"Oh Huo? You are very thoughtful! Star Thief King? This title is quite fanciful!"

Jiang Nan grinned: (?ˉ??ˉ?) "Then take a look? Starting today, the duo of our brothers will officially debut!"

"Famous in the starry sky, spread through the ages, it starts from this moment!"

Ahahaha~ If you catch it yourself, in case you encounter a powerful one, or someone with a domain, it's quite dangerous!

There may be a possibility of overturning!

But pulling Ye Yuan together, wouldn't you just pinch it?

I'm such a clever little devil

Ye Yuan nodded: (?ˇ~ˇ?) "Then be the star thief king!"

"The 300,000 bills will be considered after the chaos of the Xinghai is controlled!"

Jiangnan: (??w???)

Do you still remember it?

God special meow to be the king of star thieves! I'm a star thief, and you're the one behind!

At this moment, the star pirate ship suddenly broke out from the warp speed state!

I saw an asteroid with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers in front of me floating in space!

It is brightly lit, and there are obviously star thieves who have built a base on it!

There are also several small starships anchored on the asteroid!

Fat Bu Laji hurriedly said: "Boss! It's the place! This is the home of the Scorpio Star Thief Group!"

Jiang Nan rubbed his little hands and his eyes were full of excitement!

(???°???°) "Is this here? Open and open!"

While talking, he rushed into the starry sky with a group of Teletubbies Wu Yangyang!

Nitta Nina and other more than a dozen Titans followed Jiangnan and the others in disbelief!


What the hell?

He promised to go to the City of Thousand Stars, but he came to Chaos Xinghai to rob Star Thieves!

What's even more outrageous is that these Titans have also become accomplices inexplicably!

Ye Yuan crossed his arms: (??~??) "You or I?"

Jiang Nan grinned: (? ̄??? ̄??) "Of course it's me who shoots the gun? Lao Tzu..."

But at this moment, Momo pulled Jiangnan's cuff!

(?????﹏?)? "South God, is it really good for us to do this? Don't forget, we are the defenders of justice?"

At this moment, the holy light emanating from Momo's body is getting stronger and stronger, obviously the positive energy in his heart is at work!

Jiang Nan waved his hand without hesitation!

(︶~︶?)? "That's what you have to do! These star thieves burn, kill, loot, commit all kinds of evil, and seem to be immersed in the joyous village, free and easy!"

"But in fact, I have fallen into the bitter sea of ​​sin. I did this to rescue the star pirates from the boundless sea of ​​suffering?"

"It's redemption! As for the bounty in exchange, it's just a reward for our righteous actions, and the confiscation of their dirty money is a punishment for them!"

?*??(?????*)??*? "This is what you must do as a defender of justice! I am Jiang Zhengyi! I swear that I will never live with sin!"

At this moment, the holy light on Jiang Nan's body was extremely bright, and suddenly, there were impassioned drum beats and chanting like the sound of heaven!

"The light of the right path! Shining on that starry sky~"

? "Light up every dark corner!"

? "The gun of justice! Point to that sin~"

? "Let every wicked man not be hesitant!"

"Hey~ hey~ black yo black~"

It seems that Jiangnan's behavior is too righteous, and even positive energy BGM sounded!

At this moment, Jiangnan came to the world as if he had become a messenger of justice!

Ye Yuan's mouth twitched:

(??ˇyiˇ??:) "It's your sister's light! It's a good thing to say, don't say it next time!"

"It's the first time I've seen robbery, black eat black, so fresh and refined, ah!"

Ai-chan: ?(?)`?'(ヾ)???? "Just...even the BGM says the owner is black~"

Jiang Nan stared: "What do you know? This is the light of righteousness, justice is executed!"

Not fat, let out a few coughs:

(??????) "Boss Nanshen is really a big gelding man~"

Olivia on the side was stunned, what the hell, is there a bgm blessing for a robbery?

Is this the first time I've seen this kind of special effect?

Jiang Nan piqued: (?`~'?) "It doesn't make sense to tell you guys, let's start justice now!"

Raise your hand and grab it while speaking, and the palm is directly shaped into a small ball in your hand!

Immediately, a warp bubble burst out and went straight to the asteroid!

Jiangnan teleported back to Ye Yuan with a marker!

"Combination: Warp Expansion Cannon!"


The warp bubble broke into the interior of the asteroid without any hindrance, just as it hit the center!

The speed in the palm of the hand is blooming at an extreme speed, and a blank space of 100,000 meters is formed inside the asteroid, and everything around it is pushed out!

The asteroid base with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers exploded on the spot, and countless gravels flew in all directions!

There was a violent explosion in the base!

Olivia looked at this scene in horror!


Be nice! Is this the kind of damage that Unreachable Star can do?

Blow up asteroids hundreds of kilometers in diameter in one blow!

If you let this guy break through to the breaking star level, he won't be able to achieve the achievement of planet destroyer just after breaking through, right?

The three antenna brothers all froze in place!


Come up and blow up the base of the Scorpio Star Thief Group? Has the way the boss of Nanshen greeted has always been so violent?

