Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1721: Four to two! another city

Xia Yao's little face was wrinkled at that time, where are you going to touch it?

(?`~'?) Humph!

Where is this to leave a mark? Obviously just want to try the feel ah you!

Keji even cried in the storm, although the one Jiangnan touched was not Fa Kawei!


But to a certain extent, she is also her own goddess. Why is I so unhappy when I look at it in my heart?

Bangle Wei's eyes were full of horror, and the scene of Sen Luo's beheading just now appeared in his mind!

It's over, it's over, I'm going to be hacked to death by the sealing technique!

Isn't that just two pounds of meat? No more!


The thunder light in his hand condensed into a knife, and he cut off his chest without hesitation!

[The resentment value from Vivian +1003! ]

Everyone watching this scene gasped, you are cruel enough, aren't you?

Jiang Nan stared at it, was it really cut?

So the probe hand patted Bangle Wei's butt!

Bracelet Wei: ! ! !

"Lightning drive!"

In the blink of an eye, his body was completely transformed into lightning to prevent Jiangnan from leaving another mark!

But Jiangnan gave a bad laugh:

(?°???°)? "If you want to seal your skills, it's not just a way to change you into Yunxuan!"

"I can also replace Yunxuan! Replacement!"

In the next moment, in the terrified eyes of Bangle Wei, Jiang Nan suddenly disappeared, replaced by the sour Big Wolf!

Appeared in front of Bangle Wei in an instant, the extreme day cloud vortex unfolded, and Bangle Wei, who had just been elementalized, was directly forced to restore her flesh and blood!

Bracelet Wei stared: ('Yi.'?) "I can kill you with just the body of Daotian! Give me death!"

However, Xia Yao said with a wicked smile:

(??????) "Look what's behind you?"

Bangle Wei's heart suddenly had a bad premonition, she tilted her head slightly, and the corner of her eye suddenly looked away, and a 100-meter space wormhole opened behind her!

In the distance, Jiang Nan's eyes were scarlet, killing intent emerged!

(??’~?’)? Hole!

Xia Yao did not retreat but advanced, the light flashed nine times in a row, and slammed into Bangle Wei's body!

Directly pushed her body into the wormhole!

Bracelet Wei stared: ('? Yi.?) "I'm..."

"Wormhole cutting!"

In an instant, the wormhole was closed, and half of Bangle Wei's body was cut diagonally, and blood spurted wildly!

But even so, she didn't die!


I still tried to elementalize half of my body, but half of my body just fell out of the space wormhole!

What greeted her was Fakawei's grinning smile, and a dim white sun with a diameter of three meters!

It turned out that the other end of the wormhole was opened by Jiangnan beside Fa Kawei and Zhong Yingxue!

0.46 bracelet Wei fell directly into the white sun!

"Bai Yang burns the world!"


A scream like killing a pig came from the white sun, and Bangle Wei turned into a human-shaped torch almost instantly!

Cut into pieces and cremated one-stop, with the combination of southern women, is it not tiring to cheat people?

Fa Kawei even took this opportunity to probe directly into the white sun with her little hand!

Hundreds of metal spikes pierced the bracelet Wei, while the other hand covered her face and began to absorb and fuse!

Bracelet Wei is completely panicked!

('??/"Stop! Stop! Forgive me this time, I can do it with you and overthrow the main body together!"

"You are from me, you can't be like this, you..."

However, Fa Kawei's eyes were firm, and she said coldly:

(???~.??) "You didn't say that when you ordered me to die! Go to hell!"

Bracelet Wei's eyes are full of hideous eyes: "You will not end well! You will have to..."

Before the words were finished, Bangle Wei was completely absorbed, Fa Kawei's level skyrocketed, and at the same time, he also began to take this opportunity to receive the memories from her!

Explore the information that you have not yet mastered, close your eyes and merge!

Xia Yao shook his fist excitedly:

?(??????)? "Yes~ Another one to die!"

This is also Jiangnan's plan, to kill Bangle Wei first as much as possible, to enhance the strength of his own side of Kawei!

At the same time, it can also weaken the strength of the opponent!

In this way, while Fakawi can help herself, she will only have to deal with Rhea and the thugs!

Everything happened between lightning and flint, and Rhea was killed by Jiangnan's sleaze operation again!

Totally urgent!

He snapped his fingers towards Xia Yao!

A sesame dot suddenly appeared in Xia Yao's ear, and the smile on Xia Yao's face froze!


Jiang Nan stared: "I'll change!"

Xia Yao disappeared in an instant, and Jiang Nan replaced himself!

Rhea and Solomon don't have their own marks on them!

Time is pressing, Jiang Nan knows the power of his spiritual skills best!

There was simply no time to stamp on other muscle monsters, swapped!

You can only bear it by yourself, the big wolf can't be in trouble!


The suction burst out in an instant, and the space of thousands of meters was all torn apart, forming a black hole connecting the dimensional gaps!

Jiangnan's arms, shoulders, and half of his body were all torn off and compressed!

There is no space to carry Jiangnan, and it is directly sucked into the dimensional gap!

Xia Yao said urgently, "Xiao Nan!"

I saw a crystal chain shot directly from the dimensional gap and nailed to the void!

Retracting violently, he directly pulled Jiang Nan and rushed out of the dimensional gap!

As soon as they came out, six transparent space barriers slashed down towards Jiangnan!

Jiangnan, which sensed the fluctuations in space, disappeared instantly, and the barriers were cut into the air!

