
The warp speed bubble took shape, and Jiang Nan rushed out with a few people at a speed that surpassed everything!

Do not hesitate!

Can you kill the mighty Tianlong of the Eternal God-class warp cruiser? Jiangnan doesn't think he has any means to threaten it!

In a sack? Does it fit?

Jiangnan disappeared in a blink of an eye, and only the crab boss stood there blankly!

(??mouth?)? "Hey, hey, don't go away? I haven't gotten on the car yet?"

Looking back at the dragon claw that the mighty Tianlong pressed down, he immediately lay down on his back!


Have to lie down and die!

Anyway, resisting is the same result!

It's not that Jiangnan doesn't bring it, but the warp gun really can't bring such a big crab boss!

Run first and then talk about it, there's nothing left to die for!

Dawei Tianlong looked at the warp bubble that rushed out, his eyes were a little surprised, but he was even more excited!

But the action on hand is still non-stop!

"Humph! Run? Did you run?"

At this moment, Jiangnan was horrified to find that he let himself push the warp bubble to the extreme, and the durian pulp filled his mouth!

Dash at superluminal speed!

However, Jiangnan has never been able to rush out of the range covered by the dragon's claws, and it is getting farther and farther from the toe gap of the huge dragon's claws!

It even made Jiangnan feel that he was retreating!

What a skill!


Aijiang said anxiously: ?(??﹏??)? "Master! Are you running? Are you in the wrong gear? Are you in reverse? Why do I think you are backing?"

Jiangnan's face darkened, Shente Meow was in the wrong gear!

Can the warp bubble be in the wrong gear?

?(?yi?;)? "I'm already running, it's not that I'm retreating! Instead, the space is flowing towards the palm of the dragon's claw at a speed beyond light, compressing!"

"The current curvature of my warp bubble is not as fast as the flow of space, so it creates the illusion that I am retreating!"

It's like an entertainment facility for indoor surfing, because the speed of the space backward is too fast!

Even if Jiangnan sprinted with all his strength, he would not be able to escape from the palm of Dawei Tianlong!

Because with this skill, not even light can escape!

In the blink of an eye, I saw an extra space ball in the dragon claws of Dawei Tianlong!

And this space sphere is formed by how much space is compressed!

Maybe a million cubic meters? Ten million cubic meters?

The devil knows!

But the Jiangnan inside is also compressed in the same proportion as the space. This space sphere is still millions of cubic meters for Jiangnan!

A country in the palm of the hand held by Dawei Tianlong was formed!

Jiangnan even suspected that this mighty Tianlong had the strength to compress a planet and hold it in its claws!

But Jiang Nan was stunned to rush to the edge of the palm of China with the warp speed bubble!

Because the space is highly compressed, the claws of the dragon's claw are as big as the pillars supporting the heaven and the earth!


The warp bubble slammed into the edge of the palm in the palm of the country, but it couldn't hit it at all!

Was directly locked inside!

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead:

╮(??w???)╭ "It's over, Barbie is Q, let people take it down and catch it!"

What a shame!

How much did Jiangnan experience the feeling of the big brother back then!

Such perverted space skills are even beyond Jiangnan's cognition!

I saw Dawei Tianlong squinting: "Don't try to resist! I can crush this palm country at any time!"

"If you don't want to die, just stay with me honestly!"

While speaking, the dragon's claws exerted force, and the entire highly compressed palm country seemed to be annihilated and disintegrated at any time!

Jiang Nan immediately showed the expression of a good baby:

(??????w????) "You dragon, you have the final say!"

Only then did the mighty Tianlong show a satisfied expression, he opened his **** mouth, and put the palm of his hand in his mouth!

It's like holding a dragon ball!

Looking up at the sky, you can see the upper teeth of the Dawei Tianlong and a row of sharp dragon teeth!

Momo's pretty face turned pale:

(*??﹏??)? "Ababa?"

Jiang Nan was helpless, and then grinned:

('-.?-`;) "Don't worry, probably probably won't die?"

"But don't look at Hart's photo, or the marriage certificate. If you say that you will give birth to a few babes when you go back, you will be dead!"

Momo shook his head like a rattle, indicating that he would not set up flags indiscriminately!

I saw Jiang Nan leaning on his chin:

(?°??°) "Well~ there are still many dimensional creatures that have been locked in the palm of their hands together?"

"It's okay to be locked anyway, or we..."

While speaking, the smile on Jiang Nan's face gradually changed shape!


Xingcheng couldn't help nodding his approval!

(???﹃??)? "Death and death! Extra meal!"

Warp Speed ​​Bubble shot out at that time, ready to clear a wave of soldiers in the palm country!

Momo almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Hey, hey, Nanshen, do you know what's going on right now?

We were all captured and bitten by the mighty Tianlong. Are you still in the mood to clear the army?

What kind of big heart is this?

As everyone knows, one is thinking about dimensional beads, and the other is thinking about eating, otherwise what else can we do?

Can't run away?

