Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1870: It's life is impermanent

Karl, who had just cut off the three horns of the Creation Beast, consumed a lot of money!

If I can't get it, I can't let you get it easily!

Turning his head and looking at his starship, what is going on? How did you hit your own people?

Is the Starship Brain program messed up?

So he subconsciously looked at Jiangnan behind Xiao Chuihuo and saw that he was still there, so he was inexplicably relieved!

But in the next moment, the scene that Carl didn't want to see the most happened!

Familiar spatial fluctuations came from the starship!

I saw a space wormhole violently unfolding outside the starship!


With a crisp sound, Kaori in the starship was kicked on the back hill by Jiang Nan!

The whole person flew out of the wormhole like a monkey in the sky, holding back tears and screaming in the direction of Igor!


"Ah~ Heavenly Jiangnan! This girl will never let you go, the ends of the earth, the mountains of swords and the sea of ​​fire, I must kill you!"

Screams rang across the battlefield!

The next moment, a money antenna leopard suddenly appeared at the bow of the ship, and the corner of its mouth evoked a radian!

(??°??°)? "Yo~ Shipo Ruaizi, Maja Fake~"

"Welcome to the Captain's newest Sunwind-class Warp Cruiser! My lovely Quartermaster Transport Officer! Carl!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on the yellow money antenna leopard leopard!

Jiangnan's voice! Is it Jiangnan?

He...he stole Carl's starship too?

WOW! When did it happen?

etc! Is this not right?

Jiangnan went to steal the starship? Who is that next to Xiao Chuonghuo who is fighting with everyone?

Even Carl stared at Qian Bennan with wide-eyed eyes!

I saw Qianben Sakura straightened her turban, and immediately returned to her appearance, with a proud face!

(?︶?︶) "Huh? Did I say I'm Gangnam? Cosplay or something, I like it the most!"

Everyone's jaws are banging on the ground, is this... a change?

When did it happen?

It's a good civet cat to change the prince, this is too powerful, isn't it?

In other words, no one really noticed that Qianben Sakura disappeared for a while!

[The resentment value from Carl +1008! ]

[From Carl…]

Did he steal the Lao Tzu starship? The suppressed emotions can no longer be controlled, and the mouth is about to speak!

Igor: ! !

('?Dish?)σ "Master ××! Shut up! You can't make a sound, this is a dug hole, just waiting for you to jump into it!"

The 4D paper that Carl was brewing in his belly was immediately held back, and he stomped his feet in anger!

Can you steal the star palace, and can you steal the starship while riding a horse?

If you say the account is over, the account will be transferred? Do silicon-based security programs eat shit?

This is a real loss!

Jiang Nan was a little stunned, how did he know that Lao Tzu dug a hole for him!

God special meow **** adults!

When he turned around, he saw Qianben Sakura shaking the bulging dumb sack towards him with a conspicuous face!

Jiangnan grinned, punishment? Can you work part-time Sakura?

The harvest is not small, look back and see if you want to reward her a little!

So look at Karl provocatively!

(o???) "Why didn't you speak? Didn't a XX make a poisonous oath before? He said that if I let me steal the starship again, I'll take my surname?"

"My eldest son? You can't go back on it, a la la~ You must not believe that the starship is in my hands, right?"

"Ai-chan, another plasma cannon to give them insight!"


The incandescent plasma cannon swept the battlefield once again!

Carl's lungs were about to explode, and he turned his head to look in the direction of the Creation Beast!

Although the three horns have been cut off, Jiang Jing has already completed the spiritual contract!

A complex glazed incantation gleamed on Jiang Jing's chest, and finally disappeared completely!

And Jiang Jing's figure also appeared above the head of the creation beast, surrounded by ten-colored creation particles, as beautiful as a fairy feather gauze!

The originally petite body seems to have matured a little with the achievement of the spiritual contract!

Slowly opening their eyes and looking towards Jiangnan, everyone was immersed in this beautiful scene!

?(o﹃o?) "Brother Jiangnan~ The 82-year-old hot sauce was promised!"

Chiben Sakura: (???3??) Pfft~

You have ruined the atmosphere that was good originally, haha!

Jiang Nan laughed directly: "I'll make arrangements for you when I look back!"

Immediately, his eyes looked at Carl, and his eyes became colder: "So, should you disappear from my eyes now?"

Carl is full of fire!

The Creation Beast was not saved, and the psychic couldn't get it back, so let them make an appointment!

The star palace was lost, the starship was also lost on horseback, and the virtual nails that were just taken out to control the creation beast were also seized by Jiangnan!

All of my family assets have been paid for by Blue Star, and der is not taking advantage of it!

Carl has been in the stars for many years and has fought countless civilizations. This is the first time that it has been so miserable!

The situation has completely turned to human beings, and Carl at this moment even has the urge to cry!

A strong sense of frustration shrouded it, and the former pride was crushed!

01 swallowed his saliva and looked difficult:

(?1?﹏??) "Lord Karl? Let's..."

Before the words were finished, I saw that Carl picked up the holy sword and stabbed it directly into 01's throat, a burst of chaos!

You still think I'm not miserable enough to ride a horse, right? Purely want to cheat me, you?

How dare you call me by my name?

01 The one who was stabbed rolled his eyes, and the rest of the people watching also had a chill!

They closed their lips tightly, not daring to speak!

Igor had a bitter expression on his face, looking at the God-killing Corps, starships, creation beasts, four transcendents and so on...

The power that human beings control now has really reached an unstoppable level!

Far beyond the first two Aura recovery!

