Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1885: The **** desire to win

Since Jiangnan himself has thrown a lot of awkward dance grenades, not only Dawei Tianlong is dancing there non-stop!

The Jiangnan side has also begun to dance the green onion dance!

Jiang Nan shivered when he suddenly remembered something, "Wow!

The black **** can't be lost, right? The awkward dance grenade is tricked by others, and the person who threw the grenade will dance with it!

What if the Black God is embarrassed in front of his hands and becomes a specimen when he gets angry?

Quickly turned to look at the black god!

But this guy didn't mean to dance with him at all, and he kept throwing grenades at Dawei Tianlong!

Jiangnan: ('-﹏-`;)

Also... I'm worried that he's doing a ghost!

The Black God said happily: "This grenade is good, give me a little more fun!"

"Anything else fun?"

Jiang Nan grinned: (?ˉ??ˉ?) "Yes! Why not?"

While speaking, he took out a bunch of speedy slippers again, and his eyes fell on Boss Crab!

"Come on, come and try new shoes?"

Boss Crab sweated profusely on his forehead: "No no no, I..."

Black God: "Huh?"

Boss Crab was so excited, he hurried over and put his slippers on his eight feet obediently, with a solemn expression on his face!

"As long as the black **** says a word, I'm not afraid of mountains of swords and seas of fire!"

The Black God asked curiously, "What are these slippers for?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "These slippers? There are many uses, such as..."

While speaking, he pushed the crab boss forward, and he couldn't help but walk!

And at the moment when he took a step, his eight legs suddenly rushed out uncontrollably, and they all vacated the phantom!

Screaming and running out at an astonishing speed!

The Black God immediately became interested, and with a wave of his hand, a large amount of black mist spread, as if a wormhole-like space cycle was formed!

Crab boss screamed and crashed into the black fog on one side, and crashed out from the other side, in an infinite loop!

Hei Shen clapped his hands: "Goose Box~ This shoe is good, I want this too!"

"Is there any more?"

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead:

(??﹏??) "In... what is it? There is, but there is, is it possible not to kill us? It's not easy for us to live so big..."

The Black God waved his hand: "As long as you can keep the deity from becoming boring, everything is easy to say!"

Jiang Nan stroked his forehead with his hand, why do I suddenly feel like I'm coaxing a child?

Meow, isn't it just licking? Fight for your life!

So I took out two lollipops from my pocket, one red and one blue!

When you throw it away, you throw the red sun at Xingcheng, and Xingcheng doesn't care what it is, whoever comes, will make it in one bite!

And the other, Jiang Nan handed it to Momo with a sad face!

I'm sorry, this is all for survival, you just have to endure it first!

Momo's eyes were firm, and he knew that the situation was urgent, so he wouldn't be able to make this sacrifice, so he ate the blue moon in one bite!

Sync begins!

Momo began to imitate Xingcheng's movements involuntarily!

I saw Xingcheng Goose Box laughed straight, holding the dimensional pearl in his arms, sticking out his tongue and licking it endlessly, drooling everywhere!

On the other side, Momo started to hug Aijiang's iron head and started licking it!

Crying while licking, will Aijiang not be licked and leaked by herself?

Love sauce: ?(?_?)?…

The black **** said in surprise: "Oh? This lollipop is good, can it synchronize its movements? Cococo! I want to play this too!"

As he spoke, he clenched his fists and looked at Jiangnan expectantly!

Jiang Nan scratched his head, so he slammed into it again, and took out a hundred slingshots!

(?°???°)つY "Hey~ this is a long-range attack weapon, it's specially used to hit people, it needs to be loaded, just use dimensional beads!"

Without saying a word, the Black God just made a small move and got a lot of dimensional beads. The quality is no worse than the one given to Jiangnan!

"How to use it? You teach me?"

He said that he grabbed the small slingshot, as if he had obtained some new toy, and studied it carefully!

Jiang Nan said casually: "It's simple, just draw the bow and hit!"

I saw the Black God grab a dimensional bead, put it in his leather pocket, and let go of it violently!

Jiangnan: ! !

(????? mouth?)? "Hey, hey, no! That's the self-aiming mode!"

But it has been launched, and the dimensional bead has been stimulated to have its attributes, and there is no shadow after teleporting!

With a powerful impact, it flew back in a big circle!

Go straight to the black god!

Jiang Nan was shocked, didn't this spoil the dish? About to use the space wormhole to divert the attack!

Who knew that the dimensional pearl suddenly braked suddenly in front of the black god, turned and shot at the great power Tianlong!

Dawei Tianlong: ? ? ?

"Boom!" With a loud bang, it hit the target directly, Dawei Sky's eyes bulged, and the whole dragon turned green!

(?????|||) Hiss~

Cover the key parts and fall directly to the ground!

"I want my mother to coax me! Gan!"

Looking at Jiang Nan's expression full of resentment!

Damn human!

Catch him back, he didn't get the reward, Jing was tortured, even if he danced, he would be beaten by the black god!

[The resentment value from Dawei Tianlong +1001! ]


Jiangnan: Hu~(︶ε︶?)

I was scared to death, but fortunately there is no black god, if this hits the black god...


Hei Shen was so excited that he held the small slingshot and couldn't put it down: "This is the first time I've seen such a fun weapon, am I aiming at myself?"

"This is also, you have so many fun things, do you have any more?"

Jiang Nan swallowed his saliva. According to this trend, he couldn't hold on to his various prizes for long?

"That being the case, I can only take out my ultimate killer!"

While talking, drag a little overlord game console directly from your own alien space!

After connecting to the monitor and handle, I took out a box of game cards that I treasured!

