Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1873: Talking and laughing, planning Blue Star, formulating the world pattern

The poor 10 died in a dumb sack after being pulled out like this!

At this moment, I saw Mira running over excitedly!

?(??????)? "Brother Jiangnan~ the celebration banquet is ready, everyone is waiting for you to come over!"

Xing Cheng, who was behind Mila, was holding a pig's elbow, his mouth full of oil, and he couldn't stop nodding!

(*︾?︾) "Eating and eating~"

Jiang Nan grinned: "If you can't be safe, you can't be safe. Anyway, there is fat jelly here, let's go! Let's eat!"

After that, I took everyone to the Starship Restaurant!

Creation Beast: ? ? ?

I'm fat jelly?

The horn is cut off, isn't it even a triangular fat man?

It is said to be a celebration feast, but everyone gets together to have a meal and discuss how to go next!

Let's have fun together, after all, although we can't relax now, the bowstring is always tight and will break sooner or later!

It's rare to raise your eyebrows, you don't have to make the atmosphere so serious!

As soon as Jiang Nan entered the restaurant, he saw a white shadow quickly snapping at his face plate!

The subconscious expansion of space wormholes!

A plate of cream cake passed through the wormhole and was directly pasted by Qianben Sakura on his face, and the whole person froze!

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

(??д???) "You little spicy chicken playing sneak attack? You don't have a long memory, do you?"

"Want to steal from me? Go back and practice for another few hundred years!"

Saying that, he stretched out his fingers and smeared a piece of cream on Chibon Sakura's face and stuffed it into his mouth!

Mmm~ it's pretty sweet!

At this moment, a group of top experts in the restaurant burst into cheers!

"Hahaha, I said I can't steal it, Sakura sauce is just joking!"

"Why did you come here? After a while, the dishes will be cold!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Are you sure Xing Cheng will give the dishes a chance to cool down?"

Xingcheng's saliva on the side has flowed like a waterfall, and the cleaning robot has followed her all the way!

I saw Jiangnan's teleportation and came to the main seat, and sat down, his own ship, what are you polite?

Qianben Sakura wiped the cream off her face and looked angry!

(?`~'?) "How can I fix it~"

He looked like Santa Claus with a white beard, and there was another burst of laughter on the table!

Quinn's eyes were full of joy: "It's really like a dream~ Before everyone was fighting each other and fighting each other!"

"Now they are sitting together and eating and joking. Humans should feel relieved and proud of your presence?"

Maybe three years ago, no one thought that the Blue Star would be like this three years later!

All the top powerhouses of Blue Star gathered together, regardless of nationality, grievances and grievances, the grievances and grievances in the past seem to have been sealed in the past years!

Bombardier clenched his teeth:

(¬ dish? ¬) "Damn it! As expected of a literate person, this is a deep speech, and the key is to talk shit, is it a bit dry?"

Saying that, the smile on his face becomes anticipation!

(??????w????) "Nan Shen? When will we mass-produce the extraordinary? After all, does our family have this condition now?"

Badr immediately raised his hand:

(? Mouth?)? "Me, me, me! Three months! If I don't go to extraordinary, I'll wind up the noodles with my nose!"

Barty is also impatient:

(?????) "Nan Shen! I'm atomic control, I'm getting old when I'm transcendent?"

Freya also looked forward to Jiangnan:

(*???) "If you give me the creation particles, I'll pay you back the money I owe you, how about that? Is it generous enough?"

Jiangnan: (?~?)

Shouldn't you be riding a horse?

Besides, I need money for nothing now. Hey!

For a time, the field was extremely hot, and they were all scrambling to go to the extraordinary!

Jiangnan laughed straightly: "Don't worry! All have a share, but today is a celebration feast, do you want to create a world particle without drinking me down?"

"There is no such good thing in the world!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and there were thousands of bottles of life-threatening green sticks on the table!

Freya's eyes suddenly straightened, and she flew straight towards the wine mountain!

Open two bottles with your teeth and drink it~

?(???3??)? "Yeah~ It doesn't matter if you don't go to extraordinary or something, it's mainly because this goddess wants to drink!"

Image or something, it has nothing to do with Freya!