Now that another boson is lost, there is no chance of a comeback just with the current manpower of Shengxing!

There is even a feeling of being overwhelmed by human beings!

I saw Igor smiled wryly and shook his head at Carl!

This is really the impermanence of life, the large intestine wraps the small intestine!

Although I don't want to admit it, this chess game at Blue Star has no chance of winning!

Carl narrowed his eyes, but he still said:

(? ̄?Yi ̄?) "I just want to know, how did you know the location of the Creation Beast!"

"Is this a bit too coincidental?"

As soon as these words came out, Cooper's heart suddenly mentioned his throat!

Jiang Nan sneered: "What a coincidence! I also want to know, how did your last action successfully spread the extraordinary and start the action!"

"Isn't the timing too coincidental?"

As soon as these words came out, Igor's heart shivered violently, but Quinn in the crowd was no exception, but looked indignant!

Carl raised his eyebrows: (??д??) "It seems to be each other?"

Looking at the people around you while speaking, you are already suspicious, especially Kaori!

Jiang Nan sneered: "Don't you get it wrong, didn't you just predict the location of the Creation Beast? When we gave it to the witch of fate for nothing?"

"Is that so? Ziyuan?"

The corners of his mouth twitched as he spoke, and he raised his eyebrows towards Ziyuan!

Carl's eyes also fell, and there was a killing intent in his eyes!

A prophecy person?

Damn it, human abilities are really gorgeous!

Ziyuan's face turned pale with fright, and she shook her head like a rattle:

??(?mouth?.) "No, no, no~ I'm a scumbag. I'm very good. I can't beat Jiangnan with a hundred of my 99th power!"

"I can't predict anything? It's just that I prefer to sleep. The most useless one is me, woo~"

She has been scared to shake into a fascia gun!

If Sheng Xing thought that I was very important and came to kill me specially, I would be gone all of a sudden!

I don't want to get a box lunch!

Carl looked at Ziyuan and sneered. The troublesome guy must be solved as soon as possible!

Jiang Nan's expression remained unchanged, so he could only cover Cooper in this way and create a good undercover environment for him!

Protecting the purple kite is much easier than protecting Cooper!

In this situation, the dynamics of the holy star must be mastered to avoid the losses caused by the raid!

Jiang Nan squinted his eyes: "It's you, the nails are buried deep enough, you can play well, wait and see, I will pull them out sooner or later!"

(〃???) "Maybe the scumbag will dream about who is a nail tomorrow!"

Igor's forehead was sweating profusely, this woman's ability is too troublesome, she still has to find a way to solve it!

Yang Jian, on the other hand, was quietly observing his own personnel, making a wave of tests to see if there were any flaws!

Too bad there was no gain!

Carl took a deep breath and looked at the human camp that was in full swing and with great momentum!

The arrogance on the face is no longer!

"Congratulations, you succeeded in letting Shengxing lose this game, you did it!"

"But the trajectory of history will not repeat itself. With the development of Blue Star's Star Market, there will not be a fifth time for the recovery of spiritual energy!"

"This is the last time! Make it clear to Lao Tzu, this is just a game for the Holy Star and the Bose family!"

"For human beings, it is about survival! Just wait here quietly and wait for the judgment of fate!"

Jiang Nan didn't scold back, let alone say anything else, the burning star in his eyes seemed to be enough to burn through the sky!

"I am waiting!"

Today's human beings can't compete with the Bose family on the same stage!

Any nonsense without strength is a dog barking and farting!

The trajectory of history will not repeat itself, and Jiangnan does not want it to repeat itself!

Let time prove everything is fine!

Carl sneered, turned his head and left, staying any longer would just be self-inflicted humiliation. In the current situation, even Carl is powerless!

Odin glared: (?°?д°?) "Go? You want to leave so easily, and you want to withdraw without leaving a few men behind?"

"Aurora Sky!"

The God Slaying Legion pressed on at an extreme speed, and even the Crab Boss got involved, stunned to catch a tail!

The space **** brought Gabriel under control, and what followed was the super powerful output of Xiao Chuihuo and Odin!

Gabriel screamed madly, and the phoenix couldn't hold it anymore!

Have you never brought your own people with you when you retreat on horseback?

??('?mouth?)??"Save me! Help me! You can't leave Lao Tzu alone!"

Carl, who had just walked out a short distance away, froze, and he said he was going to withdraw after finishing the crap, why did he still get stuck in it? What's the use of you?

When Gabriel saw Carl stop, there was a ray of hope in his eyes!

=????(?mouth?????) "Card..."

Before the words were finished, Gabriel suddenly remembered that 01 called Karl's name just now.

If he called his name and was used by Jiangnan and the others, Carl might throw himself away when he looked back?

So Gabriel is in a hurry!

-=????=?????('mouth`)? "Jiang Er! Lord Jiang Er, save me, we are on the front line!"

Carl: ? ? ?

I saw two blue veins popping out of its forehead:

(??Benefit??) "Fuck you mua's stupid angels, if you don't step on the horse to save you, you will open your mouth, right? Go to hell!"

When he was talking, he turned around and led people away, Gabriel said urgently:

?(;'??口??`)? "Hey, hey, let's go? Didn't you say you wanted to change your surname? I'm just following your wishes! You... pow wow~"

"Why are you all like this!"

Under the raging flames of Xiao Chuihuo, Gabriel turned into a black egg on the spot...

The corners of Jiangnan's mouth twitched, this Gabriel is really a cute little clever ghost, um~ It's not wrong to die!

"Good eldest walk slowly, don't miss Dad too much!"

[The resentment value from Carl +1008! ]

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