Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1785: All grumpy old man?

Jiangnan really felt the fiery heart of Grumpy Snow!

This is more than hot, this special cat is hot!

Sugar tangerine or something is also great, right?

Since you can't resist, then enjoy the devastation of the violent snow on yourself, okay?

Just when Jiangnan wants to climb the peak bravely and take the next step!

The wall of the whole room was directly smashed, and a yellow flash rushed in with lightning speed!

─=≡Σ((((つ?? dish??) つ "Look at my wolf-killing missile!"

A sledgehammer slammed into Jiang Nan's stomach!

Hearing the sound of "Powwow", Jiang Nan's whole body was spun and flew out, his eyes bursting!

Even the violent snow was a little caught off guard, so he couldn't help licking his lips, as if recalling the feeling just now!

I saw that Xia Yao was completely half-beast at this moment, completely blown up!

The originally supple and gorgeous silver wolf fur has completely turned orange-yellow, dragging a fluffy yellow wolf tail!

There are black money spots on his body, and his pretty face is full of rage!

(??? dish??)? "Xiao Nan! How did I tell you before? Why did it turn so yellow! What the **** are the money spots on my body!"

Jiang Nan just grabbed his stomach and got up, but he burst out laughing when he saw the big wolf disappearing!

('?ж?)σ "Yellow... weasel? Pfft~"

Xia Yao: ! !

(¥?? ​​dish??) "Laugh! Are you too embarrassed to laugh? My silver hair is my last stubbornness!"

"Ben Lang Shui is not only yellow now! It's also very violent!"

I saw Xia Yao's wolf pounce on Jiang Nan's body, and a crazy claw attacked Jiang Nan's face!

At that time, it was scratched into a big face, and even Jitian Yunxuan was released in order to prevent Jiangnan from escaping!

Jiang Nan covered his face and struggled frantically:

(?) Mouth (ヾ) "Don't wow! I was wrong, I... I didn't know it would become so yellow?"

Xia Yao flicked her wolf tail lightly, with a wicked smile on her face:

(?????) "Oh Huo? Is it? You say no, but your body is honest!"

Jiangnan: ! !

Don't move around, you, this posture is very bad now?

() "This... this is force majeure!"

Xia Yao licked her lips:

(????) "This wolf extermination will let you see how yellow I am now! The root of your disease is determined today!"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

(?????????) "Please let me know!"

I saw Xia Yao raised her hand to pick up Jiangnan like a chick, and she was about to go back!

But at this moment, Bumpy Snow raised his hand and grabbed Xia Yao's wrist!

(?°?д°?) "Hey~ woman! Don't you know that you're bad for me?"

"I'm so unhappy right now!"

Xia Yao's lightning-like gaze immediately locked on Zhong Yingxue's face, but her eyes were full of arrogance!

(? ̄?д ̄?) "Oh? What's the unhappy thing about? Tell me to make Ben Langshui happy?"

"I'm still on fire in my heart. Are you in a good mood or not? It's about the wolf and the birds? Let go!"

Grumpy Snow raised his eyebrows: (??ˇ?ˇ?) "You are brave, you? Let go of him! I caught him first!"

Jiang Nan has an excited expression on his face!


ah la la? quarreling? Will Xuexuelang Extinguisher quarrel? This is really the first time the bride is on the sedan chair?

So I took out the popcorn and ate it with bright eyes next to it!

Xia Lang Mie refused to accept:

(??? dish??) "You caught it first? He is clearly in my hands. Are all 10 eyes on your body used to vent your anger? Which eye sees you caught it first?"

"He's clearly my prey!

Jiangnan: ∑(°mouth°?)

Is there... one with ten eyes? Why so many?

How does this count?

Zhong Yingxue glanced at Jiang Nan and sneered:

(乛~乛?) "Humph! It's really a big bird! There are all kinds of woods!"

Jiangnan: (??ε???) Pow wow~

Does Xue Xue say so? I didn't know that before?

The content of the two of you quarreling is too violent, right?

Uh~ so can I take it as a compliment?

"Bah! Who are you calling Lin Zi?"

"What's wrong with you? Do you have an opinion? Don't accept it!"

"I fought for you!"

I saw that the two of them directly interlocked and pushed their fingers together, their corners exerted their strength, and their pretty faces were full of irritability!

Jiangnan quickly pulls the left and pulls the right!

Σ(?Д?;≡;?д?) "Don't fight anymore, you two don't fight anymore, you can't kill people like this!"

"Shut up" × 2

Jiangnan: ('?~?`) Oh~

But before Jiangnan could appreciate the scene of Xue Xue Lang's annihilation, three sparkling spider silks shot, directly tying Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao into a zongzi!

Jiang Nan was also **** by Wu Hua Da, and his heart came to his throat!

Spider silk?

Shouldn't it be!

I saw Mi Ye, who was dressed in yellow, had blue veins on his forehead and a proud face!

Go straight to Jiangnan, and look down at Jiangnan with a contemptuous attitude!

(?°?~°??) "Have you figured out how to compensate this king? My little princess?"

Jiangnan: (??﹏???)

"I haven't thought about it yet, can you allow me to think about three or five hundred years?"

Mi Ye squinted: (? ̄?~ ̄?) "Oh? Haven't thought about it yet? Would you like this king to give you some advice?"

"Let's start by kissing this king's toes!"

