Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1948: The arena of natural selection?

If it was in Blue Star, hacking this Norman to death would also be hacking to death!

But this is in the city of a thousand stars, and the status of bosons is detached!

Even if it is a lower clan, who has committed a big thing, but no one dares to move because of his identity as a Bose!

Not to mention that this Norman is a superior clan, and he is also the son of the Holy Star Lord!

If Norman was hacked to death in the street, it would inevitably cause an uproar, and it was not impossible for the Bosers to intervene directly with the Holy Law!

Norman sneered: (¬?¬?) "What's the matter? Stop talking? Are you so scared that you don't even dare to let go?"

"I don't care what status and identity you are, anyway, I don't have the backstage hard!"

"Stinky mouth! But there is a price to pay!"

Jiang Nan's eyes flickered, and there was no reason not to eat the food that was delivered to his mouth!

(?°?д°?) "Just you? Is it worthy? Except for the backstage, you don't have a place to be hard, right?"

"How old are you and still shout about dad all day long? Isn't she weaned yet? I don't even see where dad is without you!"

"Go out with some brains, brains are a daily necessities, but unfortunately you treat them as decorations!"

"Oh, sorry! It's useless for you to bring your brain. After all, your brain is clean and you don't even have any water. Saying that your brain is full of water is a compliment. I've had blood mold for eight lifetimes. I went out and met you like this. mentally retarded!"

The continuous output of mouth cannons made everyone scolded and stunned!

Olivia's eldest brother with a small mouth was blown up, and the moon raccoon even forgot to **** the pipe!


There were bursts of air-conditioning from the crowd!


Jiang Nan is too cruel, he really dares to scold him!

Rao is that everyone has seen the world, and they have never encountered such a hard boson!

Jiang Ruren, who is not afraid of this?

Ye Yuan was so excited that he took out a small notebook and kept memorizing it. He mingled with Jiangnan, and he could get new knowledge points every day!

Norman's eyes were blood red, and the veins on his forehead were violent!

(?°?yi°?) "Who do you say is mentally retarded? Say it again!"

[The resentment value from Norman +1007! ]

Jiang Nan pouted: (??°??°) "Not only is it mentally retarded, but also the ears are not easy to use!"

"I don't like to scold dogs! After all, I can usually do it without making a noise!"

[The resentment value from Norman +1008! ]

"Then I will send you on your way!"

As he spoke, his body was surging, and his fist was covered with a blue light!

Appeared in front of Jiang Nan almost instantly, but Jiang Nan did not lift his eyelids!

The space wormhole opened in an instant, and Norman's fist smashed directly into it!

But it came out from behind him!

He slammed it directly on the cheek of the Boson subordinate he brought!

With a "bang", the jelly splashed all over the place, and the boson's subordinates were smashed on the spot!

And Jiangnan closed the wormhole the moment Norman smashed in!

Wormhole Cut Bloom!

Norman's forearm was directly cut off, and there were bursts of exclamations from the field!

Jiangnan directly applauded:

(??.???) "Ears are really not very easy to use! I said that it is hands-on, you are better, you chop your hands?"

Norman's pupils, whose arms were cut, shrank, and they came back immediately!

Spatial properties?

It was an angel before, and now it is an abyss?

"Who the **** are you?"

Jiang Nan grinned: (?????) "Your father! What? Haven't you seen the summoner?"

The glazed mark on the back of the hand flickered while speaking!

[The resentment value from Norman +1008! ]

At this moment, Norman is completely violent, and his body is surging one after another!

"How many farts for Summoners? Don't think that you can restrain the boson like this, I want to kill you, it doesn't take a breath!"

"Have you killed more than a dozen bosons? Did you blow up the sky?"

During the conversation, the whole person pressed forward, and the field was full of gunpowder!

Jiang Nan twisted his neck:

(? ̄?~ ̄??) "Oh~ I rarely don't lie, I finally tell the truth once, but there are always people who think I'm bragging!"

The moon raccoon was shocked. If these two were allowed to do it in the street, it would be a big deal!

It's not that I'm afraid of Norman's strengths and weaknesses, but that Jiangnan will suffer!

After all, there is no good end to the boson!

So he hurriedly ran between the two of them, stretched out his little hand, pushed them away, and a sweet smile appeared on his face!

?(?っ???c)? "Calm down! All calm! Take a step back and see the sky, why can't you sit down and talk about it calmly?"

"Sell my face, so that all the consumption of Mr. Norman in the black street today will be paid by my moon raccoon?"

Norman sneered: "What? Just want to protect your parallel head? No way! If you mess with someone you shouldn't mess with, I must let him know what it means to be tough!"

"You are a mere Meizu, who makes a living by pleasing all races, what qualifications do you have to talk face in front of me?"

The moon raccoon was startled, and the depths of his eyes were full of sadness. As Norman said, Meizu's reputation outside is not very good!

And Jiang Nan's complexion has completely cooled down!

There was a dry smile on the moon raccoon's face:

?(?っ⌒?⌒c)? "Ahaha~ I really have no face, but for Lord Noah's sake, isn't it..."

Norman sneered: "Noah? It's okay! It's not impossible to let Jiangnan go! You seem to be very protective of him?"

