Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1546: Is the Shura Hell ahead?

All Daotian looked at Freya in amazement!

Don't talk about borrowing money, this southerner can't borrow a word, after all, his soul is ¥!

You are killing him, you!

Bombardier, who had swiped the card with Freya before, also shook his head and laughed!

How could a southerner who wants a hundred free fruit plates even borrow...

Um? Why is this sentence so familiar? Didn't she just care about me borrowing it?

Bombardier: ()?...

Even Freya has a cold sweat on her forehead. This is the first time she has been in this situation for many years.

(???ヮ??) "Oh~ misunderstood, it was a step to speak, I have no other meaning, there are so many people here, I am shy~"

At this moment, Freya grabbed Jiang Nan's little hand and swayed, her pretty face flushed even more!


All Daotian behind Jiangnan are smiling!


Who can stand this?

However, Jiang Nan suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help but open his mouth wide, looking at Freya in astonishment!

(oДo*) Oh!

It took a long time to accept this fact!

Then he suddenly realized the expression on his face, too!

As the goddess of life, she is always above her head and has no object. It is normal to think about it day by day and think about it at night!

It turns out that Freya is such a person!

(ˇ?ˇ?) "I get it! That means finding a place with few people and walking around~"

Freya's eyes brightened: (????) "That's right, otherwise I'm embarrassed to speak!"

a ha ha ha! I got the bait, let's see how I can borrow the money!

So Freya took Jiangnan and walked to the side of the square!

Just about to speak, Jiang Nan took out his mobile phone!

Freya is a little excited, is it so direct? I haven't spoken yet, so I have to transfer money to myself?

It seems that Jiangnan is not very deductible~

So I took out my mobile phone from the treasure bag, and I had to call out the payment code!

But Jiang Nan gradually blushed!

(?ˇ﹏ˇ?) " do you know I have it?"

Freya was stunned, and then smiled: "I usually observe very carefully, and I am very accurate when looking at people, and I may not be sure about others!"

(????????) "But you, there must be some? And there are many more, I'm right! Slightly~"

Jiang Nan's face turned red, and he slammed his face!

(?)﹏(ヾ) "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I still have a face!"

Freya was stunned: (??????) "What's so embarrassing about this? You should be arrogant? You can't be envied by others~"

Jiang Nan is stunned, is this still the envy of others? I heard it for the first time!

(?°??°) "Ah~ This is the first time I lent a girl or something, have to keep it secret to me, don't tell anyone!"

Freya swallowed, God! Am I the first one?

It seems that I am still very attractive as the goddess of life. I actually set this first!

Can not help but pat his chest to promise!

(?????) "Don't worry! Hey~ This is the little secret between the two of us. God knows and I know, you know and I know!"

He clicked Jiang Nan's chest as he said, with a face of shame!

Jiangnan swallows, the action is so intimate? Is it really thoughtful?


"It's spicy~ The Bluetooth is turned on, and you have turned on the Bluetooth too. Let's pass on each other face to face, so I will lend you one!"

"By the way, what type do you prefer?"

Freya, who had just adjusted the payment code, was directly petrified in place, and the expression on her face froze directly!

Σ(°△°|||) "Turn on...Turn on Bluetooth? Isn't it the payment code? What are you going to lend me?"

Jiang Nan scratched his head: ?(???.??)???? "You said it yourself? You want to borrow one to talk to me? You're still shy, sorry..."

"Hey~ what's so embarrassing about this? People will be like this when they reach a certain age? It's always right to learn in advance! I understand!"

Freya almost didn't squirt a mouthful of old blood, what kind of **** do I like!

What the **** is your ability to understand? Hey!

Did you think I was going to take care of you... Bah!

I use you to pass it to me? I have them all, better than you!

I am the goddess of life! How could you borrow that kind of stuff from the public!

At this moment, Freya's forehead couldn't help but burst with two blue veins, but she still smiled forcefully!

(?°??°?) "Nan...Nan Shen is really funny, no~ I...I want to take care of you borrowing a hundred million dollars!"

"As you know, as the vice president of the Lingwu Alliance, I don't have any profitable projects at all, and the salary is poor, so I have a very tight hand!"

"Look at my skirt, I have worn it for many years, and there is no money to change it if it breaks!"

Talking about it, she also raised the skirt, revealing the smooth and shiny calf, the skirt is indeed tattered!

Jiangnan: (?_?)...

"Aren't you the lace of the skirt?"

Is there a mistake! Was it the first time I saw Freya, the goddess of life, to borrow money from me?

Freya took Jiangnan's little hand!

(??????????) "Oh~ it's not important, I will definitely return it to you! With the honor of my goddess of life as a guarantee!"

('???`) "You have the heart to let me eat steamed buns and pickles every morning? Eh~ I'm hungry and thin..."

He was holding his chest, with a sad look on his face!

However, Jiangnan has no mood swings!

(?_?) "No! I'm still in school? I can't afford the tuition, so I can barely make a living by setting up a stall!"

