Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1569: Scored twice! Dive in again! (Plus more)

Zhang Sansheng was afraid that Jiangnan would forget all his people for a while, so he wandered off to perform the task!

Hastily turned into a printed sheet, and printed enough lip prints on everyone's hands!

At this moment Liuhua Nightingale and the others noticed, are there so many people in front of them?

Daotian alone has three, and the goddess of life have all followed?

And Nightingale, don't mention more doubts!

(???.??)???? "How did you go back to the moon? It's so mysterious? Where are you going to do it?"

Jiang Nan grinned: (?ˉ??ˉ?) "Go to Tongcheng to fight against the one-eyed species? By the way, see if you can cut down Yego~"

When these words came out, it wasn't just Nightingale who was petrifying on the spot!

Even Takahashi Makoto was not calm, his whole body trembling like a fascia gun, trembling non-stop!

(#?﹏?#) "You... Are you kidding me?"

Jiangnan Tanshou: ╮(??w??)╭ "Do you think I am joking?"

Takahashi Makoto's eyes widened fiercely: "Are you crazy? Do you know how dangerous this is? In case you are...well~"

Before I finished speaking, I saw Musashi and Miyazaki directly rushed up!

The two of them pressed Makoto Takahashi's mouth tightly, with savage faces and sweating on their foreheads!

(?°?益°?) "Shut up you! Our family is here, do you want us to destroy you?"

(`⌒′メ) "Say one more word! My mouth is torn for you, cut your little finger, believe it or not?"

Makoto Takahashi's eyes widened with horror, and she nodded honestly!

Jiang Nan was stunned: (·?????) "Why don't you let him talk?"

Qianbenying's eyes were full of bad luck: "This crow has a very good mouth, and he will be killed by him if he is not careful!"

Jiangnan was surprised, **** it! What is this attribute? Are there really weird people in this world?

If Makoto Takahashi’s ability is true, then go with Shangyan Ling gum...

Jie Jie Jie~

"Learn Beimian Puyu first, hurry up!"

So Jiangnan taught Nightingale a few people to learn alien languages, and they all learned it quite quickly!

Hoshinobuki stared at Jiang Nan with his eyes widened throughout the whole process, and he didn't know if he had learned it!


Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows: (?????) "Come on~ I will scold someone?"

I saw Hoshino Buki slowly clenching his small fist, the expression on his face began to change little by little, and two blushes gradually appeared on his cheeks!


Nightingale sweats: (?﹏?????) "Should... or should I kiss her again?"

Jiangnan, who is shaking his legs, is in a hurry!

(¬益¬) "Forget it, don't expect what she can do, kiss and waste lipstick!"

"I'll kiss you when you can use it!"

The corners of Nightingale's mouth twitched. Although she is a tool man, she can't use it like you.

After the group was ready, they went straight to Hitomi City in the Kira crater and dived over!

But I dare not get too close!

After all, Jiang Nan is not sure, Zhang San's absolute ignorance of talent skills will not work for Cyclops!

No matter what, everyone's ability is in the eyes, in case it doesn't work!

Wasn't he just looking for beatings when he was so careless in the past?

After a few people lurked in a moon rock, they even let Takahashi Makoto use a mirage to block his figure!

Looking towards Tongcheng, I saw that the area of ​​Tongcheng at this moment was more than doubled compared to when Jiangnan came last time!

The horrible scene of being bombed by more than a dozen nuclear bombs has long since disappeared!

The newly built palace is even more magnificent than before!

As expected!

Today's Tongcheng is fully guarded!

You can see towering watch towers everywhere in the city!

There are two one-eyed species sitting in each watchtower, and orange-yellow beams burst out from the one-eyed eyes as large as grapefruit!

Monitor the situation in all directions in the city like a searchlight!

There is no dead end at all!

There are a large number of patrols in and outside the city, all of which are in full energy operation mode!

Beware of being stolen at all times!

Obviously, after the last crystal stealing incident in Jiangnan, the one-eyed species have learned the best!

Nightingale's scalp numb: "Damn, with this kind of defensive power, I'm afraid that it will be discovered by the one-eyed species hundreds of kilometers away from Tongcheng?"

"It's impossible for a large army to get close to Tongcheng! It's idiotic to sneak in!"

Freya swallowed, "Does Zhang San's ability work? The one-eyed species specializes in eye pupils! In case it is discovered!"

Makoto Takahashi wanted to talk, but his face blushed!

Jiang Nan looked worried: ∑(°口°?) "I'm not sure about the third brother... Fuck! Where is my third brother?"

Everyone was agitated, when did Zhang San disappear?

Wasn't the one beside me just now?

Senbon Sakura's mouth twitched!

(*?﹏?)? "That...isn't that?"

Everyone looked in the direction that Chibon Sakura was pointing!

I saw Zhang San stepping in four directions, and I don't know when he has quickly reached the gate of Tong City. Damn!


Jiangnan:! !

An orange-yellow searchlight hit Zhang San's body directly, reflecting his figure very conspicuously!

Zhang San just turned his head under the light of the searchlight and waved towards the Jiangnan people!

Yelled:? (???口??)? "What are you doing in Gada? Come here! Didn't you say you want to sneak in?"

Freya was shocked: (?)'-﹏-`) "Don't you cry too hot, so loud!"

