When Zhong Yingxue and the others saw that Miralan and the others were all right, they were overjoyed, and they even stepped forward and pinched Xingcheng's chubby face!

I don't know if it's an illusion, I haven't seen you for a long time, why does Xingcheng seem to gain weight?

Mila smiled and said: (??????) "We didn't have much to gain, so we took Xingcheng to eat and eat, and after eating nearly 200 spiritual ruins, we found the Pillar of Absolute Spirit inexplicably!"

"Just stay here, wait for Brother Jiangnan to come over!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone in Jiangnan froze, and they all looked at Xingcheng in horror!


So the blank maps that I encountered along the way were all eaten by Xingcheng?

The space substrate is exposed!

Wow, no wonder Xing Cheng has become fat, co-authoring with the four of you just pushed him all the way?

Be nice!

Liu Mang swallowed his saliva: ● "Stomach...do you have such a big appetite? Speaking of Nanshen, how did you raise her so much?"

The corners of Jiangnan's mouth twitched. Will I tell you it was fed from the moon?

However, Jiang Nan was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes brightened:

(????) "Cheng Bao'er ate so many spirit ruins, did he extract any new incense beads?"

Just as Mila was about to speak, she saw Xing Cheng blushed and winked wildly at Mila!


It's been said that you want to keep it a secret, but you can't tell me!

How... how many worms?

Mira's expression froze: (¬?¬????) "But...maybe it's soon? Aha~ahhaha..."

Jiangnan scratched his head, eating so much, it should be there?

?(???~??) "By the way, I seem to have seen a person just now, is it an illusion? Or..."

At this moment, everyone's eyes can't help but focus on Jiangnan's feet!

Cooper's mouth twitched:

?(??~???(#" "Yo~ Nan... Nan Shen!"

[The resentment value from the mirage +1003! ]

The startled Jiangnan hurriedly raised his feet:

∑(°mouth°?) "Cooper? Why are you here? What's the situation?"

Speaking of which, from the very beginning, why did Mirage keep giving Lao Tzu a grudge?

Is the one in the small cupboard just brushing the grievance value for himself?

Is it a coincidence? Or rather...

Jiang Nan's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but raise a bit of vigilance in his heart, but for Cooper, his impression is still good!

After all, during the lunar counter-offensive, this guy was really working hard!

However, Jiangnan also kept his mind a little bit!

Cooper smiled bitterly: "Didn't you ask Odin to help? It just happened that there was nothing wrong with the alliance, so I came along with me, thinking about contributing together!"

"Who knows what broken cherries Odin ate for Lao Tzu, saying that they can be lucky to find the First Realm Spiritual Market. Lucky ass? I've been unlucky all the time, okay?"

"We got separated, and the goods were lost, that's all!"

After saying this, everyone in Jiangnan was instantly stunned, and in a blink of an eye, they were 100 meters away from Cooper, and they looked terrified!

Cooper's expression froze, shit! what's the situation?


Lao Tzu exposed? No... can't? I shouldn't show any clues, am I?

Jiang Nan swallowed his saliva, and this little brother has also become a bamboo shoot? Pit others to eat small cherries, but don't eat them yourself?

Is bad luck also someone else's bad luck?

Jiangnan, who has been tortured by bad luck all the way, don't want to cause any more trouble!

Cooper was hesitating in that clack, should he be violent, just listen to Jiangnan cough twice!

(??°??°) "Well, it's a good thing to come and help, but don't come near us for the last few hours!"

Cooper frowned: "Why...why?"

Jiang Nan laughed a few times: (¬?¬????) "No... nothing, your mildew power is too dazzling, I'm afraid we will be convinced by you accidentally!"

Cooper: ? ? ?

I'm glamorous? It's such a scary and strange appearance with such a long body, is there such a thing as charm?

Xia Yao bit her lower lip tightly and held back her madly.

(??ж?) Pfft~

Keeping a safe distance from Cooper, Jiang Nan focused his attention on the Pillar of Absolute Spirit!

Leaving Xingcheng to continue to guard the gate to eat, Jiangnan brought everyone before the curse array!

With a sinister smile: (? ̄??? ̄??) "In the end, let's find it first and take the lead, so things will be easier to handle!"

"It's better to arrange it first!"

Everyone was startled: "What should I do?"

Jiangnan laughed, frantically exchanging diamonds for big durians, and they piled up into a hill in a blink of an eye!

Qin Shu almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood: "Are you going to turn this place into a bunker? When Xiong Er comes, he can't help but go up and down here?"

This is obviously going to be a joke, right?

Jiang Nan grinned: "That's why you don't want to feed others with your Miao Crispy Corner, and it makes sense to spit on it!"

"It doesn't matter if it can be used or not, let's talk about drooling first!"

"Everyone, hurry up and act!"

When everyone thought about it, where did they manage so much? As long as you can procrastinate a little longer, anything is fine!

So everyone started holding durians and exploded frantically around the curse array!

Diamond spikes and durian pulp were fried everywhere, and Cooper wanted to join in the fun!

But as soon as he got up, he was disintegrated in yellow, the evil wind of **** got into his nose, and he almost spit out his stomach!

What the **** is this horse riding?

In order to guard the Pillar of Judgment, they even sprinkled Baba on it!

Cooper did not dare to approach at all!

