Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1556: Be the truest self

Freya burst into a cold sweat and quickly explained!

(?口?????) "No, no, no, I use the glory of my goddess of life as a guarantee. The money I borrowed from you has never been repaid from the very beginning!"

Freya, who had just finished talking, almost died of vomiting blood on the spot!


Why can't I tell a lie now?

The goddess of life who doesn't lie can't live!

Senna's face turned green: (?'yi`?) "Didn't you say that you will pay it back to me when you don't have a tight hand? You didn't plan to pay it back at the beginning?"

At this moment, not only Senna is anxious!

Bombardier had a black face: (??????)?... "So you don't plan to pay back my 1.5 billion, are you?"

Pierce: (`⌒′メ) "How about Lao Tzu's 300 million?"

Koronov was in a hurry, he started to shoot the case, his eyes were red!

(#`Sa') "Where is my 1.3 billion? Don't you pay me back after I've agreed, and then enjoy the snow at night and go boating in the lake?"

Batty opened his mouth: ('⊙口⊙`) "What about the agreement under the moonlit night? Didn't you count it? Didn't you say that I am your beloved boy? I..."

Jiangnan points to Batty!

╭?(?°???°)╭? "Eh? Are you also her favorite South Child? Coincidentally, I am too~"

Batty: (????????????)?...

At this moment, a dozen Daotian stood up and stared at Freya!

Even Jiangnan was shocked!

Damn it! How much money did this drunk goddess borrow from outside? Is there so much suffering?

Does this add up to tens of billions?

You spend a day on horseback? What are you doing for you?

If you use real money to burn the boiler, you can’t burn so much in one day, right?

Badr rubbed his eyebrows: "You dare to borrow Freya money? Your heart is really big!"

At this moment, Cooper is gloating at Freya!

('???) σ should!

Is it over?

A dozen veins broke out on Quinn's forehead!

(? °? 監 °??) "Fu! Lei! Ya!"

"You haven't paid back a dozen of my IOUs yet, so you have borrowed so much outside?"

"Calling everyone over is for a meeting, not for you to borrow money one by one!"

At this moment, Freya took two steps back, cold sweat on her forehead!

(???? 乛乛????) "Aha~Ahaha~ It must be that the wine was too high last night. You have drunk too much and haven't woken up yet?"

"This dream is too real, I believe it, Freya! Get up quickly! You can't dream anymore, if you continue to dream, you will be gone!"

He grabbed his cheek with both hands while speaking, and slammed!


However, the wood on the cheek does not hurt at all! Is this really dreaming?

(???????????????) "Although I'm dreaming, why does it feel true? It must have been drinking too much, I...I'm going to sober up..."

Go outside the door while you are talking, go faster and faster!

It's over, it's over! I may have a cancer that cannot be lied!

However, Pierce sealed the door with a space confinement!

(▼Mu▼#) "Where are you going? We must explain this to us today!"

Freya's expression froze, and then her expression became ruthless!

In that case, you can only do a trick!

I saw Freya walked back in a stride, just standing on the stool!

Stepping on the round table with one foot, it is very domineering!

Take out the pos machine from the treasure bag and shoot it on the table!

(?°?~°?) "You guys are watching me!"

Everyone was shocked by Freya's actions. What is this going to do?

Freya akimbo: (?°?口°?)? "There is no money in my account! I spent all the money I borrowed!"

"To tell you the truth! I don't even have money to buy new clothes! I picked out the dress that I was wearing from a pile of dirty clothes!"

"Tear off the stolen skirt and change it later!"

Jiangnan: ?? (??ε???) 噗~

Just took a sip of Lei Bi's Jiangnan all sprayed!

After all, I underestimated you, don't even talk about this kind of thing!

Freya has a broken jar and a broken expression!

(Poor  ̄? ~  ̄?) "Do you want me to pay back? No! Want my life? No!"

"Kill me, you won't even be able to get anybody else, I'll tell you! People who are acquainted will lend me another billion!"

"Only let me live happily in this world! Maybe I will develop someday, and I will pay you back when I am happy! Otherwise, you won't have any hair!"

(o?????)? "Hey hey hey! Those two little ones, don't record this kind of thing! My dignified goddess of life doesn't want face?"

I saw the two meeting recorders cast a glance at Freya, and then the typing speed became faster!

Even the words Freya just said were also recorded!

Freya: (??????)...

At this moment, everyone opened their mouths wide, looking at the domineering Freya speechless!


The elegant, holy, and flawless image of the goddess of life in my heart was smashed to pieces!

Where is this goddess?

Isn't this Lao Lai? And did you borrow the money and still borrow it?

Freya folded her arms: (?ˇ~ˇ?) "Hmph! I owe less, maybe I will worry, if I owe too much, it's up to you to worry!"

"I owe more money! How old are you? How about? Bite me, you guys? No acting, I will be the truest self!"

While speaking, I flicked the sandals on my feet, one fell on the ground, and the other directly hit Cooper's head!

I saw Freya sitting on the stool with her bare feet and legs upright!

