Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1738: Do you try it out?

Jiangnan's vigilance has been raised to the limit, and he is always sensing space fluctuations!

Just in case Igor and the others suddenly pull the plug!

But Jiangnan feels that vigilance is useless, just one Gabriel can't handle it!

Strength is not in one dimension!

Is it just to delay as long as possible?

Little brother, you can give some strength!

I saw Jiangnan sneer and look at Igor provocatively!

(??????) "I killed him right in front of you! What's the matter? You bite me if you refuse to accept me?"

"How strong can it be? Rhea is not dead, you can't save it. Since it is two brothers and sisters, the family must be neat and tidy!"

"Also let you taste this feeling of being unable to save!"

[The resentment value from Igor +1001! ]

[The resentment value from Rhine +1000! ]

Igor had blue veins on his forehead, just about to speak!

The upper boson family next to it has already spoken!

The tone was stern: "Just a mere clan, if you die, you will die. My holy star doesn't care! Exiles are people who don't exist!"

"But the existence of my Bose clan cannot be killed by your humble and inferior carbon-based creature!"

"Igor! Is this slender reptile what you call Jiangnan? Let him ride on your head and run wild?"

"No wonder Lord Karl scolds you for rubbish! Your development is really bad?"

I saw that the upper boson family was a female!

He has two horns on his head, and has a smooth neck-length ice silk short hair! The facial features are beautiful, the lips are thin, the eyebrows are like knives, but there is a heroic spirit!

Dressed in bright silver tight-fitting armor, the figure is bumpy!

There are mysterious decorations on the armor, and there are faint stars shining on it!

It's that boson called Rhine!

And Igor is no longer dressed in a white robe transformed by Bose particles, but also put on the battle armor!

It's just that his face is a bit stinky:

(¬yi¬?) "Don't talk too much, you may not be better than me! Jiangnan is not so easy to deal with!"

I just went to pick up someone, but I was also scolded by Master Carl, saying that I was ineffective!

And Rhine is a popular man next to Lord Karl, Igor dare not be too arrogant, otherwise he would have scolded him back!

Rhine sneered: (??ˇ~ˇ?) "That's you! If I knew you were here to deal with this rubbish, I wouldn't come!"

"Why don't you go and find a psychic with Lord Karl! It's no challenge!"

Igor's face has become a little ugly!

Jiang Nan pouted: (? ̄?? ̄?) "You stinky **** is a bit poisonous? I'm afraid I'm not eating breakfast at Shushuo. Sister brushing her teeth? Just came here, and your mouth is full of feces?"

"Igor? You can't do it, either? This is the person you're shaking over? What's the matter? Maybe I want this basehead Bichi to help you out?"

Cooper in the distance is numb, do you really dare to scold you?

No matter what she came from, scold her first and then say it again?

[The resentment value from Rhine +1003! ]

I saw Rhine extremely angry, and killing intent bloomed in his eyes: "Who are you calling a stinky bitch? Try another curse?"

Jiangnan's face is incredible:

(*???)!! "Why are your boson requests always so unreasonable?"

"Knock the mud frog! My arm is numb!"

Xia Yao: ('?ж?) Pfft~

Xiaonan! Do you want to be so real?

You can't spread our essence out!

Although Rhine did not understand what it meant, it was definitely not a good word!

Can't help but get extremely angry: "I want you to die! Completely turned into cosmic dust! Not a single bit exists!"

The body disappeared instantly while speaking, raised his hand and grabbed the highly condensed Bose particle dagger, and suddenly appeared behind Jiangnan!

He stabbed the Tianling Gai in the south of the Yangtze River fiercely!

And Jiangnan's shot is even faster than Rhine, drawing a knife has become instinct!

Turning around to draw the sword, the light of the sword like autumn water spewed out from the scabbard, it was the instant kill and the sword cut!

The moment the body of the God-killer collided with the Bose particle dagger! The dagger exploded like a jelly!

Rhine's pupils shrank!

A knife made by Universal Crystal Source? No wonder!

The blade went straight to Rhine's neck and slashed, only to see Rhine staring!

"Absolute zero!"

An extremely cold glassy light burst out in an instant, and in an instant, Jiangnan felt that his soul was about to be frozen!

The blade that was swung out seemed to encounter great resistance, and the speed slowed down!

It's like swinging a knife in mercury!

Jiangnan: ! ! !

This is the real extreme cold!

At absolute zero, almost all particles stop moving, and the closer to absolute zero, the slower the particles move!

Although the Rhine has not reached absolute zero, it is much colder than Risen Ruia Igor!

But even so, Jiangnan still did not stop swinging his sword!

The blade forcibly broke the resistance and slashed directly into Rhine's neck!

Rhine: ! ! !

Local dimension upgrade!

The dazzling light of the knife was fleeting, but Jiangnan did not feel the touch of cutting into the entity!

The blade just passed through Rhine's neck, and her head was still there!

But at this moment, Jiang Nan's body has already been covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and the boiling blood has almost solidified!

"Death to me!"

The Bose dagger condensed out again and stabbed towards Jiangnan!


Jiang Nan's body suddenly disappeared, replaced by a black bead, which was slashed by the dagger in an instant!

