

"Tell your wife to guard Tong City, and the rest of them, follow me, pull out the humans on Moon Star, and drive back to Blue Star, is that clear?"

Yego was stunned: "Do you want to... send so many people to the war?"

Risen squinted: "Humans are a very unique race! Although humble, they are opportunists! Don't give them a chance, even if it's a little bit!"

"Only the extreme darkness and the deepest despair can defeat them!"

"I want them to know that in this game, they are not qualified to play against my holy star from the beginning!"

"Don't question my decision, humble slave! Don't forget your own position!"

Yego's eyes were full of fear: (???? afraid) "Yes! Lord Saint!"

Risen stepped out of the main hall, looking at the moon horizon, the sun was only marginal!

Everything around is being swallowed by darkness!

"Order an army of one-eyed species to assemble on the dawn line and push horizontally against the rising sun! Put out these seven sparks with the power of breaking bamboo!"

"Xinghuo wants to start a prairie fire? Heh ~ human beings don't have this ability yet!"

"Yes! I'll do it now!"


At the same time, the people on Blue Star are also excited and boiled at the moment because of the disclosure of a website!

People can hear people talking everywhere on campus, on the streets, outside the Lingxu!

"Have you seen this? The operation of China is too harsh, and the official released the satellite images of Yuewang Tianyan! There are even videographers who follow to take pictures!"

"What? Isn't it? Shouldn't this be confidential? Where is it? Send the URL!"

"Damn! Can you really watch it, and can also cut the various satellite images? Absolutely, shit? So many discussion posts? How many people are watching?"

"Nonsense! The one-eyed species on the moon is digging for the moon. If we dig it apart, we will be finished. This is a major event related to the future of our mankind!"

The discussion became more intense, and there were even special warfare experts and civilian military strategists who came out to analyze the situation of the war!

"Satellite images show that the one-eyed army has begun to assemble! It is estimated that as soon as the dawn of the moon arrives, there will be war with the seven countries stationed on the moon. Think about it and it will be exciting!"

"Hahaha! The popcorn chicken is ready, there are still 27 minutes and 43 seconds before the dawn of the war, so excited duck!"

"Those who can go to the moon are all big bosses! The Southern God is still on it, so it can be said that almost all the big hands of mankind have gone up! There are also elite troops from various countries!"

"Then you still need to watch? Are you determined to win? You use your toes to think, if you are not absolutely sure, Huaxia will release the satellite image? Don't worry!"

The website is not restricted to traffic, and all camps can watch it!

At this moment, in the Pioneer Academy!

Many students gathered in the multimedia classroom to watch the pictures on the big screen!

I saw that the background on the website was a lonely moon, the sun was splashing, and the dawn was approaching!

At the top of the website, the four characters "After Dawn" on a silver hook are very eye-catching!

The 15 satellite images on the website can be watched at any time, but there are 16 images!

The last one is David's camera picture, and that picture is on his way!

The classroom was full of joy and joy, and the students were still discussing how long this battle would last and how to win!

And how should the Southern God on the moon show off!

As the countdown decreases, the atmosphere becomes more and more enthusiastic!

However, many old ladies and grandpas in nursing homes sat on the windowsill and watched the picture quietly, without a slight smile on their faces...

Xiao Chuhuo was at the end of the classroom, unsmiling in a wheelchair!

Zhao Dezhu looked gloomy: "Do you really want to show it to the students? I'm not very optimistic about this battle..."

Xiao Chuhuo hoarsely said: "Let's show them! A bunch of innocent hairy boys should wake up too!"

"They don't understand what war is at all! Behind these two words is endless blood and fire!"

"Whether you win or lose, war is never something to look forward to! Especially at this scale!"

Even if the students in the Pioneer Academy have experienced enough exercise, they are growing up in the peaceful age after all!

Have never seen the chaos of spiritual misfortune, have not experienced the baptism of the real war!

I have never experienced it, I will never understand!

The situation has developed so far, the movement of the holy star is getting bigger and bigger, and Xiao Chuhuo is clear that the real troubled times have come quietly!

Do not change or die!

Yang Jian’s personality is clear, and it’s not something Yang Jian can do to release the information before hitting it!

Not even China’s style of doing things!

But now that he did it again, there must be another purpose!

This is not a stimulus shot, it is for people to see the reality clearly!

Xiao Chuhuo smiled bitterly: "Are the people in the City of Silver Moon ready to lose..."

Zhao Dezhu's eyes were staring at the countdown, and his heart was heavy!

Not only the Pioneer Academy, but the major military bases are also paying attention!

At the Longyuan base in Kyoto, the lynx looked at the screen with sweaty palms.

Too Western Golden Island!

Bombardier sat on a stool smoking a cigar and said nothing!

Behind him is Omega Alpha, as well as the high-level Haitang, all watching the satellite picture on the projector at the moment!

The lighthouse of the Everlasting City in the Pacific Ocean Abyss, Miye frowns while holding the tablet, his eyes are solemn, and he is also watching after dawn!

The blood in the goblet on the table was cold, and I forgot to drink it...

The underground base of the Illuminati on Satan Island in the Arctic Ocean!

Odin sat at the conference table, his chin in his hands, and his golden eyes stared at the satellite image for a moment!


No breath was revealed on his body, and he couldn't even see his level!

In the base, a group of high-level members of the Illuminati, including the magician, Lan Bo Fanbo, and Victoria Andre, gathered together!

And the Illuminati hasn’t held this kind of conference for how long, and people haven’t been so full!

The magician couldn't help asking: "Boss! Is it necessary to watch this? China has released all the satellite images. This shows that it is a move to demonstrate its own strength?"

"Besides, there is Jiang... Jiangnan is on the moon, so what kind of one-eyed planting is not a concern, right?"

Odin said coldly: "When you are a holy star, you are doing such a big deal to play with humans? Don't you want to be afraid of getting the one-eyed species to do?"

"China is not the kind of messy country, and the satellite images must have another purpose!"

"The development of the situation is often unexpected. The direction of this war, and the result, will determine the future development direction of our Illuminati! Plans are made!"

"Although the Illuminati is a personal organization and not a national nature, it has taken the wind of the world to come today! Although it is not a teacher of justice, we must do what we should do!"

"After dawn? Interesting..."

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