Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1758: one person! a city! To answer everyone's expectations

The small leather whip protruded and poked directly into Li Xiang's body, and the rich life essence was passed on!

Its flattened lower body recovered madly!

Li Xiang's face was full of shock. He never thought that he could be rescued even if he was like this!

I saw Jiangnan stretched out a big hand towards Li Xiang!

Li Xiang's eyes were red, and the two of them clasped their hands together, and Jiang Nan pulled his body up!

But at this moment, Li Xiang's eyes were full of horror, and he said anxiously, "Behind you!"

But Jiangnan didn't even look back, the 300-meter air-splitting saw blade was condensed and formed, and slammed towards the beasts that rushed up behind him!


The saw blade slashed across the beasts directly, and the spirit beasts with a radius of several thousand meters were directly cut in half and cut into two pieces!

Li Xiang's pupils shrank, his face shocked!

Jiangnan... How strong is he now and how far he has grown!

It's even beyond my comprehension!

I saw Jiang Nan hoarsely said: "Take your wife and children to find a safe place to hide, and leave the rest to me!"

While speaking, he turned around and stepped forward, the blood-drinking halberd was pulled out by Jiangnan and held in his hand!

This kind of long-term war of attrition is obviously more suitable than blood-drinking halberds!

The halberd blade drew sparks on the asphalt road, and Jiang Nan's body slammed towards the flying earth monitor lizard!

Li Xiang turned around and hugged his wife and child, tears rolling in!

Tiantian's eyes were full of shock: "Then... who is that person?"

Li Xiang looked excited: "Jiangnan! It's Nanshen! My classmate used to be his monitor!"

Words with unabashed pride!

The grievances and grievances of the past, young and frivolous, have long since vanished under the tempering of time and society!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The black holes in the air were connected, and three thousand meters of breaches were pulled out, and infinite suction burst out from them!

A huge number of spirit beasts were directly involved in the dimensional cracks and disappeared!

A rare empty spot appeared in the black herd!

I saw Jiangnan roaring loudly: "Jiangcheng citizens! Protect yourself! Disasters are ahead, and people will conquer the sky!"

"Tomorrow's sun will still rise, do your best to live, and then bathe in the rising sun to meet the future! Can you hear it clearly!"

The rolling sound echoes in Jiangcheng, even on the battlefield where the war is raging, it is clear to the ear!

At this moment, everyone looked up at the sky and saw the tiny figures among the thousands of beasts!

It's Gangnam!

It's the God of the South!

In the next moment, everyone's face flushed with excitement, their eyes were full of excitement, and the suppressed fear and confusion in their hearts were all turned into roars and released!

The cheers of millions soared into the sky!

Even if everyone is still in crisis, even if they face the threat of thousands of beast tides!

Everyone is still cheering!

Because Jiangnan is back! His presence represents hope! future!

Because there is nothing in this world that Nanshen can't do!

Although it is only a figure, it is incomparably small, but it makes everyone's hearts calm down!

?(#??口??#)? "Ahhh! Nanshen! It's Nanshen! He is back to defend the city! We are saved!"

(??????)? "I said that we will not be abandoned. This is the hometown of Jiangnan, and he went out from here!"

(?˙?˙?) "Hahaha! I am the Great Southern God! I have bought his vigorous and leeks!"

?(ˊ口ˋ#)? "Go to the beast tide on horses! Nanshen will kill these beasts, come on, come on!"

At this moment, the people of Jiangcheng raised their arms and shouted. I don't know who shouted first, and the people began to shout loudly!

"South God! South God! South God!"

One wave is higher than another, and the scalp of the person listening is numb, and the blood is bursting!

At this moment, Chen Chen in the herd burst out laughing:

(#?????) "I'll say it! As long as you keep at it, there will always be a miracle!"

"It's a miracle that Nanshen rides a horse!"

Excited, Chen Chen pulled An Ning and took a few sips!

"I have made a deal with this female friend!"

An Ning also looked at the handsome back in the sky with admiration at the moment!

(???????) "So what! Is it too late to regret it now? This one is much more handsome than you!"

Chen Chen: ()?…

Su Rui covered her mouth with tears in her eyes!


What kind of power does Nanshen have, as soon as he arrives on the scene, he can rekindle hope for the people who are in a desperate situation?

Cheers, cheers!

He is now even less like a person, but a symbol, belief!

Even Liu Mang and the bobcats felt their scalps go numb when they heard the cheers from one wave after another!

This popularity is simply outrageous!

As everyone knows, the word Jiangnan has a special meaning to Jiangcheng, so there is no one who doesn't know him, okay?

Whenever Jiangnan appears on the news or on TV, the people of Jiangcheng can't help but smile!

Because he went out from Jiangcheng, he is the pride of every Jiangcheng people!

In the crowd, Aunt Zhou with white temples was already in tears!

Holding the hands of my elder sisters, their voices are shaking!

"Xiao Nan! It's Xiao Nan! He came back to defend the city and protect everyone! He rented my house for several years, and I watched him grow up!"

The words are full of pride, and my daughter must be fighting to protect everyone somewhere, right?

Even the spirit beasts are stunned. Are these humans crazy?

