Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1523: Crime and punishment

Iger and the others also chased over at this moment, looking at the silver moon force field covering a radius of nearly 100 kilometers, they couldn't help but brake and get out of the car!

A look of fear!

When he came last time, the horrible wave of air emanating from this silver vine made his memory still fresh!

This...this is the cemetery of the cemetery?

Going in might be punished and buried me, even Iger is hesitant to rush in and kill him!

But Salman saw that it was impossible to take refuge in the God Killing Curse!

I couldn't help cursing, and gave Jiang Nan a vicious look!

"Huh! You fight, you will definitely end up with the other family, I am not rare to hide from your side!"

Speaking of leading people to leave the city of Silver Moon, flee in the other direction!

Saipan sneered, and looked at the battlefield with a teasing look!

(???.?.???‵) "I don’t know how much you will have left after this wave, Jie Jie Jie~"

Saying that, they ran with Salman and the others, their legs fell down and old fast!

Jiang Nan just watched coldly, without saying a word!

But Salman and the others who had just rushed out from the other side happened to ran into Ava and the others who came from Weihai!

His complexion changed suddenly!

"Fuck! Quick..."

Before Saipan changed direction, the blue glass light flashed in front of him!

Rui Sen had already rushed into Saipan's body in an instant, and saw Saipan's eyes widened!

The fat body dries out at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In a blink of an eye, it turned into a corpse look like a gossamer!


And Rui Sen has emerged from Saipan's body, his forehead is scarlet, and the corners of his mouth are smiling!

Saipan opened his mouth wide and couldn't say a word!

Seeing Rui Sen raised his hand and pressed it on the Tianling cover of Saipan, the strong yellow acid was derived from it!

A piercing scream and wailing came from Saipan's mouth, and there was no movement in a few seconds, and his head was transformed by strong acid!

Even so, the legs in fast slippers are still upside down...

Obviously hung up!

Salman turned his head with red eyes and shouted, "Saipan~Saipan~Saipan!"

But he was still running while shouting, and he was running fast!


He couldn't stop wearing his slippers, or he didn't want to stop...

Risen smiled and threw Saipan's body elsewhere: "One can kill one!"

Salman had no choice but to run away with grief!

My heart was full of indignation. If China hadn't opened the battle just now, how could Saipan die!

You guys wait for me!

However, Jiangnan at the battlefield just watched Risen kill Saipan indifferently!

Did not go to help, and did not go to fight for rescue!

Some people are worth it, but some are not worth it!

How about Daotian? More than this one is not much, less than one is a lot!

Die to die!

And the one-eyed army of Iger and Ava have also joined!

Seeing such an astonishing amount, even Yang Jian was sweating on his forehead!

The battle is on the verge!

I saw Rui Sen standing in front of the Yinyue force field with a leisurely expression, looking at the south of the Yangtze!

(?`~?'?) "I didn't expect to meet again so soon, I'm quite energetic!"

"I have prepared so many people to make the rations of the Star Devouring Giant Insects? It is really intentional!"

Jiang Nan grinned: (︶.?︶?) "You are polite! I see you jumping in the full moon sea, your legs and feet are very flexible?"

"This is the leg that has grown out, and it's showing up in front of me? What's wrong? How about I unload a few more for you?"

While speaking, his hand has touched the hilt of the God Killing Sword!

On the city wall, Jiang Ning's figure slowly emerged!

Her first task is to protect Yang Jian and prevent him from having an accident, so as to break the vision lock without the eyes of the sky!

That would be very troublesome!

Of course, if Rui Sen is going to end, she will cooperate with Jiang Nan Gan Rui Sen!

At this moment, there is a touch of jealousy in Rui Sen's eyes!

Last time I took Ye Ge, the two of Jiangnan Jiangning had their legs unloaded!

That knife is really troublesome!

Of course Risen didn't have the mind to commit danger with his own body, and Jiangnan Jiangning would not come to trouble himself if he didn't have anything to do. Instead, he would focus on the battlefield!

China has not only the God-killing Curse Array, but also the God-killing Giant Cannon, many of which are specifically aimed at itself!

Rui Sen, who has entered the God Killing Curse Array once, doesn't want to enter the second time!

Seeing Rui Sen stepped back, he sneered: "When am I stupid? I personally end up fighting with you?"

"Even if I don't need to take action, Huaxia is doomed to lose!"

While speaking, he turned his head to Iger and confessed in a low voice!

"Huaxia's side is more difficult to chew. It is estimated that it will take a while. Don't pile up your combat power here, it's meaningless!"

"Take people to attack the ice and snow castle of Goose Country, with the destruction of the star ring as the primary goal. When we have finished eating China, we will bring the mining machine to support you!"

Iger nodded and headed towards Yuhai with half of the one-eyed species!

Jiangnan frowned slightly, and the one-eyed army led by Ava had no intention of joining!

On the contrary, the energy absorption mode is opened outside the force field to supplement energy!

Um? The Star Devourer is still on its way, hasn't it arrived?

Ha ha!

Jiang Nan didn't speak, but took out a horse biscuit from his pocket and ate it silently, full of horsepower!

Then he took out a big green stick and turned his head up!

Wu Liang Xiong Er on the side swallowed one after another, Nan Ge was buffing again!

I saw Jiang Nan twisted his neck, the glass armor surged up, forming a visor, completely covering the whole body!

"Okay! Very good! I didn't make it last time! Since you didn't make it, then I'm going to do it!"


There was a blast, and Jiang Nan directly opened a thought to Shura, and the **** steam evaporating from his body squatted out of the gap in the glazed armor!

