Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1565: Triumphantly calculating Jiang Xin's eyes

After receiving Zhang San's positioning, Jiangnan kept Qianben Sakura moving away towards Yuguo without stopping!

Go pick Zhang San into the team!

On the way, Jiang Nan directly called Yang Jian and told his plan!

Yang Jian directly blew his hair after listening!

"Hiss~ asked Badr to go to the asteroid belt to engage in planetary rain? Are you going to take people to the city of pupils to instigate rebellion?"

Lao Tzu said, how could Jiang Nan have no plans!

It's really just a cover to take Badr and the others to engage in the core of the space system spirit market!

Secretly, are the Lunar Eyes Filling Plan and the Rebellion Plan being carried out at the same time?

Jiang Nan nodded: "Remember to keep it secret. In the eyes of other people, we still go to the core in a group, and use it as a guise in the Lingxu, even if it is not showing up, no one doubts!"

"From bright to dark, you can do a lot of things!"

Yang Jian's expression condensed: "Are you worried that there are people with Saint Stars in the panel?"

Jiang Nan nodded: "It's just an extra insurance, after all, people's hearts are separated by the belly!"

"Even if you give everyone a green stick and ask the truth one by one, it is not reliable. After all, there is the ability of the mental system brainwave system, and it is not impossible to change the memory in the sealed head!"

"If there are people from the sacred star in the panel, before coming to the meeting, you must consider various factors and prepare in advance. No one is a fool!"

"So it's better to defend first!"

The sandbag silver used to play like this before, once let Lilith seal part of her memory, even the big green stick did not torture all of it!

Yang Jian nodded: "It's good if you know it in your heart, but it's too dangerous for you to go deep into Tongcheng to instigate rebellion. Would you like me to arrange some manpower to go there?"

Jiang Nan shook his head: "It's not a matter of too many people and fewer people. I'm not going to fight for it. It's easy to expose if there are too many people!"

"In addition, I called Zhang San to help, don't worry about safety!"

Yang Jian was stunned: (???????) "Who is Zhang San? Is he good?"

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth twitched.

Immediately he said: "If you don't remember, it's right, but I still need to send a few people from my family to help sneak into the action!"

Senbonzakura quickly raised her hand: (???)? "Makoto Takahashi and Liuhua also want them. Their abilities can restrain the one-eyed species to a certain extent!"

Miyazaki's face turned black: (?? Yi???) "You guy with an elbow turned away, if something happens, there will be no one in our house!"

Do you want to be so real?

So Jiang Nan and Yang Jian briefly explained the details of the arrangement!

"Send them out to perform tasks in the name of the investigative team and wait for us to meet at the Pele Crater on the Moon!"

"Also...Don't tell Xuexue and the others about my whereabouts, I'm afraid they are worried, so that they think I'm doing the core with a bunch of Space System Daotian!"

Yang Jian smiled bitterly: "I see, be careful..."

Jiang Nan suddenly remembered what!

"Ah, yes! You should know how to use the hope group of the whole village, right?"

The corner of Yang Jian's mouth evokes an arc!

(?ˉ??ˉ?) "Know! It's for fishing!"

The two laughed at the same time, "Jie Jie Jie~" with a sinister look!

(??????)? (??.?.????) Jie Jie Jie~

The reason why the group chat came out was Jiangnan's insurance!

During the introduction, Yang Jian could send some false information about the offensive of the guerrilla detachment!

If the holy star arranges the one-eyed species to respond, or even set up an ambush, it means that there is a ghost in the group chat!

Someone in the council reported the news to One-Eyed Seed!

Yang Jian can take advantage of this to fight against the one-eyed species and set up traps to surround them!

The news is sent to the enemy!

Do you think I'm on this floor? Actually, I'm on the upper level!

Even if there is a spy in the council, it will become a point that can be used by oneself!

After the saint star suffered a few losses, without the human camp, Risen would naturally take the initiative to deliver the "error message" and make the one-eyed species suffer losses than the spy!

Didn’t the fish just catch it?

This is the original purpose of Jiangnan's group chat. Otherwise, with Jiangnan's caution, how could he disclose his actions in the group?

It is not safe to explain Jiangnan face to face!

Listen to the smirk of Jiang Nan and Yang Jian!

Miyazaki and Senbonzakura are stupid!

Depend on! The establishment of the group chat is not only to catch the inner ghost, but also to use the inner ghost?

Senbonzakura opened her mouth wide!

oДo*) "I... I really thought that the group was built to facilitate communication! "

"Do the trivial things done at the meeting have so much meaning? I didn't even notice it!"

"Since there is no sound, two insurances are set up?"

I didn't expect to kill Chibon Sakura. An inconspicuous little operation was actually used to catch a ghost?

Miyazaki's face is black: (?)′-﹏-`) "Never try to play tricks with Jiangnan, he can play with you to death!"

Jiang Nan looked shy:? (??????) "Don't tell me so insidious? It's just normal operation~"

Senbonzakura looked at Jiangnan with a defensive look!

('?~?`) "No... you can't use it to cheat me? If you say you have so many small tricks, why didn't I see you use it when I met you before?"

Jiangnan Tanshou: ?(?′??`)? "Why do I practice? Why use my brain to solve things that can be solved with my fists?"

[The grievance value from Senbon Sakura +777! ]

(??? 紅??)? "You mean to deal with me, don't you even need to use your brain? I'm pooh!"

