Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1913: Eventful autumn?

Wenger lowered his eyebrows and said with a difficult expression: "The conditions have been reached, and the Gu family has agreed to the transaction!"

"It's just... there's something wrong with the delivery, and Olivia's whereabouts are unknown now!"

He didn't say that he didn't abide by the agreement on his side and stopped people halfway!

In fact, the conditions requested by the Gu family are too outrageous. Now, the purchase of fragrant beads here has already caused a lot of economic pressure!

Naturally, you can save when you can!

Once someone is snatched up and cooked with raw rice, even if the Gu family is not angry, there is the power of Lord Manti, and the righteousness of the race comes first!

The Gu family can't say anything!

Who knew that something went wrong. With Wenger's ability and his Gamma body, wouldn't it be easy to rob a cargo spaceship?

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse will not be his opponent at all!

But now that Winton has hung up, there is no news of Behnken, and it's a mess!

Manti slowly stood up, her eyes were scarlet:

(??'Yi?') "What did you say? That girl's whereabouts are unknown? What the **** are you doing! Are you expecting me to die sooner?"

Wenger hurriedly bent down and bowed his head: (???) "Small dare not..."

Manti narrowed his eyes and said, "The limit lifespan of the Apocalypse is only about 500 years! And I am already 1300 years old!"

"If the Qi Clan climbed to the fourth sequence position today, and even pressed the Gamma body, the deity's contribution is indispensable, but now, are you unwilling to do even such a small thing for me?"

"In my current state, it will take a lot of effort to complete the transfer, seven days! I only give you seven days! Send that girl and enough fragrant beads to me!"

"No matter what the price is, don't blame me for Apocalypse Swallowing the Star!"

It is not impossible to transfer to the body of other Apocalypse clan, but his strength may decay to the point where it is not as good as before!

After all, there are very few people in the clan who can match their talent!

But that girl is different, she has that possibility, and maybe she can take herself to a higher level!

She must be!

Wenger bowed his head: "Yes! Madam Mistress! The little one must use the power of the clan to accomplish this, and then go to the City of Thousand Stars!"

Madam Manti must not have an accident, otherwise it will be a disaster for the Apocalypse family!

"get out!"

Wenger left and set off for the City of a Thousand Stars!

Manti fell on the bed, sucking the half of the incense beads, and her eyes were melancholy!

Limited lifespan, maybe this is the sadness of carbon-based?

Energy-type life, living for eighteen thousand years is like playing, material life is more abnormal, like Tianchen clan, can sleep for hundreds of millions of years...

Only carbon-based, life is as gorgeous and short as the blooming fireworks!

Not only Wenger is looking for it, but the Gu family to which Olivia belongs is also looking for it!

The entire Apocalypse clan moved!

The inner ring of the city of a thousand stars! The main star in the center, on the prosperous Vientiane star!

A magnificent tower of starlight towering to the sky rose from the ground, and even extended into space!

It is the headquarters of the Starlight Alliance!

And at the top of the Starlight Tower, in the meeting head office, the door is open!

With long fiery red hair, dressed in Originium Starlight Armor, with a beautiful face, red wings behind her back, and a blazing angel Shaye with a knife on her waist, she walked in with a bulging northern barbarian!

And Shaye is now serving as the vice president of the Starlight Alliance!

Seraph, one of the holy angel factions, even the halo above his head is fiery red!

"Master Chief, a cargo ship that our Starlight Alliance transported from the Dimensional Battlefield to the City of Thousand Stars was robbed in the Chaos Xinghai!"

I saw that on the main seat, a figure entirely made of star dust sat on it!

The starlight on his body flickered, disillusioned and disillusioned, and at a glance, it seemed that he could see countless rotating nebulae in his body!

It's so beautiful it's drowning!

It is the leader of the Starlight Alliance! Code!

I saw Fama said in surprise: "Oh? There are still star thieves who dare to rob my Starlight Alliance cargo ship this year?"

"Wouldn't it be better to send the Starlight Troops to destroy it? The majesty of the Starlight Alliance is not to be provoked, and the chaos of Xinghai should be rectified. You don't need to report this trivial matter to me, right?"

The northern barbarians shivered and didn't dare to look directly at Fuma!

He is a parasitic avatar of the parasitic body Rhodes. I didn't expect this report to be able to see the great master of the law?

Shaye shook her head: "If it was an ordinary robbery incident, Master Fama would naturally not be notified!"

"It's just that this incident is not simple! The Apocalypse Clan hijacked the ship, and there were also Apocalypse Clan smuggling on the boat, carrying something called Chuya..."

"It's also what they are fighting for!"

Fama was stunned: "Huh? Apocalypse clan? Chuya? I heard that Manti, the goddess of the Apocalypse clan, is approaching her deadline, and now she is frantically buying fragrant beads in the city to continue her life!"

"Chuya? Tell me about this in detail!"

Rhode did not dare to grumble, and quickly told Fama what he had seen!

Fama was stunned: "The holy angel of the space department? Did you make a mistake? Shaye! Do you have angels who have the power of space now in your kingdom of heaven?"

