Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1778: Hope is never dashed

But now that Saint Star has discovered the existence of a psychic medium, and wants to take it for himself, in order to regain control of the power of the Creation Beast?

If Jiang Jing was originally from the Saint Star faction, how could it be lost? I've already used her to make a contract!

Is it possible to borrow this point...

Jiang Nan lowered his head and caressed Jiang Jing's cold nose, hehe smiled:

(?????) "Quietly~ Can't you remember what happened before? Do you have any powerful glasses in your family? Relatives are fine too? Ask them to come and help fight the Holy Star together!"

"They're all bad, bullying Sister Ning Ning!"

Jiang Jing's face was full of indignation: (??~??) "That's it! It's bad ~ wash them!"

"But Jingjing doesn't remember what happened before. It's been in the dollhouse since I can remember..."

Jiang Nan's mouth twitched, but also, when she first met Jiang Jing, this girl didn't even know how to wear clothes!

Purely wild, it is estimated that it was too young at that time to remember at all.

Relying on Jiang Jingyao's help, it seems that she is out of the game. She doesn't even know who her parents are, and whether they are alive or not!

Jiang Ning leaned on his chin: (?°??°) "This Creation Beast, I'm afraid it wasn't there when Saint Star first developed the Blue Star Market!"

"Otherwise, the spiritual market on the Blue Star wouldn't have reached this level, because the spiritual medium died, so I couldn't bring it back?"

"Hi~ The last psychic medium was killed by Jiang Fan, right? So every thousand years, the holy star will try to develop a blue star again, and won't let go, because the creation beast is still here? "

Everyone was stunned, is there any reason for this?

The reason why it only works once every thousand years is because there is enough spiritual market created by the creation beast during this time?

No wonder it happens once in a thousand years! Depend on!

Jiang Nan clicked his tongue: "Lan Xing has become the bird he is now, is there an inseparable relationship with that triangular fat man?"

"No matter what the reason is, Jiang Jing can't give the holy star, and he will get the creation holy beast and squeeze it hard!"

"This is a great opportunity for us to make a comeback?"

Once you have mastered the power of the creation beast, as long as the level reaches the ceiling of Daotian, you will be filled with creation particles one by one!

What Balder Batifreya or something, still have to line up to be extraordinary?

The confidence of human beings is not ordinary enough!

This news instantly sparked hope in everyone's hearts!

(??????) "By the way, where is the Creation Beast now? Hurry up and make an appointment with it?"

Mi Ye raised his hand: (?~?)? "The tenth floor of the abyss has already appeared, I have been there, and the Creation Beast is no longer there!"

Jiang Nan scratched his head again, this is not very easy to find, right?

Who knows where the triangular fat man went to create the world? Even the last time it was by chance!

"Hey, if you look for it slowly, you will find it. Don't be in a hurry. Anyway, it's quietly in our hands. Just protect her first!"

"Don't mention this, the little gift I prepared hasn't been delivered yet!"

As he spoke, he took out the small cup with the word "horn" written on it, and when he came to Jiangning, he was going to put a pestle on her head!

Jiang Ning: ? ? ?

Σ(?﹏??)? "You...what are you doing?"

Jiangnan Hehe Zhile:

(??.???) "They said they would arrange a horn for you. It must be very sad if the horn is cut off? Don't be afraid, I'll give you another one!"

"Don't worry, it's Rhea's, it's not dirty!"

Jiang Ning listened to a mouthful of old blood and almost spit it out, do you really want to give me an angle?

('?﹏?)? "This... can this work?"

What about Rhea's horns? Rhea was also killed by you?

Jiang Nan grinned: (?ˉ??ˉ?) "What's wrong with this? If you can pull it out, you can be safe, one eye will do, and the horns have hairy threads?"

While speaking, the small cup was directly buckled on Jiang Ning's left forehead, and the small cup shattered when the red light flickered!

And Jiang Ning's left forehead really has a glass horn!

I saw Jiang Ning's aura increased wildly, and the Bose particles in his body became denser at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The breath is no less than that of an adult upper clan boson!

Jiang Ning was dumbfounded, and touched his extra horn in disbelief!

(okouo*)? "Really...really installed? I'm a superior? My God! This..."

Jiang Nan didn't know what he saw, so he turned his head away suddenly, and one couldn't help but burst out laughing!


The eyes of everyone looking at Jiang Ning also became weird, and Xia Yao's shoulders were shaking!

Jiang Ning was confused: (??~??)? "Why are you all looking at me like this? Does it look weird?"

He hurriedly went to the stainless steel table next to him and looked in the mirror, his expression froze!


Jiang Ning's original broken horn was in the middle of his forehead, but Hou'an's horn was on the left side!

It's not asymmetrical at all, it looks extremely weird!

Jiang Ning's face turned dark: ()? "You gave me peace?"

[The resentment value from Jiangning +777! ]

Are horns important to the Bose family? This is the front door!

Now that I have two crooked angles, how can I go out to meet people?

Lost a glass!

