Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1585: Wife! You... can you go away?

Rui Sen arrived, and among the people present, Lan and Mira could pose a certain threat to Rui Sen!

But Lan is still too young to catch Rui Sen at all, so it can hardly make any difference!

But Batty's atomic state can't last long, once he is sucked by Risen, everything is over!

There was even a Jego present, and the people who were already overwhelmed could not breathe!

The one-eyed queen over there brought more than 20,000 one-eyed species to support?

This is really no way to survive!

At this moment, a touch of cruelty appeared in the eyes of Craig and Merlin!

Since you can't run away, then don't run away!

Kill one to get back to the original, kill two to earn!

I saw Wu Liang carrying the Hitomi Steel Giant Axe on his shoulders, looking at the one-eyed army rushing, his face was full of determination!

(#??(エ)??) "I will create a chance later, let Lan take you out, at least not all here! Brother Nan will be crazy!"

"If... if I can't go back, tell Miaomiao, I love her!"

Obviously, Wu Liang at this moment is ready to die!

As a team tank, even if you take your life, you must do what you should do!

Zhong Yingxue looked at the one-eyed army rushing up with blood red!

"Don't be stupid! I don't allow you to die! If Xiao Nan were there, I would never allow it!"

"Everyone has to go all the way to today, and all the way to the end, no one is allowed to fall behind!"

"There must be a way! There must be!"

At this moment, Zhong Yingxue was thinking crazy, with red eyes thinking about all the possibilities that could break the game!

Risen is still entangled with Batty, and the light on Yego's one-eyed eye is already extremely intense!

The big hand choked Mi Ye's neck suffocated!

At this moment, Queen Jiang led the army and rushed over, and the scene in the field made Queen Jiang's eyes widened!

Seeing Zhong Yingxue Xia Yao and the others embarrassed, Jiang Nan's heart was almost not broken!

I checked it again, and fortunately, there are no fewer people, as long as they are not dead, I can save you!

Looking at Mi Ye again, Queen Jiang's eyes are red!

At this moment, Mi Ye was about to be headshot by Jego's star-punched cannon. This time, it was done, and it was absolutely lifeless!

The bad sisters have been bullied like this? Jiang Nan's heart was burning with anger, and he was mad!

However, under this circumstance, he couldn't help the human camp blatantly!

He is currently Queen Jiang’s identity. Once he helped the rebellion plan, he would be exposed, and all the hard work was wasted!

But how can this be so rare that I am smart, Jiang!

I saw Queen Jiang's eyes full of joy, and her face was full of joy after the reunion!

(?????)? "Dear! Love!"

An emotional call was sent out all the way, with three points of anger and seven points of longing!

When Yego heard this familiar voice, he couldn't help but stop, and the goose bumps rushed from the tail vertebra to the sky!

He slapped his spirit fiercely, and couldn't help but look up at Queen Jiang, which was also full of surprises!

(#囍) "Daughter-in-law? What are you doing here?"

Queen Jiang cursed in her heart!

You are so nasty, I didn't call you, I was calling the one who was pinched by your neck!

But there is still a smile on the surface!

(??) "I'm here with the envoy... ah~ be careful!"

Jego's eyes are full of fascination, no one can stop the charm of the beating heartbeat!

(?≦)? "Goose Box~Goose Box~Little Baby!"

Queen Jiang: (?⌒)

I stepped on a horse to make you be careful!

Where would Mi Ye miss this opportunity? Because Yego looked at Queen Jiang, the visual lock was broken!

She was able to move immediately, and she curled up violently, kicking her legs up against Jego's liver!

Like a rabbit kicking an eagle!


The mighty power erupted, and Yego was kicked out by Miye, vomiting blood!

Mi Ye clutched her pinched blue and purple neck and gasped, turned her head and looked at Queen Jiang, with a bewildered face!


Who is this female one-eyed species? The long one is pretty good-looking, is it Jego's wife?

Humph! Is it a disaster?

really! Women will only affect the speed of their moves. This is the battlefield, not the time to get distracted!

Little Walnut watched as Queen Jiang greeted Yego, and then Yego was kicked by the human...

I saw Queen Jiang turned back and confessed in a low voice: "Do as I taught you, you kid be smart!"

Little Walnut patted his chest: "Don't worry! Let the queen arrange everything!"

After speaking, he roared: "Brothers, surround Lao Tzu. Never let Lao Tzu run away. Let me wink and act!"

More than 20,000 one-eyed species rushed into the battlefield like a huge wave while talking!

Amazing momentum!

Mixed with the tens of thousands of one-eyed species brought by Yego!

"Brothers are tired? Don't worry! We'll be settled when we are here. When you are tired, you can go back a bit and we will be fine!"

"It consumes a lot of energy, right? Don't let this group of humans say, hide behind me and rest for a while!"

At this moment, the army of one-eyed species merged, but between the positions, the people of Little Walnut blocked the people of Yego in twos and threes!

With the help of stature, this kind of large-scale encirclement, in fact, very few people can really come into contact with the enemy!

Just those in the front row, and as soon as the people from Little Walnut came up, they grabbed the output position!

