Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1929: sixteen character mantra

Two sentences of poisonous chicken soup were poured out, and they broke the defense for You Lulu and Shaye on the spot, and they were poisoned by chicken soup!

No matter how they recover, they can't get rid of the effects of toxins!

The prisoner bird was stunned, this... can this person vomit blood just by scolding people?

The toxin on Ye Yuan's body was really lightened by two points, and he immediately gave Jiang Nan a look with excitement, indicating to continue!

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth evoked a radian, and the mental power was transmitted frantically!

Roentgen's face turned pale, **** it, what kind of attack method did they use, no contact, no movement, where did the poison come from?

This unscientific!

I saw Ye Yuan continued:

(●??.???) "Roentgen, you were deceived by my brother Nan, I know you feel like a failure!"

Wenger said anxiously: (??ˇyiˇ?) "Stay strong and don't listen to his slander! As long as you don't break the defense, he can't hurt you!"

"You have to remember! Failure is not terrible!"

Roentgen grabbed the staff and nodded, with a nervous expression on his face:

(??I remembered!"

Ye Yuan said lightly: (??°???°) "Failure is really not terrible, the terrible thing is that you still believe this sentence!"

"Do you think that there will always be a day when the salted fish turns over? Give it up! Even if the salted fish turns over, it is still the salted fish!"

Roentgen stared, and staggered back two steps, his face blue and black!

(??yi?)? "You you fart!"

Ye Yuan continued: (?ˇ?ˇ?) "Don't give up! Live well! There will be new blows every day! Persevere, there will always be a day of failure!"

"You never know that tomorrow will come first with the death of the society, I wish you a better tomorrow~"

Roentgen was madly attacked by the poisonous chicken soup, and fell backwards all the way to the ground, frantically spitting up white foam and twitching non-stop, obviously the poisoning was quite deep!

You Lulu is anxious: (?﹏?.) "What the **** is going on!"

Wenger stared:

(??Benefits??) "I see! His trick is to slander the minds of others and achieve toxin transfer!"

"As long as he can't break our defenses, he can't hurt us! How can the heart of my dignified planet destroyer be so fragile!"

Ye Yuan sneered: "Really? It's been so long, even my brother Nan can't take it!

"You must think you're very spicy, right? It's a waste! But don't worry! You can be special too! Be a waste of a special spicy chicken!"

"It is said that natural waste materials must be useful, but you don't know how to use them. I can give you a suggestion. Since it is waste materials, just chop it up and use it for Nange's skewers!"

"At least you don't seem so worthless!"

Jiangnan is full of disgust:

(乛.?乛?) "Don't, don't, it's delicious, Cheng Baoer doesn't want to eat it!"

Wenger's eyes were blood red, his face was extremely dark, and he was spitting out another mouthful of old blood!

You two sing and drink, who can stand this?

No matter how strong my heart is, I can't bear such a curse?

Shaye's face is full of madness:

(?? dishes?)? "Beasts! You two beasts!"

Ye Yuan pouted: "Look at your young age, but your weight is not light!"

"What happened to the beast, Laozi? Never quarrel with the beast! Win? You are more beast than the beast! Lose?

Shaye was so angry that she turned her head and smashed her fist at You Lulu's belly!

You Lulu's soft body absorbed all the physical attacks, and she looked unlovable!

(??﹏?) "He scolded you, why did you beat me?"

I saw Ye Yuan shouting loudly:

?*??(ˉ?口ˉ?)??*? "Iron juices! If there is no dream in life, what is the difference between being carefree?"

"Don't think that your experience today is the low point of your life! In the future, you will find that you are already at the peak of your life today!

"Eat the bitterness, and eat it for a lifetime!"

As soon as these words came out, even the order-keeping troops were recruited, and the crowd watching the excitement was also poisoned!

Group damage, the power is too great!

At this moment, the order-keeping troops and the Canglan army are looking at Jiang Nan and Ye Yuan with horror on their faces!

These two are so rude!

Even those who came to watch the fun and eat melons were recruited?

(;'??Д??`) "Lai Lai drop! This melon is poisonous! Puff wow~"

At this moment, Ye Yuan's toxin has been completely resolved, and his face is refreshing. At this moment, he is looking at Jiangnan with shock!

(??????w????) "Is there a lot of masters?"

Jiangnan smiled proudly:

(︶?︶●) "Today, as a teacher, I will teach you the 16-character mantra!"

"It's easy to hide when it's bright, but it's hard to guard against the cheap!"

"If he's okay, then what?"

Ye Yuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his face suddenly stunned:

Σ(°△°?) "Master! I got it!"

Jiang Nan patted Ye Yuan on the shoulder with a look of relief:

(●???)? "Come on! Are you tired of scolding? Drink a bowl of chicken soup to moisten your throat!"

Olivia on the side is holding a string in one hand and a small notebook in the other, taking notes like crazy!

Is this too strong?

God's special meow's bright show is easy to hide, but the dark and cheap are hard to guard!

The prisoner bird stared at this scene, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he still underestimated Jiangnan!

The three parties joined forces and gathered at Noah's Manor, but did the two brothers scolded each other and collapsed?

Wenger vomited blood, and the whole person was shaking:

(;'?????`)? "Wait! You wait for me on horseback! I don't believe you haven't come out! Pff~"

He vomited blood while talking, because the toxicity of the poisonous chicken soup was evenly distributed by tens of thousands of people!

Therefore, the poison on everyone's body will not be poisonous to death, but it is enough for them!

