Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1768: disorderly chaos

Wu Liangxiong Er and his entourage embarked on a journey back to China under the shroud of the catastrophe!

No one realizes that this journey will be more difficult than the nine-nine-eighty-one hardships that Tang monks encountered in studying the scriptures in the west...

The first wave of the calamity is still going on!

Due to the successive recovery of the Great Wall in China, there are walls rising across the land of China, and the situation is much better!

But the war is still raging everywhere!

And Huaxia, which is the most prepared, is still like this, not to mention other countries!

The United States has been completely shrouded in the shadow of the beast tide!

Even if Vinnie had shrunk a large number of people into the Spirit Ruins, the God-killing Curse Formation was stuffed!

All the Lingwu troops in the country have entered a state of combat, and dozens of flying aircraft carriers are loaded with people and set sail to avoid spiritual disasters!

All kinds of methods have been used, but I still can't take care of the people of the whole country!

It's not that the United States doesn't care, but that it can't be managed. The rest can only save themselves and leave it to fate!

The complete paralysis of the communication system is the heaviest blow to each country!

And after Igor and the others placed the black barrier, Saint Star's action didn't end there!

How could they let go of such a good opportunity for a global calamity?

The sea **** Bruce, who suppressed the tsunami on the coastline, was killed on the spot by Gabriel who went to the United States, and a generation of sea gods fell!

Infinite sea beasts landed, and the prosperous metropolis was destroyed in one fell swoop!

Gabriel laughed recklessly and ran across the United States. As soon as he encountered the God-killing Curse Formation, he rushed over and broke the God-killing Curse Formation with the Blade of Judgment!

Watching a large number of people hiding in the formation be buried under the beast's mouth!

"What to hide? Under the calamity, the fittest survive! The weak should be eliminated. The existence of inferior commodities is just a waste of resources and is worthless!"

For Gabriel, this is more like a game, and Blue Star is just a hunting ground, an amusement park, a star market to be tamed!

What if the United States is angry again?

They were simply not able to contend with the existence of Gabriel!

After the fall of the sea **** Bruce one after another, after hiding Daotian Lightning Spit!

Gabriel was pulled by the Starcatcher Martin and Pierce, but in the face of such an existence, he could only run away!

Do your best to save your life and reduce the number of local casualties as much as possible!

His eyes were full of grief and anger, but there was nothing he could do!

Since the news was confirmed on Maerdao in the Hong Kong Country, Qianben Sakura has been using her supernatural powers to transfer people!

At this moment, I am exhausted, and my face is black and gray!


With a loud explosion, the Maerdao volcano erupted, hot magma spewed everywhere, and billowing black smoke rose into the sky!

Qianben Sakura was stunned, looking at the direction of Ma Erdao in a daze, tears welling in her eyes!

(#??????﹏???????) "Woo~ my house is gone!"

That is the place where Qianben Sakura grew up, all the junior high schools are here, it is a place full of memories!

But now it has been completely destroyed, and it only exists in the memory of the mind!

Liu Hua gently pulled Qianben Sakura's cuff, her eyes were red:

(???.) "Sakura sauce doesn't cry, everyone is transferred out, everything will be fine!"

I persuaded Qianben Sakura not to cry, but Liu Hua's tears flowed like a broken thread!

At this moment, the jade beads in the pocket suddenly shattered, Qianben Ying wiped away her tears and bit her teeth!

"Stay here and take care of yourself!"

Saying a teleport disappeared!

In the middle of the Rainbow Country, Miyazaki's 100-meter eight-headed snake spewed out a black magic breath, and it smashed into a ball with Duanmeiwei, destroying the surrounding terrain!

It's already a look of no support!

And Musashi, who was holding a steel knife, stared at Cooper, who was wrapped in death, with scarlet eyes!

(??'Yi?') "Bastard! Did you actually choose to be a dog for Saint Star? Are you still worthy of being a person?"

Cooper sneered: "Cooper? Cooper is dead! Lao Tzu is a mirage! Don't compare Lao Tzu with lowly humans!"

"I'll take you on your way!"

Infinite death energy is derived, covering the sky and the sun!

I saw Musashi's eyes were blood red, and he rushed into the rolling death aura with his sword and fearless death!

"Then see who dies first! Today you will be cut to the sword!"

"Ghost thorns!"

The extremely intense knife light pierced the sea of ​​dead air and directly inserted into Cooper's chest!

Between the dead air, the two of them were very close, and the corners of Cooper's lips moved slightly, and he didn't know what to say in Musashi's ear!

Musashi's pupils shrank, and then he laughed: "The messenger of **** is just like that!"

Duanmeiwei said anxiously: "Sir Mirage, stop playing, kill me and help me solve this!"

Cooper sneered: "But that's it? Is it? Then let you see the gap!"

The black death energy rose again, completely drowning the figures of the two, and from time to time, extremely strong sword lights rushed out, mixed with Musashi's roar!

After a while, Musashi's pale corpse fell from the sea of ​​death clouds and hit the ground heavily!