Jiang Nan couldn't hold back his joy: ('?ж?) "Pfft~ This... This is not bad for me. Your original horn is in the middle, why is the other one crooked?"

"I can't stand upright! Wouldn't it be a rhino?

Jiang Ning's expression of resentment:

(??ˇ~ˇ?) "I don't care! Move it for me, it's so ugly, okay?"

Jiang Nan comforted: (????)? "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, when I get a new horn, I'll put another one on the right for you, so that the three horns will be symmetrical!"

Jiang Ning: ? ? ?

(*?mouth?) "Two are not enough? Do you want to give me a third one? Wouldn't that be a creation beast?"

Jiangnan waved his hand:

(︶.?︶?)? "What are three? As long as there are enough bosons! I'll give you a round, and the horns and crowns will be arranged for you!"

Jiang Ning's eyelids twitched when he made up his mind automatically, how ugly is that? Speaking of which, can you really put so many up there?

(?`~′?) "I don't care! made me symmetrical, otherwise I don't want this one!"

Jiang Ning pouted rare, Boson has an inexplicable obsession with horns!

It's like a girl can't accept that she has two taels of flesh on the left and the middle, but the right side is not the same!

Jiang Nan, who couldn't be beaten, had no choice but to go up and take a lot of effort to pull out Jiang Ning's original horn and move it to the left!

It's stunned to be symmetrical!

Jiang Ning was also horrified, what kind of black technology is this small cupping pot?

Can the angles of the boson be safe? Two lower group glasses make one upper group glass?

If the Bose family knows about this, they don't know what a terrifying uproar it will cause!

Until now, Jiang Ning still can't believe that he has become a family like this? Power surge!

Xiao Chuihuo smiled gratified: "In this way, Jiang Ning can also deal with the bosons of the upper clan, and the human heritage has been enhanced by a point!"

"It's just that bosons are really difficult to deal with. Except for the space system, there are too few means for humans to deal with them!"

"If a large number of bosons come over again, the situation for human beings will be extremely difficult!"

Jiang Ning frowned: "Don't worry about this. With the agreement of all races, Shengxing dare not be too blatant!"

"But Carl came here, and he was so daring that he released the beacon star palace, plus the matter of the psychic!"

"I'm really not sure if Sacred Star will do any more crazy things!"

In fact, the means by which humans can restrain bosons today are extremely limited, except for the space system!

Or the attack of plasma, fermions, bosons, quantum states!

But after all, there are only a very small number of people who master this method, just like Mi Ye, even if it is extraordinary, it will still suffer from bosons!

Not to mention the killing thing!

Odin smacked his lips and said, "The eldest brother's God-killing sword is easy to use, but is it the only one?"

Jiang Ning nodded: "Is the universe crystal source? It's just that the number of crystal sources is too rare, and the star map is made of this kind of material, but it can't destroy the star map, and it's useful to keep it..."

Jiang Nan didn't say anything, but silently opened the Alien Space and brought out an excavator from inside!

In the horrified eyes of everyone, a piece of virtual nail entirely cast by Universal Crystal Source was pulled out from the excavator oil tank!

(???w???)? "It's this thing, right? I heard it's very rare?"

Everyone petrified on the spot!

This horse riding? What kind of stuff is in the other dimension in Jiangnan?

By the way, why did you hide it in the excavator oil tank?

Excavators alone are already very abnormal, okay?

Odin covered his face: ('-Yi-`(ヾ) "Sure enough, it's in the hands of the good eldest brother, and this black cauldron is still on my back. You're really embarrassing, don't you blink?"

Jiangnan smirked: (???) "It's hard work for those who are capable!"

It doesn't take much material to build a God-killing sword. With this chain, I don't know how many God-killing swords can be made!

And the virtual nails can grow!

Jiang Ning hid all the way, but was also very excited: "I forgot about this, so that a large number of Universal Crystal Origin weapons can be created!"

"To match the top powerhouses of mankind, even if Jie Shi encounters a boson, he will not be completely passively beaten!"

"It's just that this universe crystal source is hard, I'm afraid it's not easy to build!"

Odin has a deep understanding. After all, he attacked with all his strength back then, without even leaving a mark!

"You don't need to build it? A single-wheeled hoop is also lethal? Let the good eldest brother knock it with a pony, and divide it!"

"It's just a bit of a waste of material!"

Xiao Chuihuo frowned: (???д??)???? "It's very hard? I see how hard it is?"

I saw Xiao Chuihuo grabbing a link of the iron chain at will, and a blazing red flame burst out from his hand!

What is shocking is that even though the temperature of the flame has surpassed the core of the sun, everyone still does not feel the slightest burning sensation!

Both Odin and Mi Ye have numb scalps. What level of power control is this?

The old Vulcan's technique is becoming more and more incomprehensible, and only when he understands it can he become more aware of how terrible Xiao Chuonghuo is!

This guy is getting stronger all the time, how long has he just been supernatural?

Zhong Yingxue also widened her eyes, blazing red?

How could it be this color?

Zhong Yingxue thought that the incandescent color was already the limit, but is there still more?

