Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1792: Doesn't feel like a lot of money?

In fact, Li Mingshan can use quite a lot of methods as the ceiling of the space system for the extraordinary like Bai Kou!

As soon as Constantine was caught, he didn't even want to fight, and then he thought of that extremely ambiguous operation...

Jiangnan gave a wry smile!

He kept saying that human beings have no chance to face all races, the gap is too big, it is just a meaningless struggle, and the person who knows the current affairs is the hero.

But always reluctant to give up, stand in his position, do everything he can do...

Even if it doesn't help much, even if it doesn't help, he's still taking the risk...

Including lying on the pyramid to bask in the sun, is it because we are afraid that we will not find any problems?

Jiang Nan murmured: "How vast is the outside world, and what kind of situation is the city of a thousand stars..."

"How strong is Wanzu, I really want to see it with my own eyes!"

At this moment, Jiang Nan looked up at the sky, the scorching sun was dazzling, he just stretched out his hand and grabbed it, as if he wanted to hold the sun in his hand.

The seeds that have long been planted in my heart are taking root and sprouting uncontrollably!

Ten thousand races in the starry sky, the city of a thousand stars, that is a stage for ten thousand races, but now there is no place for human beings!

If we say that every galaxy is an island of starlight, then the city of a thousand stars is the bridges erected in the vast cosmic space, linking the islands together!

It's a pity that Blue Star has never owned this bridge!

Jiangnan really wanted to see what kind of world Li Mingshan saw!

It's a lot of information!

Even if Jiang Nan has never seen Jiang Fan, he is not in the same era as him, just in later generations, by following his trajectory, he can deeply feel his power!

After more than three thousand years, this world, this starry sky still remembers his name!

And the existence of such an amazing talent like him still failed to make changes!

After leaving a paragraph on the Moon Heart Monument, I decided to go to the starry sky...

If you want to make a change, do you have to surpass your ancestors, or even surpass Jiang Fan?

Become the one who can withstand the pressure of all races and carry the banner of the human race!

Jiangnan couldn't help but raise doubts in his heart!

Can you really do it yourself?

Jiangnan never thought that he was the destined person. He was just a stallholder with little ambition. He liked small money and beautiful girls. I hope everyone around him is well and happy!

But moving forward to this day, too many can't help themselves, and they carry too many people's expectations!

Maybe... I should try a little bit in that direction, right?

What if you can do it yourself?

"It's never been destined, some are just what everyone expects? When you come this far, if it's your word, then it's you..."

"You can't let everyone down~"

Bai Kou looked at Jiang Nan quietly, and couldn't hear what he was saying, but she could feel that Jiang Nan's momentum had changed again.

She vaguely remembered that when she first met Jiangnan, he was wild and unrestrained, and every time she met, she felt like a brand new Jiangnan.

This southerner is being oppressed by the general trend, tempered by war, changing with the times, and growing and changing rapidly in battles again and again!

The current Jiangnan, mature and stable, dares to think and do, seems to have nothing to defeat it, the thin body seems to contain infinite energy!

Just thinking about it is reassuring.

In this era, maybe one day sooner or later, it will belong to Jiangnan?

It's the clothes of this Teletubbies that make people a bit out of it!

Qianben Sakura: (??°д?°) "Hey hey hey! What the **** are you standing there looking at?"

"Do you want these metal towers? I'll take them away if you don't!"

The tower will be demolished while talking!

Jiang Nan stared, and a big fly kicked over, kicking Qianben Ying aside!

─=≡Σ((((つ??~??)つ "Go, go! My! Who said no? I'm going to pack all these!"

Crazy demolishing towers while talking, stuffing them into their own alien dimension!

These are all extraterrestrial technologies, and if you go back to research and study, you may be able to use them.

Even the broken metal towers in Jiangnan were not spared, and the metal fragments that fell on the ground were picked up and taken away!

Crazy scrubbing, geese plucking hairs, no grass grows!

Bai Kou's mouth twitched!

(?﹏??)have to! forget it!

In a blink of an eye, Jiangnan ransacked all the metal towers in his pocket!

Although the stealth time has passed, the aging of the low-key sugar orange has not passed!

I saw Jiang Nan leaning on his chin, looking annoyed:

(??????) "I don't think the harvest is very big? Such a big action, dispatching four extraordinary figures, only to harvest such a little treasure!"

"Why do you think it's such a loss?"

Bai Kou almost didn't spit out a mouthful of the smoothie, you call it a loss!

The black barrier was knocked down, and a Broken Meiwei was caught, a bosom of the upper race. Has he overfulfilled the mission?

Everyone's dens let you beat them up!

Qianben Sakura looked at Jiangnan's mouth and nodded:

(????) "It's a little bit~ I don't feel like I'm doing much, and I'm not very happy!"

(??????) "That's right?"

Bai Kou: (?_?)

When you two chat, do you also kick the sack? It's really not idle for half an hour!

I saw that Jiang Nan and Qianben Ying didn't stop at all on their legs, and they each caught a sack and kicked it with great force!

Constantine and Broken Meiwei could only be beaten, and their mentality collapsed for a while!

Jiangnan's eyes suddenly brightened:

(??????.????)? "After stealing the black barrier, let's go steal the Beacon Star Palace!"