The momentum is burning wildly, and the spiritual pressure is shocking!

At this moment, the madness rising from Jiang Nan and even Zhong Yingxue blew back!

Behind the visor, his eyes are like two ignited blood moons!

"Watch me kill you!"


I saw the ground under Jiangnan's foot was trampled on and cracked, and even a huge crater over a hundred meters broke out!

The whole person rushed towards the one-eyed army like a **** arrow!

Numerous lings shot, nine horizontal Wanjun curse arrays were erected, directly aimed at Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan's body broke through the curse array time and time again, and his speed was blessed to a terrifying level!

The air in the force field was split directly towards both sides by the rushing Jiangnan!

Even plowed a trench in the ground!

Everyone's eyes widened and watched as they rushed into the enemy's Jiangnan alone!

Damn it!

I rushed over by myself?

Do you want to be so passionate about you? What is it going to be like?

Can you be more reckless, can't you?

Seeing Jiangnan rushing forward, Rui Sen's eyes were full of jealousy, and he escaped into the void for the first time, fearing that he would be killed by the Sword of God!

And Jiangnan's goal is not Risen at all!

Jiang Nan, who had rushed for a certain distance, teleported and disappeared!

When he appeared again, he was already in front of Ava!

Ava:! !

Because of the presence of Yang Jian, the visual lock is useless for Jiangnan!

But Jiang Nan's eyes were blocked by the glazed visor, and his mind control was not enough!

But he still has motion tracking, predictive!

No matter how fast Jiangnan moves, he still hasn't exceeded his tracking limit!

Ava's one-eyed eye instantly locked the trajectory of Jiangnan's fist road!

I didn't know when Jiang Nan had already put on his hands the punishment finger tiger!

Stepping on the ground to send a fist on the hip, the perfect power is transmitted to Jiangnan's body to show!

The right fist smashed at Ava's one-eyed fiercely, and as soon as he shot it, it was a full blow!

The golden light shines on the tiger, and the eye mask fragments are as eye-catching as diamonds!

However, Ava seemed to be an unknown prophet, and her head slammed to the left!

He just escaped Jiangnan's blow!

But Jiang Nan kept swinging his fist, and a word came out of his mouth!


In front of the fist, a pair of spatial wormholes opened in an instant, Jiang Nan's right fist slammed in, and then suddenly emerged from the back of Ava's heart!


A heavy punch hit the back of Ava's heart firmly!

The brutal force smashed it violently toward Jiangnan!

There was a roar from Jiangnan, the blue veins on his neck were violent, and the heavy bones were full of horsepower!

The left fist was like a heavy siege artillery, slamming it at Ava who was leaping forward!


Ava glared with one-eyed eyes! Is this the real attack?

With his forward flutter and Jiangnan's punching, even if he predicted it, he couldn't hide it at all!


With a bang, Jiangnan's heavy artillery punch hit Ava's eye mask fiercely!

The savage giant burst out unscrupulously!

Even the one-eyed species that rushed up all around were blasted by the impact of Jiangnan's heavy artillery!

I saw Ava's body turned backward and was smashed out!

Like an armor-piercing bullet, even the one-eyed species standing behind Ava was knocked away by her tossed body!

In a blink of an eye, he was smashed and flew out several kilometers!

At this moment, Ava looked at her eye mask with disbelief!

There are dense cracks on it, like a blown up cell phone tempered film!

Why did it crack again?

This is impossible!

However, Jiang Nan did not stop, a teleporter caught up with Ava who was smashed and flew out!

Raise your fist and smash your eyes!


Ava's eyes were full of horror, and she raised her arms to block!

But at this moment, Rui Sen slammed out of the void!

Pick up the Bose Particle Knife and slash at Jiangnan!

However, Jiang Nan held the scabbard of the God Killing Sword in his other hand and drew the sword fiercely!

Half of the blade was out of its sheath, the blade collided with the Bose Particle Knife!

I saw the Bose particle knife shattered like jelly!

But Ruisen kept attacking, and his other hand poured out a large amount of strong acid, trying to corrode Jiangnan!

However, Jiangnan turned his fist into his palm, and the split saw blade violently spawned, exploding in an instant!

Countless spatial blades slashed indiscriminately, devastating the earth!

Ruisen Jiangnan withdrew separately, Jiangnan drew his sword and pointed at Ruisen, blood and mist filled his whole body!

"Isn't it impossible to end the game? Little trash! A sneak attack? Don't dare to confront me head-on! You don't have the strength, you~"

And Ava also hurriedly took the opportunity to restore the eye mask, shocked in a cold sweat!

Rui Sen looked at the finger tiger in Jiang Nan's hand and looked ugly.

"Leave me alone?"

Jiang Nan sneered and had to say that pointing the tiger is pretty easy to use!

It’s just that this thing is made with grapefruit-grade one-eyed eye mask!

The hardness is not better than the watermelon grade one-eyed species at all!

Otherwise, Ava's eye mask would definitely break when the punch just went down!

Is the hardness of the eye mask also related to the grade of the one-eyed species?

Jiang Nan grinned and turned his head and gave a thumbs up to Li Bing on the city wall!

(?°???°)? "Criminal Punishment Test is easy to use! Dear~"

Li Bing held the telescope with a nervous expression!


Seeing Jiang Nan giving a thumbs up toward him, he almost didn't vomit a mouthful of old blood!

?? (??ε????) 噗~

You are so lonely, you rushed into the camp, and an electric cannon hammered in the eyes of the other people, just to make a test for the Punishment Tiger?

really! This southerner is still such a show!

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