Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1917: Hmm, a very mature idea

On the endlessly prosperous Vientiane star, the silicon-speed air iron passes through the acceleration magnetic ring at a terrifying speed!

Passing over snow-capped ice cities, underwater cities, mica fields, there are beautiful scenery along the way!

But Jiangnan people have no time to appreciate it at all!

Soothing and ethereal music is playing on the skytrain!

However, the No. 118 carriage where Jiangnan was located was extremely hot, vibrating wildly, and the black mist was billowing inside!

A brother of the northern barbarian tribe, one of his fangs was hammered off, and he was about to jump out of the car while crawling at the window, his eyes were full of despair!

However, a pair of big hands shoved him into the black mist, and then a shocking scream came from inside!

3 minutes and 27 seconds later!

The interior of the carriage returned to calm, and the black mist dissipated!

Jiang Nan sorted out his slightly messy hairstyle in front of the burst mirror, tilted his head and took a sip!

(???~??) "Crap! No one in the 118th compartment can hit me!"

I saw that there was no one passenger in the carriage except Jiangnan!

The sacks are piled up in half of the carriage, the alien space is opened, and the Teletubbies are stuffing the sacks inside!

The saddles were smashed, the lights were sparking, and the walls were full of claw marks and dents!

Momo silently took off the half vest that fell on his head:

(??ˇ﹏ˇ??:) "The Tramway God of War is the two of you, right?"

Arresting a whole car of passengers?

Olivia's eyelids jumped: "I really don't have to worry about running out of seats now!"

Ye Yuan was full of excitement:

(?????)? "I have 237 sacks, more than you! Talk to me, call me dad!"

"What's it called?"


Jiang Nan nodded: (?ˇ?ˇ?) "Hey~ my dear!"

Ye Yuan: ? ? ?

(?▼Ware▼) "What are you saying when you step on the horse? I'm obviously more involved than you, it's not a good idea..."

Jiangnan: (??????) "My dear, your memory is not good? Think back to what I just said?

Ye Yuan was startled, and quickly turned back... um, quickly recalled!

[The resentment value from Ye Yuan +1008! ]

God special meow, do you call me dad?

(?°?yi°?) "Another defense-breaking teaching?"

Jiangnan Tanshou: ╮(??w??)╭ "A little trick every day will make you flamboyant and dignified!"

Ye Yuan gritted his teeth, his face full of grief!

I saw Jiangnan's words changed: "Aijiang, what did you just want to say?"

Ai-chan touched her forehead with her hand, the master's movements were too fast, right?

"I just wanted to say that the reason why the master came to the City of Thousand Stars and everyone wanted to **** you is because you were offered a reward!"

"I'm on the Most Wanted List, offering a reward of 300 million Star Origin Points, na~"

While speaking, he took out his portable brain, and the most wanted list showed Jiangnan!

The expression on Jiang Nan's face suddenly froze!

Pfft~ Who made this special meow's portrait? this is me?

After drinking chicken soup for the soul, emitting holy light, and robbing star thieves, is there such a dog?

Got a bounty?

It's no wonder that the early warning Ji madly called the police, and the money and money wandering on the street, who doesn't want it?

Olivia: (?′?ж?)σ "Pfft~ This portrait has captured the essence!"

Jiang Nan had a dark face, raised his hand and hammered Olivia, a shudder:

(???????)? "They did me not because they were jealous of my beauty that broke through the sky, but because they offered a reward?"

"Three hundred million? When did it happen?"

When I was traveling at warp speed before, I was not connected to the Qunxing network, so naturally I couldn't see the latest update of the contact list!

When we arrived at the City of Thousand Stars, Jiangnan didn't care about this, did he?

At this moment, Maca knelt down on the ground with a slap in the face, her eyes full of admiration!

(*???????) "God! A reward of 300 million? This is worth 60 million big brothers? God! This is God!"

Fatty: (?_?)

I know that you are good at math, but can you not say it out loud? Does this make me seem insignificant?

Aijiang said sadly: "Now the master is afraid that it is not in the city of a thousand stars. I don't know how many people have already made you a target!"

Jiangnan looked at the wanted list. There were almost no bounties of over 100 million, and few tens of millions!

So Jiangnan is even more eye-catching!

?(o﹃o?) "Goose Box~ Am I so valuable? Who offered me a reward? Is it really necessary to unload his whole family?"

"Only a few people over 100 million? Am I too good?"

Olivia covered her face: (?)﹏(ヾ) "It's not that you are good! It's those felons with large rewards on the wanted list. Once released, they were taken down in a very short time!"

"Naturally, it's on the list! The reason you stand out is because you haven't been taken down yet!"

"Nei~Is it too late to apply for a solo job now? I want to quit the team, it's too dangerous, hey!"

Was offered a reward of 300 million?

Jiangnan: (?°??°?) "Retire from the team? If you can survive 4,320 big B pockets, I'll just quit!"

Olivia shivered, her eyes full of horror, and she couldn't stop shaking her head!

(?﹏?.) "No no no! Life and death depend on each other! I swear to follow!"

Momo's pretty face turned pale: "If I understand correctly, Nanshen just now carried a bounty of 300 million and swaggered all the way, from Vientiane Port to the Air Railway Station!"

"Are you still taking the empty train?"

How many people have seen this? You've already exposed a fart!

You can imagine what a picture the car will look like!

