Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1896: Chicken Soup for the Soul?

Jiangnan chick nodded as if pecking at rice:

(?????) "This one named Ulu is really festive!"

After coming out for so long, Jiangnan has seen all kinds of strange races!

Now when I see someone with a nose and eyes, I feel that they have long eyebrows and beautiful eyes!

Aijiang whispered: ?(?)????)? "This is the Bone Yao clan, the top 100 races in the starry sky sequence, and they are relatively powerful!"

Jiang Nan secretly wrote it down, it seems that he has to find a time system that is familiar with all races in the starry sky, otherwise he will not know any other races, nor his abilities, and it will be easy to suffer losses!

"Speaking of which, is it possible that the cargo ship is still robbed? Star thief? Isn't the star ship traveling at warp speed? Can it still be intercepted?"

Nita whispered: "There are so many strange abilities in the starry sky, and the warp speed jump is not foolproof!"

"There are also powerful bosses among the star thieves. After all, the business of licking blood is the most profitable!"

"Especially in Chaos Xinghai, the star thieves over there are notoriously fierce, I heard that dogs had to get two mouths in the past!"

"But don't worry, the Starlight Alliance ship doesn't dare to touch them even if they borrow a hundred courage, just put your heart in your stomach and endure it for three days!"

Jiangnan smacking his lips, is there really a desperado everywhere?

But the star pirate career sounds quite suitable for me?

But the more I listened to Nita and the others, the more Jiangnan felt like he was going to be robbed?

Isn't it a good thing to set up flags before departure?

I saw that parasite came forward to report to Ulu!

∠(#)`w'(#) "Captain! The cargo is all loaded, and the brothers have all boarded the ship and can leave the port at any time!"

Ulu nodded with satisfaction: "Then tell the bridge to set off, eh? Rhodes, is your kid fat?"

"Why is your face so round?"

Rhodes rubbed his face:

(?)`w'(ヾ)??? "Is there? Ah yes! Report the Xingyuan point that employs temporary mercenaries, there are a total of 31,700 points!"

Ulu stared: ? ? ?

∑(°mouth°?) "God? Did you hire a battalion on horseback? Why did it cost so much? It's just one **** mission, do you need such a big fanfare?"

Rhodes sweated profusely on his forehead:

(#)?﹏??(#) "I...I don't know, so I've drawn so much!"

Jiangnan looked guilty: (????′???`)~????

Ulu waved his hand impatiently: "Forget it, tell the bridge to come out... wait!"

I saw that its communicator suddenly started to flash, and then it opened the closed warehouse door again!

Four people in large black robes walked in with a huge silver metal box!

Cover your face with black cloth!

Human-like in appearance, with pointed ears, an origin between the eyebrows, and a light blue luster on the skin!

Although he covered his face, Jiangnan still recognized it. All four were members of the Tianqi clan, and their grades were all broken stars!

Ulu greeted him with a smile, not knowing what to communicate!

The Apocalypse Clan headed by him gave Ulu some Star Origin Points, and he laughed even happier!

He quickly invited the four in, and even hid the silver metal long box in the middle of all the goods to cover it!

The four Apocalypse tribes didn't speak, but stood beside the cargo box, pestering like a telephone pole!

Immediately Ulu closed the hatch, and the Long Whale slowly left the star port...

Many people saw the existence of the four, but they didn't say anything wisely!

Jiang Nan frowned:

(???~??) "What's the situation?"

It stands to reason that it is very unreasonable for angels to take a cargo spaceship!

The four Apocalypse tribes actually came to take the cargo ship? They are the fourth most powerful race!

Nina whispered:

?(┘?┏3┓??└)? "Shh~ they should be smuggling contraband. I'm afraid of being checked, so I took the freight route!"

"This kind of thing is very common in freight lines. The position of **** captain is full of oil and water!"

Jiangnan was stunned, cargo ship smuggling? good guy! Are they all that slippery?

What important goods are in that silver metal box?

It seems that they sensed Jiangnan's gaze, and the Tianqi clan looked over, and their azure blue eyes were full of cold warnings!

Even the energy fluctuations in the body also followed violently!

After all, the three angels in the cargo ship are really conspicuous!

Jiang Nan raised his hand generously to signal to them!

But the few people completely ignored them, and looked like strangers should not come near!

Jiangnan whispered: (??????) "Meow, how do you feel that the ship will be hijacked?"

It's the pirate of the starfish and the starfish, and it's smuggled by the Apocalypse family. Strong intuition tells Jiangnan that the road may not be so smooth!

It's better to do some preparations in advance!

The violent space fluctuations came, and Jiangnan could feel that the space of the cargo ship was being expanded and compressed!

The warp engine has already started accumulating energy, and it took three minutes before the warp jump started!


The Long Whale cargo ship suddenly disappeared in the Star Dome Harbor!

Jiangnan pouted, thinking that the warp speed jump of the starship is the kind that has no release time, so just use it!

Who knows that it takes a long time to start the warp engine, which is much slower than your own warp bubble!