How terrifying is Grandpa Xiao's plasma flame!

She originally thought that she was catching up a little bit, but she thought that she was still at the foot of the mountain, and Xiao Chuhuihuo was still at the top of the mountain!

I saw that under the red flame, the chain ring began to melt gradually, and finally melted directly!

Xiao Chuihuo raised his eyebrows: ?(??д??) "It's not too hard? It can still be melted..."

Jiang Ning: ? ? ?

Fusing the Universal Crystal Source with your bare hands? As expected of a pervert who can cut the corners of a boson with a knife!

Odin: ()?…

Was it not long after I entered Transcendence, was I caught in the back?

Jiang Nan laughed loudly: "Grandpa Xiao's bullshit, in this way, we can re-forge the virtual nails and create the God-killing martial arts in batches!"

Xiao Chuihuo grinned: "I'm not familiar with weapon building, leave it to Liu Qiutian, he still has two brushes, I'll just cooperate with it when I'm in the middle of it!"

In this way, the virtual nails can also come in handy!

Yang Jian looked a little excited. As long as everyone is there and dares to think and act, there is no problem that cannot be solved!

Even in the face of the current situation, human beings still have hope! As long as you don't give up, you haven't lost yet!

The rest is to fight to the end!

"Okay! Then come here first, I will work out the transfer items of the Spark Project as soon as possible!"

"It's getting late, everyone, let's go back and rest first. From the beginning of the global spiritual disaster to the present, the iron body can't bear it!"

"The catastrophe has come, and human civilization has traveled to this day, and it has reached the pass of life and death! If you can't survive it, you will fall into the abyss forever, and you will never recover! But if you survive it, it will be a prosperous world, Chang'an, and it will be extremely bright under the stars!"

"New Year's Day today! Be happy! A new year is also a new starting point, and this has just begun! Hope has never been dashed!"

Everyone was stunned, and their expressions were a little dazed, yes!

Today is New Year's Eve. On weekdays, everyone is eating reunion dinner, watching fireworks, and watching the Spring Festival Gala.

Now everyone is gathered here to discuss the future of human beings together.

The last time I remember clearly was the New Year's Eve dinner with Zhong Yingxue, Xia Yao and the others at the Pioneer Academy.

Thirty nights after dinner, I went to the Metropolis with the Bobcats for a mission!

Has it been so long?

After the meeting, everyone went to their own business!

And the big idler Jiangnan ran to the brick stack of the Great Wall beacon tower by himself!

Supporting the body with both hands, sitting on it freely and dangling jiojio~

Looking at the sunset in the distance, there is a blood-like crimson on the horizon, and the sunset casts a long shadow on the broken city, like a beautiful silhouette, bleak and lonely!

Jiangnan hummed a song unconsciously, watching the sun sink, watching the beasts in the distance, and listening to the roar of the beasts that cut through the light!

(???~??) "Hmm~ I don't have the taste of the new year. It's time to put off fireworks at night, and eat dumplings, right? You have to put money in the dumplings~ You can make a fortune next year when you eat the money!"

Liu Mang rolled his black eyes: ● "What time is it? Are you still thinking about eating dumplings? In this case, it would be nice to have food to eat!"

A shock in the south of the Yangtze River:

!!!∑(°Д°ノ)ノ "Fuck! Can you stop jumping out of your horse when you are riding a horse?"

I saw that Liu Mang, who was almost blending into the night, was leaning against the brick stack of the walkway at some point. Although he couldn't see his expression clearly, he was most likely sighing with emotion!

Jiangnan looked at the troops guarding the city and the busy people in Kyoto, his eyes gradually lit up!

(?°???°)? "Hey hey~ Do you want to eat dumplings?"

Liu Mang: ? ? ?

● "Bullshit! Who doesn't want to eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year? The stuffed celery and pork stuffed by my mother is absolutely amazing!"

Jiang Nan grinned, grabbed Liu Mang, jumped up, and rushed outside the city that seemed like a barbaric wilderness!

?(??????)?●"Go! Brother take you to eat dumplings!"

Liu Mang was stunned: "What are you doing? Are you really going to find my mother? I don't even know my mother, so she won't bring me dumplings to eat?"

In the dark, Jiang Nan ran out with Liu Mang!


Happy Chinese New Year, my friends, Qingfeng is here to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Tigers are strong!


In the blink of an eye, it's been two years with you all.

Just as Brother Jian said, a new year, a new beginning, and I hope that in the new year, my friends can always accompany Qingfeng and go on vigorously!

In fact, during the Chinese New Year, Qingfeng didn't want to write something heavy, how happy he was.

But the plot is here, and Qingfeng can't help it, and I don't think this is a bad thing.

Human beings have not been defeated by disasters, but have rekindled hope in suffering, face it positively, and embrace the future!

Hope is never shattered, and the future is always worth looking forward to, right? The same is true in reality!

(???) Hey, guess what the Southern God Liu Mang did?

Also...what kind of stuffing are the dumplings you eat? Do you have any money? Not delicious?

?(o﹃o?) Chilling~

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