And rely on his position to block the people of Yego!

In this way, Yego's people are not easy to move, and it is easy to accidentally hurt their own people!

Those one-eyed species under Jego are more at ease in their hearts. The brothers from the city are too enthusiastic, right?

Directly rushed to the front line, against humans?

Is the back of the brain dangling in front of Lao Tzu, blocking the line of sight?

I saw Little Walnut shouting loudly and his eyes were blood red!

?(??)? "Kill my people, destroy my brother, today you also fell into our hands!"

"Don't even try to run even if you fight to the last person and you run out of energy, I will slay you here to avenge the dead brothers!"

"Brothers, don't you think?"

The one-eyed species are like a rainbow, thumping their chests and roaring!

"War! War! War!"

At this moment, Craig and Merlin turned pale!

Damn it! Do these new one-eyed species look more aggressive than before?

Today is the end!

Merlin swallowed!

(? 乛﹏ 乛) "Where are they talking? Sounds very passionate?"

Craig gritted his steel teeth: (??`yi?') "The ghosts know what they're talking about, but... how can these one-eyed species just curse people without doing anything?"

The remaining members of the three squads at the moment are also embarrassed!


Death sooner or later is death, and the process of waiting for death is the most tormented?

But these one-eyed species are addicted to scolding? You don't want to be noisy?

Thunder, little rain?

I know, they must want us to experience the fear before death more truly!

Let us die in despair!

These one-eyed species are so cruel!

On the other side, after Yego was kicked out by Miye, Queen Jiang screamed and chased after Yego!

Quickly helped Jego up from the ground!

(*??) "My dear, are you okay? You vomit blood!"

Queen Jiang looked at Jego with a distressed face, shaking her little hand to wipe the blood from the corner of Jego's mouth!

The crystal tears flowed out!

Jego spit out **** foam with eyes full of anger: "I'm fine! Wife, you step aside first, wait until I finish solving this human being, you and I..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw Queen Jiang hugging Yego, and wept worried!

"Scared me to death! Do you know how worried I was about you just now? Blame that bad woman!"

"She is damned! She hurt my baby like this! I..."

Yego’s heart melted, okay?

If you have a wife like this, how can your husband ask for anything!

This is full of love for Lao Tzu!

"Okay, okay! I know you worry about me, but you get up first..."

Before Yego finished speaking, the **** eyes of Mi Ye burst into killing intent!

How could she miss this great opportunity?

Raised his leg and kicked it with a high sweep, and kicked towards Jego's head fiercely!

"Die to me!"

Jego:! !

The daughter-in-law in her arms blocked her vision, and she couldn't lock herself visually at all!

So he raised his fist and smashed it towards Miye!

Queen Jiang looked at Yego with a pear blossom and rain, tilted her head and looked at Jego dumbly!

(???) "Honey? Why didn't you speak anymore? What did you just want to say?"

With this tilted head, Queen Jiang's head was directly placed on Jego's punch line!

Yegon's fist slammed into the void, and stopped in front of Queen Jiang's eyes!

"Wife, you..."

But Mi Ye's leg had already kicked over, and Ye Ge gritted his teeth, and violently hugged Queen Jiang in his arms and turned his back to Mi Ye!


Mi Ye kicked Yego fiercely and kicked them out together!

Queen Jiang Huarong paled: (??)? "My dear! How are you? You took this blow for me? I... I'm not worthy of you?"

"You are my king! You cannot be defeated! I don't want to be your burden!"

Yego spit out old blood, two green veins burst on his forehead!

(? Anger) "'s okay, it should be! Wife, you first...hiss~"

Ye Ge suddenly noticed that Mi Ye turned into **** lightning and rushed again!

Yego stared, but at this moment, Queen Jiang straightened Yego's head fiercely, with an affectionate look on her face!

(〃?) "Look into my eyes! Let's fight! Promise me, you must win?"

Yego was anxious: "No! Wife, you..."

"Boom boom boom!"

In the three-stage sprint of Miye, all three punches full of power hit Yego's body!

Hammer Ye Ge and Queen Jiang away directly!

Even in the process of being smashed into the air, Yego was still trying his best to protect Queen Jiang from injury!

In a piece of rubble, Ye Ge got up and coughed up blood, his eyes twitched, a dozen veins burst on his forehead, and he looked at Queen Jiang with indignation!

(??) "Wife!! You...can you go away first?"

Don't want to be a burden? This horse riding is more than a burden? I'm almost going to kill Lao Tzu to death, okay?

Queen Jiang looked at Yego with an incredulous expression, tears falling to the ground like a broken pearl!

Two steps back, Qiao's face is full of loss and sadness!

('?) σ "My dear! Don't you love me anymore? How can you say this to me!"

"Okay! I'll get out of here! I'll get out of here!"

The aggrieved Queen Jiang got up and turned her head to leave!

How could Jego stand this?

With an unbearable expression, he stepped forward and took Queen Jiang's hand!

?(?????) "No... I didn't mean that, I just..."


With a blast, Yego was flew again by Miye...


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