Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1700: Kuafu chased the sun in ancient times! Chase Jiangnan someday today?

Fa Ka Wei panicked at the time, what do I mean to count the ball when I die?

(??? 綠.??)? "Then I eat the little cherries to find you road spikes? You can't unload the mill and kill Wei, you!"

"Well, we are also teammates, you can't abandon me! Damn! It flies over!"

The white anode is approaching quickly, and the extremely high temperature has distorted the space!

Even Jiangnan has to lead people off the road, and dare not confront it head-on!

It's worthy of being one of the four evil spirits who are as famous as Yuxu Dragon Loach!

Although this skill is not as unsolvable as the speed bubble, it is tricky enough!

In terms of temperature alone, it is no worse than the supernova of the little brother!

Jiang Nan turned his head to kill him, teleporting and running wildly, and Liu Mang, who was being pulled by the chain, had turned into a human-shaped torch, and Mo Tian could only continue to hang on to him with healing skills!

And the bracelets Wei and Sen Luo also exploded their hairs. With such a high temperature, even the existence of Daotian level would definitely be burned!

Now she feels like she's on fire!

Obviously, this phoenix treats everyone as its prey, and has become arrogant in the rainforest labyrinth. Isn't it okay to catch anyone and do whom?

They can only turn around and run away!

Only the muscular beast's head iron, looking at the flying Bai Yang, his face was fierce!

"It just happened to be my Shinjuku body, I see you are parasited by Lao Tzu!"

"Muscle hardened!"


With a loud noise, the kilometer muscle behemoth rushed toward the Wanmi Baiyang amidst everyone's shocked eyes!

The burned muscle tissue was regenerated and reorganized wildly, and even the whole body was covered with a brilliant flame because of the high temperature!

As long as you can touch the main body of the phoenix, it's fine!

However, as soon as I heard a "hula", the moment it hit Bai Yang, the kilometer muscle beast turned into black carbon dust, and its ashes were raised on the spot!

The temperature inside Bai Yang is simply unimaginable...

Jiangnan: =???? (???????)

Bracelet Wei: o口.o*)

Just... it was cremated?

The mob and beast group that was still roaring at the last moment disappeared instantly, looked at each other, then turned their heads and ran away!

Between the fusion, there was another kilometer muscular behemoth, and with the four-wheel drive, it ran faster than anyone else!

But what horrified Jiangnan was that the speed of this yang bird traveling eighty thousand miles a day was too fast!

Even if you teleport like crazy, you still can't get rid of it!

Bangle Wei is already running away in the form of thunder!

Even ran to the front of Jiangnan, but the smoke was still roasted, but his face was full of pride!

(乛?乛#) "Hey~ I don't need to run through the finches, I just need to be faster than you... Ah!"

Before he finished speaking, he twitched and fell out of the thunder light, his speed dropped sharply!

Jiang Nan curled his lips and retracted the **** from Fa Ka Wei!

(?°?д°?) "Happy mua? With whom? Let's bake you two first!"

Bangle Wei slowed down, watching Bai Yang rolling over her eyes, her skin was carbonized, she couldn't help screaming:

(??益.??#) "Riya save me! You won't get news of other Lingxu after I die!"

In this case, Riya would naturally not stand idly by!

Clamping his head under his armpit and flicking it with one hand, the Bose Particle Sword appeared fiercely!

"Huh! I wanted to kill Jiangnan with your hand, but the mere beast is not sure what it is! I really can't do anything with you?"

"Taking your bird's head is like digging into a bag!"

I saw Riya plunge directly into the white sun!

Although the temperature of the complete plasma flame was extremely high, it was completely ignored by Riya!

It's not that the plasma flame can't hurt her, it's not that the Bose particles can't be burned!

It's just that the temperature is not high enough compared to the boson!

Riya, who rushed into the white sun, suddenly appeared in the center, and the Bose Particle Sword in her hand passed in an instant!

The azure blue glass light blooms, and it is absolutely zero!

The white sun slowly extinguished at this moment, and everyone at this moment could clearly see the main body of the sun bird!

It's a golden bird only the size of a basketball, with gorgeous feathers!

Now she was beheaded by Riya with a sword, blood splattered three feet!

Liu Mang took a puff of black smoke:

● "Fuck! Such a fierce finches were hacked to death by the sword of Bose?"

Jiang Nan smiled bitterly: "Do you really think that Bose is very weak? Most of the attacks in this world can be ignored!"

"The phoenix is ​​blocked by the sky!"

Liu Mang also swallowed. Just now, Riya was beheaded by Jiang Nan with a sword, and people subconsciously thought that she was a scam, but the Bose was nothing more than that!

Little did he know that Jiangnan's tactics were all about restraining the boson, that's why it had that kind of effect!

Bose body is weak? Weak shit!

I don't know if Riya is always used to being beheaded and chopped off, so he chopped off the head of the phoenix!

Jiang Nan's eyes were straight, whether it was Sunbird's blood or its Spirit Orb, it was all he wanted!

Hold the courageous to death, starve the cowardly!

Seeking wealth and wealth!

Then a teleport rushed towards the corpse of the sun bird!

Faka Wei:! !

"Don't! It's not dead! It can Nirvana! Sunsparrow has three skills, it..."


With a blast, the corpse of the sun bird suddenly turned into flames and burned into nothingness, and the beheaded head also turned into a cluster of faint flames!

And it is this igniting seedling that shines even more than the sun in the sky!

