The moment he heard this voice, a ray of light rose in Jiang Ning's eyes!

Is it Mi Ye?

Did she come to help?

I saw that **** glow traversed the heavens and the earth, and smashed into the arena with an irresistible attitude!

The blood light filled the air, revealing the figure, it was Mi Ye who rushed all the way from the abyss of the Pacific Ocean!

Stepping on high heels like ruby, covered with blood-colored armor, the breath is suppressed and violent!

Like an undefeated queen who tramples the battlefield!

Aloof and dangerous!

Scarlet eyes looked around the audience, and his eyes fell on Carl!

"Is your name Karl?"

Carl raised his brows, and the impatience on his face was beyond words!

"It's really one after another who come to die! Another broken star? What's going on!"

Before he came, Igor said that there was only one star-breaking human being of the light system that needed to be solved by himself!

But after so long, the light element didn't see it, but two new broken stars jumped out?

Even if human beings ignited the fire left by Jiang Fan, the evolution would not be so fast, right?

Things have far exceeded their expectations!

But Carl is not worried, whatever! Just kill it!

Mi Ye's eyes were full of coldness: "Come to die? Sorry! This king is here to send you to die!"

"Blue Star does not welcome you, go back to your own territory!"

Xiao Chuihuo sneered: "Daughter-in-law Sun! Just in time, I chopped up this **** together with Lao Tzu!"

Mi Ye's breath suddenly stagnated, the blood on his body fluctuated violently, and the blood-colored mask fell, covering his red face!

(???﹏???) "Okay...Okay, Grandpa Xiao, it's just a few days after I broke through to supernatural, and I'm still unskilled in using domains! Just don't hold you back!"

Xiao Chuihuo laughed: "I just broke through! I'm not proficient, so I'm fine!"

Jiangning: ∑(°mouth°?)

What did Mi Ye just say? She...she has a domain too?

Hey Hey hey!

Make no mistake, domains aren't some shit!

Not everyone can have a broken star!

Why is it as cheap as the Chinese cabbage sold at the door of the market in your mouth?

Of the three known superhuman beings, all have their own domain!

Even Feiyan's scalp is numb!

How could low-level carbon-based humans, who are as humble as reptiles, comprehend the realm so easily?

Neither myself!

Even in the kingdom of heaven, only very few priests have domains, and they are all unattainable existences!

But human beings have just broken the stars? Why are they!

Feiyan is going crazy with jealousy!

Carl's eyes were full of anticipation: "I really want to see how much Blue Star can be sold for after being developed into a star market and human beings turned into slaves!"

"Jie Shi must be sure that the Blue Star Market must be popular under the stars, right?"

Mi Ye squinted: "Go on to your Spring and Autumn Dream! I hope you will laugh later!"

"The realm unfolds? The Crimson King!"

I saw Mi Ye spread his arms and looked up in contempt for Carl! Infinite crimson blooms behind him, fainting in the picture scroll of the sky!

The blood-colored crystal spider webs spread out under the feet, and blood awns bloomed on every spider silk!

And just at the moment when the crimson realm touched the end realm, a surprising scene happened!

The expanding spider web frantically absorbs the energy in the Territory, and seems to be pulling it away!

The spider web shines brighter!

Mi Ye's spider silk originally has the quality of absorbing energy, and this quality has been qualitatively changed in her crimson domain!

But everything on the spider web is the prey of my king!

Mi Ye has absolute control over it!


The crystal-clear spider silk slashed into the Territory Domain like a blade!

Everything along the way was chopped up, but it passed through the bodies of Carl and Constantine unsurprisingly!

Only Na Feiyan needs to open the guardian angel to avoid the defense!

Mi Ye snorted sullenly, obviously her attack methods are still routine!

For the time being, there is no way to cause damage to the boson!

Xiao Chuihuo's eyes were full of hideous eyes: "Help me! I'll come! Crush his breakthrough!"

Under the active guidance of Xiao Chuihuo, the Vulcan Realm, where the well water did not violate the river water, actually began to interweave and merge!

The blazing red and crimson on the sky are intertwined and merged, and they have begun to grow wildly!

Blood and fire are intertwined!

The Crimson Domain absorbs the power of the Territory to supply the Vulcan Domain!

And Vulcan Realm also helps Crimson Realm fight the extreme cold with its own fiery heat!

In this way, Vulcan Realm has a solid energy supply, and there is almost no need to consider the consumption problem!

The attack became more and more violent, and the meteor shower never stopped from the very beginning!

The eight flame blades are also like chopping dumplings, slashing wildly against the limit!

The smile on Carl's face gradually disappeared!

Did you make a mistake! This old guy has just broken through to beyond the realm of extraordinary comprehension!

How long has it been, and even the fusion of domains can be done?

"Breakthrough! Not skilled! 》

Just outrageous!

The power of domain and domain fusion is definitely greater than two!

Although I don't want to admit it, Carl does feel the pressure!

A hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes, and the corner of his eyes could not help but fall on Jiang Jing!

Just about to do something!

I saw Xiao Chuihuo's eyes bursting open!

"The Great Sun Furnace!"

The infinite flames condensed and condensed on the Vulcan Realm, forming a red fireball with a diameter of over 100,000 meters in a blink of an eye!