Behind Ruiya, Jiangnan suddenly appeared, holding two sky-splitting saw blades and violently slashed down!

Keriya also disappeared suddenly, the saw blade exploded, and many muscle monsters around were chopped into pieces!

Jiang Nan grabbed a few pieces and started drinking blood, and the terrifying injuries on his body were quickly repaired!

Turn around and chase after Rhea!

At this moment, everyone couldn't see the figure of Ruiya and Jiang Nan at all!

You can only see two glazed lights and shadows flickering one after another, and the space is torn apart from time to time by huge black cracks and round holes!

It's like a huge mouth of the abyss cracked open!

Rocks and mountains were torn apart like tofu, and hundreds of kilometers of scratches and giant pits appeared out of thin air!

From time to time, Rhea's curses came!

Liu Mang's scalp was numb: ● "I don't understand, is this a duel between the Space Elements? Fighting with gods is a real beast!"

Qin Shu's face was black: (????)? "Can't you understand it? I can't understand it from Sen Luo. What's the principle of exchange? It's very coquettish anyway!"

Mo Tian swallowed her saliva: "Nan Shen was bitten off half of his body and didn't die? How can he survive with such serious injuries? Who has the upper hand now?"

Everyone looked at each other, all of them were dumbfounded, they couldn't understand it!

It seems that the two have fought back and forth, but in fact Jiangnan is still being suppressed!

Although Ruiya's spiritual skills are not as flexible as Jiangnan's, but why is she so energetic?

Jiangnan tried to **** the tears of the God of Manchus several times, but there are still dozens of seconds left in the lucky time!

Inhale or not?

And there's a tricky mob left unsolved!

Jiang Nan's expression turned ruthless: "Now, if you can abolish one, it's one!"

With your current physical strength, you should be fine with three drops, right?

I saw Jiang Nan's expression ruthless. At that time, he took out three drops of God's Tears and absorbed them on the spot!

The incomparably violent and filthy power of space was sucked into the body by Jiang Nan in the blink of an eye!

In an instant, Jiangnan felt that he was full, and it seemed that he would be blown up at any time, and his whole body was like a cooked prawn!

The space around him is being torn apart by the power of space that spills out!

Seeing Ruiya rushing in, I only heard Jiangnan roar!

"Void black hole? The same day for ten days!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Between the snapping fingers, 10 void black holes appeared one after another in a ring shape, wrapping Rhea in them!

Every void black hole pulls out a large hole with a diameter of one kilometer!

And 10 kilometers of black holes are connected in a ring, and the entire ring space is broken!

Suddenly, a dark hole with a diameter of nearly 10,000 meters cracked!

An extremely powerful suction burst out from it, and Rhea was sucked in instantly!

I don't even know how many muscle monsters were swallowed up!

Everyone looked at the big hole in the sky in shock!

Xia Yao stared: (?? mouth???) "Hey~ Heaven... Heaven leaked?"

It's a bit like what's on the Mayan Moment, isn't it?

I go! The catastrophe that the prophecy said about should not belong to Xiaonan, right?

A void chain shot out of it, and apparently Rhea also wanted to escape from it in this way!

However, Jiangnan raised his hand and threw a large saw blade over, cutting off the Void Chain!

Jiangnan knows that the dimensional cracks can't banish bosons at all!

But buy yourself time!

I saw Jiangnan suddenly appear behind Solomon!

Three seconds left! Time is running out!

More than 20 small leather whips stick out from the back, and each one is holding a small cupping pot. There are sick cans and empty cans!

Hit Solomon fiercely!

At this moment, Solomon can't intervene in the spatial showdown between Jiangnan and Rhea at all!

I was thinking of doing something to Zhong Yingxue Lynx and the others!

Who would have thought that Jiangnan would come here?

Looking at the twenty or so little cups in Jiangnan, Solomon's heart was half cold at that time, and it was all mentioned in his throat!

Turn around and stay away from Jiangnan!

However, with Parkinson on his body, his trembling movements were not flexible at all, and Jiang Nan knocked the can on his body in an instant!

"Loud! Two hemiplegias from intractable diseases!"

"Necrosis of the femoral head! 20-year-old cold legs, ALS, frozen shoulder, hemiplegic cerebral apoplexy, lumbar disc herniation, bone hyperplasia and looseness! Barabara, etc..."

More than a dozen small cups were all shattered, and a basket of intractable diseases were all beaten into Solomon's body by Jiang Nan!

In addition, the small cups in the unplugging mode have also written words, but none of them are the thugs themselves!

Shet! Is this cargo so good?

Countless muscle spikes stabbed fiercely towards Jiangnan!

Before a teleport returned to the curse array, he breathed a long sigh of relief!

"Finish work!"

I saw Solomon's eyes widened, his whole body trembling, his legs couldn't move, and he fell directly to the ground!

Six in the left hand and seven in the right hand, the halazi flowed out from the corner of his mouth, with a look of horror!


With a difficult look, he said, "Didn't you say hemiplegia? Why is my whole body not obeying orders?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Two paraplegics, one lower body paralysis, and one upper body paralysis! Isn't that all there is to it? Puff wow~"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Jiangnan spit out a mouthful of old blood for more than ten meters, and his whole body seemed to be setting off firecrackers, banging, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!


After the collapse of everyone's face, everyone looked at Jiangnan in horror!


what's the situation?

I saw Jiangnan's face was extremely dark!

Is this the legendary **** mildew?

Is retribution coming so soon?

Obviously, the lucky time has passed, and bad luck has come at this moment!

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