This familiar feeling suddenly reminded Xingcheng of the fear of being dominated by fifty thousand catties of small soybeans.

The thunder in my stomach got worse, it was already so deafening!

Mila and Lan's faces are both white, is that a ghost popcorn?

Obviously it is the detoxifying little soy bean with the food expansion technique. Hey!

Xingcheng still eats her stomach!

And even if you drink vigorously, what kind of power does that have to be?

For an instant, Xingcheng's tears were in his eyes, and he turned around in a hurry, clutching his ass!

Looking at Mira as if for help:

(???????﹏???????) "Cheng Baoer~ Hold back!"

Mira was also anxious, and Xingcheng was fixed in a static domain for a time!

But even so, the chemical reaction in her stomach didn't stop, and the voice became louder and louder!

Lan's forehead sweats:

(??﹏???) "Mi... Sister Mila, this won't work, right? I can't keep doing this. What should I do if Cheng Bao is broken?"

Mira scratched her head:? (???﹏??) "It's over. I originally thought about taking Cheng Baoer to eat more delicious food so that I could refine the fragrance beads for Brother Jiang Nan. Is this a fart?"

You really did a fart!

So comforted and touched Xingcheng's little bald head!

(.???)? "Chengbao, wait and take your time, be gentle, this Lingxu is not very strong, if the Lingxu is blown up to pieces, we will fall into the crevice of the dimension! "

"We are fairies, even when we let go of the celestial spirit, we have to be quiet and gentle!"

While speaking, Xingcheng cautiously launched a golden ball of light!

"Go! Don't bear it!"

Xingcheng had already reached his limit at this moment. At the moment when the golden ball of light came out, he stood in place and made fists with both hands!


Seeing it is about to start!

Small dimples:! !

(?﹏??) "No! You can't stand, and your shorts haven't taken off yet! No one taught Xingcheng how to use the bathroom in a human way?"

However, it was too late, only to hear a loud "bang"!

The Hulk brand shorts, which have always been known for their sturdiness, were directly blown into rag slivers and sacrificed on the spot!

The boundless orange wind swept out, and in a flash, the surrounding area was already out of sight!

If it weren't for Mira and the others in the golden ball of light, at this moment, they were afraid that they were going to be forced to death by the fairies!

However, at this moment, Xingcheng completely forgot about his stomachache, and his eyes were shining brightly under the orange wind!


This is incense, you can become smart by smelling it!

Yes~ Finally ate this baby again!

Eating incense beads is almost the instinct of star-eating giant insects, because they evolved by this!

Without saying anything, Xingcheng just ate it fiercely, and even started the macrophages to eat the orange fragrant breeze!

Embark on a journey of evolutionary wisdom once again!

If I didn't win the move this time, I think it won't be long before Xingcheng can extract a fragrance bead, and I have accumulated a lot!

So this time the amount is also very large!

Seeing that Xingcheng was intoxicated and self-produced and sold there, Mila and Lan didn't even look at it!

(??????) "Hey~ this, this... it's all wasted, Lan? Why don't you go and spend a few years? It's a rare opportunity?"

Lan shook his head, shaking his head like a rattle:

(′-﹏-`#) "No, no, no! I'm still young, enough to live, why don't you let me go?"

Mira looked proud:

(?ˇ?ˇ?) "I am immortal, I don't need to rub, besides, I don't want to live long, it will be very boring!"

"I don't want a world without Brother Jiangnan, so I will live as long as Brother Jiangnan lives!"

The two of them cast their eyes on the dimple!

Little dimple covers his face: (?)????? (ヾ) "I...I still won't fight with Xingcheng, she would be nice to be smarter!"

However, happy times are always short, and soon the orange breeze of a fragrant bead is lost by Xingcheng!

But the role of the little soybean has not yet passed, I saw billowing black smoke rising, hot lava splashing, because it was too strong!

Xingcheng was hit by recoil and flew around in the sky, unable to control himself at all, so this Lingxu began to rain magma...

When everything is over, a few people stand on a sea of ​​magma, and the entire Lingxu has been filled with Dangdang!

In ancient times, Jingwei reclaimed the sea, and now there is Xingcheng to fill the market!

At this moment, Xingcheng became skinny, with a weak face and a hollowed look, even the light radiating from the top of his head was dimmed!

Looking at my masterpiece, my face blushed!

A little embarrassed to pick up his fingers!

(???????) "Sister Mila~ I want to keep Cheng Bao secret!"

Mira's eyes lit up, did not evolve in vain? Can you speak the whole thing? Do you know how to be shy?


"Good~ I'll keep it secret for you, go, take you to eat more, your body is weak, you can make up for it..."

Several people suddenly disappeared in the magma sea, heading to the next Lingxu!

After all, Brother Jiangnan has been here, Mila is still looking forward to catching up with Jiangnan's confluence.

On the other side, in the ruins of a barren mountain, on the black rock plain in the center!

A black altar with a diameter of one thousand meters is full of complicated spells!

Many locations have been destroyed, but they can still run!

In the middle of a spherical core with a diameter of 30 meters, a road spike like a ruby ​​is inserted, and the rich blood glows into the void!

Around the altar is a **** battlefield, with big pits exploded everywhere, comparable to the surface of the moon!

There are huge corpses of old beasts everywhere, and there are also many human corpses!

And there are spirit beasts whimpering, not completely dead!