Jiangnan's mouth twitched, this guy definitely won't be the undercover agent of Shengxing, drink it without even thinking about it?

Odin's eyelids twitched, and I have to say, the eldest brother is really insidious, isn't he?

Want to talk to the coat with the big green stick's truth to confirm who is the undercover? If you dare not drink, or once you say the wrong thing!

Then take the dog!

Is this the rhythm of not wanting to give the creation particles cheap to the undercover?

The moment Jiangnan just took out the green stick, Yang Jian knew Jiangnan's plan!

This kid is really full of bad water, he?

So I immediately opened a bottle:

?(⌒mouth⌒?) "Come on! Let's do it, respect Lanxing!"

All of a sudden, everyone got up!

Quinn held up the green stick and smiled: "I heard that Nanshen can drink?"

Barty: "Haha! Kill Nanshen? Isn't that a matter of minutes?"

Pierce: "Drinking, if I don't agree with anyone, I will support the wall! Dedicate your life to a small wine table, drink if you are drunk, come on!"

Jiangnan looked arrogant:

(o¬?¬) "Cut~ Fuck me? You really haven't heard of my name, Jiang Bufan, right?"

"The submarine floor drain is talking about me!"

Luo Jiaoyang has a dark face:

()? "Did you really leak it?"

Luo Jiaoyang Shen, who was stewed in an iron pot back then, was scalded, and the impression is very deep!

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead:

(??w???) "Don't care about these details! Let's go!"

At this moment, everyone in the restaurant toasted and ate a bottle, and the sound of wine burps one after another!

Jiang Nan wiped his mouth with a devilish smile on his face!

?(?っ′???`c)? "Okay! What color are your shorts?"

As soon as the question was asked, Xia Yao spit out all the beer!

Xiaonan is here again?

Chimoto Sakura: (??~??*) "Don't you know? Are you still wearing it?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Jiang Nan and Qianbenying in horror, what the hell?

oДo*) This is this...

Jiang Nan's expression froze, his forehead was sweating profusely, yes...I haven't changed it back yet, I somewhat understand why Wu Liang is a triangular faction, is it a bit comfortable?

But others have no time to think about this amazing news!

They couldn't help but open their mouths to answer questions!

Freina opened her mouth and said:

(?????) "It was white in the initial state, maybe not now?"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

Shouldn't you be wearing a discolored one without changing it, right?

Bombardier looked proud:

(???) "I'm golden, I can't help it! That's it, shorts are all golden!"

Xing Cheng tilted his head: (??????) "What are shorts?"

Jiang Nan was horrified, could girl Xingcheng not be wearing her?

For a while, everyone in the restaurant began to frantically answer questions, what red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple!

Mi Ye opened his mouth subconsciously:

(??ˇжˇ??:) "Red..."

But before the words were finished, a cobweb sealed his mouth at that time, and then shot a cobweb directly to Jiangnan and tied it into a mummy!

Bai Kou's face became redder than Mi Ye's shorts. Before she could speak, the realm was released, and the extreme cold swept through, directly freezing the air in the restaurant into ice crystals!

A vacuum cannot transmit sound!

I just silenced myself!

But Jiang Nan was still able to tell it out by his mouth shape, leaning on his chin with a look of surprise!

(?°??°) Hmm~

As the name suggests, white?

At this moment, the resentment value refreshed wildly, and many people saw that Jiangnan was already grinding his teeth!

really! Is this guy still badass?

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead:

(⌒﹏⌒;) "Hey~ Just kidding and trying to figure out if it doesn't work! Then eat and then eat!"

It's better to restrain yourself, otherwise it will be bad if you are kicked by a sack ring!

The celebration feast continued, and Yang Jian was smiling, his face flushed, and he was almost talking about a mountain with the wine bottles one by one!

Put your arms around your shoulders and chat!

I saw Bombardier eating peanuts and suddenly remembered something:

(??ˇ_ˇ?) "Henan God? Didn't I say before that when the Creation Beast is in hand, it can solve the problems of the many spiritual ruins on the Blue Star? What should I do?"

"I have a lot of sets in the Spirit Sealing Curse Formation!"