"Why are you turning around and cursing at you?"

Freya scratched her head:? (??ˇ~ˇ?) "What are you talking about? What group fishing? Is it a group chat game?"

"Can you give me a mobile phone? It's boring to go on the road? I want to change my group title to the goddess of life~"

Jiangnan: (?_?)

"Look~ She is the one who has a big chest and no brain is talking about. Drinking makes her head smart!"

Freya was shy: (︶.?︶?) "Praise... Don't praise people in front of so many people!"


My chest stood tall while speaking!

Jiangnan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Senbonzakura!

(??????) "Fortunately you are young~"

Senbon Sakura:? ? ?

[The grievance value from Senbon Sakura is +1001! ]

[From Senbon Sakura...]

"Hey hey hey! Who do you say is young? I have grown up! I..."

Jiang Nan grinned: "Here!"

In a small town in the Mayan rainforest, I saw Zhang San fully armed!

The neck is wearing a large gold chain with the thick arm, and the ten fingers are all gold rings, which are extremely shining!

At this moment, I was standing in the parking lot with a sugar cane and gnawing!

Since it is to meet the Southern God, the work that should be prepared must be prepared, otherwise the Southern God will most likely not be able to find himself!

Sure enough, Jiang Nan's eyes locked on Zhang San at the intersection in an instant!

What the hell? Do you draw a fart camouflage on your face?

Are you deceiving yourself?

(?¥?¥)? "Yo~ Third Brother! Here!"

Zhang San grinned: "Haha! Southern God!"

The two embraced passionately!

Zhang San was full of excitement: "After dawn, I took the time to watch during my mission. Nan Shen Niu Bian, are you handsome, okay?"

"By the way, shouldn't you have the meeting in Sun Island? Why do you think of looking for me?"

Jiangnan swallowed!

(?¥﹃¥) "I have to say, Brother Brother, is your golden chain really thick?"

Freya leaned over with bright eyes, grabbed the golden chain and stroked it for a while!

(?$﹃$) "That's it! If this is sold, I should be able to change a lot of wine for drinking, right?"

"Do you wear it sunk? Why don't I wear it for you!"

Zhang San:? ? ?

∑(°口°?) "Hey fucking? She...this...I...his~"

Can she see me too?

Can this person have the same soul as Nanshen?

Jiangnan is also dumbfounded!

Does Freya have such a deep obsession with small money?

However, at this moment, Qianbenying and the three of them looked at Jiangnan and Freya talking to each other in Nagada with horror!

(??﹏?) "What the hell? Didn't you say that you want to pick up people? What is it called? Where is the person?"

Jiang Nan patted Zhang San on the shoulder: "Isn't this here? Are you blind?"

However, in Senbon Sakura's gaze, Jiang Nan clearly made a gesture of holding his shoulders out of thin air. Hey!

(?﹏?.) "Don't... don't scare me! I'm so courageous, this joke is not funny!"

Miyazaki and Musashi's eyes widened and looked for a while, where is someone special? Hey!

Even Freya was stunned!

(??~??) "Such a big local tyrant, golden shining, can you not see it?"

Qianben Sakura's face is whiter, where are the local tyrants?

However, Zhang San has become accustomed to it!

"By the way, what mission are you looking for this time? Not far away, right?"

Jiang Nan grinned: (????) "Not far away! I'll take you to the Moon City of Kira crater, which is 380,000 kilometers away, to be the king of the one-eyed species!"

Zhang San opened his mouth wide, his face was horrified!

?━=???? (???????)

"Not Far"! "That's it"?

Yaoshou! Hey! Are you going to the moon for a mission?

Zhang San almost cried: "Really...reliable? I've all gone to another planet! Isn't it far?"

"If I finish the task and leave me over there, how can I go home? The taxi can't be there, right?"

Jiang Nan waved his hand: (︶.?︶?)? "Oh, don't worry, you are the core member of our team, how could you leave you behind?"

"How can I, Jiang Kaopu, do such a thing?"

Zhang San's face was black: ()? "Have you done less?"

It seems that this time I can only hold on to the golden chain and attract Nanshen's attention all the time!

I saw Jiang Nan took out a tube of Bobo lipstick: "Come on! Xiaoyinzhang, this time I really have a sister-in-law, who is still the goddess of life!"

Zhang San looked right: (??????) "Don't talk about going to the moon! I go to the Centaur galaxy like you do!"

"It's not for the sake of the sisters at all, but mainly to save Blue Star and maintain world peace!"

Jiangnan pouted: (?Д?) "Hey~"

Zhang San put on lipstick first gave Jiangnan a lip print!

Then he printed on Freya's hands!

In the eyes of Senbon Sakura, even Jiang Nan and Freya disappeared!

It was naturally ignored by a few people, and the sense of existence was directly zero!

Senbonzakura was terrified: (?kou?.) "Jiang...Jiangnan? Where have you been? Did you teleport away?"

"Hi~ Freya is gone? I don't feel the spatial fluctuation obviously? I..."


With a hysterical scream, Chibon Sakura jumped up in shock, and her little hand retracted like lightning!

? (??口???) "What the hell! Space strangling! Space shattering! Space cutting!"

Zhang San:! !

(|||??益??) "Ouch, fuck!"

Jiangnan: =???? (???????) "Hold it! It's dead!"

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