A one-eyed patrol team went straight under the searchlight, and the leader of the small team directly hit Zhang San's body and was staggered!

I can't help but look around in confusion!


Zhang San frowned, looked at the One-Eyed Species fiercely struck a spirit, retreated to the side with disgust!

(Which is it?) "This thing is really disgusting, with such big eyes? So why don't you get up in the morning?"

The one-eyed sight stayed on Zhang San, but he couldn't help but slid away, finally ignoring it!

As far as it is concerned, Zhang San in front of him is no different from those of Yueyan Yueyang, ignoring its own existence!

"Can be tripped on the flat ground? It's really weird!"

Then I left with the patrol team, and even the searchlight moved to another location...

At this moment, several people in Jiangnan smashed their jaws to the ground one after another!

Senbon Sakura was stunned: (*???) "This person has always been so arrogant?"

Jiang Nan's mouth twitched: "He has done even more arrogant things! Go and go!"

Obviously, Zhang San's ability is not generally useful for one-eyed species!

His absolute ignorance is not to make others invisible, but to ignore even if he can see it!

Everyone went through the layers of Tongcheng's defenses in such a grand manner, and entered the Tongcheng city during the airtight patrol!

Although I absolutely ignored the addition of the body, walking through the street like this still made people nervous enough to sweat in their palms!

Everything in the city is running in an orderly manner!

Senbonzakura is pulling Jiangnan's cuff!

('???`) "What's next?"

Jiang Nan touched his chin and looked thoughtful!

(?ˇ?ˇ?) "It's better to collect information first, and figure out the general strength of the one-eyed species in the city!"

"The functions of each urban area, the operating form of the social system, see if there is any starting point, instigate the enemy, and disintegrate from the inside!"

"Ah, right! Pay attention to the location of the warehouse. During this period, the one-eyed species should have collected a lot of origin flames! There are also incense beads and so on!"

"Since it is a treasure left to us by our ancestors, don't leave one piece for them, but don't move it yet!"

"Once the one-eyed species are moved, our actions will be difficult to unfold!"

Zhang San patted his chest: "Stealing the house? I'm the best at it. Leave it to me. I will draw you the city map later!"

Jiang Nan chuckled: "Split up, meet here in three hours, and share information!"

"A lip print can last for 10 minutes, and the lip print on your hand is enough for 3 hours. Don't forget this! Come back and add the lip print at that time!"

"Once the figure is exposed, the gods can't save it!"

Everyone looked at the lip prints on their hands, nodded heavily, divided into several groups and scattered towards all parties, inquiring about the news in the city!

And Senbonzakura and Freya followed Jiangnan!

Jiangnan did not go anywhere else, but went straight to the construction site on the edge of the city!

Freya was confused: (??~?) "What's so good about the construction site? Isn't the palace palace more valuable for exploration?"

Senbon-sakura nodded: (???~??)? "That's right! Also, didn't you mean to instigate one-eyed seeding for your own use? What should I do?"

Jiang Nan smiled mysteriously: "The social hierarchy of the one-eyed species is extremely strict! The size of the eyes determines the social hierarchy!"

"The so-called big eye crushes people! What's so beautiful in the palace? Everywhere are the one-eyed species with a certain status! To meet the status quo, there is not so much thought to be spicy!"

"But it's different in the periphery of the city. It is them who are really oppressed! It is also them who suffer the most!"

"Where there is oppression, there is resistance! Understand?"

Senbon Sakura looked as if he didn't understand!

But even if you harvest these one-eyed seeds for your own use, do you have a woolen thread?

Can't beat those elite one-eyed species at all?

Isn't it a waste of work?

Freya curled her lips: "Hey~ I really want to go to the palace!"

I don't know if there is wine or anything in the palace.

As soon as I came to the construction site, I saw many one-eyed species were working hard here, moving bricks and walls!

Generally, the ones who work are orange-level one-eyed species, who are disgraced and tired!

And the slightly more popular one is the orange one-eyed one!

They are all the jobs of the team leader, the small foreman, and the contractor on the construction site!

No need to do dirty work!

As for the grapefruit level higher than that, you can rise to the level of miners, patrol and garrisons, and have a superb status in the city!

Seeing the busy construction site, Senbon Sakura was also stunned!

" it like this?"

Jiang Nan folded his arms, glanced at Qianben Ying's chest, and smiled!

(?w?) "Have you seen? Fortunately you are a man? If you are a one-eyed species, you are a bricklayer!"

Senbonzakura lowered her head and glanced at her chest, her pretty face flushed, and her eyes squinted with her arms akimbo!

(??????)? "Bah! What happened to moving... Moving bricks? Then I am at least an orange-level contractor! I am a small leader! You have not yet you!"

Jiang Nan curled his lips: "I can have it too! Besides, didn't you get promoted because you wore the vest I sold you? Otherwise, your little orange..."

Senbon Sakura:! !

"You mention it! You mention it!"

Speaking of rushing up to face Jiangnan's chest, there was a burst of small punches!

[The grievance value from Senbon Sakura +777! ]

Freya held up her chest and raised her head with a smug look on her face!

(︶.?︶?) "Sure enough! No matter what race the goddess becomes, she still belongs to the goddess!"

[The grievance value from Senbon Sakura +1000! ]

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