Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1890: Zerg! Starry sky sequence?

Before the star beam appeared, Jiangnan felt that he was almost cooked!

The battle between the planet destroyers is really not a casual mix, right?

I saw a few people from Jiangnan run behind Xing Cheng in a hurry, covering the incoming Xinghui!

Xingcheng: ? ? ?

And she's already smoking!

But Dawei Tianlong is still rushing, this is obviously a deliberate revenge!

However, Ye Yuan's face was indifferent, and the black mist filled his body, blocking the amazing high temperature from the star radiation!

It even made a few people in Jiangnan feel the coolness!

"Aren't you going yet? If you don't go, you won't be able to go!"

Jiang Nan turned around and scolded the mighty Tianlong, grabbing the three of Momo!

In an instant, a warp bubble with a diameter of ten meters was formed, and it traveled through the extremely dark star dome at an alarming speed!

No matter what dimensional creature he is or something else along the way!

Always kill!

And Ye Yuan also turned into a black fog, attached to the shadow of Jiangnan, and was led forward by it!

This must be inseparable from the legend, right?

After the Daotian level, Jiangnan's warp bubble has evolved!

The diameter of the warp bubble was three meters long before, and now it is 10 meters! Tripled!

And the curvature is doubled, the degree of compression and expansion space is even more exaggerated, the speed is not known how many times higher than before, and the consumption is even reduced!

What's even more coquettish is that Jiangnan's current warp bubbles may not be round...

However, just like Jiangnan's creation, it still failed to traverse the entire battlefield of the extremely dark star field!

Even on the side of the dimensional creatures, even the ten thousand race camp has not rushed to the side!

It can be seen how vast the dimensional battlefield of the extremely dark starry sky is, and it is even calculated by the star field!

Jiangnan, who stopped, hurriedly stuffed the durian pulp and looked back!

I saw that Dawei Tianlong had already pinched the Tianchen family!

This guy actually rushed up with the blue star cannon!

Dragon claws grab it!

Seeing that the situation was not good that day, the Chen Clan burst out with incomparably bright starlight, pushing its huge star to dodge to the side!

But it is still shrouded in the palm of the country, and the giant star is grasped by the powerful Tianlongyi in the claws!

It's like holding a blue sun!

"Humph! Unstoppable! China in the palm of your hand? Collapse the star!"

The next moment, I saw its dragon claws squeezed fiercely, and the blue giant star exploded, and a supernova explosion occurred directly in the palm of China!

Dawei Tianlong raised his hand and threw it, and flew out of his palm, and then the dragon's tail flicked and slammed on it!

"Give it back to you!"

I saw that China in the palm crossed the battlefield and fell to the side of the fleet!

"The kingdom blooms!"

As soon as the voice fell, the compressed palm country returned to its normal size at a terrifying speed, and it was accompanied by a supernova explosion!

Hundreds of warships were engulfed by energy and dissipated in the firelight!

I saw Dawei Tianlong laughing loudly: "It is also indecent to come and go!"

"Next! Dragon King Xiao!"

It opened its **** mouth, and in its mouth was pregnant with extremely violent spatial fluctuations!



A black dragon breath rushed over like a heavenly sword and exploded into the Ten Thousand Races camp!

Wherever he passed, the space collapsed and annihilated, and even broke the space on the battlefield with a crack connecting the dimensional gaps!

It went straight to the star chain city wall composed of hundreds of planets!

The thick energy wall was torn apart, and one of the planets exploded!

Jiang Nan swallowed his saliva:

Σ(°△°|||) "Is Dawei Tianlong so fierce?"

"This is the legendary Dragon King Yixiao, life and death are unpredictable?"

Is this really the mighty Tianlong who is submissive in front of the Black God and doesn't dare to put a fart?

The difference is too big, right?

Momo is shaking like a rubber band:

(?﹏?.) " it too late to go home now? The outside world is too scary, isn't it?"

The planets have all been blown up, before Nanshen dared to poke the mighty Tianlong?

This guy destroys Blue Star, one claw is enough, right?

But the Wanzu side is not covered!

I saw two humanoid figures rushing straight towards the Dawei Tianlong!

It has no facial features, and its body is completely composed of rich star dust, and the stars are shining brightly in the tumult!

From a distance, it looks like a human-shaped nebula, extremely gorgeous!

The terrifying gravitational force around the body even distorted the space, and even the light was attracted to the past!

Just looking at it makes my heart tremble, giving people a feeling of extreme danger!

Jiangnan's scalp was numb: Σ(°mouth°????) "What race are these two, they look very dangerous? Can Dawei Tianlong handle it?"

Ye Yuan glanced at it: "That's the Stardust Clan, which is also a material life, very ancient! It was bred from the stardust in the early days of the universe!"

"Older than the Tianchen Clan, the top ten races in the starry sky sequence are difficult to deal with, but the mighty Tianlong can handle it!"

"How many years has it been on this Yuan battlefield? Instead of worrying about him, it's better to worry about yourselves!"

Jiang Nan scratched his head, completely in a state of ignorance!

My understanding of the starry sky is almost zero, and my eyes are black!

