Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1535: The group of figures that cut through the dawn

But at this moment, Mo Mo shouted anxiously!

(?●???)? "Ahba!"

She felt the violent spatial fluctuations!

In the next moment, I saw the azure blue light bursting continuously on the battlefield!

The figure of Rui Sen appeared in the field one after another, and in just a few breaths, he penetrated the bodies of hundreds of people!

Any attack is useless to him!

In an instant, these people were all frozen to pieces and broken into pieces!

Obviously, Rui Sen vented all the suffocation he suffered in Silvermoon City!

Iger's eyes brightened: (??) "My Lord, you are finally here! Huh? What's on your head..."

Risen:! !

(¬益¬?) "What does it matter to you? Do what you should do! One more sentence, your eyeballs are buttoned!"

"Trash! Haven't gotten the star ring for so long? I want you to have a fart!"

"If you don't show your results, you will follow suit!"

Iger was scolded and looked at the cupping jar above Rui Sen's head dumbfounded!


Has this kind of headwear become popular again in the universe recently?

Lord Envoy...

It's really a trend!

But I didn't dare to disobey Rui Sen's order and quickly stepped off the battlefield!

And Rui Sen turned his head and rushed towards the star ring madly!

All these people stay here, and don't even think about living any of them!

Seeing Rui Sen's appearance, Bai Kou also trembled in his heart!

He appears, does it mean that China has also lost? Gangnam...

Bai Kebei clenched his teeth, leaving his side on the moon, is he the only kind of fire?

Where do the busy Bai Kou and the others have the time to pay attention to the news of Silvermoon City?

She was already overwhelmed, and she didn't even know what happened to Huaxia!

At this moment, Bai Kou's eyes were full of determination!

Then fight to the end!

The body flashed suddenly and disappeared on top of the ice peak!

In front of Rui Sen, the wind and snow gathered, Bai Kou's body condensed again!

The sword of Xuanbing in his hand slashed towards Ruisen fiercely!

"Silence Ice Sword!"

In an instant, the blue ice sword in his hand was dyed black, and the black silence was wrapped around the blade like silk!

Chopping down towards Rui Sen, everything seems to be withered under this sword!

But this black ice sword penetrated Rui Sen's body easily!

Rui Sen looked cold: "How many unnecessary attacks have to be done! Humans!"

While speaking, the Bose particle knife in his hand was thrust into Bai Kou's chest fiercely!

Bai Koubei bit her teeth tightly: "Big cold? Eternal sleep!"

Her body exudes extremely cold air, and even her skin has turned into a corpse white!

Want to block Risen's attack in this way!

But the corners of Kerisen's mouth evokes an arc!

The Bose particle knife in his hand instantly transformed into a strong acid knife and pierced Bai Kou's chest fiercely!

The broken jade bead caught in the treasure bag was smashed to pieces, and Bai Kou was directly pierced by a strong acid knife!

Under the corrosion of strong acid, white smoke appeared from Bai Kou's body, and a mouthful of blood could not help flowing from the corner of his mouth!

Under the extreme cold, the strong acid knife was instantly frozen!

And Rui Sen took this opportunity to pass through Bai Kou's body!

He rushed straight to the star ring, his body appeared in an instant, and he would break the ring when he raised his hand!

Bai Kou endured the pain and pulled out the acid ice skate from his chest!

(?????) "Momo! Protective ring!"

No need to remind Bai Kou, the star whale has swallowed the star ring in one bite!

Immediately teleported out with Momoji people!

However, this action also completely interrupted the connection between the two star rings!

Rui Sen slashed away!

But as soon as Momo and Star Whale emerged from the void, the earth exploded!

The Star Devourer opened its huge mouth in the blood basin, launched the macrophages, and swallowed it straight towards the star whale!

The three-hundred-meter star whale is so small and pitiful in front of the star-eater giant!

Under the distorted space, the huge star whale can't be moved away at all!