Jiangnan: Σ?(??mouth???)?!!!

stimulate ~

While talking, he stretched out his little foot and handed it to Jiang Nan!

But the tied Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao quit!

Huang Piyao: (?`~'?) "What's so great about the queen? There's a kind of one-on-one fight? I thought I was afraid of you? Ooooooooooooooooooooo~"

Bumpy Snow: (??ˇ~ˇ?) "You should ask Dak Ning to treat athlete's foot? What to ask Xiao Nan to lick for you? Is it for cross infection? This woman is really evil!"

"Huh? Say it again?"

Jiangnan: (?)﹏(ヾ)

Don't you all have to be so irritable? Is the power on fire so great?

Fighting against the air?

Really low-key life, high-profile work!

Fortunately, the yellowing of the sugar orange is not as domineering as the dragon biscuit.

Otherwise it's really hard to do!

Hearing the sound of "Boom", as if there was an earthquake, several tents in the tent area were directly knocked down with one punch!

The angry voice of the lynx came:

(??? dish??)? "What is the noise in the middle of the night? It's annoying, don't you know?"

Apparently the lynx has also become cranky!

At this moment, I only heard a burst of scolding!

"Yo? You're still excited, aren't you? If you don't agree, let's do it for a while?"

"Just do it? Who are you afraid of sleeping? Hey, what are you doing looking at me on a horse?"

"Just looking at you? Just give it a try if you don't agree!"

"Try and die! If I will dry your skull into a flip, I will eat the heel skin raw!"

In the blink of an eye, the whole camp became lively, and the list of grievances in Jiangnan kept refreshing!

There was a loud bang outside, and everyone was irritable, old man, no one would obey anyone!

In the room, Qianben Sakura hoodie was shivering under the covers!


My God, is there such a New Year's atmosphere here in China?

Could it be a little more lively at night?

Since this product has eaten too much sugar orange, the action time has not passed at all, and now there is no sign of yellowing at all!

Another area of ​​the camp!

Odin woke up in a daze and ran to the bathroom to withdraw, apparently woken up by the sound outside!

(????~????) "What are you doing? Are you making a fuss? You need to clean up every one of them?"

At this moment, I saw Xiao Chuhuhuo wandering into the bathroom!

The eyes of the two were intertwined in the air, and then they both became terrified!


"Fuck! Your complexion is a little sallow?"

"Where are you going on a horse?"

The two of them looked at their own bodies, and their faces became even more yellow!

I'm afraid it's the evil of Jiangnan again!

[The resentment value from Odin +777! ]

[The resentment value from Xiao Chuihuo +1001! ]

While speaking, Xiao Chuhuo also came to the pool to pose!

Odin tilted his head and glanced, and smiled contemptuously!


Xiao Chuihuo stared: (??へ???) "Why are you laughing at the horse? What are you looking at me? Haven't seen it before?"

Odin said proudly: (︶.?︶*) "It's nothing, just thinking about your age, I'm afraid it's very difficult, right? The pipeline is aging, frequent urination, urgent urination and so on!"

"It's not easy to think about it!"

Xiao Chuihuo's forehead burst into blue veins:

(?°?yi°??) "Fuck you stinky fart! I eat it, it's fragrant, and my body is much better!"

"Ordinary young people can't keep up with Lao Tzu's strength!"

Since taking the fragrance beads, the aging of the pipeline has gone away!

Odin sneered: (What д what?) "You can pull it down, but you still don't accept the old? Can the young be compared to the young?"

While speaking, he opened the gate to release the water, but the next second his expression froze directly, his face full of horror!


Xiao Chuihuo's face was full of teasing:

(????) "Ha! Young man? Is your color like orange juice? Not much better, right?"

"Is the fire a little big?"

Odin couldn't hold his face: "Bah! Orange juice is a ghost, would you like to fill you up with a glass? Taste the sweetness?"

"Don't worry! I don't have diabetes, and the sugar content is not too high!"

Xiao Chuihuo was furious: "I'm afraid you don't know who the master is!"

"Look at Lao Tzu bringing you a cup of oolong tea to refresh you!"

During the conversation, the gate was finally opened!

In the next moment, an extremely intense flame rushed out, and the firepower was so great that the urinal was instantly melted!


It turned into a raging fire, which filled the entire bathroom in an instant!

The eyebrows, hair and clothes of Odin next to him were burned!

The startled Odin hurriedly slapped with his hands, and it was too late to collect the magical powers!

(?? dish?)? "Hey, I'll be beep! You're really angry! You're smoking gasoline, right? No. 98?"

"Even my lord of light dares to slap it? You are floating? Believe it or not I **** you?"

Where is Xiao Chuhuo's old face still hanging? It doesn't matter if this special person turns yellow, why is he still breathing fire?

I have lived for more than ninety years, and this is the first time I have seen this!

"Fuck me? You are really picking up a lantern in the middle of the night, courting death?"

"The Lord of Light is a fart, I will roast you!"


A blazing red fire, wrapped in a golden light, blew up the entire camp!

He rushed out of Kyoto City diagonally, and soon the night was dyed incandescent by the light, and the earth shook wildly!

Apparently pinched!

Yang Jian sat in the office, leaning on his chin, feeling the vibration of the earth, the dust falling from the ceiling, his eyes full of helplessness!


really! Where there is Jiangnan, it is impossible to stop!

I somewhat understand how Uncle Xiao felt back then!

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