One foot shook the leg crazily, and a small hand naturally fell on the cocked little foot and buckled up!

He put his arms on the stool casually, and his face was dangling!

Cooper took the sandals off his head!

(???益??) "President! Can I hammer her?"

Quinn grinds his teeth: (? Yi??) "Restrain! Be restrained! Hammer her to death, and all of us will lose our money!"

At this moment, everyone on the round table looked at Freya, unable to accept her current appearance for a while!

I'm really picking my feet!

I saw Freya staring, raising her hand to pat the table!

(?°?д°?)? "What do you look at? Haven't seen such a beautiful goddess? Look at the charges again! Meetings!"

"Xiao Nanzi, give this goddess two more bottles of wine to drink, and I will pay you back when I pay the money later!"

Jiangnan picked up the little Mazha and stood up!

╧╧? (???д??) "Hey shit? You goddess of waste wood is a little floating, right?"

"Believe it or not, I'll take the picture..."

Freya patted the table: (??ˇ口ˇ?) "Fat! You are done! I am already like this, I am afraid of you?"

"I worked so hard to prepare documents, what's the matter with drinking your two bottles of wine? You knock me to death, knock me to death and your money is gone!"

Jiangnan: (?°??°?)

Really? Barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes?

"Okay! Give it!"

Then he gave Freya two more bottles of green sticks!

I saw Freya's eyes light up, she opened the beer, and the two bottles were facing each other at the same time.


In the shocking eyes of everyone, a few mouthfuls came to the bottom!

(??????)? "Hey~ cool! Hiccup~ (duration three seconds

Odin smacked his lips for a while: "Drank the life-threatening green stick? No wonder he exploded like crazy!"

Freya was stunned: (·?????) "What's wrong with this wine?"

Odin smirked: (ˉ?.?ˉ??) "Don't you know? After drinking this wine, you will be uncontrollable after drinking! I have tried the power of this thing!"

After a word, Freya was stunned, and I couldn't lie because I drank the wine Jiangnan gave?

Now that I have no image of a goddess, everyone knows his true face, all because of Jiangnan?

I saw Freya's eyes suddenly lit up with two red lights!

A leapfrog jumped directly over the round table and rushed towards Jiangnan!

?(??’??’)? "Dead Jiangnan! You pay for my image as a goddess! You pay for it!"

Jiang Nan stared at him: (#?????#) "My little brother, you fucking...cough~poof~"

I saw Freya riding on Jiang Nan, pinching his neck for a while!

It's like being shaken by Jiangnan last night!

Jiang Nan frantically slapped the table: "President! President Quinn, you are in charge of your family! The members of the council were blatantly murdered at the round table!"

Quinn's face turned black: "Freya! Let go! What does it look like in a meeting? You will burn you if you pinch me!"

Freya was an agitated spirit, and an angry face came to Jiangnan, and then a sledgehammer slammed on Jiangnan's forehead without giving up!

(?°? 紅°?) "Give you a big red envelope first! Wait for me, you!"

Then he returned to his seat with enthusiasm, grabbed a document and bit it in his mouth, staring at Jiang Nan!

[The grievance value from Freya is +777! ]

[From Freya...]

The grievance value has been wiped off for a while, Jiangnan Hehe Zhile, this grievance goddess still has a lot of potential!

I saw Quinn cleared his throat!

"The biggest problem currently facing is how to prevent the moon from collapsing, which has been strictly calculated by experts!"

"When the diameter of the moon's eye exceeds 1,000 kilometers, the moon will reach the critical point of collapse! The current moon is already very fragile!"

"And to prevent the moon from collapsing, the first thing to do is **** the giant star-eater! Let it stop eating the moon!"

At this moment, Jiang Nan waved his big hand, and immediately slapped the table with pride!

(??????)?? "Don't say much! I will take care of the Star Devouring Giant Bug!"

As soon as these words came out, all the Daotians on the round table took a deep breath, their chins smashed to the ground!

Is there a mistake?

Did you do it in China?

The horror of the Star Devouring Giant Worm has gone through the battle of the Dawn War, and everyone knows its horror!

It is also the most difficult problem to deal with at present, but will Jiangnan come up to deal with it?

Chen Daoyi Ye Zhenguo criticized on the spot. Ye sister has heard of it?

On the side, Yang Jian's shocked eyeballs burst out, smashing his glasses!

Σ(?口?|||) "No, no, no! I'm just talking about it, don't do it, don't do it, how can I do this in Huaxia?"

"Jiangnan! Hush! Hush you! Sit down!"

While talking, he quickly pulled Jiang Nan's clothes and wanted to sit down for Jiang Nanla!

But I can't pull it at all!

Jiang Nan's expression was awkward: (︶?︶o) "A gentleman is hard to chase after a word! What you say is like splashing water! I said I want to do it! Then do it if you specify it!"

"Whoever is robbing me of this job, I will be anxious with him!"

Yang Jian's face was dark: "If you say anything, I will be anxious with you, and I have to take back the spilled water!"

That's a star-eater, what will China do?

Do you want to take the hardest job into your arms from the beginning?

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