Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1760: Battle of Kyoto! The eye of the sky opened in the east

Jiangnan defended the city on Jiangcheng's side, fighting off wave after wave of beast tides!

On the other hand, the battlefield in Huaxia Kyoto was unprecedentedly intense!

Because this is the strategic center of China, it is equivalent to the role of the brain!

Kyoto cannot be thrown away no matter what!

Too many important facilities are built here, even if the whole country is evacuated and transferred, Kyoto must be defended!

This is the place of belief and the root of China!

Since the evacuation news was issued from Kyoto, and the work efficiency is extremely fast!

From the outbreak of the spiritual disaster to the dawn of today, most of the over 20 million people in the city have completed the transfer!

Basically, they are stuffed into Jianshan Lingxu and Hot Pot Hot Spring Lingxu in Lingwu, Kyoto!

The defense line has experienced several collapses, and those outside the fifth ring have been lost!

Based on reinforced concrete city buildings, countless Lingwu sappers built a wall hundreds of meters high to stop the beast tide!

A large number of Lingwu troops are fighting outside!

Trucks transporting weapons and ammunition roared on the streets, and teams of Lingwu troops rushed out over the wall!

There were also wounded who were continuously carried back and sent to temporary field hospitals for treatment.

Hundreds of gunships in the air frantically fired stray bombs, hypersonic fighter jets whizzed past, and dropped powerful bombs on the beasts!

From time to time, helicopters are blown up by birds and spirit beasts, and there are also a large number of Lingwu troops stepping on flying sword skateboards to fight against spirit beasts in the sky!

The battle has been fought from dark to dawn, and it is not over yet, and it is getting more and more white-hot!

Kyoto not only has to resist the impact from all directions, but also dispatches various battlefields in the whole territory!

In the beginning, the situation was good, even if the communication optical cables and signal towers were damaged by the beast tide, and satellite communication could be used!

But gradually satellite communication became unavailable, and all satellites controlled by Huaxia lost contact!

Have no idea what's going on!

Communication was cut off, and China's major battlefields were suddenly isolated!

Kyoto can't send out news, and can't receive news!

It's like the brain is still there, but the central nervous network has been cut off, and you can't control your body at all!

If the wartime news cannot be transmitted in time, it is equivalent to being deaf and blind!

The situation suddenly reached the extreme!

In the beginning, Yang Jian could send fighter jets to send news to investigate the situation!

Few of the fighters that can be sent out can come back, after all, there are not a few spirit beasts with flying ability!

Yang Jian had no choice but to send the Shadow Thorn team and Nightingale to deliver orders. Since the start of the war, Nightingale's legs were almost broken!

But the efficiency is simply not enough. No matter how fast Nightingale is, can it take over the entire land of China?

The original extremely modern communication has been directly beaten back to the primitive era, and now it has to be legs and roaring to pass the news!

It's like some battlefields are in urgent need of support, while others have been transferred and empty!

Timely mobilizing people to support in the past can save a lot of people!

But now Yang Jian's eyes are smeared, he can't take care of it at all, and he doesn't even know the exact location of the Beast Martial Army and the Tong Clan mercenaries!

Now Yang Jian can only do everything he can to schedule, he is crazy busy!

But Mr. Di Ruidi took over the entire Kyoto battlefield!

When the satellite is gone, use the drone to take aerial photos, and the scene of the entire battlefield is projected on the big screen!

I saw Di Rui's face was sallow, his eyes were black, and his eyes were staring at the big screen!

"Girl Yuqing, the seventh team called Red Dragon, go to District 41 to support! The battle over there is urgent!"

"The defensive wall of the West Fifth Ring Road is broken, let the Class A engineer troops go to plug the leak!"

"Notify Zhao Dezhu to pull the beast tide at 5 o'clock! Wang Zong kills more fiercely! Liu Cuicui, put a treatment on the 17th district, and they can't hold on!"

"The beasts are coming to the west, let Ye Zhenguo and Li Kai go over and fight! Slow down and put in!"

Orders were issued in an orderly manner, and next to Di Rui was Zhou Yuqing!

After the communication was interrupted, Zhou Yuqing, as a rare brain wave spirit martial artist, was directly transferred into the command room to contact all parts of the battlefield!

Brainwaves send messages directly to everyone fighting on the battlefield!

The news was sent out by Zhou Yuqing without a word!

I saw her face pale, and a red nosebleed left, dripping to the ground!

She only has a platinum level, and it is already reluctant to cover the entire battlefield with brain waves. Coupled with the long-term high-intensity output, she has already been overloaded!

Di Rui's eyes filled with distress, but he still gritted his teeth: "Girl Yuqing! Hold on!"

He didn't tell Yuqing to rest, because once rested, the speed of order transmission will slow down!

War is extremely time-sensitive, even if it is half a beat slower, you don't know how much you will lose, it's all human life!

I saw Zhou Yuqing smiled warmly and shook her head: "It's okay, Grandpa Di, I can't play a big role, I'm already very happy if I can help!"

"Not tired! Not tired at all. You don't have to worry about me. There are so many soldiers out there who are working hard. What am I doing?"

"I... West! There's a large herd coming from the west! There's also a group from the south!"

Zhou Yuqing's voice also became hurried!

Di Rui looked ruthless: "Notify Longyuan Base! Activate missile silos 17-27!"

