Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1866: Why are you not dead? it's a pity

As Carl spoke, the great sword of the Holy Inquisition was held high, and the Bose particles all over his body gathered frantically!

How could he not see that Jiangnan is the core of this god-killing army!

As long as he is killed, the morale of human beings will be frustrated!

So this blow, Carl can be said to have used all his strength!

"Warp Speed ​​Slash? Deep Blue Obliteration!"

This blow is too fast, and the holy sword is cut out at warp speed. When everyone noticed, the holy sword has fallen!

Where the sword body passes, the space is highly distorted, and everything is destroyed!

Mi Ye's eyes were full of anxiety: (??? mouth??)? "Xiao Nan!"

But Jiangnan was locked by space **** and could not move at all, and the warp speed was too fast, and it had already exceeded the limit of human reaction!

Jiang Nan had no choice but to bite the bullet!


The Holy Trial Sword slammed **** the Tianling cover in Jiangnan, and it made a strong and muffled sound like a bell!

Terrifying energy ripples are rippling in all directions!

A sword was cut down, and the powerful anti-shock force of the holy sword in Carl's hand raised high, and the whole Bodu staggered back three steps!

The blade was broken, and the holy sword even had cracks!

At this moment, Carl was stunned, and all the boson eyeballs present almost burst out!


Everyone in the God Slaying Legion also looked at Jiang Nan's head in horror!

∑(°mouth°?) Whoa!

Did something go wrong? Xing Yaojiu used his skull to take Carl's full blow. What's the matter, he even knocked Carl back?

What the **** is this? Iron head baby?

Jiang Nan shook his head and laughed mockingly!

(??????‵) "Is this your full blow? I'm laughing to death! I can take it with my head without injury!"

"I just stand here and fight, can you break my defense?"

"How can I, Jiang Tietou, have a vain reputation? Ha~ a star-breaking blow? But err! I can take it with you!"

"No doubt, I, Jiang Tietou, are such a bully!"

Mi Ye grinds his teeth, I'm worried that he will dry the wool? It's superfluous!

Xia Yao in the distance snickered, hey, hey, just because you're wearing a headscarf, right?

She knows how good the spread is!

Carl can really cut! If this sword is a little higher, Xiao Nan will be gone!

I saw Jiangnan laughing on the surface, but the groundhog screamed in his heart, my little money!

How much does this sword system babe have to hack me?

Carl looked at his cracked holy sword with disbelief!

Σ(°△°|||) is impossible!

Absolutely impossible!

It is impossible for a human head to block his full blow!

With his own sword, the superhuman beings were chopped to death!

But Jiangnan didn't even lose a **** skin? Are you so weak?

And the holy sword is made by Bose characters, how could Jiangnan's head be harder than it?

Igor was stunned: (¬Yi¬) "What a great opportunity? How did you fix it, Lord Karl? You... You shouldn't have let the water out, right?"

He has no idea why Sister Li Jiangnan is still alive!

Carl stared at him: (??ˇyiˇ?) "Damn water, I just didn't play well, he will die in the next blow!"

As he spoke, he turned the holy sword and slashed again, but the four extraordinary warm winter sun came over!

I must never give Carl another chance!

Carl squinted his eyes: "Don't bother me, God Slaying Legion? Today I will annihilate you all, and no matter how fast it is, it can't be faster than my warp speed slash!"

But at this moment, the Creation Beast under everyone's feet was completely crazy!

He opened his mouth and roared angrily, and the three glazed horns on the top of his head burst into an incomparably bright multicolored light, and the next moment burst into bloom!


The infinite creation particles spew upward through the three huge glazed horns, like a waterfall of colorful light particles one after another!

Covering everyone above the head, Carl's spatial **** was shattered!

At this moment, everyone is bathed in the waterfall of light particles!

Carl's eyes are splitting:

Σ(っ°mouth°;)っ "Fuck! Don't! Don't do it!"

At this moment, Bombardier, Baderbati, their eyes are shining!

Haha laughed, opened his mouth wide and ate the creation particles wildly, no matter whether he kept it or not!

But everyone knows very well that this thing is the key to the transcendent door!

There was only a trace of Bose particles left in Jiangnan's body, and this wave directly filled the Creation Beast!

Can't help but quack, without the restraint of space domination, Xiao Ma Zha slammed down directly!

With a "click", the Universal Crystal Origin chain was broken, and the empty nail in 01's hand was left with nothing left!

With Jiangnan's blood-burning immortality, Yan Mo fully opened, roaring and stunned, he pulled out the virtual nail on the top of the creation beast!

It is no longer bound!

And Jiangnan even put the virtual nails into the different dimension, and turned back and smiled at Carl's evil charm!

(¬?¬) "Thank you Lao Tie for sending the raw materials to kill the gods! Let's report to the big brother!"

[The resentment value from Carl +1007! ]

Carl was mad: "Jiangnan! I just ~%?...;#*'☆!"

One dodged and raised the sword violently, but Jiang Nan had already used the warp speed bubble to dodge and rushed into the warm winter sun!

