Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1574: Ready to open a shop? It's been a long time, is this?

At this moment, Jiang Yuzi burst into tears and broke the stone bed with his big hands!

Σ(|||?) "Ahhhhh~ stop! You **** to stop me, wow you!"

At this moment, Chibon Sakura smiled, clutching her belly, and lay on the ground rolling back and forth and patted the floor!

Sympathy to tears!

('???)Σ "Ahahahaha! How about doing your eye exercises, doing bad things on the basis of tasks? Have you been punished?"

Jiang Yuzi, who was poisoned by the blind eye ointment to the point of blindness, couldn't hold it anymore!

Get up and rub your eyes frantically, but the more you rub, the more painful!

You are almost lost, okay?

The cute girl with croissants was also shocked by Jiang Yuzi's fierce reaction!

When I polished other people's eye mask before, everyone else couldn't enjoy it!

This is the first time I have seen myself like God brother!

"Huh? No... not good? Why don't we change it?"

"There are so many tricks I haven't shown?"

Jiang Yuzi burst into tears: "It's been! Don't trim those bells and whistles, just show your best!"

The cute girl with croissants was startled, her smile gradually transformed!

?(?)? "Oh, right? Go straight to the subject? I didn't expect God to be such a direct person, okay!"

As he spoke, he untied his hair rope shyly, and the hair was scattered. While unbuttoning the buttons, he leaned towards Jiang Yuzi!

At the moment Jiang Yuzi was rubbing her eyes, and she saw the big-eyed cute girl rushing towards her!

Jiang Yuzi:! !

So this is the theme?

"I lost it! Third brother, you cheated me to death! Didn't you say that there is still this step?"

Even Zhang San and the others are dumbfounded!

We haven’t seen anyone do this step when doing eye exercises?

Could it be incidental to the highest level of eye exercises?

At this moment, Nightingale and their mouths opened wide and looked silly!

Senbonzakura: (¬翢¬?) "Bah! This health exercise is really not serious!"

At this moment, Jiang Yuzi has been forced to the corner!

Seeing the big-eyed cute girl pouting her lips and printing towards herself, Jiang Nan's eyes are full of anxiety!

"Three brothers, save me!"

Zhang San couldn't care too much about the spicy food at the moment, and in a violent charge, he kissed Jiang Nan before he rushed to the big-eyed cute girl!

Under the effect of Bo Bo lip print, absolutely ignore the activation!

Big-eyed cute girl's one-eyed suddenly lost her goal, ignoring Jiang Yuzi in front of her!

Can't help but be confused: "People...people?"

Jiang Yuzi quickly put on his passionate little gloves, and opened his bow to the big-eyed cute girl for a while!

After a burst of crackling noise, I was stunned to fan her memory back before I entered the shop, and even returned the associated mine that was paid to her from the treasure bag!

The big-eyed cute girl was ignorant, rubbed her cheeks and muttered: "Strange, why did I run here?"

So scratching his head out of the compartment!

Jiang Nan breathed a sigh of relief: "It has to be my third brother! If it weren't for...hiss~"

The expression on Jiang Nan's face, who was half talking, froze directly, and his eyes slowly turned to the bed!

I saw Senbon Sakura Nightingale and a large group of people standing by and watching, crowded with small compartments!

At this moment, I look at myself with teasing eyes!


At this moment, Jiang Nan's face was as black as briquettes!


God Meow is just me and my third brother!

I forgot after wiping my lipstick and looking back? Is this absolutely ignorable passive talent skill so useful? Hey!

Did they see it all? live?

It's because I just stuck to my heart and nothing happened, otherwise I wouldn't be alive anymore?

I saw Jiang Nan squeezed his fingers: "It seems that I can only let you feel my enthusiasm!"

We must rush up to give everyone a wave of amnestics while talking!

However, Senbon Sakura and Liuhua's faces paled in shock!

I don't want to have a big mouth!

I saw Senbon Sakura anxiously!

(??????)? "Autumn bean sacks! The reason you want us to forget this is because you are afraid that we will tell others secretly, right?"

Jiang Nan stared, "Isn't that nonsense?"

Qianben Sakura: ?(?′??`)? "Now that all of us already know, there is no chance to tell others secretly, so what are you afraid of?"

"There is no need to slap your mouth?"

Freya squinted her chin and looked thoughtful!

(??ˇ?ˇ?) "It makes sense, it makes sense!"

Jiangnan: (?_?)...

"I have no grievances with your Excellency, why do you treat me as a fool!"

Does it make sense? My appearance is not exchanged for IQ! Hey!

Nightingale said anxiously: (????) " come to the eye exercises, are you really just curious and want to experience it?"

Jiangnan's small waist crossed: "Heh~ how is it possible! I said I'm here to learn the technique! You can use it later!"

Senbon Sakura was stunned: o~o*) "What are you doing with this? "

If you don’t practice all day long, you learn something useless, ah?

Jiang Nan smiled mysteriously: "What do you do? Naturally, the shop opened?"

Nightingale breathed a sigh of relief, screaming~ The topic was successfully transferred, I'm such a clever ghost!