Even Mi Ye's face turned white!

sky! Grandpa Xiao's consumption of what the hell, he can't afford it anymore!

I saw the Great Yan Emperor holding the huge fireball like the sun with both hands, and with a roar, it blasted down towards the limit!

The extreme cold broke down everywhere, and the heat wave was shocking!

Carl: "Fuck!"


The infinite flames splashed out completely, and the limit was almost broken!

Even if you are far overseas, you can still see a giant fireball that destroys the sky and destroys the earth blooming on the land of China!

There was horror in Constantine's eyes!

What is this horse riding?

How do you feel that this old man is going to the level of the planet destroyer? Damn!

Feiyan was about to go crazy, and the angel guardian opened three full, trying to block the impact of the Great Sun Furnace!

But everything is carbonizing!

She was looking forward to carrying it over, and at this moment, several crystal spider silks hidden in the flames wrapped directly around Feiyan's waist!

The fierce pulling force came, and Feiyan was dragged by Mi Ye and rushed towards the crimson domain!

Shocked, she slashed the spider silk with the armor-piercing cross sword, but the slashing sparks went straight up, but she couldn't cut the spider silk!

Looking up again, he is already on the spider web of the crimson domain!

I saw Mi Ye's eyes were scarlet, looking at Feiyan as if he was looking at a prey that had been stuck by a cobweb!

Sticking out his tongue and licking his scarlet lips!

"Remember the previous duel on the moon? You beat me to defeat me! I will do my best, but I can't stop you from slashing!"

"But not now! Women are very vengeful creatures!"

"Now I'm just curious, how long can you last in my domain!"

Feiyan gritted his teeth, the battle angel turned on, and charged towards Mi Ye with his sword!

"Bitch! It's just that you have mastered the domain, what's there to be proud of? Give me death!"

However, after only two steps, countless spider silks shot from all directions and wrapped around her body.

Mi Ye walked towards her step by step, like a spider approaching its prey a little bit!

Every time the high heels land, they step on the rhythm of Feiyan's heartbeat!

Feiyan gritted his teeth: "Damn it! Divine Judgment!"

But the moment the light array was derived, it was destroyed by the crimson domain, and the sealing technique could not affect the domain!

"Sword of Holy Judgement! Holy..."

As soon as the giant sword phantom came out, it was shattered. She had no energy, and all the energy in her body was absorbed by the spider silk!

And Mi Ye walked right in front of her!

He raised his fist with force, and slammed it into her stomach, causing her to vomit blood!

Punch like a cannon! Punch after punch with ferocity!

"Don't you look down on low-level carbon-based life? But you are being beaten by me now! Powerless to resist!"

"Are you angry? Are you unwilling? You also feel a little bit, right?"

"It's no use! You're still going to die! I may not be able to hurt the boson! But I can kill you!"


Infinite flames swept through Feiyan's body, and her body was being carbonized by the high temperature!

Mi Ye snatched the Armored Cross Sword from her hand, it was reserved for Xiao Nan, he must like it!

Feiyan's eyes were full of anger: "Wait! You wait for me! I used it for the last time here! I must..."

Before he finished speaking, Feiyan's body was directly cut into pieces by the tightly bound spider silk!

The corpse is broken into thousands of pieces, but that's it!

Those who trample on life will also be trampled on their own lives!

And the blazing red flame just wanted to burn it to ashes, but saw that Feiyan's whole body had turned into golden flames!

Become a holy white egg in the endless starlight!

Not long after the shell was broken, it turned into an egg again...

Mi Ye's face is full of bad luck, the angel Nirvana is really disgusting!

Hmm~ But Xiao Nan, who has eggs or something, should like it a lot, right?

Carl's body slowly emerged from the void. Seeing that Feiyan, who came with him, had turned into an egg, his eyes were full of anger!

His expression was completely cold!

"I've run out of patience! You've **** me off! Humans!"

At this moment, Karl is holding the holy sword, and the space around him is distorted and shattered!

Xiao Chuihuo narrowed his eyes: "I'm only more angry than you!"

And at this moment, I saw a golden light coming from afar!

"Who stepped on a horse and called Carl! You're the only one who wants to kill me? I want to see! How capable you are!"

"The realm unfolds! The sun god? The corona!"

Carl's expression froze, and Odin, who had just rushed over, was full of surprise!

Isn't that what my sister-in-law said? Doesn't it mean that the old Vulcan can't hold it anymore?

The angels are all beaten into eggs. If it wasn't for Odin's good memory, he wouldn't even recognize where this is. The terrain has been destroyed beyond recognition! you really need to help yourself?

Jiang Ning's face was filled with excitement!

Three human transcendent realms, three realms!

Is Carl going to face a one-on-three situation?

Maybe it can really resist this wave, maybe?

Xiaonan's previous handwriting really came in handy, if Jiangnan didn't choose to distribute the ten-color creation particles to everyone!

Then this wave will only have Odin as an extraordinary, and it will be a mortal situation!

But now there are three, and although there is no news about Bai Kou, they are still inseparable!

In this way, I haven't lost yet, there is still a chance to struggle again!

Xiaonan's vision is absolutely incredible!

Carl leaned on his sword and his eyes were cold: "Three? It seems that you have to be a little more serious!"

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