I can only watch myself fall into the mouth!

Anxious Mo Mo directly issued an order, and saw the star whale raised his head and bumped, the distorted space was instantly crushed!

The star whale plunged into the crevice of the dimension without a shadow!

Saved the star ring!

But Momo can't follow up, otherwise he will lose his coordinates and be completely lost in the dimensional cracks!

Mo Mo was frantic and tried his best!

I saw the space split again, and a black argali sneaking out of the side of the Star Devourer!

After checking left and right, he was relieved when he didn't see Devil Jiang!

The moment I saw the giant star-eater, I was scared to pee on the spot!


What kind of stuff is this riding a horse?

However, under the contract, it had to obey!

The spiral-shaped double horns emit a bright glaze color light, launching a space ejection!

With enough energy, he launched a charge against the huge body of the Star Devouring Giant Worm!

Bumped one head on it!

The next moment, just listen to "Bah~"!

The body of the black argali, which was over 300 meters long, was shot out of sight...

Even seven or eight icebergs collapsed, and the corners were all broken!

After all, the giant star-eater is too big!

The compressed space can't push the giant star-eater, so you can only push the argali...

Seeing Momo was about to be swallowed!

Bai Kou’s eyes were abysmal: (? ̄?? ̄?) "Snow country is here!"

The ice sword in his hand was fiercely inserted into the ground, and in an instant, tens of thousands of meters of ice peaks pierced from under the star-eater giant!

Even if the ice peak is shattered by the high-speed rotating scales, new ice peaks are constantly growing!

He just raised his head on the Star Devouring Giant Worm, and the macrophages were interrupted, and Mo Mo was able to get out, shocked in a cold sweat!

But the star-eater giant smashed the iceberg underneath it in three or two, and the mouth of the blood basin was stunned against the dead snow in the sky!

Even if Heixue got oral ulcers in its mouth, it rots and bleeds!

But it was reborn soon!

The snow that covered a 100,000-meter radius was completely cleared of farting effort!

Seeing that the giant mouth is about to be aimed at the battlefield, and the giant bite is turned on!

In this way, everyone on the battlefield really has no way to survive!

Bai Kou raised his hand to shake off the ice sword, and rushed towards the Star Devouring Giant Worm resolutely!

"If I can kill you, even if I die, Bai Kou will not lose!"

As he spoke, he turned into a wind and snow, entangled in the giant star-eater!

"Heavy snow? Blizzard!"

Snowflakes are as sharp as a knife, hitting the scales of the giant star-eater, making a clanging sound!

Only in this extreme cold, the rotating scales of the star-eater giant were frozen, and the joints of the insect's body were also frozen!

The extreme cold penetrates into its flesh and blood, like a bone scraping steel knife, freezing everything!

But with the twisting of the Star Devouring Giant Worm, a large amount of ice shattered, and then the frozen flesh and blood were shattered together!

But even so, it is still regenerating wildly!

Bai Kou can only try to freeze it again, pulling with it to the limit!

In the process, Bai Kou also became weak at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Maybe eventually disappear completely in this blizzard!

Rui Sen was also not idle, and started chasing Momo frantically!

And Iger also went off the court, facing the red-eyed Koronov!

With the arrival of Rui Sen and the others, the battle became fierce to the extreme, and Bai Kou and the others had no retreat!

The hearts of the people are hanging up, and not everyone can perform operations like Huaxia!

The snow and ice castles in Goose Country are really fighting for their lives!

"God! I didn't dare to watch, a bunch of **** guys are desperate for the Blue Star!"

"Completely over! Can't see the slightest hope, will the Ice Castle have the same ending as the other stations?"

"It's really too rigid, the snow girl Bai Kou actually pulls the star-eating giant worm alone, how strong can humans be?"

"Who will help them? With so many people smashing the moon, they have worked hard enough and shouldn't have such an ending!"

