Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1576: The dazzling Miao Miao House?

Little Walnut's face was moved, his face flushed with excitement, and the starting point was sparkling in his eyes!

"Do I have a name that belongs to me? And there is such a deep meaning?"

"Thank you for your name, I will cherish it!"

Senbonzakura and a few people on the side vomited blood!

噗~=???? (?ε?????)

Hey Hey hey! He guessed that he was simply too lazy to pick up a name, and then just thought of it casually, right?

The name is too random, right? Why is it so hot to explain?

Little Walnut, you fell in love with him, and it’s too late to regret it in the future, you!

Jiangnan nodded with satisfaction!

(︶〃) "Very good! Tell me about your plan!"

Little Walnut thought for a while, then spoke with a serious face!

(??) "I still have to start from the bottom. I know many friends with eyes smaller than orange. They are bullied on weekdays. They are definitely willing to join this project!"

"It can be used as a team member, and there is no doubt about loyalty, it is absolutely reliable!"

"They are also determined to overthrow the system!"

Jiang Nan nodded: "Good idea, after changing their eyes, they can let them abandon their original identities and enter the garrison as a grapefruit-level one-eyed species!"

"A little bit cannibalize Tongcheng's defensive power, steal the sky and change the sun! Sparkling prairie fire!"

"But in this way, the orange one-eyed species are destined to disappear in large numbers. How do you deal with this?"

Little Walnut shook his head: "Don't worry about this, adults, I can use the identity of the garrison to dispatch orange-level one-eyed species at will, using this as an excuse!"

"Furthermore, there are several times more orange-level one-eyed species in the city of Tongue than the garrison. No one cares about their life and death!"

"When we have more manpower in the garrison, we can lobby other garrisons to join our plan!"

Jiang Nan chuckled: "If you don't agree to join, and you still want to report it?"

Little Walnut gritted his teeth: "Then...then it can only be sent to you, and give their eyes to others who are willing to join!"

"When the initiative of the garrison falls in our hands, those who stick to the old rules at the time will no longer be able to resist, and there will be no choice. The minority obeys the majority and they will join!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Good! Very good!"

When a drop of ink falls into a basin of clear water, it will be diluted by clear water, and the water will still be clear water!

But if many drops of ink fall into the basin, it will slowly faint, and finally the whole basin of water will be dyed black!

And the little walnuts are the ink dripping into the basin!

As for Jiangnan! It's the one who pours the ink!

At this moment, Musashi Nightingale and the others looked at Jiangnan blankly, getting goose bumps!

That's how the rebellion plan was made? It's a good one to break the face with a little bit, steal the sky and change the day!

Taking the conflicts among the various strata of the pupil as a breakthrough point, the eye exercise shop cooperates with Xiao Walnut's actions!

Maybe it can really eat away the entire pupil city!

too frightening!

Nightingale swallowed: (??﹏?) "Is Jiang Nan's head with eight cores? The original plan for rebellion has already begun?"

Senbonzakura has a timid expression!

('?﹏?`) "To fight Jiangnan, it is better not to let him use his head, otherwise I don't know how to die!"

I saw Jiang Nan grinning: "Go! Organize the manpower and bring it over, I will give them strength!"

"Also, move fast. The shorter the time, the greater the possibility of completion. Remember to keep this matter secret. Once it is leaked, you should know the end!"

"If you do well! Your eyes are not limited to grapefruit level! Understand?"

Little Walnut can't help nodding: "I see, my lord! I'll do it now!"

Then he turned his head out of the shop, Jiang Nan turned his head and looked at Takahashi Makoto: "Go and stare at Little Walnut, record all his actions, and report to me at any time!"

Miyazaki was startled: (??ˇ_ˇ?) "What? You still can't believe in Little Walnut?"

Jiang Nan shook his head: "It's not that we can't believe it, but we can't make mistakes, we can't do it once!"

Makoto Takahashi went, and told him to remember to come back in time to find Zhang San to add lip prints!

I saw Jiangnan stretched his waist fiercely!

?(*?)? "Alright! The next step is to start the business of the store and make it the hottest eye exercise shop in the city?"

"You all get ready to sneak into the garrison~"

Senbon Sakura was startled!

o?o* Huh? I...we have to pretend to go in too? "

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes and said, "Nonsense! When do you have to work on Little Walnut alone? We don't have so much time for spicy food!"

"If you join the garrison, it's a lot of insurance. In addition, you have to rely on you to advertise our shop!"

I saw Jiang Nan directly holding the newly carved billboard and walked outside the shop!

Put it up on both sides of the door, and then change the plaque on it!

Speaking of the bustling eye exercises, I drank softly!

"Don't miss it when you pass by, once you miss it, it is a sin!"

"Small shop opens big bargain, I'm here to capture your heart!"

"Opening for three days! Free orders for the whole audience! The performance has attracted repeat customers!"

As soon as he opened his voice, he immediately attracted the attention of many one-eyed species on the street, and they looked over!

As soon as she saw Mrs. Jiang standing at the door, her eyes became straight, and she couldn't look away anymore, okay?

It's so beautiful!

Look at the slogans on both sides of the store!

