Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1592: The task of saving the moon is left to you

Little Walnut is very clear, one is to follow the holy star and continue to be enslaved, whether it is death or alive depends on the expression of the holy envoy!

One is to bet the treasure on Jiangnan, to fight for a dream future, how to choose, needless to say!

Little Walnut is a clever man, and the boss has already spoken to this point!

And Jiangnan is worth a gamble!

I saw a smile of satisfaction at the corner of Jiang Nan's mouth: "Very good! Since you are all from your own family, then I will give you another promotion!"

Little Walnut was startled: "Also... still upgrading?"

Jiangnan Tanshou: "I never seem to say that the one-eyed one in my hand is limited to grapefruit grade, right?"

Little Walnut is full of excitement, is it right to follow the boss?

Nightingale also let out a long sigh of relief, and this time, she completely confessed to Little Walnut!

It really pulled them into the human camp, and if you want to fight for a future, you can only hug human thighs!

The biggest unstable factor in the rebellion plan was also settled by Jiangnan before he left!

Jiang Nan put the eyes of Ava that were pulled out before on Little Walnut!

It has become a veritable one-eyed watermelon species!

As for Queen Hathaway's eyes, Jiang Nan still stayed in his hands, and didn't give Little Walnut once in place!

The reward has to be given slowly!

The small walnut with the upgraded watermelon eyes is a bit bigger, and it is very conspicuous in the city of Tong!

In order to better pretend not to be found, I also gave the little walnut a small pudding, disguised as a grapefruit-level appearance, so that it would not be noticeable!

It's not time to reveal it yet!

After dealing with all this, Jiang Nan disguised himself as an inconspicuous one-eyed species, and quietly left Tongcheng!

Smoothly withdrew from the rebellion plan and rushed towards the city of Silvermoon!

On the way, Jiang Nan thought of Rui Sen's siege action!

If it weren't for Tongcheng's own arrangements, then there is a high probability that the three guerrilla teams will be destroyed this time!

Whether it's Risen realizing that the chat group is betting right, or he has another channel to get news!

You have to be careful and be careful, beware of ghosts, especially the actions against Moon Eye!

This accident made Jiangnan more cautious!

He rushed all the way back to the city of Silver Moon and recovered his appearance!

Before he could go in, Jiang Nan was stunned!

At this moment, the height of the laurel silver vine has exceeded one thousand meters, and the vine forest has covered hundreds of kilometers!

The entire Blue Star's resources were piled up crazily, and she was shocked to lift Xiaoyueyue to the Daotian level!

Thanks to the efforts of various countries, the alliance base has been completely established during this period!

With Silvermoon City as the center, bases in various countries have built huge bases with different styles in the surrounding area!

Just like branches derived from the main trunk, even the city centers of the bases have erected a heavy God-killing spell formation!

Compared with before Jiangnan went to Tongcheng, there has been an earth-shaking change!

In a trance, Jiangnan seemed to see the future of the moon!

Jiang Nan rubbed his cheeks severely and grinned!

(???*) "If you want to do it, you can still do it well!"

Then a teleport appeared in the Stargate Hall!

Pretending to have just returned from the blue star through the star gate?

It caused a sensation in the audience as soon as it appeared!

"Fuck! Nanshen? Is the Nanshen back? Has he got enough Lingxu cores?"

"Heh~ It's dawn in three days. The Southern God came back in time. Didn't you encounter any danger along the way?"

"Pierce, what about Badr and them?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Where can it be so fast? I haven't finished it yet, the ones who are not very useful in Lingxu will be back!"

"You guys are busy first, I'll find Brother Jian!"

While talking, a teleport disappeared in the star gate hall!

And Silvermoon City, the highest combat command center of the Alliance!

Everyone is here, the dawn is approaching, and everyone is still worrying about Yueyan!

We are discussing countermeasures!

At this moment, Jiangnan suddenly appeared, and the golden king character on the top of his head was very conspicuous!

(o???)? "Yo~ Seupo ruaizi! Mom messes with Fak~ My Devil Jiang is back again!"

The people in the meeting room were startled, and then they were full of surprises!

Seagod Bruce Fisch rolled his eyes!

(??Д???) "The flowers waiting for you are all thanked, if you don't come back, the moon is gone!"

But at this moment, Yang Jian, with an ice bag on his head, opened his eyes sharply and stood up directly from the stool!


Jiang... Jiangnan?

Didn't he go to Tongcheng? He also engaged in the cooperation between Boliying and the outside, helping Bai Kou and the others to grab a wave of origin fire!

Is this back?

It didn't take long for Bai Kou and the others to come back!

At this moment, Yang Jian even gave birth to a sense of fragmentation!

What is going on?

=????(?_?????) "Ling...Have you collected the core of the Lingxu?"

Jiang Nan waved his hand with a smug look on his face!

(︶.?︶*)? "Almost, Badr and the others are working on the rest. I am not worried, so I will come back and take a look!"

Yang Jian swallowed!

Good guys! It's almost time to instigate counter-rebellion. I left it to them. I just came back to do something!

Doesn't Jiangnan mean that?

In just a few days of work, have you worked out the countermeasure plan? And Midnight Craig and they all came back alive!