"Nan Shen Family has no surplus food!"

Freya: (??w???)...

I'm ah! The transaction volume of your market is in the hundreds of billions?

What school, the tuition is so expensive! By the way, have you really paid tuition?

(???~??) "Nan Shen~ Don't you want to be like this! You are still the boss of Dandelion, how can you not have a family background?"

"A little leaking out of your fingers will be enough for Ya'er to eat!"

Jiangnan refused with words: (︶~︶) "No! I haven't married a wife yet, that's the wife I saved for myself!"

Freya's eyes twitched, no wife? Then who just said that the wife in the family has strict control?

With so much money, are you planning to marry 900 million wives?

In that case, it can only be a trick!

Look at my goddess acting like a baby!

Immediately, he took Jiang Nan's arm directly and embraced it!

(??~?) "I'll return it to you! And it also carries interest. You really don't think about it? Southern God~"

Freya, with a defiant tone, immediately started acting like a baby, but Jiangnan, my heart is like iron, indestructible!

Ironier than a little carp's heart!

At this moment, Yang Jiansena and the others were stunned. What are they talking about?

Why are you still holding it?

Do you want to be so close?

[The grievance value from Senbon Sakura +777! ]

[From Senbon Sakura...]

However, at this moment, over the flat ocean, a red light rushed towards Sun Island at a very fast speed!

Meiyi's weak expression!

(???`) "My Lady Queen? Are you really going to beat Jiangnan?"

Mi Ye raised his head: (?ˇ~ˇ) "Huh! That's for sure, but seeing how hard he is on the moon, just stop crying!"

"But he must have cried without waiting for me to fight, right? Hey~"

At this moment, the corner of Mi Ye's mouth couldn't help but evoke a curve!

Mei is also snickering, the queen still favors Nanshen!

The two quickly landed on the Peace Square, and they immediately attracted everyone's attention!

And Mi Ye's eyes also saw Jiangnan on the square at the first glance!

I saw that at this moment Freya was holding Jiang Nan's arm, and she kept coquettishly, with a very intimate look!

Mi Ye's expression froze for an instant, and she felt like her beloved baby was taken away, and her heart was blocked!

Two red awns suddenly appeared in the eyes!

(??’Shin?’) "Boom!"

The fierce Spirit Pressure belonging to the Daotian Nine Stars directly overwhelmed the audience!

(??’??’) "Jiang! Nan!"

[The grievance value from Mi Ye is +1007! ]

With a sweet drink, Jiang Nan shuddered, his face turned pale, and his calves were shaking like rubber bands!

A teleport came to Chen Daoyiye Zhenguo and their 12 Daotians!


It seems the only way to find a sense of security!

Turning his head again, I saw that Freya was still hanging on her body, and she came here together?

Depend on! Do you want to stick to me like a dog skin plaster?

() "Bad...Bad sister? You...are you here? Long time no see, you are beautiful again~"

I saw Mi Ye quickly walked to Jiangnan, with scarlet eyes looking at Ye Zhenguo!

In an instant, Ye Zhenguo and other 12 Daotians turned pale!


Yang Jian, they have seen Mi Ye three fists and two feet hammering Shadow Dao Tiannett to death?

And Daotian Jiuxing!

Depend on! Is Miye going to the summit?

I saw a group of people as if they were in reverse gear, retreated extremely quickly, and retreated to the edge of the square in the blink of an eye!

Jiangnan:? ? ?

Hey Hey hey! Do you want to be so persuaded at the critical moment?

You said you want to protect me?

Before the departure, the oaths of eachother all fart?

Jiang Nan looked back at Chen Daoyi and the others, but they all shook their heads madly without talking!

Look at Bai Kou!

Sister Kou! Stop it! It will kill people! Help me hold the place?

However, Bai Kou gave Jiangnan a white look and tilted his head directly!

( ̄~ ̄?) "Huh~"

Now that only the dog skin plaster Freya is left by her side, and Senbonzakura herself?

At the critical moment, it has to be our part-time job Sakura!

Jiangnan's face was moved at this moment!

However, at the moment Senbon Sakura looked at Miye in rage, her back was wet with cold sweat!


Ahhhhhhhhhhh~ I will definitely be hung up and beaten!

Can't help but shrink his neck!

(??﹏?)? "Ahaha~ The weather is so sunny today and the scenery everywhere~"

While singing, he turned around mechanically, then trot all the way, hiding to Musashi and the others!

Please forgive me for my intermittent resignation. I can't get a job at this job, so I will be beaten?

Yang Jian squeezed his chin: (??????) "Tsk tut~ It's Shura **** ahead! Jiangnan, this kid, is probably a waste!"

Jiangnan: ()?...

I saw Mi Ye went straight to Jiang Nan, and his eyes fell directly on the arm that Freya was holding Jiang Nan!

I got even more angry for a while!

(?°??°?) "Why lie to me! Tell me!"

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