"Anyway, Grandpa Xiao and the others are still fighting. The black barrier here is broken. Carl must have noticed it, thinking that the main purpose of our operation is the black barrier!"

"Let's take the opportunity to steal another wave of star palaces. He specified that he can't think of it, it's perfect!"

Qianben Sakura, who was still in a turbulent period, certainly didn't think it was a big deal: "Yes, yes! I think you are right at all!"

Bai Kou: ∑(°mouth°?)

Are these two crazy? After stealing the black barrier, I feel unsatisfied, and I want to steal the Beacon Star Palace again? That's people's nest!

"Does the Beacon Star Palace have a protective cover? Transcendent can't break through, are you sure?"

Jiang Nan patted his chest: (?ˇ?ˇ?) "I have the most experience in breaking the protective shield or something. If you try it, you will know it? Let's go!"

While talking, he added a low-key sugar orange to himself, and put on a set of Teletubbies clothes on his body!

Incarnate Jiang Fathong!

At the same time, Bai Kou and Qianben Sakura also arranged sugar orange and invisibility cloaks!

Now the soundtrack is finally in sync!

I saw Jiang Nan and Qianben Ying carrying a dumb sack with people on their backs, pulling Bai Kou and rushing straight towards the Beacon Star Palace in the polar ice plain!

Jiang Nan's heart is full of excitement, if he can really go in, it will be Ness!

I don't know what babies are in there!

No matter what you say, you have to grab the Beacon Star Palace, and the War Fortress is so handsome, isn't it?

And at the same time, I also thought about the warp bubble!

As soon as he saw it, he was a star, and the skill slot was always empty.

Jiangnan has been thinking several times before, whether to **** the spiritual beads of the dimensional earthworm, and add another spiritual skill, and his strength will greatly increase!

But it is hard to resist the temptation of the warp bubble, but this time is too busy, I have been running around for the global spiritual disaster, and I have no time to do it!

Back then, Li Mingshan also tried to get the warp speed bubble several times. After all, he was full of spiritual skills.

Now Li Mingshan mentions it again!

Whether it is to improve strength, or to pave the way for the future!

Do warp bubbles have to be obtained?

It seems that I really need to find some time to get the loach!

Jiangnan hurried away towards the Beacon Star Palace while thinking about it!

And when the black barrier is broken, Blue Star's response is not synchronous!

Energy subsidence also requires a process!

As for the polar ice sheet, it has already gone crazy, and the glaciers have all melted!

I don't know how many meters the sea level has risen!

In the future, I have to find Bai Kou to come back and freeze it again!

The battle was extremely fierce. While fighting against Carl, Xiao Chuhuao and the three of them did not forget to attack with their mouths. They were all like barbells!

Continue to export the essence of Blue Star culture to Carl, not to mention the strong learning ability of Boson?

While being scolded, Carl's skill is also rising rapidly.

Xiao Chuihuo: (?°?д°?) "That's all? How dare you use a sword? Don't you feel ashamed? A three-year-old child with a shoehorn will do more damage than you!"

"But your cheapness is strong enough! The cheap law is the only one in the world, it's really cheap! You little bitch! The head of the base, Bichi!"

Carl scolded: (Fuck Duck?) "Say it again, you old king and bully? Lao Tzu..."

Before he could finish cursing, he heard a mechanical female voice from the Beacon Star Palace!

"Detected that the shielding obstacle has been cleared, and the upload channel is unobstructed! The terminal link is successful! Start synchronizing data..."

Carl glared, his expression suddenly changed!

?(*?mouth?)? "Huge gift crab! Don't pass it on! Come on! Don't pass it on! Isn't it blocked by a black barrier? What's going on? The black barrier over there..."

Halfway through the sentence, Carl was startled, and his eyes turned to Xiao Chuhuo and the others!

I saw a teasing smile on the faces of the three!


That boy in Jiangnan, his hands and feet are quite agile, so you can get it done so quickly?

Carl: ! !

Damn it, I got it, I said, why did these three people come here, and they just scolded their faces!

Is coauthoring here to grab my attention? And then to pull the black barrier?

Are you playing with me? Calculate Laozi?

Damn, something happened!

(??°yi?°) "Rhine! Destroy the upload channel, don't let the beacon star palace share data!"

Rhine said urgently: "I can't do it. This is the core function of the beacon star palace. After each star palace completes the beacon establishment, it will automatically synchronize data with the terminal!"

"Even if you have administrator privileges, you can't stop it!"

Carl was very angry: "I don't know better than you? Physically stop you? Tsk~"

It's too late, Carl can't manage that much, and he directly ascends to the Dimension and rushes back into the Star Palace shield!

Holding the holy sword, he slashed down at a place in the star palace ball fortress, where the sending device is located!

Can not help but face flesh pain!

damn it! Lao Tzu's exclusive version of the Beacon Star Palace!

With this sword going, I don't know how much it will cost to repair it!

At this moment, Carl's mood is like smashing his car's trip computer with a sledgehammer!

Even Xiao Chuanhuo was stunned!

what's the situation? It's just pulling the black barrier. Is Carl so nervous?

Have you cut down the Saint Star base yourself?

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