Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1525: Super Milan Space-Time Cannon

Although I don't know how much I can help!

But as long as Brother Jiangnan speaks, he must have mature thoughts in his head?

Jiang Nan opened his arms towards the two little ones, and Milla and Lan jumped into Jiang Nan's arms in a big jump!

Mila rode on Jiangnan's neck in a blink of an eye, and the glazed armor was deformed!

Put Mira in it too!

And Lan was caught in the armpit by Jiangnan!



"Combined Skill: Super Mi Lan Space-Time Cannon!"

Mila's face is **** red, what kind of shameful skill name is this?

I never knew I could do this?

At this moment, Xia Xiaoxue and both of them looked at Jiang Nan speechlessly!


Fit again?

What new trick is this wow?

By the way, you lightly hold the Lan! She was vomiting blood in your arms, okay?

At this moment, Lan was vomiting blood and rolling his eyes in Jiangnan's arms!


Brother Jiangnan! I know you are rare in Lanlan!

Is it possible to hug it lightly?

Harder, I was hugged to death by you, and then I was killed by holding my sister in my arms?

[The grievance value from Lan is +1! ]

Jiang Nan was also taken aback, full of apologies, forgetting that he was in full power?

Is it okay to hug with all your strength?

(???口??)??*???? "Lan! Hold on, space ejection! Use that trick! Leave the rest to me!"

Lan Meng was startled, and suddenly remembered what Jiangnan brother had said to himself before, and his eyes brightened!

(?????#) "Come on!"

As he spoke, his little head lowered, closed his eyes, a glazed light appeared above his head, and the space was highly compressed!

Facing the one-eyed species that rushed up, Jiang Nan roared and rushed over with Mila and Lan!

Wu Liang on the side was dumbfounded. What is Nan Ge doing?

And the one-eyed species are also dumbfounded!

Damn it? Are these humans no one else? These two little babies are obviously underage?

Come out before it grows up?

Why do you look down on us?

For a time, hundreds of one-eyed species rushed towards the south of the Yangtze River, with star-pupil cannons mixed in them!

However, Jiangnan's figure disappeared instantly!

When he appeared again, he was already behind One-Eyed Species!


"Exiled shelling! Ah!"

Jiang Nan who roared directly slammed Lan to the waist of the one-eyed species!

On Lan's little head, the compressed space bloomed in an instant!

Just hearing a "boom", the one-eyed species was directly turned into an inverted C° shape, and ejected from the released space!

And Lan even seized the opportunity, and his little hand slipped!

In front of the one-eyed species, a 30-meter-long spatial crack was suddenly torn open!

Like a huge mouth that can swallow everything!

I saw that the one-eyed species that was ejected was bounced into the space crack and there was no shadow in the dimensional gap!

It was too late to scream!

Inside, it was pitch black, there was no light, and it was full of spatial gales and chaotic space blades, and the environment was extremely harsh!

Even if it is a one-eyed plant, it will only be a dead end, and it will be shredded after exhausting its energy!

There is no possibility of coming out again!

Jiangnan is full of excitement, is it feasible?

Ah it's Nice!

At this moment, Wu Liang and Xia Xiaoxue opened their mouths one after another!


Isn't it? Does this work?

Humanoid weapons have appeared again?

So this is the correct way to use Xiaolanzi?

What kind of show operation is this? Hey!

Jiangnan was so happy and struggling to fight, I banished the head office, right?

This is much faster than a punch in the eye?

(?i口i) "Arashi! Reloading! Reloading!"

He shook Xiao Lan's child up and down in his arms while speaking!

I saw Lan's face serious, and she collapsed straight like a little warrior!

(?`??'#) "Kakchacha~ Filling is complete! Ready to eject!"

The space above the head is compressed while speaking, and the glazed light rises again!

Xia Yao: (??ж???) Puff~

Shintemeow refilled!

Let's forget Xiaonan Secondary Two, Lan, you don't want to cooperate with him, okay?

Why did you bring yourself to change the sound effects?

Looking at you two, you can't get nervous at all?

Even the one-eyed species were dumbfounded!

Damn it? What the **** passed by all at once?

Although I don’t know where the buddy went, but it’s not important, just kill Jiangnan and it’s over!

Several attacks took advantage of this opportunity to smash towards Jiangnan, but Mila's body spread out!


A golden ball of light with a diameter of three meters emerged, blocking all the attacks coming in for Jiangnan!

And Jiang Nan also took the opportunity to hold Xiaolan child against the one-eyed species again!

Accompanied by a few short and extremely fast screams, seven or eight one-eyed species were ejected into the cracks in the space and exiled!

Lan's space ejection, even Bai Kou can play, is the release of compressed space, unless it is a space system, otherwise this thing is almost inevitable!

As long as it is on top, it will be ejected!

The end is the space crack!

So such a scene appeared on the battlefield!