On the other hand, Jiangnan took out the pesticide watering can, and poured DDI spray into it crazily!

He was covered in glazed armor, and he carried a pesticide pot on his back and sprinkled it everywhere on the curse array, even the 10,000-meter-tall Pillar of Absolute Spirit was not spared!

Not much to say, spray it first!

And taking this opportunity, Jiang Nan even opened the soul rubbing, and engraved all the contents of the Spirit Sealing Curse Formation in his mind!

I have pitted Hope 10 billion in Shancheng before, plus the rest of the previous ones, the skill points are absolutely enough!

Whether you can use it later or not, write it down and talk about it!

Cooper is planning non-stop at the moment, it seems that Jiangnan and the others still do not completely trust themselves!

In the end how can I get the cup with its own body?

If he insists, what if he destroys the cupping pot?

You have to start from the Pillar of Absolute Spirit!

So Cooper looked up and glanced, but this time, his expression turned pale in an instant!

I saw that the 10,000-meter-high Pillar of Supreme Spirit was infinitely taller in Cooper's eyes!

It seems to hold up this world, and an endless sense of majesty and majesty blows towards the face, as if to poke a hole in the sky!

In a trance, the ethereal and vicissitudes of the Humai sound exploded in his ears, making him unable to bear a sense of awe and worship!

The giant pillar seemed to be smashing towards him, as if he was going to be crushed to death!

Cooper couldn't hold back, his legs softened, and he knelt on the ground with a clatter, fearful both physically and mentally!

what the hell! Optimus Pillar?

Apparently it wasn't like this just now?

For a time Cooper was even more afraid!

And after Jiangnan sprayed Didiwei, he clapped his hands with satisfaction, and now it is more secure!

Immediately, he turned his eyes on Fa Kawei again, and his big eyes turned gurgling!

(??????) "Cough cough ~ Wei Wei Ya! You've been with me for so long, I'll treat you well, right? When I first came in, I was still Xingyao, and now I'm all right!"

Fakawei gave a fierce jiggle:

(??﹏.??) "You... what are you doing? Just say it directly, don't look at me like this, I'm scared!"

Called so affectionately? It must be the Weasel Nan who greeted Wei for the New Year, my sister is holding back!

Jiang Nan laughed directly: "I want you to give everyone a green onion sword to use as a means of attacking and saving lives. Everyone is an old acquaintance. You won't even agree to this small request, right?"

"Are we comrades-in-arms on the same front?"

Fa Kawei frowned: (???.??)???? "What green onion sword? Is it very powerful? Can it change the situation of the battle?"

Jiang Nan's eyes were full of excitement: "Can you? Surely you can?"

The power of the green onion sword energy of the green onion holy sword changes according to the quality of the spiritual energy that the charged person rushes in!

Musashitsu's onion sword can cut the Hitomi clan!

Although Fa Kawei is a bit useless, she is still a genius!

Fa Kawei only hesitated for a moment before agreeing!

"Spicy...Spicy okay!"

After all, he is now mixed up with Jiangnan, and Shengxing will definitely not end well if he wins, so if he can contribute, he will contribute!

Jiangnan was so happy, he quickly took out the scallion holy sword like a hill, got to Fakawei for a while to teach, and even demonstrated it in person!

Fa Kawei's eyes widened sharply, and her face was all red:

(??mouth.??) "What...what? Are you serious? What shameful actions and formulas are these!"

"No! I don't dance! I can't afford to lose that person, I'll be ashamed!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: (??~??*) "What kind of face do you want? How much is the face worth? Otherwise, you can choose a Dancing Wei or a Cong Wei to dance! It's not a shame to lose her face. yours?"

Fa Kawei's face turned black: ()? "Is there a difference? It's not the same!"

Jiang Nan pouted: "Hey~ there's nothing I can do. When the time comes, I'll be won by Shengxing, and everyone will die, but I'm fine!"

"It's a pity for you, you have to be destroyed after working for a long time, tsk tsk tsk~"

Fa Kawei: ! !

Angrily, he stomped his feet, grabbed the two green onion holy swords and held them in his hands, grinding his teeth with a creaking noise!

"I... can't I jump?"

?(??﹏.???)? "La~La Sao Sao Da Di La Di Di Di! Vigorous Sao Li Sao is staring at the cat in the crotch!"

While reciting formulas, twisting the crotch and jumping left and right repeatedly, the learning is quite standard!

I saw that the two green onion swords were quickly charged, and a bright green light appeared. Jiang Nan quickly replaced two for her and let her continue to dance!

Everyone looked over, exclaimed in amazement, and even whistled and applauded!


Fa Kawei's face turned red, she stared at Jiangnan, my mother's face was completely lost today!

The dignified body has been turned into a charging pile abruptly!

On the other hand, Keji applauded with tears on his face, his face intoxicated, and he couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Jiangnan!

(*?????)? Nice~

It has to be the Southern God! Otherwise, I may not be able to see the moving dance of the goddess in my life!

Jiangnan is happy, that is, if Vivian has more clones, the level will drop, and the onion sword that is charged is not very powerful!

Otherwise, you can get a Vivian toss the onion dance group to recharge the onion sword!

Daotian... uh~ Isn't there another Daotian! And the high level is scary, right?

I saw Jiangnan's eyes involuntarily fell on Cooper!


Cooper shivered, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart!

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