"Carpet bombing around Kyoto! Let the soldiers retreat to the defense line first!"

Zhou Yuqing was horrified: "Ah? Do you need 10? So many?"

She naturally knew what it was. The ICBM warheads were filled with non-radiation hydrogen bombs!

Di Rui narrowed his eyes and said, "If you don't need it, you won't even have a chance to use it! Give me a blast first and then talk about it!"

Zhou Yuqing did not dare to delay, and quickly conveyed the order!

In the military base, 10 missile wells were opened, and with a roar, ten ICBMs lifted off, and blazing flames erupted from the tail!

Bombed towards the beast hordes around Kyoto!

"Boom boom boom!"

The sky was dyed incandescent by the exploding radioactive hydrogen bomb, and the clouds were torn apart!

The earth trembled wildly, and the air waves that were set off slammed heavily on the defense line city wall!

That kind of shock made Zhou Yuqing think that his heart would explode!

With a wave of nuclear strike suppression, the Kyoto battlefield can be regarded as a breath of relief!

Di Rui's eyes turned to Yang Jian!

"Xiaojian! Haven't done it yet? Where's the news?"

Yang Jian's eyes were red: "Nightingale! Where's the potion? Can you get it back?"

A strong wind blew in the command room, Nightingale's legs soaked in sweat were trembling, and she was out of breath!

He shoved the potion into Yang Jian: "Brother Jian! The Ice God said not to overdose, otherwise your head will..."

I saw Yang Jian grabbed the blue potion, no matter how much, he directly plunged it down his neck into his aorta!

In the next instant, an incomparably manic throbbing rushed out of Yang Jian's body!


A mouthful of fresh blood was sprayed out by Yang Jian, blue veins burst out on his forehead, and his eyes were full of red blood!

Nightingale was anxious: (???﹏??)? "God! I can't use all of it! Sister Li Bing said..."

Yang Jian wiped his nosebleed, his eyes full of hideous eyes: "Ice God's things have always been so powerful!"

"Don't worry! I can't use all the doses she won't give me. She wants me to choose!"

"Brain domain overclocking!"

The next moment, all the glassware in the command room burst, and a heavy pressure bloomed from Yang Jian's mind!


With a loud explosion, Yang Jian actually broke through to Daotian on the spot after taking a needle!

Attracting endless spiritual energy gathered here crazily!

I saw Yang Jian's steel teeth clenched tightly, resisting the splitting headache!

"After being stuck at the peak of Xingyao for so long, it's time to say goodbye, just in time!"

"God's Eye! Open!"

The next moment, I saw Yang Jian's eyebrows and eyes suddenly opened, and a tear of blood flowed down his eyebrows!

The pupils are glazed and bloodshot all over the eyes!

"God's Eye! Open!"

Infinite divine light spewed out from Yang Jian's eyebrows and straight eyes, straight to the sky!

At this moment, a phantom shadow with a diameter of 10,000 meters appeared in the sky above Kyoto!

Everyone noticed the giant eye that opened that day!

Nightingale's face was shocked and her scalp was numb!

(??mouth??????) "So this is the real eye of the East?"

The eyes opened in the east! Staring at the battlefield, staring at every corner of China!

I saw the huge eye of God, the pupils turned extremely fast, frantically collected information from all over the place, and sent it back to Yang Jian's mind!

The whole of China is under Yang Jian's sight!

Since I cut off the communication of Lao Tzu, then Lao Tzu can see it with his own eyes!

After rising to Daotian, all of Yang Jian's spiritual skills have also undergone all-round evolution, plus the blessing of the Ice God Reagent!

Today's Yang Jian is barely able to stare at the land of China!

As a dispatcher, can I defeat Lao Tzu without communication? No way!

Even if you die, you have to do your duty!

At this moment, Yang Jian saw the tree of life in Luocheng, Jiangnan where Yu Jiangcheng smashed the corpse wall, and saw the beast army rushing to rescue the field in various cities!

Luo Jiaoyang took the Luo family's children to fight to the death in Kuncheng! Beiqiu guarded Ningcheng with the God Killing Curse Formation. Wang Dalei rushed to the next city like a madman, tearing a gap in the beast tide!

Too much too much…

The entire battlefield situation in China has a panoramic view, shocking, but heartbreaking!

With a huge amount of information processing in his mind, Yang Jian's nosebleeds kept dripping!

But tears are rolling in my eyes!

Through visual sharing, Yang Jian delivered dispatching messages one by one, issued orders, and reasonably allocated troops and manpower!

When Yang Jian's voice resounded in people's minds, the soldiers all shouted excitedly!

We have not been abandoned, Huaxia is still there, home! still!

Yang Jianqiang endured the severe pain as if his head was about to split, and his eyes were sore as if they were going to go blind!

He didn't want to close his eyes for a moment, he wanted to engrave all this scene in his mind! Remember!

"Go to war! This will not be a war that no one will witness! Your existence will not be overwhelmed, and all that you have done will not be forgotten!"

"I'm watching you right here! Witness this happening with my own eyes!"

"Spiritual disasters can't defeat Huaxia! Everyone is throwing their heads! Sprinkle their blood! Defend the homeland and protect the people!"

"Everyone is like this! Huaxia! Why lose!"

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