And the destination is the Hild union? Close your eyes and forcefully break into the thief's den?

Ye Yuan also twitched at the corner of his mouth: "We should... Shouldn't it be exposed?"

Jiangnan waved his hand:

(︶~︶?)? "Not at all! Those who know my identity are all in sacks now!"

"No one has noticed that I have come to the City of Thousand Stars in Jiangnan!"

"As long as everyone who sees me trying to arrest me is put into a sack, I'm not exposed!"

Olivia: (???3??) Pfft~

What kind of fairy theory is this? Damn it, sneak in violently!

The problem is that this man actually did it!

Not to mention, you have to pack three or five thousand sacks along the way, right?

It's so wonderful to hide this identity!

Jiang Nan looked at the wanted list, and his eyes flickered:

?(?っ???c)? "Want to take Lao Tzu's head? Offer a reward for Lao Tzu? Jie Jie Jie~ This bounty is not so easy to earn!"

"In response to this, someone Jiang has a mature idea!"

The smile on his face gradually changed during the conversation, and he took out a few Teletubbies clothes from the alien space!

Wuxi Baji: (;'??Д??`) "Ah~ my seven aunts and eight aunts, and my ninth uncle and grandma!"

Jiangnan: (?_?)

"Why do you have so many relatives? Is your family so big?"

Just when Jiangnan was about to tell everyone about his mature ideas!

The voice broadcast came: "Ding ~ Xingluo Round Hall Station is here, please get on and off the bus in an orderly manner, don't be crowded, I wish you a happy journey!"

Jiangnan's movements froze violently!

Depend on! Not direct? Why did you stop on the way?

The cabin door opened, and the passengers crowded in!

(*???) "Fuck? The decoration of this car is a bit unique? When did the Silicon Speed ​​Star ship out of the war-damaged car?"

(°ー°〃) "Hey~ Don't tell me, it's still a little smug? It's just that there are no people in this carriage? Pull ki~"

Σ(°Д° "Huh? I see how this angel looks familiar? Hiss~"


The carriage is closed, and the air train is moving at high speed again!

Jiang Nan's eyes twitched, and he took out the sack again: "Good eldest son? Is it better?"

Ye Yuan's steel teeth clenched tightly: (¬yi¬?) "Comparing a fart... Comparing you to Father Fei! The realm expands? Bottomless abyss!"

So another round of battle kicked off in the small compartment!

Hmm~ This air train to Hunter City made a total of 17 stops on the way...

Jiangnan also emptied the carriages 17 times…

"Ding~ Hunter City Station is here! Please get off the bus in an orderly manner..."

The compartment door opened, and bursts of white gas came out!

I saw Ye Yuan standing beside Ye Yuan, a man from the south with a dark body and pointy ears!

It is a kind of extreme black, so black that it does not reflect any light, loses the three-dimensional three-dimensionality, and can't see the facial features!

It is none other than Jiangnan!

30 pieces of black garlic are eaten, and the black wife can't recognize it!

The halo on the top of the head and the wings on the back have disappeared!

Jiangnan has switched from angel to abyss!

And Xingcheng and Momo also put on Teletubbies clothes, they really don't want to turn black!

Everyone got out of the carriage in such a grand manner, and swaggered out!

The crowd frequently looked sideways!

∑(°mouth°?) "Damn it? What race is this? Why haven't I seen it before? It's too dark, isn't it?"

"Yeah... it should be an abyss clan? Isn't there an abyss clan standing next to him?"

"Fuck? Although the abyss family is born with black skin, they are not as black as he is?"

Jiang Nan stared, and he went up and grabbed the Jingzu by the neck:

?●? "Huh? Who are you saying to approve the sample? You say it again? I'm so talented, isn't it? I'll give you another chance! What kind of clan am I?"

The brother was frightened, and saw a big white tooth fluttering in front of his eyes:

(?????? ̄) "Deep... Abyss Clan, brother, you belong to the Abyss Clan, it's a real deal!"

Jiang Nan pouted, and then threw it aside: "Get out of the way, the dead turtle has never seen the world! Bah! Bad luck!"

As he spoke, Ye Yuan said, "Hey~ why don't you eat a head of black garlic too? You are too white. In this comparison, I look a little black?"

Ye Yuan's face was dark: (??yi????) "Eat a fart!"

I'm still black? If you go into the abyss under the stars, you won't see anyone, right?

Jiang Nan was startled: ●!! "I didn't expect you to have such a hobby? Cheng Baoer! Feed him the whole fart!"

[The resentment value from Ye Yuan +1007! ]

Hu ~ not angry! Not angry! This is teaching! Mmmm teaching!

Olivia was in a trance: "Hey hey hey! Do you really want to do this? Can we really do this?"

She has never seen someone as fat as Jiangnan's guts in her life!

In this case, he actually wanted to go to the Hild Union to exchange star thieves for the bounty in an open and honest way!

He especially wants to sell himself!

Said he went to the capital to praise him!

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "Why can't you do it? You can't make money if you have money! Don't worry! In all aspects, this brother is clear!"

"Speaking of which, you are so good that you can repair the carriage if it is beaten like that?"

With a wave of Olivia's little hand, the war-damaged-style compartment was restored to its original state!

Olivia covered her face: "What's the matter? Just reorganize the atoms, right?"

(??﹏???) "Speaking of... I... I'm a little afraid?"

Everyone walked and chatted, and they had come to the door of the Hild union!

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