I saw Xiao Zhen and Brother Qi Delong dragging their tired bodies to make up for the knife!

His three were covered with scars, and the bandages hurriedly wrapped around him were still bleeding!

The clothes are in tatters, and the eyes are full of fatigue!

And An Xiaoqi's face is as dirty as a cat, she is holding her notebook at the moment, copying the contents of the curse array!

This is how many battles they have encountered and the days of guarding the spikes!

During this period, people came from time to time, led the team to pull nails, and even drove away spirit beasts to form a wave of beasts hitting here!

A few people did not dare to leave, so they could only hold on desperately, repelling waves after waves of enemies, until now!

Xiao Zhen vomited blood, then turned around and said, "Xiaoqi, or you can withdraw first and see if you can send the information. It's not a solution for all of us to spend it here!"

An Xiaoqi stomped: "I told you not to talk about this anymore, I'm going? Are you three dead here?"

"Now that I have to leave you behind? I don't! Besides, even if I leave, I won't necessarily get out of the maze!"

"It's better to stay and guard together, but I don't know how Sister Mo Tian is doing..."

Thinking of this, An Xiaoqi's eyes were a little red, and she missed Xiong Er. She had known it would be like this, so she said a few more words to Xiong Er before coming in!

Xiao Zhen sighed: "If there is Sweetie, we won't be so embarrassed, I hope she is safe!"

Qi Dongqiang grinned: "Hey~Don't be so pessimistic, maybe you will die here!"

"At least we are holding on now, even if the final result is not satisfactory, at least we are doing the right thing here at this moment!"

Qi Delong irritably gave him a big-necked slipper: "Just your dumb drake voice, don't talk for now! Keep your strength..."

At this moment, Xiao Zhen's eyes condensed, and he sensed the ground vibration carefully!

"There are people coming! A lot, everyone is ready to fight!"

With an order, the expressions of the four immediately sank, their bodies surged, and they immediately formed a battle formation!

I saw a group of thousands of people in the distance pressed over, and the leader was the wave of the stars!

He has a long, flaming, wavy hair that hangs straight around his waist, and his body is still wounded!

They are the early exploratory team that entered the rainforest maze. They have been in the maze for a month. They belong to the clones of Bangle Wei!

After three hours of bad luck, Bo Wei thought that there was nothing to gain this time!

Who really wanted to be unlucky just after he was really discovered by himself?

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, and the four of Xiao Zhen who were ready for battle, the corners of Bo Wei's mouth curled up!

(????.??) "Tsk tsk tsk ~ all thinking about pulling the road stud, what do you mean by guarding? Do you think you have a long life?"

A dangerous light appeared in Xiao Zhen's eyes: "Don't talk nonsense! You guys are here to pull the nails too, right?"

"Although I don't know exactly what this thing is for, it definitely has something to do with the recent abnormal spiritual surge, and it can't be pulled!"

"If you don't want to be an enemy of me, then retreat on your own, so that you can live in peace!"

"But if you have to pull the nails, you must be mentally prepared to become these corpses!"

As soon as these words came out, there were bursts of laughter from those mercenaries!

"Puff ha ha ha! It's just a diamond seven. What kind of rhetoric is there? Turn us into corpses? Really consider yourself a dish?"

"Are you blind? There are too many people and few people can't tell? Big sister, what are you going to do with him? Kill the ball!"

"That's right, the road stud is pulled, buddies are still waiting to enter the Lingxu of the early stage!"

Wave Wei chuckled: "That's a pity! It's only you who become corpses! Give me all! People killed, nails pulled out!"

Xiao Zhen looked ruthless, with awe-inspiring killing intent in his eyes!

"Kill me as long as you haven't died! Don't keep one!"


With a loud explosion, the ground under Xiao Zhen's feet shattered, and his whole body shot towards the crowd like an arrow from a string!

Although there are thousands of troops in front of him, there is no fear in Xiao Zhen's eyes!

A strong man at the top of the diamond rushed out fiercely and turned into a rhinoceros directly!

"I think you are looking for death!"

"Strong force? Crush the city cannon!"

With a fist, he smashed towards Xiao Zhen, but Xiao Zhen didn't hide at all, and he smashed with his fist!

"Overclocking shock!"

I saw his fist shook wildly, suppressing a strong shock wave, and even blurred the surrounding air!

Two fists smashed together fiercely!

Hearing a "bang" sound, at the moment of contact, the entire arm of the rhinoceros beast was shattered, and the skin, muscles and bones were all shattered!

Even if the other fist of the beast of rhino smashed Xiao Zhen's body, the fist was shattered by a layer of shockwave armor!

Xiao Zhen made an uppercut and slammed it on the rhino's beastly jaw!

Under the high-frequency shock waves, the head of the brawny man was shattered and exploded like a watermelon!

Everyone took a deep breath, while Wave Wei bit her teeth tightly, and a giant fireball smashed past!

The exploded magma splashed everywhere, and the earth shook the mountains!

But Xiao Zhen flew away and smashed towards the center of the crowd!

"Bone? Great shock!"


An endless shock wave spread fiercely with Xiao Zhen as the center, and directly crashed the surrounding mercenaries. Those with poor physical fitness were shattered on the spot!

In a burst of exclamation, the earth's slab was torn apart, and a big earthquake was directly triggered in the field!

Xiao Zhen looked ferocious and slowly got up!

"To fight! Then come!"

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