Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1946: One trick to eat all over the sky

Although I still want to have a romantic relationship with Jiangnan, but he called me baby

So I immediately came to the best booth with the best location and the most traffic!

Pointing at the weapon dealer of the sea clan!

?(?っ`~′)?? "You! Go and sell it! Jiangnan is going to set up a street stall, make room for him!"

The sea tribe is full of question marks:

?(°mouth°?) "Huh? I..."

The moon raccoon stared at his hips:

?(??°?~°?)?" "Huh? "

Haizu sweated profusely on his forehead and hurriedly cleaned up the booth:

('-?-`;) "Ahaha~ I... I'll change the place!"

I saw Jiang Nan grinning, and immediately teleported to the front of the booth, skillfully pulled out the floor cloth, and spread it on the ground in front of him!

Sit down, little horse!

Looking at the moon raccoon's eyelids, he is really professional, right?

Ye Yuan covered his face, looking at this posture, Jiang Nan has not been doing this for a day or two!

[() Woo~ finally! It's finally here! ]

It can be regarded as a swing!

Watt wondered: (〃???) "Brother Jiangnan, do you have anything to sell?"

Ai-chan's face is taken for granted!

?(??~??)? "Why is there no stock? Didn't the owner buy a lot of stock at the market just now?"

As soon as these words came out, Olivia almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

=????(???????) What?

Nanshen is going to sell the goods you just found in the market?

Are you really good at meow? That's all Wenger's bill!

What's the difference between this and stealing money from Wenger's pocket?

Ye Yuan was stunned:

Σ(°△°|||) "Hey~ White wolf with empty gloves? Are you here to make money?"

Wenger on the side has repeatedly jumped on the limit of endurance!


What? Want to sell the item you just bought?

You ride a horse! !

[The resentment value from Wenger +1009! ]


Jiang Nan smiled and waved:

(︶.?︶●)ゞ "How is that possible! How can I be so hot? Those I keep for my own use, so I won't sell them!"

Fatty, Ji replied:

(??ˇ~ˇ?) "That's it~ How can the boss be so devilish?"

Jiang Nan grinned and waved his hand, and hundreds of Teletubbies clothes appeared in the field!

Then he shouted loudly:

?(`口'●) "Let's take a look and take a look!"

"The latest Teletubbies Invisibility Clothes, 100% genuine leather, not blown or black, are now on sale! One piece only costs 100,000 yuan!"

"Invisibility for thirty minutes! We can all run!"

Loud shouts echoed through the market, and immediately attracted the attention of a large number of people!

When the Teletubbies saw the hundreds of leather invisibility cloaks, they immediately knelt down and cried in the storm, their faces turning white with fright!

Not fat, screeching to the sky:

(;?′??Д??`)? "I take back what I just said, the boss is a real devil!"

How many Teletubbies did he mutilate, wow, he can take out hundreds of them with just one hand?

At this moment, even Yueli and Wenger's eyes were straight, and they took a deep breath!

Shente Meow is 100% genuine leather, and it's on sale now!

Is it so cruel? Are these skins taken from the antennae family?

Jiangnan stared:

(???) "Why are you crying? Hurry up and shout with Lao Tzu, believe it or not, Lao Tzu will make you into clothes and wear them?"

The Teletubbies' antennas were so frightened that they cried loudly when they heard that they were too fat!

(??mouth?)? "Aww~ my seventh aunt, eight aunts, fourth grandmother's skin, has anyone bought it?"

"I only hope that someone will inherit their legacy and let them continue to shine in the starry sky in this way, otherwise they will die!"

108 Teletubbies knelt on the ground like crying and mourning.

Looking at these invisibility cloaks on the booth, it is also a shiver!

!!!∑(°Д°ノ)ノ "Fuck! As expected of a heavy wanted criminal with a bounty of 1 billion, he can do things like skinning and making clothes!"

('-﹏-`;) "Jiang Ruren? How could the Teletubbies be so cute? How could he be so cruel?"

"By the way, can this thing really be invisible?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Of course! Only 100,000 yuan! Infiltrating secretly, hiding your identity, or realizing your man's dream, Teletubbies are your best choice!"

But someone frowned:

(???.??) "100,000 is a bit too expensive, right? Since I can pick it up directly from the antenna family, why don't I just pick it up myself?"

"100,000 star source points can buy a lot of Teletubbies!"

Jiang Nan's mouth twitched, and he turned to look at Fat Bu Laji:

(What benefits?) "Hey~ are you so cheap?"

Fatty: (*?? Mouth??) Ah ah! !

But after thinking about it, it is worth the fatness of the five-star source point, and it is not too expensive!

(︶?︶●) "Cough cough~ Is it easy to use it by slicing it off? It requires special production methods, this is a secret that is not passed on!"

"It's now during the Black Label Conference. If you can hide yourself, it will be more convenient to do things, and 100,000 yuan is not expensive at all!"

When Jiang Nan said this, someone was immediately moved!

If you can really stealth, it's good to buy one for a spare!