"I heard that Huayue is famous for its stunning beauty, and Moonlight Charming Dance is even more unique. I wonder if you can show it to me on the spot!"

"If it's comfortable for the young master to serve him, it's not impossible to let him go!"

"Besides, what is the future of following Noah? Why don't you follow Lao Tzu? Think about it?"

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he reached out to Yueli's chin!

The depths of Yueli's eyes were full of disgust, and cold sweat broke out on her pretty face, but she didn't dare to hide, because Norman's status was so overwhelming that she couldn't breathe!

Shengxing controls the Starfall Round Hall. Compared with that, his own black street **** is not!

Seeing that Norman's fingers are about to hook on the chin of the moon raccoon!

At this moment, a glazed light and shadow pierced from the side of the moon raccoon's cheek!

The speed is so fast that it surpasses everyone's reaction!

The space barrier turned into a blade, stabbed out at warp speed, and went straight to Norman!

Norman's hand froze in mid-air, just because the space blade was already in front of his eyes!

One more advance and it will pierce his head!

A strand of his long ice silk hair was cut off and fluttered in the air!

Norman's pupils shrink!

There was a dead silence in the field, and the needles could be heard!

When did Jiangnan make the sword?

When I came back to my senses, the knife had stopped in front of Norman's eyes, right?

I saw Jiangnan holding a space blade, his expression was sharp, his eyes were dark as if he could swallow everything!

"Trash! Get your dirty hands off! You can't say how the moon raccoon is!"

"The race is like this. What's the shame of her relying on her ability to eat?"

"Every life that strives to live should be respected. You, who were born to the top, have the right to speak of others?"

"It's never you who is strong! It's your ancestors!"

At this moment, Yueli looked up at Jiangnan blankly, she could feel the sharp edge from the space blade!

A crisp, numb feeling shot straight from the tailbone to the sky!

Although she didn't want to admit it, at this moment, she was indeed moved!

This southerner has something in him that no one else has!

Norman gritted his teeth: (?°? Yi°?) "You dare to draw a knife to me? I really don't want to live!"

"What? You don't want to talk about this slutty bitch? Yueli, a Meizu, has come to where it is today!"

"I don't know how many men's thighs it took to climb up! Allow her to do it, but not allow others to say it?"

The moon raccoon clenched her teeth and clenched her little hands:

?(???﹏?)?? "I didn't! I…"

Jiang Nan said lightly: "Don't bother to explain to the mentally retarded, he can't understand what people say!"

"Do you really think you've got me?"

Norman's eyes were full of anger, he raised his hand, all the bosons behind him were ready for battle, and with a backhand, the Bose particle knife condensed out!

"It's not for you! It's the kind that eats and wipes it clean! The majesty of the Bose clan cannot be challenged!"

The moon raccoon is in a hurry, and it is about to fight, and there are so many people on Norman's side!

Once the fight begins, who would dare to help Jiangnan?

Jiangnan must suffer, as the conflict cannot be stopped!

Yueli made a decisive decision: "Okay! Since we are going to fight! Let's go to the natural selection arena for a duel!"

"This is the black street! The black label conference is about to start. Presumably Lord Noah doesn't want to see someone making trouble on the black street, which ruins everyone's interest!"

"Master Norman! You don't have to give me face! But don't make Lord Noah unhappy! Otherwise, I will report the matter truthfully!"

Norman's eyes are full of bad luck:

(¬Yi¬?) "Tsk~ Then go to the natural selection to compete! I want to see how you killed the boson!"

"Do you dare?"

Although he is not afraid of Noah's reputation, he is still a star-devouring powerhouse no matter what, and his status is detached!

Any swallowing star powerhouse is an unshakable existence!

As soon as these words came out, the crowd began to discuss!

"Hey~ It's really a big deal, the arena of natural selection? Tsk tsk tsk ~ duel with the boson? This Jiangnan will suffer a big loss!"

"Damn it! This is a duel that puts your life on the line. There is no deep hatred. Who will go to the duel arena?"

"Jiangnan lost to death, let's not say whether he won or not. If he really wins, he can't kill the boson? Unless he doesn't want to live!"

It seems that entering the arena of natural selection is a very rare thing?

Jiangnan wondered: (??~??) "Natural Selection Arena? What do you mean?"

Norman sneered: "I don't know? The old hat! Pretend it? If you don't dare, say you don't dare, don't pretend to be ignorant here!"

Olivia quickly explained:

(???﹏??)? "The arena of natural selection means the survival of the fittest and the meaning of natural selection!"

"If the two sides really have any deep grievances that cannot be resolved, they can go to the arena of natural selection to duel! Win the king and lose the bandit!"

"The winner will get everything from the loser! All, you can also agree on duel chips in advance!"

"And the duel of natural selection is also protected by the law of the Holy Law Society, and it is also sacred. It is used by all races in the starry sky as a way to resolve racial and personal grievances!"

"All grievances and grievances end on the battlefield. After the duel, no matter whether you win or lose, you can no longer be held accountable!"

As soon as Jiangnan heard it, he was immediately happy!

And what about this good thing?

(●ˉ??ˉ?) "Dare! Why not? A duel is a romance between men!"

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