But now in the Seven Kingdoms of the Moon, there are deaths and injuries, and some people don't even know where they are lost!

They are too busy to take care of themselves, who has the extra energy to take care of the ice castle?

The star ring was disconnected, and the Goose country was panic. The eyes of countless people on the square were splitting, and they were roaring!

I want to kill the moon and have a good time, crying and tearing the flowing clouds!

These were the soldiers who were preparing to go to the battlefield before, but failed to go up because of the disconnection of the Starlink!

Odin stared at the screen fiercely: "Don't die! If you die, you will be blind! If you don't die, you will still have a chance to kill this bunch of dog food!"

And at this moment, the high-speed moving Silvermoon City!

Jiang Nan was stunned and took out the broken jade bead from his arms!

The look is more solemn than ever!

Bai Kou asked for help!

It is conceivable that the one-eyed species will converge to attack and kill with all their strength, plus the star-eating giant insects!

What kind of situation will the ice castle face at this moment!

Jiang Nan looked up at Yang Jian!

Yang Jian didn't say anything, just nodded!

Jiang Nan took a deep breath and looked around at everyone!

"The Goose Country Ice and Snow Castle can't hold it anymore, it's asking us for help!"

"Who still has the strength and is willing to go off the field and rush to kill with me? It may not come back, or it may..."

"Me! I'll go!"

Before the Jiangnan dialect was finished, Batty directly raised his hand in the distance, and what was in his eyes was almost crazy killing intent!

Qianbenying wiped away the tears, did not say anything, and stood behind Jiang Nan with a resolute expression!


Daotian slammed the group, except for Clegg who hadn't slowed down, stood behind Jiangnan one after another!

Ye Zhenguo stretched!

?(?︶~︶?)? "Although people are old, they still have some strength. I just played a game, and they are not very tired!"

"Don't underestimate our old guys!"

Chen Daoyi grinned!

(??°???°) "I see if I can live a few more months!"

Not only these people, but even Nightingale, Hoshinobuki, and even Vinnie came over!

And Jiangnan said that the team, and even those who have just come down from the battlefield in the dark night of Longyuan, all followed!

Needless to say anything else, just a word from Jiangnan!

As long as the leg hasn't been broken, he will rush up with him, no matter where it is!

Jiang Nan smiled bitterly: "Why do you have to follow, don't you know that you are tired? Leave a group of people to guard the house, we are not safe, don't let people get sucked!"

In the end, Wang Dalei and Nicole were left to guard the house, and Nightingale Hoshino was on standby in the castle!

As for Miyazaki, Musashi and the others were so badly injured that they haven't healed yet!

The garrison did not take it even more. This time I went to save people, not to go desperately with others!

Yang Jian looked solemn: "Monroe! Open the God-killing Curse Array!"

"Jiangnan! Come back safely!"

Jiangnan nodded heavily!

The next moment, the God Killing Curse Array slowly opened!

At the gate of the city, Jiangnan stood at the forefront, Chen Daoyi, Batty Qianbenying and a dozen of them stood behind Jiangnan!

On this trip, most of the high-end combat power of Silvermoon City is ready to go!

The moon night is deep, the starry sky is intoxicating, and there is still a **** smell in the air that has never been dissipated!

I saw Jiang Nan twisted his neck, his momentum skyrocketed, and his sharp edge was revealed!

Raising his hand and drew out the God Killing Sword to his side and flicked it, the sword vigorously and horizontally, rolling up bursts of moondust!

There seems to be wildfire burning in his eyes!

"Follow me! Kill!"


With a bang, Jiangnan's figure rushed straight into the night sky like an arrow from a string!

A group of figures behind him kept up like a cannonball!

A group of people headed by Jiangnan rushed out of the Silver Moon City, broke through the dawn on the moon, and rushed straight to the ice castle!

And when the people on the Blue Star saw the group of figures that cut through the dawn through the satellite, they were completely boiled, and their hearts were agitated!


They went!

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