In the next instant, the fire of Nirvana was blazing and growing crazily. With a harsh cry, a golden bird rushed out of the flames!

The phoenix that was beheaded once was completely angered, and endless flames spurted from its body!

The Yanyang was once again displayed, only three kilometers in diameter, although it has shrunk, it is even more terrifying than before!

The color changes rapidly, and it becomes bright white in the blink of an eye!

But the bright white light began to dim more and more!

However, the temperature is getting higher and higher, heating up infinitely!

There was an emergency air brake in the south of the Yangtze River. It was grilled and smoked. He turned his head and teleported and ran away. How could this special cat bring Nirvana?

Riya's expression also froze, not dead?

Didn't you pretend to be in this batch?

"Then I will kill it again!"

While speaking, he rushed into the white sun again, but Riya's expression suddenly changed this time!

Under this terrifying high temperature, his own Bose particles started to disappear!

The closer to the center of Baiyang, the faster the annihilation speed!

Riya's heart is tight, is the temperature so high that it can annihilate the Bose particles?

Although I still can't hurt my own essence, the consumption of Bose particles is real!

It's okay to rush in and kill it again, but you will have to face Jiangnan in the future. Isn't it worth the loss to spend all your power on killing the sunsparrow?

What if this bird nirvana again?

And the moment the phoenix saw Riya, it seemed to be mad, and rushed towards her at extreme speed!

A smile came up at the corner of Riya's mouth:

(??????) "It's just right!"

So he rushed out of Bai Yang in an instant, rushing all the way towards Jiangnan!

(?°?益°?) "Let you chop my head? Just wait to be burned to death by the sunbird!"

And that finches rushed over with Riya!

Jiangnan:! !

Are you good enough for bamboo shoots?

I don't want to be cremated, so I teleported and changed direction crazy!

But Riya clings to Jiangnan, like a dog skin plaster, pulling the sun bird here!

Kuafu chased the sun in ancient times, but today I am chasing the south of the Yangtze River!

The blazing high temperature burned Jiangnan and the others on fire, exuding bursts of meaty fragrance. If Xingcheng were there, he must have spoken at this moment!

Jiang Nan was angry: (`晒'#) "You know how to play, right? Liu Mang!"

While speaking, he teleported to Liu Mang, raised his hand and stuffed him with a green forgiveness hat!

"Will you play?"

At this moment, Liu Mang couldn't help showing a perverted smile:

?"I'm ready!"

In the next instant, Jiangnan directly launched the replacement!

The bracelet Wei on Sun Luo's back suddenly disappeared, and Jiang Nan rode on Sun Luo's back instead!

Apart from anything else, I took out a forgiveness hat and buttoned it on Sen Luo's head!

"Give you a green hat! I wish you happiness!"

Then he took off his hat and pulled the grass, and the action was done in one go!

On Liu Mang's side, Jiangnan's operations were also reproduced!

The hat was knocked on top of the bracelet Wei, who had been replaced, and she took off her hat and pulled the grass!

"You are gone!"

[The grievance value from Vivian is +1003! ]

Here again?

Where did this fellow leave the mark!

Sen Luo was shocked, countless thorns grew out of his back, and went straight to the south of the Yangtze River!

However, Jiangnan has already launched a replacement in the meantime!

The bracelet Wei, who had been pulled out of the grass, was replaced again, and she heard a few "poofs", and was pierced by the thorns of the woods!

"Siluo! You shit..."

"Sorry! I... I didn't mean it, I didn't expect him to be so fast! I..."

The bracelet Wei Ya is about to break, you just want to pierce me, you!

Liu Mang and Jiang Nan looked at each other, and then he slapped the palm with a snap!


"The next scene is too bloody, everyone shouldn't look at the two of them!"

Jiangnan and the others had closed their eyes long ago, anyway, Liu Mang's sensor radar was there, so they wouldn't be blinded!

Keji, who has eaten the forgiveness hat loss, has long been blindfolded by Fakawei!

Mo Tian buried her head in her chest obediently, like an ostrich!

At this moment, Sunsparrow immediately shifted the target and stopped chasing Riya!

Instead, they focused on Sen Luo and Bangle Wei!

Not only the phoenix, but even the thug beasts and the muscular beasts all aimed at Sen Luo and Bangle Wei!

"Lailai! If it weren't for you to make trouble, Jiangnan would have been taken! Look at Lao Tzu to kill you first!"

Even the mercenaries are all red-eyed at this moment!

"If he hadn't brought us in, why would we have suffered this crime? We have to be roasted by birds!"

"Tsk~ Why does he carry the **** his back? I don't have any! I'm so angry! Fuck him!"

For a while, the crowd was enthusiastic, and Sun Luo and Bangle Wei were even wrong to gasp, and they became public enemies of the audience!

The masculine bird rushed towards the two of them too!

At this moment, Sen Luo and Bangle Wei's faces were completely pale!

Jiang Nan stared at the phoenix with excitement!

"Someone will help us pull the blame, we can do it now!"

Fa Kavi directly spit out a mouthful of old blood:

(#??3??#) "Isn't it? What's the matter, are you still thinking about masturbating?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Don't panic! I have experience dealing with this kind of bird-like beast! Daotian-level Falcon kings have been killed, and this phoenix should probably be able to handle it!"

While speaking, he took out a bucket of power from the alien space!

(#?°???°)? "After all, what about dehairing birds! I am the best at it!"

Liu Mang shuddered at Dali, not knowing what he thought of!

"The insider... is the bird you are going to shed is a serious bird?"

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