I chose a game for 300, took a breath, and plugged in!

Then sit cross-legged in front of the TV and give the Black God a gamepad!

Hei Shen was stunned: "This... what is this?"

Jiang Nan said casually: "Games? You haven't even played this, have you? Come! I'll teach you!"

Black God also sat cross-legged on the ground, holding the handle to peek at Jiangnan's operations.

Jiang Nan pointed at the handle: "This is the direction key, there is the action key, and in the middle is the selection and confirmation! Which one to play?"

Black God was completely attracted by this novelty: "That! Scarlet Fortress? Bomberman? Contra? No no no! Playing tank battles..."

As the old game background sound came out, Jiang Nan and Hei Shen sat cross-legged on the ground and started playing games...

Momo licked Aijiang's iron head while looking at the two of the game!


The worldview is broken...

Nan Shen actually brought the Black God, who is the master of the dimension, to play the Little Overlord game console...

Tell this to a ghost, and a ghost won't believe it!

Jiang Nan hurriedly said: (?°? Yi°?) "Hey, hey~ Keep the house? Let it go! You are close, you go back!"

Black God: "What? What is home?"

(¬yi¬?) "Tsk~ it's that eagle! Whoops! You've been paid by the family, why are you so stupid? Vegetables! You've all lost!"

Black God stared: "It was my first time to play, and you didn't tell me in advance! Come again!"

"I am a dignified black god, I don't know what to lose at all!"

The two of them were extremely engaged in the fight, and even their bodies unknowingly followed suit, frantically pressing the handle!

Jiang Nan stared: "Eat! Eat that star, you can level up! Eat it quickly, it will be gone in a while!"

The Black God hurriedly operated: "Oh oh oh ~ I'll go right now, what is that thing like a grenade? Can I eat it?"

Jiang Nan nodded: "That's a bomb, wait until there are more enemy tanks before you eat it!"

The Black God said anxiously: "The tank has gone to the house again, and the deity has destroyed you!"

So frantically cracking bricks!

Jiangnan: ! !

"Wow! Don't shoot too much! Home!"

Sure enough, the eagle at home was blown up by the Black God's own cannonball!

Angrily, Jiang Nan raised his hand and patted the back of the Black God's head, making a snap!

(???~??)ゞΣ●"You are so stupid!"

Hei Shen was patted with a nod, and just after the fight, the atmosphere in the field instantly froze!

Even Momo, who licked the iron head of love sauce, froze!


Nan... Nan Shen gave Hei Shen a B pocket?


Black God, you dare to fight?

At this moment, Dawei Tianlong was stupid, and the crab boss panicked!

The black **** was extremely angry, and his breath suddenly became extremely violent: "You dare to hit me?"

Jiang Nan's expression froze, his forehead was sweating profusely, he forgot about this stubble, his own **** desire to win!

Jiang Nan, who knew that he was wrong, dodged his eyes and whispered:

(??????) "Who... who asked you to destroy our house!"

Hei Shen said angrily, "You didn't tell me that you can break it, I thought I was immune!"

"Hurry up and start another game, I can't believe it, I can't make it?"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

Eh? Won't you kill me?

(??????﹏??) "How about we change the game? Haven't passed the first level after playing for so long?"

The Black God said angrily: "No! You have to clear the level! The deity doesn't believe it anymore! After clearing the level, play with other things!"

Jiang Nan swallowed, this black **** is surprisingly simple in this regard?

So Jiangnan started another round, and the two cooperated to fight. After the black **** understood the rules, he quickly started!

Even if it was a tank battle, it was very vigorous, and even started to command Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan saw that the Black God was so invested in fighting, he couldn't help but ask casually!

(??~??) "By the way, why do you like human organs so much? Don't you have all the people in the starry sky?"

The Black God pressed the handle frantically, with a serious look on his face: "Ah~ you said this? Nothing special!"

"Some time ago, I bumped into a more interesting human being, and he was quite strong!"

"It's called Jiang... Jiang Fan, right? That kid messed up the starry sky and demolished the city of a thousand stars. During that time, he really found a lot of fun for me!"

Jiangnan: ! !

∑(°mouth°?) "Some time ago? Jiang Fan? Is he still alive?"

The Black God shrugged: "Right? Two or three thousand years ago? I can't remember!"

Jiangnan's mouth of old blood almost didn't spit out, you call it some time ago, but when I think about it, I don't know how long the Black God has existed!

Two or three thousand years may be really just a while ago for him...

But in this case, the time line is right!

The Black God continued: "That human named Jiang Fan still has some ability! The ability is also very interesting!"

"It's hard to imagine that carbon-based creatures can reach such heights. Since then, I have been more interested in humans!"

"But that kid is so mad that he dares to enter Lao Tzu's territory and wander around? Tsk~ that is, I couldn't keep him, or the deity would be gathered in one wave!"

Jiang Nan swallowed his saliva: (*???) "You didn't even leave him? In this time? Is he that almost?"

The Black God tilted his head and said lightly, "Don't get me wrong, that human named Jiang Fan is just a little more troublesome in his abilities. He's not as strong as me, it's not that far behind!"

"There is no creature in the universe that can threaten my existence in the interdimensional gap!"

"As for death? Ha~ With Jiang Fan's troublesome ability, it's hard to want to die, right? I just don't know why there's been no news for a while!"

"Hey hey~ Are you moving? The opposite side is coming!"

Jiangnan's scalp was numb, and the Black God was interested in the human race because he had seen Jiang Fan, and began to collect human organs?

Did the two even fight in the dimensional gap?

"What's his ability? Give me a thorough understanding, and I'll teach you to adjust 30 lives!"

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