Only new atoms can be continuously derived to replace the atoms destroyed by the poison!

The strength is greatly damaged! Especially Wenger, the most poisoned!

Jiang Nan shrugged: "Then just wait~ Anyway, I just charged it for two days, eat the skewers and eat the skewers!"

Then put Wenger and the others aside and ate the skewers directly!

Wenger's eyes were splitting: "Okay! It depends on who has played it!"

"Wenda! Go and send me another 100,000 Canglan Army and surround me with Noah Manor!"

"Don't let me out even a single atom! Whoever comes out will take it down!"

"In addition, I will find an antidote and send it to Lao Tzu, and inform the family that Lao Tzu has spent it with him on a horse!"

"Yes! Lord Wenger!"

I saw Wenger wiped the white foam from the corner of his mouth and strode into the killing line!

The prisoner frowned: (¬_¬) "Why? Dare to come in? Do you think you have a long life?"

Wenger stared: "I can't I open a room? Give me ten standard rooms!"

The prisoner bird was startled, is there such a good thing?

These 10 rooms, isn't it 300 million to live in a day?

Wenger obviously intends to go up against Jiangnan? In this way, it is not too much of a loss to accept Jiangnan to live here!

"Of course it is possible, I, Noah's Manor, welcome guests from all over the world!"

So immediately opened ten rooms for Wenger!

And You Lulu, Shaye and the others didn't even want to let Jiangnan go!

Jiangnan is not dead, what is the face of the Hild union? In that case, everyone will cheat the bounty, and the chickens must be killed!

As for Shaye, hacking the Starlight Alliance is a small matter, but killing an angel is a big deal!

This is no longer a public hatred, but a personal hatred!

On Shaye, the flames flashed continuously, and the necrotic tissue was burned into nothingness with the blazing fire, recovering with the flawless holy body!

Only in this way, temporarily resist the poison in the body!

"Those who blaspheme the kingdom of heaven! Will be judged by the kingdom of heaven until death!"

The corners of Jiangnan's mouth twitched: "Don't worry! I didn't want to settle this matter. The account that the kingdom of heaven owes me has not been settled yet!"

"It's said that when the grievances are repaid, but I am a layman in Jiangnan, and I will avenge my revenge!"

Shaye frowned, wondering what kind of hatred Jiangnan had with the angel!

Who is the dark angel who just died, but there is an angel's death, which proves that it is a direct angel, check it back!

And at this moment, Olivia grabbed a few mutton skewers and turned around and wanted to sneak away!

But Wenger's eyes fell on a yellow Teletubbies!

(`⌒′#) "Want to go? Where can you go? Stop hiding, Olivia, I know it's you!"

Olivia's body froze, and the antenna above her head shook!

(?????) "Hey~ what are you talking about? Who is Olivia? I'm Teletubbies, and I have my own name!"

"My name is Huang Diya!"

Jiangnan: (??w???)

God special meow yellow drip duck batch!

Wenger sneered: "Do you really think I gave it for nothing? Stop pretending, although I don't know how you became Teletubbies! But you are the first bud!"

"It's what you should do, you can't escape, Lord Manti is waiting!"

"The family sold you, and there is no place for you under the stars. It is your destiny to become a first bud!"

Olivia clenched her teeth and ran behind Jiang Nan in a hurry, grabbing his arm and holding him in her arms!

My body is shaking!

Wenger sneered: "Do you think he can protect you? He can't even protect himself. What can he use to protect you?"

"A homeless girl is wandering outside, and she meets her true son, who will shelter you from the wind and rain? Ha~ this kind of thing only happens in fairy tales!"

"The cruel reality will shatter all your fantasies. If you want to be good for Jiangnan and don't want to hurt him and let him be crushed by the iron hoofs of the Apocalypse Clan, just follow me obediently! I'll save his life!"

"You know the energy of the Apocalypse Clan! The three big swallowing stars, what does he carry?"

Olivia's big eyes are full of sadness, yes, her own willfulness will kill Jiangnan!

No matter how strong he is, he can't withstand the crushing of the Apocalypse Clan. After all, the power of one person is limited!

He helped himself so much, and he didn't want to bring him down to a tragic end!

So the hand holding Jiang Nan's arm relaxed a little!


But before she could speak, Jiang Nan pulled out his arms and put his arms around Olivia's shoulders, his arms were strong and powerful!

(???????﹏???(乛?乛c) "I'm sorry, I love taking in homeless girls in the south of the Yangtze River, and I specialize in recycling second-hand daughters-in-law, old ladies!"

"There's a saying that debts don't weigh you down. Do you understand what I mean?"

How many ders are there in the Apocalypse family? I've messed with the Bose clan, anyway, if you can't handle the holy star, you're dead! Does one more and one less make a difference?

Bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes, and keeping Olivia by your side is very useful!

Jiangnan is not a hero or something, he has his own considerations and plans!

Olivia cannot be returned to the Apocalypse!

Jiangnan has no plans to let go of the big fish of the Apocalypse Clan!

Olivia stared blankly at Jiang Nan's profile. Although she couldn't see what his expression was, she must be very handsome at the moment, right?

Her little head was buzzing, and she only remembered Jiangnan's powerful arms!

(??﹏???) Black... Prince of Dark Horse?

Momo's face on the side was blushing!


It’s okay to be a homeless girl, is a second-hand daughter-in-law also within the scope of Nanshen’s business?

It's over, I may be recycled!

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