At this moment, the hometown was bombed, and the Scorpio Star Thief Group was on fire immediately!

Thousands of people rushed out of the bombed-up base one after another!

There are all kinds of races, and the leader is a majestic, black-haired tauren with two horns on his head!

Even wearing a nose ring!

It was a barbarian bull who had just reached the broken star, holding two giant axes, his eyes were red with anger!

╰(`?′メ)╯ "Who! Who is the one who stepped on the horse? Dare to smash Lao Tzu's place? Has my sister heard of the name of the Scorpio Star Thief Group?"

"It's not enough to put your lives here today! Antenna Star Pirates? Is it you?"

"Aren't you tired of living and crooked?"

The three antenna brothers shrank their necks and looked at Jiangnan!

The leader of Tiansha was furious and pointed at Jiangnan with a big axe in his hand:

╰(`yi'メ)╯ "Just ride the horse and you come..."

Olivia: (′?ж?)σ“Pfft~”

Tiansha leader: ? ? ?

╰(?°?yi°?)╯ "Laugh? What are you laughing at? Is it interesting?"

Olivia's face was flushed, her shoulders were shaking, and she couldn't help but turn her head away:

(?ж??) "No...it's alright, Brother Niu, you continue~ Pfft hahaha!"

Jiang Nan is also confused, is this girl smiling?

People are seriously self-reporting their families, huh?

Justice is enforced, be serious!

The leader of Tiansha was even more angry: "Those who want to eat me, strengthen themselves? You are afraid that you are not looking for the wrong person!"

"Kicked the iron plate, you know? How dare you come to find fault with Lao Tzu? I hope you will laugh later!"

Jiangnan grinned:

(? ̄?? ̄?) "Cough~ my brother and I just debuted in a group today, so it's normal to have never heard of our name!"

"But soon our group will be famous in the sea of ​​​​stars!"

While talking, he put his arms around Ye Yuan's shoulder, Ye Yuan's face was full of pride!

Jiang Nan squinted his eyes and said, "Give me your ears! Listen! We are about to become famous for the handsome and compelling combination of Xinghai!"

(?°???°)?: "I'm handsome!"

(?︶?︶)?: "I'm forcing... eh?"

Halfway through the sentence, Ye Yuan was stunned, and then a dozen blue veins burst out on his forehead!

(???????) You ride a horse!

So he grabbed Jiang Nan's neck and smashed his Tianling Gai for a while!

[The resentment value from Ye Yuan +1003! ]

You have to say all the good words, what should I say?

Are you handsome? I have to be intimidating?

This is to dig a hole and push Lao Tzu to jump in!

Olivia on the side burst into tears and kept slapping her thighs!

('???)σ "Ahahaha~ That's it! Absolutely!"

Jiang Nan covered his head and co-authored Olivia just laughing at this?

The leader of Tiansha was completely furious: "I don't care what you are! Dare to trouble me? I'm afraid I don't know who is the master in this piece!"

"Just let you guys see where my **** is!"

Jiangnan: (??w???)

"I don't know this, right? I'm not interested, are you embarrassed with so many people?"

Olivia: (′?╰╯?)σ "Ahahahahahahahaha~"

At this moment, she was lying in the starry sky with her stomach covered, kicking her legs and rolling!

Jiangnan doesn't care about this crazy girl!

(??ˇ~ˇ?) "I know who you are! Huang Wei, leader of the Tiansha pirate group? Is the nickname Tiansha?"

Tian Sha squinted his eyes: "Hum! It's down! You..."


Before the words were finished, the space wormhole opened instantly, and a big B slapped him in the face!

Hit him in the head!


At this moment, there was a dead silence in the arena!

[The resentment value from Huang Wei +1005! ]

╰(? 艹 dish 艹) ╯ "You dare to beat me? Lao Tzu..."

"Wait a minute! You wait a minute!"

I saw that Jiang Nan had already pulled out a dumb sack from his arms!

Then, like wearing pants, I put myself in the sack!

Looking at this familiar operation, Ye Yuan was already clenching his fists!

The leader of Tiansha is extremely angry, wait a moment? I'm waiting for your Seventh Uncle and Grandpa!

Can you respect my profession?

With a roar, he charged towards Jiangnan with a giant axe!

But the next moment!

(??????) "Space permutation!"

The leader of Tiansha suddenly disappeared, and he had been replaced into the sack, and the mouth of the bag was automatically tightened!

[The resentment value from Huang Wei +1007! ]

[From Huang Wei…]

"What kind of **** is this? Let me out! A battle! A battle!"

However, no matter how hard he tried to suckle, it was impossible for him to escape from the dumb sack!

At this moment, the more than 1,000 members of the Heavenly Fiend Star Thief Group are all stupid.

Also, it's over without a fight?

"Your process is really good enough?"

Jiang Nan shyly waved his hand:

(︶.?︶?) "Without him! Only you are familiar with it!"

[The resentment value from Ye Yuan +1008! ]

(?°??°?) "Well, I know, take my hands, right?"

Jiang Nan swallowed his saliva, turned his head sharply, and saw that Ye Yuan's eyes were already red. What is certain is that this red eye is not a special effect!

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