Does Yang Jian even think it's a little weird?

At this moment, Xia Yao smiled and ran behind Jiang Nan!

(?⌒.?⌒) "It's good to be back safely, are you tired from this mission? I'll squeeze your shoulders for you!"

[The grievance value from Xia Yao is +777! ]

Speaking, the little hand fell on Jiangnan's shoulder, and he squeezed it vigorously!

Jiang Nan's eyes widened fiercely, and he felt that his shoulder blades were about to be crushed!

Can't help sweating on the forehead!

(??????﹏?) "No...I'm not very tired, so I don't need to pinch it, aha~ahaha~"

Xia Yao pursed her mouth: (What? What?) "Where can it be done? You worked so hard, shouldn't it be necessary to relieve your fatigue?"

The squeezing was even harder while speaking, Jiang Nan's mouth twitched!

Even Zhong Yingxue came over!

(??????????) "I'm tired on this road, have you gotten thinner? Come on~ I'll check it!"

[The grievance value from Zhong Yingxue +777! ]

Then his hand fell on the soft flesh of Jiangnan's waist, squeezing it fiercely!

Jiangnan: (????'?ж?) Hmm~

Flip up and down? This...Who suffers from this?

I won't lie to you again, okay? Please let it go!

Mila smiled smirkly: (????) "Brother Jiangnan? Want to beat his leg? Mila can help you~"

Jiangnan covered his face: (?)﹏(ヾ) " more, I can't stand your enthusiasm anymore!"

Miye at the conference table was relieved to see Jiangnan's safe return!

I don't want to tell him what happened just now, I'm afraid he is worried!

Jiangnan looked straight up!

"What are you researching? Why are they all frowning?"

Yang Jian sighed: "It's not yet Moon Eye's problem. According to this progress, it is impossible to make any substantial compensation for Moon Eye!"

"In three more days, the moon will be back at dawn and the sun will shine, and then there will be really no chance!"

Bruce raised his eyebrows: (??д?) "Speaking of the roundtable, the matter of the star-eater, China is next!"

"It's all this time, why haven't you acted yet? Although guerrilla warfare is useful, it doesn't play a decisive role at all!"

"If you go on like this, you can watch the moon being gnawed to pieces!"

When it comes to this, Yang Jian's face goes black!

Mi Ye slapped the table and stared!


"What are you doing so loudly? Talk to him! You have the ability to get that bug?"

Seeing Mi Ye speaking, Bruston shrank his neck and had nothing to say!

Barty looked fiercely: "I want...or let me try it. If I'm swallowed by the star-eating giant and I'm still alive, let's see if I can from the inside..."

Before Barty could finish speaking, Jiang Ning emerged from the void and shook his head!

"Not to mention whether you will be decomposed into energy by the Star Devouring Giant Worm. With your attack strength alone, it is difficult to cause the Star Devouring Giant Worm to die from within!"

"It's better not to waste your efforts, so as not to take your life in vain!"

In the meeting room, everyone followed and sighed!

Not even Batty? This can't be done, ah, this?

But Jiang Nan smiled and said: (??.???) "Hey, hey! I can't say that I can't get rid of the star-eating giant insect!"

"What do you think I came back early for? The dawn is approaching, and the plan for Moon Eye should be on the agenda!"

Bai Kou looked at Jiangnan expectantly!

(?????????)? "Do you have a plan? What do you want us to do?"

Jiang Nan raised a finger: "Transfer the target of the attack. In the next period of time, focus on the attack and harassment on the tinder warehouse in Tongcheng!"

Everyone was stunned!

What kind of moth is this again? Don't engage in Moon Eyes but hit Tong City?

Isn't this the end?

Mi Ye was confused: (?? ~??o) "Are you sure? What about Moon Eye?"

Jiang Ning was startled: "Are you trying to contain Rui Sen in Tongcheng?"

Jiang Nan smiled and nodded: "With Rui Sen watching in Yueyan, the plan cannot be implemented, and it is too passive!"

"The plan needs to be kept confidential, and the specific arrangements will be made when the action is taken!"

"It hasn't been long since dawn, and there are still too many things to be done, and we have to hurry up and act!"

"By the way, what about my third brother? This thing can't be done without my third brother!"

Everyone was startled, who is the third brother?

(#?)??3?(?#?)? "Here~"

I saw Zhang Sanyi, who was swollen three times, squatting in the corner of the conference room with a grimace!

I wore the big gold chain on my neck tremblingly!

Guarding the grass above his head with a vigilant look!

Jiangnan was stunned, good fellow! Why is the third brother squatting here?

And being hammered into such a ghost? Is this girl being beaten?

Jiang Nan teleported to Zhang San and patted him on the shoulder with relief!

(????)? "You have the responsibility of saving the moon!"

Zhang Sanyi looked at Jiangnan with a guarded face, and couldn't help crying!

(#?)????(?#?) "Can...can you change someone? It's too much to save the moon!"

Jiangnan: ('?ω?)? "Hey? A blade of grass grows above your head, I will help you..."

Zhang San:! !

Nanshen took the opportunity to approach me really to squeeze me!

What's wrong with this guy?

"Squeeze...squeeze wow!"

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