Jiang Nan was holding Lan and teleporting the one-eyed species, aiming at the space crack!

Just like shooting a goal, even if the bullet is off, Lan will use the space cube to correct the ballistic!

If you shoot crookedly, Jiangnan will also use the space wormhole to directly connect the space cracks, and you will be in the soul!

There is also Mira's time static domain on the defense!

So "Super Mi Lan Time Space Cannon" was born!

The efficiency is simply amazing. After such a short period of time, Jiangnan has bounced in more than a hundred!

Even the location of the space crack can be changed at any time, and the goal is your own!

The trio is even faster than Wang Dalei and the others' clearing forces!

Lan's excited face flushed, I didn't even know that I was so useful?

Gangnam is great too, right?

Even Yang Jian, who was standing on the wall and looking at the whole situation, looked at this scene and the corners of his eyes twitched!

What kind of wild imagination is this? Have you used all your spiritual skills to spend it?

Is the space department really in vain for you?

Is this the same as the Death Bike and Death Cross Country?

?? "Jiangnan! Sector 17 needs support! Quick assistance!"

In an instant, a line of small characters appeared in Jiang Nan's vision!

Yang Jian even thoughtfully marked the position from the perspective of God!

(Land ♀ map)

Jiangnan:! !

Damn it! Brother Jian, this is too good, right?

Is it okay to display the task content directly in the field of view?

Does this give Jiangnan a sense of sight of clearing tasks in online games?


I saw Jiangnan teleported to Sector 17 with Lan in his arms!

The battle here is extremely fierce, almost crushed by the one-eyed clock, and the line of soldiers has a tendency to collapse several times!

Long Yuan was fighting **** at this moment, when Jiang Nan rushed over with two little loli!

"Brothers and sisters hold on for a while!"

"Southern God's support will be in place soon!"

"We don't charge for the cleaning business!"

"The little one-eyed species are all repelled!"

"Hey hey!"

While talking, Lan started to eject the one-eyed species crazily, and each one-eyed species screamed and was bounced into the crack in the space!

As soon as Jiangnan appears, the one-eyed species in front of him will inevitably be bounced away!

The magical teleportation makes it impossible for the one-eyed species to predict where Jiangnan will appear in the next moment!

The Long Yuan army looked at the big bombing Jiangnan with horror!


What is this trick? Ye sister, have you heard of it?

In a short while, Jiangnan lost hundreds of one-eyed species!

Lan ate durian pulp wildly at the moment, and his cheeks were bulging!


Must keep up with Jiangnan's ejection speed!

The disadvantage of sector 17 was solved by Jiangnan!

Just after the job, the mission issued by Yang Jian appeared in his field of vision!

? "Sector Ninth..."

Jiang Nan directly took the Mi Lan Space-Time Cannon to the ninth sector to support!

Before leaving, Mira gave Longyuan a wave of recovery light!

At this moment, Jiangnan has directly become a powerful jungler, running around on the battlefield to support the troops!

And this scene was clearly recorded by David's camera!

The barrage after dawn at this moment is completely crazy!

"Fuck! Is this what Nanshen said to show us differently? It's really on the show anytime!"

"Hey~ Huaxia's combat readiness, he actually developed a weapon against the one-eyed! That is...this weapon is quite anthropomorphic?"

"It's more than anthropomorphic, is this special cat is human? Those two little loli, I really want it too!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That's it, Huaxia Niubi! If you stick to it, I feel like I can win?"

It has to be said that after losing five games in a row, Huaxia has shown a strong foundation and various methods against the one-eyed!

It's blinding people's eyes!

It is as if a light of symbolic hope has appeared in the extreme darkness!

Spicy southerner, in this level of battlefield, it is still amazingly showy!

Odin pointed to the big screen with a look of hatred for iron and steel!

? (Yi Yiyi?) "Look at him! Look at you again! Learn more from others!"

"It's all from the space department, why are you messing with you?"

The magician's expression was unnatural, and he was babbling!

(?`з?′o) "I... I can do it too!"

At this moment, the magician felt like being defeated by someone else’s child...

Mi Ye holding the tablet, staring wide-eyed, kept shouting: "Come on, Lanlan! Come on!"

That seems to be about to enter the screen!

Jiang Nan, who had supported a large circle, couldn't help but stare at Ava. At this moment, Ava is still commanding the one-eyed army to attack!

A sinister smile appeared on Jiang Nan's face!

(#?.??) "The so-called bomb thief first bomb the king! Where do you go? Come here and I will bomb it!"

While talking, holding Lan, he teleported towards Ava at an extremely fast speed!

Ava:! !

I almost broke my eye mask by Jiangnan just now, now I'm looking for myself again?

Even if you are the leader and powerful, if you are bounced into the cracks of the dimension, there is absolutely no way to survive?

I saw Ava turned her head and ran away!

?(@;)?=З=З=З "Don't come over on your horse!"

damn it! When will the miners come?

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