(???) "The new trick is ahead of the thief! Sister warms your heart!"

?(??) "My hands stroking your eyes! Can't help but roll your eyes!"

Store name: Magnificent and dazzling Miao Miao House!

At this moment, Miyazaki and their chins smashed to the ground!

=???? (?口?????) Damn!

Why does the name of such a normal shop look so bloody?

God Meow is dazzling! Do you mean it literally?

This is definitely not a typo?

The one-eyed species that gathered were immediately attracted by the slogan!

!! Σ(o?)? "Oh, my mother! This lady boss is too beautiful? I can't let others go just by looking at me!"

(Huh?) "Hey~ You are really not eye-catching! You said the same when you were in the previous house, right?"

(??????) "A new approach? Warm your heart? Can't extricate yourself? Is it so exciting? The most important thing is that there is no charge?"

Seeing that more and more people gathered around the shop, Mrs. Jiang stroked her hair lightly, showing her proud posture, her brows and eyes were shy!

(??) "My sirs! Would you like to try it? A thousand seconds old shop, trustworthy~"

"As long as the adults who have done eye exercises by me, they will definitely be unable to extricate themselves, they must be dazzling~"

Originally, Mrs. Jiang was the ceiling of the pupil's face value, and coupled with the effect of the throbbing heartbeat, the effect was simply nothing to say!

At that time, a bunch of grapefruit-grade one-eyed seeds poured in, and the atmosphere was extremely warm!

"Choose me! Give me an eye exercise, I want to try rolling my eyes!"

"You start, choose me! I want to see how she makes me dazzling!"

Mrs. Jiang smiled sweetly: "Cuckold~ The manpower is limited, you can only choose one at a time!"

After speaking, I chose the one with the biggest eyes, and was pulled into the house and closed the door under the envious eyes of everyone!

The rest of the one-eyed species are waiting anxiously outside, wanting to see if the effect is as boring as the advertisement says!

The corners of Nightingale's mouth twitched!

('-﹏-`?) "With this business acumen, you won't starve to death if you throw Jiangnan to an alien planet, right?"

Is this skill good enough to eat anywhere?

Just watch Jiangnan drag the grapefruit-level one-eyed seed into the cubicle!

Everyone hurried over to watch!

I saw Jiang Nan just put his hand on its eyes, and he didn't wait to do it!

[Trigger skills! Profound meaning of eye exercises: LV0! ]

[Whether to upgrade skills! ]

The smile on Jiang Nan's face froze at that time!


Depend on!

Can the skill be triggered directly? That Lao Tzu is so eager to go to the big-eyed cute girl happy room to let her rub her eyes and sprinkle chili noodles on her cornea...

Why did you suffer that sin?

Jiangnan's face at this moment is extremely dark!

Full of fullness!

There are more than 100 million skill points, so I can't use it all!

[Confirm the upgrade! Added skill points: 111,111,100 points! ]

[Skill upgrade! The Profound meaning of eye exercises (Grandmaster level): MAX! ]

Numerous knowledge about eye exercises flooded into my mind. Jiangnan could even perceive the acupuncture points around the eye sockets of the one-eyed species at a glance!

I saw Jiang Nan grinning: "Then I'm about to start! The first session: rubbing the bamboo hole!"

While speaking, Jiangnan's hands began to vibrate with high frequency, pressing frantically on the Cuanzhu acupoint, and injecting aura to stimulate the acupuncture points!

An extreme sense of comfort spread out, and the one-eyed species rolled their eyes comfortably at that time!

(??*) "Fuck! This... Fuck! It's just awesome! This technique has never been seen before, it's the best I've ever encountered!"

Jiang Nan smiled: "What's this? I have something better. What's the name of this adult? How old is it? Where does he work?"

"Which garrison team do you belong to?"

I saw that one-eyed kind of a broken expression!

(?????) "Goose Box~Goose Box~My name is Daba! Miss Sister, you are so beautiful, and the technique is amazing!"

Jiang Nan was doing eye exercises for him, while talking idioms!

And the technique has also reached the second and third quarters!

Press Qingming acupoint and rub Sibai acupoint!

It didn't take a while to get his identity information clean!

At the moment, Freya Liuhua and they also have a melting expression!

??*(ˊ?O????.?o????ˋ?)*?? days!

Does Jiangnan’s eye exercise look more comfortable?

Want to try!

But at this moment, Nightingale was confused. Why did Jiang Nan's eye exercises look so familiar to him?

Okay... Seems to have learned it myself?

I saw Jiangnan smirk!

?(??) "Come here~ the more exciting ones are coming~"

Daba swallowed: "If you have any unique skills, please do it! I can hold it! Slip~"

Jiang Nan twisted his neck: "That's good! Look at my fourth quarter! Stunt: Press the temple wheel to shave your eyes! Euler, Euler!"

I saw Daba's eyes widened sharply, his body straightened and his face collapsed! "

(???) "Hey~ can't stand it, can't stand it! Miao Miao Miao~ Miao Wah~"


God meow presses the temple wheel to shave her eyes! Isn't this the one I learned in elementary school?

I do it every time I get between classes!

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