The temperature in the warehouse was extremely low, and the Titans, who only wore vests and shorts, shivered with their shoulders in their arms!

The resentment value is constantly refreshed!

On the other hand, Jiangnan is guarded by rabbit spit pills, and is not afraid of cold at all!

I can't help but close my eyes and shake jiojio to check the system!

When I was on Blue Star before, due to Jiangnan's reputation, Jiangnan, a global powerhouse, had already opened a scoop, and the grievance points were not very easy to earn!

You can also earn some points from the holy star, and there is no chance to earn grievance points after you come out!

It's not even a little flowery enough!

Fortunately, there is a big resentment planted in Jiangnan, and Jiangnan has accumulated more than six million resentment points, and it is still growing!

Since there is a hunch that something is going to happen, it is better to draw the prize first!

He couldn't help thinking to himself: "Baby system, I'm already rushing into the starry sky~ You can't draw a smashing prize in the lottery to help our stall business flourish?"

[Please repay the ground fee in time for the host, otherwise this baby will no longer provide protection for the host! ]

[Pay back the debt, you ('-')ノ)`-')]

Jiangnan grinds his teeth!

(?°?~°?) Then don't grab it slowly...Bah! earn? How long have I been here? What's the hurry?

Dead stinky treasure, you are not cute if you want a debt!

Sweepstakes Sweepstakes! Draw six million!

[The lucky ten consecutive lottery draw starts! ]

[Thank you for your patronage! Consolation Prize: A low-key sugar orange! ]

[Congratulations on winning! Prize: A dumb sack! ]

The list of prizes keeps flashing, but Jiang Nan has no expectations!

After all, the dumb sack that just came out last time!

According to the previous rules, there will be two more **** consolation prizes to have a chance to draw serious prizes!

Even if it's a double shot, you won't see any serious prizes?

Jiangnan is wandering!

Suddenly, the list of prizes has changed!

[Congratulations on winning! Prize: A dumb sack! ]

[Thank you for your patronage! Consolation Prize: A bowl of chicken soup for the soul! ]

[Thank you for your patronage…]

Jiangnan spreads his hands, see? I said it would be a **** consolation prize!

But the name doesn't sound so serious!

Chicken Soup for the Soul? Is it possible to heal a broken heart or something?

The curious Jiang Nan swallowed and hurriedly checked the consolation prize!

[The role of chicken soup for the soul:]

Those who take this chicken soup can temporarily obtain powerful and unparalleled spiritual power! Duration 60 minutes!

During the period, the positive energy buff will be added! I am justice, the righteous way of the world!

Chicken soup is a thief spirit! Bloody inspirational super deep!

Warm healing is like the early morning, help justice and all of us!

Drink chicken soup for the soul! What a beautiful death~

(????)? Stinky baby~ It's time to drink soup!

Jiangnan: ∑(°mouth°?)

I'm a darling!

What? What? This chicken soup for the soul can bless the mind of the user?

Is it mental power?

Oh mother, this is not shabby at all!

You must know that in this area of ​​mental attack, Jiangnan has always been a hard injury and a weakness!

Every time I encountered a mental attack, I was either stunned or resisted with a spread on the ground!

The appearance of the rosary beads made Jiangnan a headache, but fortunately, after the warp bubble, it can resist a little!

But it didn't work much. Now, has the system baby finally produced something to enhance mental power?

Wouldn't he become powerful in all directions without dead ends?

goose box~

(???3?) "Stinky baby~ How do you know what I'm missing? Why are you so pitiful?"

[(乛~乛?) ~ Oh ~ Nanren! ]

Jiangnan laughed, but the smile on his face gradually froze!


Wait a minute~ Guangte Meow is so happy!

How did you forget this was a consolation prize?

More... more is a beautiful death?

Smelly treasure drinking soup?

This special chicken soup for the soul shouldn't be poisonous!

You can't drink to death, can you?

How could Jiangnan, who swallowed his saliva, dare to try so easily? Try it yourself?

Immediately take out a bowl of chicken soup for the soul and take a closer look!

Just an ordinary white porcelain bowl!

There is a logo on the bottom of the bowl.

The chicken soup was amber in color, and the bowl was full, with a smell of oil floating on it!

Even under the starry sky, the steam is still steaming, and a mouth-watering aroma instantly fills the entire warehouse!

Attract everyone's attention!

What the hell, why did you suddenly take out a bowl of chicken soup!

Before Jiang Nan could take a closer look, Xing Cheng couldn't help it at the first time. The dumb sack was soaked by the saliva like a waterfall!

?(o﹃o?) "Drink for Cheng Baoer? Crab~Goose Box~"

As he spoke, he grabbed the bowl of chicken soup, opened his mouth wide, raised his head and poured it into his throat!

Jiangnan looked terrified:

Σ(っ°Д°;)っ "Hey, hey, don't..."

But it was already too late, Cheng Baoer even ate the bowl and licked his **** daze!

(●'?'●)っ "After 100,000 hits, 10 beads will be awarded to Cheng Baoer!"

Jiangnan: =????(???????)…

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