But 100,000 is really a bit expensive, and it still looks a little unsellable!

And at this moment, I saw the moon raccoon taking a sip of the pipe, and sticking out her pink tongue to lick her lips!

?(?っ?????????c)? "Giggle~ my Yueli friend's booth, are you really not taking care of his business? Huh?"

As he spoke, Bai Mei Qian Jiao was released, and the infinite power of charm fully bloomed!

At this moment, the onlookers were completely fried, and their eyes were all red!

?(?mouth?)? "Ah~ buy, buy, buy! Smile for the beauty, let me do anything! Give me 10 pieces! That's one million!"

?(*'?'*)ren(*'﹃`*)? "Lord Yueli's friend, that's my friend, I'll buy it too! I'll start it all for Lao Tzu, don't delay my consumption!"

Since ancient times, it has been said that under the attack of the moon raccoon, no carbon-based can resist such charm!

The Teletubbies clothes sold out in an instant, and the Xingyuan point came in!

Jiang Nan looked at the moon raccoon in amazement, good guy!

Does the moon raccoon smile have such great power? If only I could bring her to set up a stall every day!

Can't make money like crazy?

Now Jiangnan has some understanding, why Noah let Yueli preside over the black street!

The bonus to business is not generally large, eh?

Soon, those Teletubbies clothes that were taken out were sold out, and then Jiangnan took out thousands of pieces...

The three antenna brothers cried even louder!

I even thought that the Antenna family was exterminated by Jiang Devil!

I saw Jiang Nan loudly said: "Don't just stare at the invisibility cloak, the low-key sugar orange is also very good! One only costs 300,000!"

"Hide all the fluctuations in yourself, and the effect of using it with the invisibility cloak is amazing. It is all about sneak attack, kidnapping, and robbery!"

Several bags of sugar oranges were released, and they were also sold out!

After all, at the Black Label Conference, there are not many situations where you need to hide your identity, and it is almost just necessary!

Some taboo black labels, it is better to hide your identity and buy it!

With the blessing of the moon raccoon, the business has become more and more popular!

Immediately someone shouted: "Is that all? Are there any other treasures?"

Jiang Nan laughed: "Since the brothers are so excited, they can only sacrifice my life products!"

I saw Jiang Nan said nothing, and immediately took out a large bucket and bundles of spiritual leeks!

(??°???°)? "The weak and the weak drink strong! The brain can fart!"

"Who wants to beat GG! The whole audience is full of stinky brothers!"

He was too fat while talking, and a bucket of Vigorous 2.0 slammed into him directly!

The next moment, in the terrified eyes of everyone, I heard "Aha"!

The chubby fat man who was originally fat has grown stronger than three laps!

Incarnated as an antenna muscle treasure, the rock-like washboard abdominal muscles are blinding the eyes!

No longer the cute image before, the muscular ducks all over the body!

All the fluff on the antenna hair ball above its head fell off, exuding an unparalleled dazzling light!

Fatty, with bright eyes:

Convex (??mouth??) Convex? "Boss! I...I'm so fierce, I feel that there is an infinite power surging in my body, I..."

At this moment, everyone was shocked to see how fat they were!


What is this horse riding?

Going down a bucket, a cute guy directly becomes a fierce guy? This is almost equal to the carbon-based life known for its physical fitness, right?

What ferocious strengthening potion has this effect?

Jiang Nan laughed loudly: "One bucket is only 1 million! Let's do whatever you want to break the star!"

This time, even without the charm and blessing of the moon raccoon, the vigorous water is sold out, and the bonus is such a terrifying potion!

Even in the starry sky, it is an extremely rare commodity. After all, no one dislikes their high physical strength!

As for going bald? Most star people won't care because not all races have hair!

Sure enough, no matter where! Dali is so popular, isn't it?

Seeing that Dali Shui is so popular, people are also curious about Reiki Chives!

(???~??) "What is the function of this green plant? Would you like to introduce it?"

An evil smile appeared on Jiangnan's face:

(???.?.???‵) "This thing is amazing, is there any warrior willing to try it on the spot?"

When everyone heard it, they immediately shook their heads like a rattle!

After all, no one wants to eat green plants of unknown origin!

Jiang Nan smacked his lips: "Is there no one eating good things? Little Gege? Then I can only trouble you?"

Wenger's face is full of resistance:

(What benefits?) "I don't eat this crap, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Nan sighed:

(???) "Hey~ you don't want to eat it? In this case, you can only do this. Under the so-called heavy reward, there must be a brave man!"

As soon as he spoke, Jiangnan stretched his hand into the alien space!

Wenger's eyes are red, are you here again?

It is really a trick to eat all over the sky!

('?Yi?)? "Stop! Stop it! Isn't it just a bale of grass? I'll eat it! Can't I eat on a horse?"

I saw Wenger resentfully picked up a large bundle of leeks from the floor, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it!

The next moment, Wenger's eyes widened suddenly, his whole body trembled, his eyes were full of red blood!


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