Are you still so happy to be eaten? What are you arguing about?

However, they have no idea what kind of existence they are about to face!

Jiangnan listened to the cheers from the waves higher than the waves, and his heart was agitated!

The blood is boiling, there seems to be infinite power surging in the body, and the whole person is burning!

one person! Defend a city!

What can't you do?

The most beautiful thing in life is being expected!

Then go ahead and do your best to respond to everyone's expectations!

Kill the beast tide! Defend Jiangcheng!

The six-hundred-meter air slashing sword took shape, and it slashed out with all its strength. I don't know how many spirit beasts fell like reaping wheat!

However, the current situation is still not optimistic!

A large number of citizens are concentrated in the city center, which means that the front line that needs to be defended is a 360-degree circle with no dead ends!

How big is a city center?

Even if Jiangnan's mobility is terrifying, one person can't take care of the whole city!

His eyes instantly fell on the Tong clan!

A grapefruit-level one-eyed species with a leading appearance immediately clasped his fists!

(#?) "Xiaoyou has seen the king of kings!"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

What the **** is Wang Zhongwang? How did the little walnut teach his subordinates?

He is the one-eyed king, so I will be the king of kings?

I saw that Jiangnan directly threw hundreds of barrels of energy!

"Don't worry about the energy problem! Go to guard the northern sector, don't let me go even a single spirit beast, bang hard!"

"Chen Chen is peaceful! Take your people and follow Team Meow! Go to the east sector!"

Chen Chen Anning's face flushed with excitement:

∠(`Ware′#) "Yes! Jiang Shangshuai!"

Lynx quickly said: "What about the remaining two sectors?"

Jiang Nan looked ruthless: "I am enough by myself!"

At this moment, everyone looked at Jiangnan in horror!

Does he want to keep a full half circle by himself?

Will this work?

But the lynx knows that Jiangnan will never be **** this kind of thing!

"Obey orders! Rush with me!"

Immediately, Jiangnan's gaze fell directly on Liu Mang!

"Bring me out the rogue army, go and play some slaughter, and bring me the golden armor all over the city!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a mountain of diamond durians suddenly appeared!

Liu Mang shivered and his eyes filled with terror!


You're a real scumbag, and you have a picture right now, okay?

You want me to become a rogue rabbit, you?

But I didn't dare to delay, endless colorful rays of light burst out, and I saw that the **** Liu Mang suddenly turned into hundreds!

One person rushed out with a pile of diamond durians and threw durians around the center of Jiangcheng City!

The stinking **** wind suddenly wafted out, so that a stinky defense line could be formed!

It makes it impossible for the spirit beasts to rush into the city center to kill, but it can't stop some spirit beasts that love to eat stinky!

But in general, something is better than nothing!

Defending the city is not a random kill, but also a plan and strategy!

Otherwise, no matter how many spirit beasts are killed, all the people will die.

Almost as soon as Jiangnan entered the field, the originally collapsed line of defense was formed again!

Hundreds of one-eyed species in the north drank vigorously and turned into devil muscle men!

The top of the head emits a dazzling light, and it is self-sufficient now, and energy is not a problem at all!

Star pupil cannon shot, stick to the northern line, while the eastern line has Lynx and the others!

At this moment, Jiangnan alone guards the entire semicircle of defense, and has used a spiritual link with Liu Mang to share his vision!

All the dynamics on the battlefield are clearly projected in Jiangnan's mind, and he is always in control of the situation!

I saw Jiangnan drinking blood in turn, it was really crazy!

The body is like a throbbing blood-colored lightning, flickering endlessly on half of the battlefield!

The space passed by collapsed into a black hole, and the two sky-splitting saw blades were connected to the void chain, and they were slashed by Jiangnan in circles and circles on the battlefield!

Nothing seems to stop the angle grinder from cutting!

But there are too many spirit beasts, Jiangnan has never seen so many spirit beasts in his life!

It seems that there are endless kills, and the defense line here is only Jiangnan alone, no matter how fast Jiangnan moves, he can't take care of everything!

At this moment, the earth suddenly lifted up, turning into two semicircles and madly pressing towards Jiangnan!


The ground suddenly closed and vibrated endlessly!

And Jiangnan has already been replaced, so there is no need to mention the fate of the spirit beast that was replaced!

I saw that the earth monitor lizard's eyes were scarlet, staring at Jiangnan with anger, and its huge body ran wildly here!

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes, his eyes full of murderous intent!

"Liu Mang! Block and code me, and remove it from everyone's sight!"

Liu Mang was startled, Nan Shen was going to…

I saw Jiang Nan directly took out the forgiveness hat and put it on his head, took off the hat and smashed the grass, and the movements were done in one go!

At this moment, Jiangnan has directly become the public enemy of all beasts!

Jiang Nan couldn't help licking his scarlet lips: "Daotian beast! It's much easier to kill than human Daotian!"

"Let me see what skills you have, whether it's enough to give Xiong Er another Taoist skill!"

Even if there is no Big Wolf Mie and Xue Xue by his side, he is still not afraid of the heavenly beast Jiangnan!

What about Daotian? Not killed!

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