In an instant, it was frozen and shattered into dust!

In the distance, Jiangnan shuddered violently. Under the beating of his heart, he was unsealed from the frozen state, and a lot of white steam came out of his body!

Serious eyes!

what the hell! Just now, he clearly slashed Rhine's neck, but he didn't slash the entity?

Is it similar to Baldur's blur?

It's just that Baldur transferred his body parts to a different dimension, while Rhine predicted his own slashing trajectory!

Raise part of your body to avoid slashing? Create the illusion that the blade cuts through the neck without any damage?

In fact, Jiangnan did not cut the entity of Rhine?

Jiangnan squinted his eyes!

How fine-tuned is this? I have never seen Rhea Igor use it. It seems that not all bosons can master this method?

I have to say, this Rhine has something!

If it wasn't delayed by Absolute Zero and the slashing speed slowed down, Rhine might not be able to react!

Rhine touched his neck, looking ugly!

What kind of abnormal slashing speed is that, has it exceeded the human limit reaction time?

If I hadn't stopped it with absolute zero, it might be too late to ascend!

Are you trying to trick yourself into beheading me?

Why is this human's means all restraining bosons?

I saw that the silver armor extended upwards, even covering her neck!

Igor sneered and reminded Rhine, if Jiangnan was so easy to deal with, would I let him live until now?

"Stop the ink! Pull out the pillar for me, and there are other things to do here!"


I saw Gabriel sneer: "No one can save you this time! That bald man is not here!"

"Dark Mire!"

In an instant, the endless darkness stretched out, covering the 30,000-meter radius of the curse array!

One after another, **** hands were derived and grabbed towards everyone present!

As long as you are in the dark mire, you will be blocked!

"Blade of Judgment!"

In the void, two 30,000-meter-long knives phantom pierced out of the black light array and slashed down towards the Pillar of Absolute Spirit!

Lynx eyes full of anxiety: "Xiao Nan!"

Everyone's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and they said it was guarding, how to guard it!

Who can resist this thing?

Jiangnan is also anxiously turning around, looking around!

(?°? Benefit°?) "Hurry up! I have a trick!"

As he spoke, he picked up the half-dead Wu Liang, raised it above his head, and aimed at the blade of judgment that had been pierced!


"Get up! Look at my trick! Brother sacrifice to the sky! The mana is boundless!"

Lynx Zhong Yingxue and the others almost knelt down on the spot!

Does this work? In other words, is this the correct way to use Wu Liang?

As everyone knows, Jiangnan is also out of tricks!

Wu Liang's lucky time has not yet passed, and there is a high probability that he will not die!

If you want Wu Liang not to die, then there will inevitably be variables!

Take a gamble!

[The resentment value from Wu Liang +666! ]

Southern God! You are really my big brother!

And at this moment, a golden light from the horizon rushed over at an astonishing speed!

"I'll see who dares to touch my eldest brother! I'm here Odin!"

Rolling roars came from far in the sky!

Igor and Gabriel's eyes widened instantly, a shock, the dark quagmire and the blade of judgment all dissipated, and they exited far away in a flash!


If there is no accident, this fellow will definitely release a supernova, so be careful!

Just listening to the sound of "Boom", the beam of light fell, and Odin's figure slammed heavily on the ground, his eyes were cold!

And almost none of the eyes of everyone present were looking at Odin, and all their eyes were focused on Liu Mang. Odin came again?

Cooper and the thugs on the side said in unison:

"Don't be afraid! It's fake! It's an illusion created by that black coal ball!" ×2

Igor and Gabriel were both startled!

(???~??)??? Fake?

But this looks real, doesn't it?

Liu Mang: ? ? ?

Only to hear the mob sneer:

(?′?`) "Boy! How many times do you want to use the same method? Do you think you can fool us every time?"

Liu Mang's black question mark face: ?? ? ?

"Huh? Did I do it? I... why didn't I know when I was riding a horse?"

Odin: (??????)???? "I am an illusion? Are you blind?"

Rhine rolled his eyes: (??~???) "Hey hey hey! It's just a human being, as for scaring the two of you like this? Coward!"

Igor stared, you know shit!

"You...are you sure he's fake?"

The thug was speechless: ?(?'??')? "What's so uncertain about this?"

Then he looked at Liu Mang sarcastically:

(?°??°) "Act! Will you act again? Are all the best actors in the cast? Are you still using this trick to scare us?"

"You have to change someone anyway, how much respect do you have for us?"

He just walked up to Odin under the eyes of everyone so carelessly!

(# ̄?Д ̄?) "Aren't you going to be a supernova? Would you give me a try?"

While speaking, he raised his hand arrogantly and patted Odin's cheek, making a crisp "pop"!

Immediately after the shooting, the air was as silent as death, and everyone looked at Liu Mang again!

Liu Mang spread his hands and swallowed, saying that he didn't do anything!


The thug's forehead was sweating profusely, and he picked up a small stone from the ground and threw it on Odin's forehead!

(What? What????)??:?

The stone was bounced to the ground and rolled several times!

A dozen blue veins popped out of Odin's forehead:

(?Fuck dish?) "I'll give you a chance to die when I step on the horse!"

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