Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1716: Everything has a cause and effect

Once Hope dies, the remaining mercenaries are equivalent to grasshoppers in the autumn, and they won't be able to roam for long!

No resistance!

Zhong Yingxue shoved a few mouthfuls of durian pulp into his mouth, and began to launch a ruthless artillery attack on the mercenaries!

Platelet and Xing Xingyu are also blood gods coming back, it won't take long to eat these mercenaries!

Everyone's eyes are filled with excitement!

The road studs that I thought I couldn't hold back miraculously turned around!

Daotian, who was as strong as Hope, was cremated and burned to death on the spot!

Everyone didn't stick to it in vain. Is the goddess of victory standing here?

Seeing Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao's great power, Wu Liang felt an itch in his heart, all the stars were shining, he was still a diamond?

Gotta hurry up?

Fortunately, I still have Brother Nan to accompany me!

Qin Shu is wanton on the battlefield, spewing atomic breath everywhere, laughing!

(#???#) Ahahaha~

The face is full of pride!

If you haven't died, you can go back and have a good blow with Yi Hui?

There is no need to aim at the atomic breath or something, and you will hit it when you spit it out!

Even the spiritual skills of those mercenaries who are eager to jump over the wall will be missed for some strange reasons!

Can you believe that self-destruction can be misfired?

For a moment, Qin Shu felt that he was invincible. Do you want to be so lucky? It's just the child of luck, right?

Ok? wait... lucky?

Since... when I just ate biscuits randomly, shouldn't I have eaten a lucky little cherry by mistake?

Qin Shuo was so shocked that his face turned white!

So in times of crisis, Zhong Yingxue and the others will come to the rescue?

It seems like half an hour has passed by now?

Right at this moment, someone from far away heard a squeak!

"The sea of ​​clouds in the extreme day!"

In the blink of an eye, three thousand meters of clouds covered, Qin Shu suddenly felt that he had been blocked!

Can not help but look terrified:

=????(???????) "Hey hey~ my own person, you blocked me!"

Can't use all the magic skills? I was about to go to Xia Yao to unblock it, but suddenly there was a thunderous sound in my stomach!

I can't help it at all, it's hard to move, okay?

Qin Shu's facial features were twisted together on the spot, and he couldn't stand on the other side, right?

Can a living person suffocate to death?


On the spot, I squatted down on the spot, and there was a dirty sound!

The expression on his face suddenly softened!


However, at this moment, the remaining mercenaries were all red-eyed, looking fiercely at Qin Shu!

(?°?д°?) "Brothers! The left and right are dead, it's not a loss to kill one, but two are profitable! Kill him!"

(??'mouth?') "Go on!"

A group of mercenaries rushed over to face Qin Shuo without saying a word!

Qin Shu sweated profusely on his forehead:

=????(???????) "Brother! Calm down! Can you wait until I finish solving the major issues in my life and then fight to the fullest? Wait for my big size first?"

But where would mercenaries listen to this? Since they couldn't use spiritual skills, it was a violent beating to go up and surround Qin Shu!

Qin Shu hugged his head and yelled!

"You're taking advantage of me to kill me! You've beaten me up! You really beat me out, Shet!"

"Brother, save me!"

Ye Xinghe suddenly heard Qin Shu's call, and when he looked back, his eyes were almost blind!


It's a fight, why are you still pulling it up? Is the battlefield tuba alright? Can't you just hold back like me?

How could he just watch his brother get beaten up?

So he came directly to Qin Shi, and an atomic breath came to the mercenary!


But it doesn't matter if you vomit, the bottom immediately falls!

The immortal energy rushed out like an angry dragon, and Qin Shu's face was deformed, and the immortal energy immediately filled the audience!


Ye Xinghe: (???? ̄?? ̄)

Qin Shu's tragic mourning came out of the immortal aura!

(Fuck dish) "Ye Xinghe! You did it on purpose, did you? Just save your **** and want to destroy me?"

"You really vomit and have diarrhea?"

However, before Ye Xinghe could explain, he saw a blazing blue fireball rushing towards Qin Shu at an astonishing speed!

It was Zhong Yingxue's covering blow!

The gas gas was instantly ignited, and with a "bang", Qin Shu was blasted out, screaming across the sky!

This is really unfortunate, the son of luck is a fart? Is this unfortunate?

Zhong Yingxue sweated profusely on her forehead:

(??ˇ﹏ˇ??????) "No... I'm sorry, I didn't see you, I'm sorry!"

Qin Shu struggled to get up from the scorched black body, and was determined to leave the battlefield and find a safe place for three hours before talking!

Seeing the smoke billowing in the distance, the remaining mercenaries here have just been wiped out, and they are coming again!

Even from far away, you can see the muscle behemoth with a height of 1,000 meters!

The herd is so dense, I don't know the geometry!

And above the giant beast, Solomon stood on it with his arms crossed!

The corners of the mouth have a proud arc!

"Isn't that the discovery of the prey? Waiting for the rabbit is really not my style!"

"The people are pretty good, so let's collect some interest first!"