The God-killing Corps are all happy, although the wave just now didn't know if they found it cheap?

But looking at the Creation Beast at this moment is just like looking at his own father. Lying on it is a kiss!

Whether it can go to the next level is all counting on it!

His eyes became more and more firm, even if he was smashing the pot and selling iron, he would have to grab the Creation Beast!

Jiang Nan's eyes turned: (?°???°) "Mila, how is the contract?"

I saw Mira wrinkled her face:

(???~??) "There is no response to the contract or something?"

"Maybe the Creation Beast dislikes Jingjing for being too small, and it doesn't invite children, right?"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

Jiang Ning's face darkened, the ghost doesn't invite children, hey, you guys are really in the same line!

The contract between a psychic medium and the creation holy beast has nothing to do with age!

Is it something you both wish for?

Jiangnan was a little anxious. Now that the situation is critical, it is better to get the Creation Beast first!

In this way, there is only a trick!

(????.??????)?? "Quiet! What do you think this is?"

While speaking, he took out a box of hot sauce directly from the Alien Space!

Jiang Jing's eyes were instantly straight, and Mila's saliva flowed all over!

?(o﹃o?) "Oh my god, the out-of-print 82-year-old Aunt's Hot Sauce, Collector's Edition! Hand-aged, spicy and delicious! This is this..."

Jiang Nan smiled proudly: (??????) "Want to eat? Brother still has several boxes!"

Jiang Jing clenched his fists, nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and his big eyes were full of longing!

(?ˉ?ˉ?) "Hey, if you want to eat, make an appointment with this triangular fat man. This spiritual contract is like your love for spicy food, it is an instinct engraved in the depths of your soul!"

"As long as you want, you can do it! If you can't do it, think of the triangular fat man as a hot sauce pot!"

Jiang Jing nodded heavily, closed her eyes with her small fists, and opened them again, relying on her powerful imagination!

The huge Creation Beast really turned into a hot sauce pot!

Her body began to emit a soft glassy light!

And Jiangnan's eyes turned to the Creation Beast again!

(??°.??°) "Hey! Fatty Triangle! I don't know if you can understand it!"

The Creation Beast is full of stunned criticism, I am a triangular fat man?

Jiang Nan continued: "You only have two options, one is to continue to let people insert nails and be caught as coolies!"

"The other is to sign a spiritual contract with a petite and cute loli!"

"I know you don't want anyone to take care of you, you want to be free, but the two evils are the lesser of the two. It's still a choice? Of course, you want to be soft and cute loli!"

The creation beast flashed big eyes, and his eyes fell on Jiang Jing!

Indeed, since the previous owner was hacked to death by a terrifying human monster!

I have been playing by myself for more than 3,000 years, and I have lived an unfettered life, which is pretty good!

But are the good days still over? Look at Jiang Jing, and look at Carl Igor and the others!

It ran towards Jiang Jing without hesitation!

Karl Steel clenched his teeth:

('Dish'?) "You are feeding the sacred medium some weird stuff! The 82-year-old hot sauce has already expired?"

"I'm here today! No one wants to take the Creation Beast, I said!"

"If you have the ability, just let the horse come over! Space domination!"

In an instant, the dark blue negative zero cooperates with the space control to expand to the maximum extent!

All the bosons in the field also released space to dominate self-defense!

The Saint Star Celestial Cluster just stood on top of the Creation Beast, obviously not giving in half a step!

The God Killing Corps couldn't stop attacking Carl, and Jiang Nan and Jiang Ning also cooperated to launch the sandwich warp bubble!

The warm winter sun is also pressing down on everyone in Carl!

This is the peak confrontation between the human camp and the holy star!

But it couldn't be attacked for a long time, and the warp bubbles launched in the past couldn't penetrate into the dominant space, and they were restricted to death!

But if Karl uses warp speed to slash, the space can't cut the attack!

Carl's eyes couldn't help falling on Jiang Jing, obviously trying to beat her!

But being held by Mila, there is no chance to start!

Even if it is a high-dimensional attack, the elementary ones can't help but stop time!

The situation was deadlocked for a while!

Jiang Nan's face was full of bad luck, and he couldn't help rushing to the crab boss, and scolded for a while!

(??ˇ~ˇ?)? "Look at you! It's all up to you, if it weren't for you, Carl and the others would use your skills? Who should you give them to?"

(???) "Eh~ why didn't you die? It's a pity, if you die, my Daotian skills will be lost?"

Boss Crab is foaming up in anger. He didn't expect his comrades to die, did he?

Are all humans so devilish?

You wait for me, you, I will cut it for you sooner or later, take it as a sacrifice to the boss of the black god, and then lift it up!

Jiangnan: (??????) "Huh? Don't you have any aunts or aunts? Call for help? What if you accidentally kill one or two?"

Crab boss: ? ? ?

you ride...

In the current situation, Carl sticks to the Creation Beast. Under the **** of space, his warp speed bubble can't help much?

Jiangnan, whose big eyes are chattering and gurgling, can't help but lock on the huge warp starship...

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