Shaye's face was dark: ??(???~???)??? "Lord Fama, don't make fun of me, if there is such an angel, my angel family will not stop at the first place. Ten sequences!"

"This person is called Jiangnan. There is no such person in the database. It should be a black family. The specific ethnic identity is unknown!"

"It should be swindling in the name of an angel, don't let this girl bump into him! The kingdom of heaven cannot be desecrated!"

Fama said lightly: "Interesting, so Chu Ya is now in the hands of Jiangnan?"

Shaye nodded: "The Starlight Troop has been sent to Chaoxinghai to investigate, and no news has come back!"

"Do you want to report to the Holy Law? Add it to the Most Wanted List? Offer a reward for a demonstration?"

Fama nodded: "Let's just release it? Offer a reward of one million Star Origin Points, and let all the clans see clearly, not everyone in my Starlight Alliance can mess with me!"

As soon as the voice fell, a communication application suddenly appeared on the communication device in the office!

Exactly from Wenger!

Fama was stunned, the corners of his mouth curled up, click to connect!

Suddenly, Wenger's holographic projection appeared in the office!

"Brother Fama, I heard that your goods were robbed in Chaos Xinghai? How is it? Is there any news?"

Fama said with a smile: "Brother Wenger, the news is very well-informed? The front foot has just been robbed, and you know the back foot?"

"When did you care so much about the Alliance?"

Wenger's face darkened: "My Apocalypse clan is also one of the alliance member races, shouldn't I be concerned?"

"You know why I asked, so don't give a shit, do you have any clues?"

Fama said lightly: "There is, but there is, it's just my cargo..."

Wenger gritted his teeth: "It's on my head, you can report the loss! I want clues!"

Fama smiled and said: "It's a coincidence, there is just a clue, a space angel named Jiangnan defeated all the star thieves, including the star thief surnamed Wen!"

"Now Chu Ya is most likely in his hands! I'm about to release a million-dollar bounty..."

Wenger's eyes brightened, any news? Good news!

"One million? What's enough? It can't attract attention at all! A reward of 300 million Star Origin Points is offered! I will pay the money!"

"I'm going to the City of Thousand Stars soon, and as soon as there is news, notify me immediately!"

As soon as these words came out, the law code was stunned: "300 million? Do you have the money to burn? Such a high price?"

Wenger squinted: "There are many night dreams, and there are things about Xiangzhu. With the ability of the Starlight Alliance, it shouldn't be difficult to find some resources, right?"

Fama spread his hands and looked teasing: "You are overestimating me, the fragrant beads market is extremely short, and I don't have any reliable news in my hands~"

Wenger's face darkened: "Forget it! Please help me with the wanted matter!"

He hung up the phone while he was talking, with a gloomy expression on his face!

Damn energy-type life, just don't let it go?

Shaye pouted: "Tsk tsk tsk ~ 300 million? If this is put on the most wanted list, the one named Jiangnan will not survive for a long time!"

"Xingyuan points are really good to earn!"

Fama leaned on the chair and said with emotion: "Apocalypse is panicking? After all, it is about the life and death of the star-swallowing boss!"

"On the eve of the Sequence War, there are so many things! Siji and the Holy Law Society are quarreling now! The contradiction is getting worse!"

"The four branches of the Bose tribe, the first light, the Herrscher, the holy star, and the high-level leaders of the creation world, have all appeared in the city of a thousand stars!"

Shaye frowned: "What are they arguing about? Siji's ambition is not small?"

Fama's hands: "How do I know? But if you want to shake the Bose, the silicon base is still too tender. The previous star overlords, the Bose are not in vain!"

"But after this Sequence War, I'm afraid there will be a lot of changes in the top ten sequences? The city of a thousand stars will also be lively during this time~"

"For the reward, go and declare it. The guys from the Hild union are well-informed and have a lot of tricks. It shouldn't be difficult to catch Jiangnan!"

"In addition, if the troops who went to Chaan Xinghai to investigate find out anything, remember to let me know!"

Shaye nodded and hurried to do it, but seemed a little worried!

I hope the Angels don't fall out of the top ten this time!

Fortunately, there is still a long time to prepare!

At this moment, the spicy Nanren has no idea that he has been wanted by a bounty!

But still on the way to the city of a thousand stars, the star pirate ship soared fast!

At the same time, a Sunwind-class armed starship came to the Chaotic Sea of ​​Stars with a warp speed jump!

There is a prominent Starlight Alliance logo on the ship!

A large number of starlight troops got off the ship fully armed and looked around!

(??~??) "Speaking of which, is the alliance a bit too fussy? A cargo ship was robbed, do you want a whole ship of Starlight troops to come?"

"I don't have any interest in suppressing bandits!"

(¬yi¬) "Shut your mouth, and your work is over, Lord Shaye personally ordered it! Or..."

Before the words were finished, everyone saw thousands of grotesque star thieves wearing only a pair of shorts, running wildly under the stars, crying as they ran, and couldn't stop wiping their tears!

The Starlight Troop is stunned, what's the situation?

Are the star pirates in Chaos Xinghai so perverted now?

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