Material life? Stardust? Can Stardust also have life?

By the way, what is the starry sky sequence?

"Don't care! Rush to Wanzu first and talk about it!"

After all, these angels are among the infinite dimensional creatures, and it is true at first glance!

The warp bubble advanced frantically, heading straight for the Ten Thousand Races camp!

And just as Jiangnan was approaching the front line, a huge war fortress in the distance blasted gel cannonballs the size of mountains!

Blatantly exploded in the starry sky!

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless gels turned into light spots and spread in all directions!

In an instant, the surrounding space became extremely viscous and stagnant!

Jiangnan, who was sprinting at warp speed, broke into this range by mistake!

The warp bubble suddenly became extremely slow, as if it had been frozen!

There is no feeling like a duck to water before, the space is heavy and it is almost impossible to mobilize!

Jiangnan stumbled and fell out of the warp gun!

(¬yi¬?) "What the **** is this?"

Ye Yuan said lightly: "Empty rubber bullet, a weapon specially developed by silicon-based mechanical species to deal with the dimensional battlefield!"

"It is used to stagnate the space for a short period of time to limit the ability of dimensional creatures to use, so as to facilitate killing!"

"Very disgusting stuff!"

Jiangnan was stunned, empty rubber bullet? Has silicon-based even developed such a thing?

But think about it, the dimensional war has been fought for hundreds of millions of years, and it is normal to play some tricks!

No matter how much Jiangnan is, it is better to get out of the battlefield as soon as possible!

In this level of Star Wars, if you are not careful, you will not know how to die!

Just as I was about to leave, I saw a team on the left wearing an advanced mechanical armor, moving at a high speed towards this side!

There is a large gray-brown haze surging behind him, entangled with the chasing dimensional creatures, and I don't know what it is!

Aijiang's mechanical eyes scan for a while!

?(??~?)? "Master! The five-person team in front is Zerg, and they are carbon-based! The dozen or so big men behind are Titans! They are also carbon-based!"

"Be careful, the Zerg are also the top ten races in the starry sky sequence!"

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes and looked at the five Zerg!

Each one looks like a Predator, it's disgusting, I get goosebumps at a glance!

Born with compound eyes and ferocious mouthparts, each one looks different, it seems to be a different kind of Zerg!

And the team of Titans behind them is ten meters tall, with protruding lower jaws and fangs rushing up!

The body is extremely strong, the arms and thighs are as thick as the waist, the skin is orange-yellow, and the muscles are rock-solid, giving people a strong impact!

As soon as the Zerg leader saw a few people in Jiangnan, his eyes brightened and he flew over quickly!

(????)? "Yo~ how many angels came here to pick up leaks? Dare to go so deep? It seems that the brothers are very confident in their own strength?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was pure Qianxing language!

Jiangnan is full of disgust:

??(What is the dish?)?? "Ugly bug, don't get so close to me, it will contaminate my sight!"

"No wonder I can smell the smell of the stinky ditch from far away! Tsk~ It's really bad luck!"

The faces of the Zerg froze, um~ they are pure holy angels!

It's the taste! That's right!

The arrogance of the angel race is well-known in the starry sky. They look down on any race and like all beautiful things!

As everyone knows, Jiangnan is just imitating the tone of Feiyan, Gabriel and the others!

After all, the impression the angel gave to Jiangnan was the appearance of this bird!

Jiangnan doesn't really want to come into contact with unknown races, after all, they are not familiar with ability levels or anything!

I wanted to slap my face and run away, but the Zerg leader brought someone over!

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

Are they not angry?

Aijiang whispered: ?(?)????)? "Although the Zerg are powerful, but because of their racial characteristics, their appearance is ugly, and they are not welcome anywhere. They are used to being scolded, right?"

Jiangnan's eyes twitched, is the Zerg so miserable?

I saw that the Zerg leader grinned, which was uglier than crying:

(????) "I didn't expect to meet like-minded people here. It's not easy to mess around behind enemy lines. How about forming a team to pick up leaks?"

"The obtained dimensional beads are distributed according to the work, the ability of the Angels, plus the Zerg, and the Titans, the efficiency is much better than that of a single team brushing beads!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand towards Jiangnan!

At the same time that the Zerg leader spoke, the valve behind his ear was constantly vibrating!

[Trigger skills! Insect language (primary): LV0! ]

[Added skill points: 1,111,100 points! ]

[Skill upgrade! Insect Language (Grandmaster): max! ]

Jiangnan suddenly understood the vibration of the valve!

"Let's kill it directly. The three Genesis battle armors are too rich to ride on a horse? It is estimated that a rich young man from a certain family in the kingdom of heaven brought his sister Lang!"

"Big brother! Isn't this angel race very easy to kill? They have Nirvana skills. Although we can handle all of these, if we get into the kingdom of heaven..."

"Hehe~ Who knew we killed it? There are many farts in the kingdom of heaven? The angels are only the bottom of the top ten in the starry sky sequence! Our worm nest is the eighth!"

Jiangnan: (?_?)

It's really bullying, we don't understand what you're saying, right? Is it really good to conspire so loudly?

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