However, the next moment, Nightingale's eyes widened sharply, and her voice was octaves higher!

∑(°口°?) "Huh? Open a shop?"

Jiangnan Tanshou:? (?)? "Of course? Otherwise, what am I doing? I will find a good location later and set up a storefront!"

"I already know about the techniques of eye exercises in my heart. The opening of a small shop in Jieshi is bound to be booming!"

At this moment Miyazaki Musashi and the others have been dumbfounded!

"What's wrong? Are you going to live here? Didn't we come to Tongcheng to instigate one-eyed species?"

"As a result, do you want to open your eyes to a gymnastics shop in the city?"

Is it okay to start a business?

Jiang Nan curled his lips: "What do you know? See how Lao Tzu took down the entire Tong City!"

"Go! Go to the storefront!"

In the eyes of everyone, Jiangnan swaggered into the street!

Just about to wipe off the lip marks, I suddenly remembered something Jiangnan gritted his teeth and stomped!

Pull out a lot of gold chains and small watches from the alien space!

Put them on Senbonzakura and the others!

Everyone is shining golden, full of local tyrants!

Now I'm not afraid to forget it!

Freya touched the golden chain on her neck and looked obsessed!

(???﹃??) "Goose Box~ You are so kind!"

Jiang Nan stared: "I borrowed it from you! It was not for you! If you lose a gram when you return it to me! You will have to tear down one of your ribs!"

Jiangnan, who is walking on the street of eye exercises, has chosen a shop with the most deserted business but a good location!

When I went in, I found that the lady boss was a one-eyed old lady with dim eyes. It's weird that this business is doing well!

She quietly stuffed her a companion mine, and the one-eyed old woman happily gave the shop to Jiangnan to run it!

Seeing Jiangnan's drastic renovations, a few darkrooms were built!

Nightingale was completely stunned and couldn't keep up with Jiang Nan's thinking!

"Isn't it... Really open a store? It's the end of the world? What store did you open in Hitomi City?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "If you want to instigate the Pupils, you can only start from the orange level at the bottom. However, no matter how many of these one-eyed instigations, they will not be able to form effective combat power!"

"It won't help the counterattack at all, it's just doing useless work!"

"But don't forget, those who have the strength to come to the store to consume are all grapefruit-level one-eyed species! This is a big opportunity for us!"

Senbon Sakura tilted her head: (??~??) "No...I'm blinded, do you want to take the opportunity of opening a store to instigate the grapefruit-level one-eyed species?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes and said, "We can rebel against them! The grapefruit-grade one-eyed species has a very high status in Tongcheng!"

"It is almost impossible for them to give up what they currently have, betraying the race, but they will defend their own interests!"

"Even if you accept a batch, you won't be loyal. The main thing is to instigate the lowest level!"

"It's extremely necessary to open a store as a cover! Watch my performance and it's over! See how Lao Tzu cannibalize the whole city of pupils bit by bit!"

Everyone couldn't help swallowing, obviously Jiangnan already has its own plan!

Based on the information collected just after entering the city, after so much effort, a detailed operation plan was worked out!

And trying to swallow the entire pupil city?

What kind of brain seeds is this?

But it really works?

Jiang Nan looked up at Chibon Sakura!

"But before that, we still need to get our protagonist this time!"

"You go to the 14th street corner alley in Beicheng District and pick up the little walnut. As expected, where should he wait!"

Senbon Sakura's eyes were full of excitement: "Did you still choose him? I'm going now!"

Talking and running out of the shop!

The reason why Jiangnan hid the origin flame in a stone pot, he still wanted to see how to choose a small walnut!

If he gave up his efforts, he would not find the opportunity in the stone pot!

If you don't have the heart to break the rules, you won't even dare to go to the joint location, and you won't even dare to absorb the origin flame!

Jiangnan needs someone who dares to break the rules and take action!

Hope Little Walnut is!

Looking at the store where preparations are almost done, Jiang Nan grinned!

"Now... is there just a beautiful boss lady?"

I saw another change in Jiangnan's appearance under the influence of Little Pudding!

Become a cute girl with big eyes, beautiful curves and beautiful looks!

Even the black long straight princess cut her hair!

I even ate a package of popping candy to increase my charm!

At this moment, Zhang San Musashi Miyazaki and the others spit blood!

Depend on! Can Jiangnan even do this kind of thing?

And what is going on with this inexplicable heartbeat?

Miyazaki was so blushing that he was already a 70-year-old man, so he would be tempted by the little girl?

The problem is that this little girl is not human yet!

The most important thing is that she is a special cat or a southerner?

At this moment, Musashi has slapped his mouth frantically!

"Wife! I'm sorry for you! I was moved by a one-eyed woman who became a southerner! I am not a human being!"

Mrs. Jiang smiled, it seems that the effect is good?

At this moment, the little walnut is hiding in the alley, feeling a little flustered!

I've waited so long, why hasn't anyone come to meet me?

At this moment, Xiao Walnut felt a mysterious force pulling him!

Go in one direction!

I couldn't help being shocked, and I was even more in awe of that mysterious existence!

Can that mysterious person do even this kind of thing?

How strong is he?

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