At this moment, the Dawei Tianlong Cola farts, and it becomes swaying when walking!

The rest of the younger brothers also spoke up one after another!

"Hahaha! Long Da! Can this be released? This is more valuable than the wreck of the broken ship!"

"That's it! Is this a living human? Or three, and even a human organ attached? Did you win the jackpot? Huh? Why is there a silicon base?"

"It's the first time I've seen the baby delivered to my door. I dare to go deep into the dimensional gap. Isn't this here to deliver food?"

"I went to the extremely dark sky and played thirteen tricks, but I haven't picked up more on the road? Long Da has a wave of fat? Dedicate it to Lord Black God, won't Long Da take off?"

Dawei Tianlong laughs!

(??°??°) "Don't worry! Brother took off, and I didn't forget you. As long as you have a bite of meat, you will have a plate to lick!"

"Work hard! Next year, my eldest brother will try to marry you two more sisters-in-law!"

The younger brothers were full of excitement and responded:

∠(`w′*) "Yes! Big brother!"

Dawei Tianlong's eyes are full of longing, he originally thought that he would only be scolded with a wreck of a starship as a trophy when he went back this time!

Who knew that this wave of good luck had gone by!

Three humans plus one hemorrhoid, I wonder if Lord Black God can give him another chance to rush up?

It swims faster, and can't wait to return to the Lost Realm to meet the Black God!

At this moment, Jiangnan, who has cleared a wave of soldiers, is full of harvest!

Humph, there is no one who can fight in the palm country, of course... I can't beat the big dragon outside...

A warp bubble came back to the crab boss, and I saw this guy lying in the void with tears on his face!

Cheng Bao: (????)? "It seems to be dead, can I eat it?"

Crab boss has no love on his face:

∠(?????????"∠)_"Eat, eat, crabs have been born since ancient times who have never died, early death and late death are all death..."

Xing Cheng: (*?????????)


"Aah! Are you really eating? Shut up! Quickly shut up! I regret it, I'd better die later!"

I saw the crab boss madly throwing his crab claws, but he couldn't get rid of Xingcheng on it!

"By the way, why did you run away and come back?"

Jiangnan's expression became solemn: (?????) "I, Jiangnan, attach great importance to friendship, how could I leave my comrades in arms who share weal and woe?"

"You think I'll just watch you die? Not at all! I'll close my eyes, it's too cruel!"

"Nei... If you die, can you give me the Dimension Pearl?"

Boss Crab is full of grief and anger, are you still thinking about you?

(???) "Hey~ I'm dead, you want my dimensional pearls to be used for ghosts, and Dawei Tianlong will dedicate you to the Black God, there is no way to survive!"

At this moment, even Aijiang and Xingcheng were worried!

Arrested at the start? Dedicated to the Black God as a tribute? Is this copy too difficult?

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead:

(What ﹏ What?) "What can I do, run and can't run away!"

"Fortunately, I have prepared hundreds of millions of aisle fees, I hope he likes it..."

"Think things are going well, anyway, I'm going to make a deal with the Black God, so I'll go to the province to find it, how convenient is it to meet directly?"

It's very convenient for Momo to cover her face, um... as a prisoner!

Jiang Nan wrapped the cloth on his body tightly, Lai Lai's, he couldn't beat him, his life and death depended on Lao Tzu's mouth!

Now Jiangnan is more and more fortunate that they didn't bring Xuexuelang to destroy them, otherwise they will destroy a nest!

Finally, the Longsha Legion traveled long distances in the dimensional wind path, and it can be regarded as coming to the center of the dimensional gap!

Lost country!

Across the distance, Jiangnan and his party noticed the dimensional kingdom!

This is a dark continent floating in endless darkness!

It is so huge that it is unimaginable, boundless, and the size of Dawei Tianlong has exceeded Jiangnan's imagination!

But compared to this lost country, it is still a drop in the ocean!

The continent is full of desolation, and even Jiangnan has seen many planet fragments scattered everywhere!

The rusted huge starship was buried, and a wild and ancient atmosphere filled the nerves of everyone!

Jiang Nan's eyes widened, this is really an eye-opener!

Is this the lost kingdom, the center of the dimensional gap?

That dimensional wind blew around the lost country, intertwined around the lost country, like a bird's nest, like the stars holding the moon.

There are countless dimensional creatures living in the kingdom, and there are all kinds of strange shapes!

A big and scary one, Jiangnan even saw two terrifying existences no less than the mighty Tianlong!

With the help of the dimensional air duct, the figure is busy, but it is also orderly!

It's not the Taoyuan Township in Jiangnan's imagination, with sunshine and green grass, green mountains and green waters!

It's a dark, run-down, yet vibrant, strange feeling!

No wonder it is called Lost Nation, but it fits the occasion!


With a loud explosion, Dawei Tianlong's huge body slammed heavily on the lost country, holding the country in his palm, and swaggeringly walked towards the depths of the lost country!

Momo on the side is shaking like a little rubber band

(?﹏?.) This is a den of thieves!

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