Many parts of the body have turned into putrid rotten flesh, and the breath of death is permeating, and there is no breath of life. Obviously, the dead can't die anymore!

He stared at him, his eyes full of unwillingness!

Even if he died, he didn't let go of the Tonggang knife in his hand!

But Qianben Sakura suddenly appeared, looking at Musashi's corpse falling from the sea of ​​death cloud, her eyes were full of grief and anger, and she bit her lower lip!

"Musashi! It's all my fault! I'm late!"

"Cooper, I don't think you're a good person for a long time, wait, wait for me, you!"

There was a smile on the corner of Cooper's mouth: "What? Do you want to taste death too?"

Miyazaki vomited blood, and his eyes were splitting: "Let's go! Didn't I tell you that once the jade beads were broken, you would leave? Why did you come back!"

"Let's go! Your life is far more useful than being here!"

Qian Ben Ying's eyes were full of determination: "How can I talk to your big sister? One day is my little brother, and my whole life is my little brother!"

"How could I leave you alone! The space is broken!"

Miyazaki:! !

Don't mention such a shameful thing at this time, right? Let me die quickly, okay?

Cooper looked ruthless: "It's good to come! Let me see what you can do!"

Infinite death energy filled the past, and after a while, Miyazaki, who was seriously injured by Qianben Sakura, rushed out of death energy!

The pretty face was pale, and it was obvious that the injury was not too light. Looking back at Musashi, who was already cold, his eyes were full of sadness!

Teleport without looking back!

Cooper's eyes are full of bad luck: (¬yi¬?) "Take a horse! The **** space department is as troublesome as the one named Jiangnan!"

Duan Meiwei also gritted her teeth for a while: "Killing at least one is not without gain!"

Then his eyes turned to the direction of Huaxia:

(??~.??) "Would you like to go shopping in Huaxia? Make it more lively there!"

Cooper frowned: "Master Carl is on Huaxia's side, it's enough for them, it's not something we need to worry about!"

"Wouldn't it be unnecessary for us to go again? What? You don't believe in the strength of Lord Karl?"

Duanmeiwei's breath was stagnant: "I... I don't have it, then it's better to transfer to the Eagle Country!"

Cooper smiled: "It's the same wherever you go, and you kill wherever you go!"

The two just disappeared in the sky over the Rainbow Country!

However, no one noticed that the hanging Musashi was lying on the ground, and no spirit beast approached, and even the scavenger spirit beast was also unwilling to approach!

In the Maple Leaf Country, the only Miao Bati is fighting with Rhine with a broken angle!

Relying on the atomic state? Selfless body, plus some props left over from the previous time with Jiangnan, it was only barely life-saving, and she was not sucked into the power!

But I can't handle the spiritual disaster that is raging in the Maple Leaf Country.

The Brahma Kingdom, which has no place in Daotian Town, has completely turned into a purgatory on earth, with countless casualties and collapse of order!

In the Snow Country, the blood has been stained all over the snow-white ice field, and the Eagle Country is not easy!

The fish country is slightly better, with Landis' technology blessing, Craig and Merlin are also strong!

The most important thing is that Leviathan, whose rank is at the peak of ten stars, can be regarded as the overlord of spirit beasts!

It has shocked many spirit beasts, and even brought many spirit beasts under his command. Compared with the situation in other countries, it is really not bad!

The magician led the Illuminati to save people everywhere, and Haitang built defenses while receiving the refugees!

Boss Pang is rich and powerful, as long as he doesn't encounter the attack of the holy star, there is a high probability that it will be fine!

The abyss that never sleeps is closed, and the Sun Island, the International Lingwu Alliance, is hosting many refugees from small countries!

President Quinn took care of himself and turned it into a patron saint to defend against the invasion of sea beasts!

And Freya, the goddess of life, packed her bags and set off from the moment the calamity erupted!

Walking on the blue star land, the shadow of the tree of life moves with her figure, showering endless light rain!

Save the wounded, save the life!

Wherever you pass, tender grass grows again on the broken mountains and rivers, full of greenery!

At this moment, she is really like the goddess of life, walking in a world full of calamities!

While saving lives, we are also spreading hope!

Originally, Igor brought Kaori to go for a walk in Goose Country, and he would know Bai Kou and make a mess!

But as soon as I arrived in Goose Country, I was about to find Bai Kou!

I saw a round of shining sun streak across the permafrost with an amazing gesture!

It exudes scorching high temperature, and the permafrost layer of permafrost that has not melted for thousands of years has boiled, and everything that has passed by has been wiped out!

Igor was stunned: =????(???????) "What's this riding horse? Where did the sun come from?"

The power is too scary, isn't it?

Is there such a thing on Bluestar?

Suddenly, he rubbed his eyes, as if he couldn't believe it!

Before the scorching sun, two transparent ghost-like figures jumped wildly!

Is it Lord Karl?

When Carl saw Igor coming, he was furious and cursed!

(?°?mouth°?) "Igor! You idiots! How did you get the information? Didn't you say there is only one broken star?"

"Do you call this one? Can you count? You ride a horse and wait for me! Wait for you! Let me see if I can't kill you!"

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