This question caught everyone's attention for a while!

Jiang Nan's expression became positive: "Sister Jiangning, there is a Creation Beast, and the Lingxu or something can be sealed back like the holy star before?"

Jiang Ning nodded: "It is indeed possible, but are you sure you really want to seal all the spirit ruins of Blue Star back?"

"Let's not say that there are no spiritual beasts in the spiritual market, they are all outside. Once all the spiritual market is sealed, the source of spiritual energy will be gone!"

"Blue Star's aura concentration decreases, and the growth rate of human beings will also decrease. Humans are creatures that rely on spiritual energy to cultivate!"

"At such a critical moment, if you cut off your spiritual energy, it's equivalent to digging your own grave!"

Jiang Nan scratched his head: ?(??~??) "This is difficult to do, why not... seal a part of it first?"

Jiang Ning said earnestly, "I suggest changing the function of the Sealing Spell Array and using the power of the Creation Beast to move the space gates of the Spirit Market scattered all over the Blue Star!"

"Concentrate on the pillar of absolute spirit, and then realize the opening and closing of the space doors of the major spiritual markets by manipulating the curse array!"

"The centralized management of all Lingxu is similar to the concept of dungeons in the game!"

Everyone was stunned, Jiang Nan's eyes widened:

∑(°mouth°?) "Fuck? Can this kind of thing be done? Can the position of the space door be changed?"

Jiang Ning shrugged: ?(?'??')? "Of course, why not? Lingxu does not exist on Blue Star, and in the surrounding dimensional cracks, you can understand the essence of Lingxu as a small world! "

"And the space gate is just a link between the Blue Star World and the Lingxu World!"

"As the creator of the spiritual market, the creation beast naturally has the ability to move the position of the spatial door of the spiritual market!"

The Creation Beast couldn't help nodding his head, raising his hand to show that it was all trivial!

Jiangnan excitedly said: "Then it is completely possible to establish the pillars of absolute spirituality all over the world, and gather a group of spiritual ruins to go there!"

"Lingwu practitioners want to download the copy of Lingxu, go directly to the location of the pillar of absolute spirit and choose the copy to download, no need to run around!"

"Moreover, cities can also be built near the Pillar of Supreme Spirit to develop Lingwu-related industries!"

"If we can achieve unified management of Lingxu, then mankind will enter a new era again!"

Xia Yao swallowed her saliva, her eyes full of expectant little stars!

??*(ˊ?o?????o????ˋ?)*?? "It seems to be an online game world, what kind of endless tower, dungeon, etc. in the game?"

Jiang Nan nodded excitedly: "That's the concept, it can be set up in all regions of Blue Star! Lingwu practitioners can go there and brush the dungeon of Lingxu under the tower!"

"Collecting Spirit Orbs becomes stronger, and ordinary people don't have to be afraid of being disturbed to their normal life!"

"Before we do this, we have to find a way to drive these spirit beasts roaming on the Blue Star back to the Lingxu, just use the enemy to fear!"

"In this way, an orderly and vibrant world can be reshaped!"

Everyone was shocked to hear everything Jiangnan said!

It's not a fantasy, but it's really feasible!

A picture of a new world is slowly unfolding, and a new world pattern is being shaped in the hands of my own generation!

Xiao Chuihuo's eyes were full of anticipation: "It will be a dream world full of vitality and infinite possibilities!"

Mi Ye raised his hand and asked:

(?~?)? "In this way, how to get aura? Blue Star can't produce aura on his own?"

Jiangnan frowned:

(??ˇ~ˇ??:) "Hmm~ Then draw from the Endless Tower? If not..."

But at this moment, Jiang Jing suddenly said, "Fat Jelly said that it can transform Blue Star's star core!"

"Let the star core become something similar to the core of Lingxu, so that Blue Star can generate aura on its own, without relying on those leaked from the spirit market!"

"It's done this before, but the horns haven't grown, so I can't do it for the time being!"

At this moment, everyone's eyes are about to pop out!

Jiangnan's scalp was numb: =????(???????) "The Creation Beast can even do this kind of thing? So is the concept of the Star Market come from?"

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