Qin Shu's face turned pale, this is really a blood mold for eight lifetimes!

Small cherries should not be eaten!

But if they don't eat, Zhong Yingxue and the others may not come to support, and the road studs have long since fallen!

Now that I have eaten it, when the unfortunate time comes, I have provoked a strong enemy to pull the nails!

And looking at this situation, it will be much more difficult to deal with than Hope's barren river?

Everything has a cause and effect!

Little Cherry may have solved the immediate crisis, but there is no substantial change in the general direction?

At this moment, Zhong Yingxue's lynx and the others' expressions also darkened!

"Everyone is ready for battle! Don't let the muscle monster touch your body, or you will be parasitized!"

"Stay on the spikes!"

Zhong Yingxue took two steps forward, a white sun appeared, and an incandescent sea of ​​fire enveloped the earth!

He enveloped all the people on his side in white flames, and put on a layer of flame clothes to prevent them from being parasitized!

It was inevitable that I was a little anxious in my heart. After several battles, the various props in the wall-mounted backpack have almost been consumed!

The little ginseng durian pulp is almost exhausted!

And the parasitic beast is not so easy to deal with, there is also a mysterious Solomon, this time it is really difficult to guard!

Without any extra words, the fierce battle between the two sides started in an instant...

In the vast desert, Jiangnan is taking Liu Mang and Mo Tian to teleport fiercely!

At this moment, Jiangnan's eyes are a little red, and the whole person's breath is extremely irritable!

Jiangnan had already received the news that the Lynx and the others were attacked, and they have been trying to rush over!

But since entering the rainforest labyrinth, Jiangnan has already visited more than 100 spiritual ruins!

Don't mention the road studs, what you encounter is either a blank map or all kinds of spiritual markets without road studs!

There was no gain, but Wei didn't kill much, and Fakawei's current level has even been raised to Daotian!

But I just couldn't make it, and I didn't even see one of my teammates!

When he heard that Zhong Yingxue and the others had supported and dealt with Hope, Jiang Nan was stunned!

what's the situation? Xuexuelangxie can kill Daotian now?

my mother?

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he survived this wave, but he has not waited for Jiangnan to be happy!

Fa Kawei said in a hurry: (???﹏.??)? "Damn it! Solomon pulled the nails in the past, it's really **** mold!"

"With a large group of muscle beasts, Solomon himself is there!"

Jiangnan: ! !

"Damn it! Is the parasite body itself?"

To this day, Jiangnan still doesn't know how capable the thugs are!

But the muscle beast group is already very difficult to do!

Once invaded by parasitic species, it will be too troublesome!

And there is no recovery system there, trying to keep the road spikes is tantamount to fooling around!

Jiang Nan hurriedly said: "Tell them, if you can't hold it, pull the nails and evacuate, don't hold back!"

"There is one more nail, even if this one is lost..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw that Fa Kawei's level had risen, and it had risen by one star, reaching the level of Daotian Er...

Fa Kawei smiled bitterly: (??. ̄) "It can't be said! The two Weis over there, Inch-tou Wei and Hood Wei are all dead!"

Jiang Nan was even more anxious, took a deep breath, and directly took out the lucky little cherry!

Now is not the time to consider the consequences. If you don't go, according to Sister Shan Miao's temperament, she will not withdraw even if she dies!

I absolutely don't want them to have an accident, not one of them!

Raise your hand and put the lucky cherry in your mouth!

But at this moment, Liu Mang grabbed Jiang Nan's hand and looked serious!

"Do you really want to pull the nail? If you pull this one out, there will be only one nail left in the entire Spirit Sealing Curse Array!"

"The probability of being able to hold it will become very small, once it is done by the holy star..."

I saw Jiang Nan's expression sank, with helplessness in his eyes!

"Let me ask you a question, a train is running on the track at extreme speed!"

"There's a fork in the road ahead, and you're holding a track-changing wrench in your hand!"

"On the left rail, the person you care about most is tied, and on the right rail, 100 strangers are tied. The train can't stop, it can only move forward!"

"The choice is yours, who do you choose to kill?"

When this question came up, not only Liu Mang was stunned, but Mo Tianfa and Kawei were also silent!

Jiang Nan looked resolute: "I choose to kill those 100 people! Even if there are countless re-elections, I will still stick to this choice!"

"I am not a saint in Jiangnan, a selfless savior! A good man!"

"It's none of my business how the world turns out! I just want the people I care about to be good! I don't want to live alone!"

Maybe after eating the little cherries, I can really rush over, but I have to bear the consequences of bad luck!

But this consequence may push things in an uncontrollable direction!

But Jiangnan can't control that much anymore, so let him stand by and watch?

Jiangnan doesn't want it, he doesn't want to leave irreparable regrets in his life!

I don't want to regret it later!

Mo Tian smiled bitterly and asked herself, maybe she would choose to kill 100 people, this is a question that no matter how you choose, no matter how you choose it is wrong...

Because there is no right or wrong in the world!

Liu Mang took a deep breath: "I'm here to eat!"

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