The Jiangnan side carried Olivia directly and violently killed!

And Wenger's side is in a big crisis, because he can't perceive the outside world at all!

He didn't even know the location of Shaye and the three of them, and whether they attacked him!

My heart is sealed, I can't sense the trajectory of the atomic state around me, and I can't even use the whispers of the gods!

(#?*yi*)? "Aba! Aba!"

(Don't come! If you dare to come, I will kill you!)

No matter who is in a state of sensory deprivation on the battlefield, it is impossible not to panic!

Especially in the duel of masters, a small mistake may be eliminated!

An emotion called fear has completely swallowed Wenger!

Wenda is in a hurry:

(╯⊙利⊙╰) "Big brother! What are you doing, big brother? Didn't you say retreat? Go wow?"

Wenda is crazy to pull big brother!

However, Wenger is still in place Aba Aba, keep groping!

Seeing that the three angels were killed, Wen Da went crazy!

He raised his hand and threw Wenger's big B pocket, giving him a slap in the head!


"Big brother! Wake up! Hurry up and go!"

The pain in the cheek made Wenger shudder!

What the fuck? Did someone hit me just now?

Are the three angels here? right in front of me?


(Atomic collapse!)

I saw its big hand open and press it fiercely in front of him!

Wenda: ! !


"Big brother! It's me, big brother!"


With a loud bang, the ground in front of Wenger was torn apart by his palm, and everything was wiped out!

The power is amazing!

I saw Wenger's face full of fear, and looked around suspiciously!

(??*DIN*)? "Abaabaaaba!"

(Don't come here on horseback! I've sharked you! I've sharked you!)

The unknown is always the most frightening!

???-`?(?* dish*?)?′-???


(The atom explodes!)

At this moment, the blue light on Wenger's body was extremely blazing, and the atoms that constituted him were fissioned wildly!

Wen Da's eyes were full of horror: "Go! Big brother is going to explode!"


Wenger is also a ruthless man. In order not to be attacked to death by several angels, he blew himself up on the spot!

Blow yourself up!

The energy shock wave that burst out was extremely terrifying, and it seemed like a sun had risen in the night sky!

The three of Shaye, who were rushing towards them, were directly smashed back by the explosion shock wave!

I saw the blue light converge in the explosion!


(Atomic reorganization! Atomic self-destruction! Atomic reorganization...)

At this moment, Wenger directly started the mode of repeated self-destruction on the spot!

The angel was not doing well, but many of his younger brothers collapsed into an atomic state!

Shaye's face darkened:

??()?? "Did Wenger fight like that?"

Are you fighting your life to protect yourself?

Sara narrowed his eyes: "How long can he last? After destroying his atoms, he can't detect our attack at all now, and he can't respond in advance!"

At this moment, Yagang is responsible for resisting the blast, and Shaye merges with Sarah Domain!

Take advantage of every Wenger explosion and reorganization, dissolve his atoms with blazing holy light!

Weak Wenger again and again!

The usual Wenger can easily predict the attack and deal with it!

Now Wenger's senses are blocked, and he can't do it at all!

Every time Wenger reorganizes, his own atoms are reduced by a part, and if this goes on, he will not die for the time being!

But it won't be long before they will be eaten and wiped clean by the three ambassadors of Shaye!

It has to be said that the sensory blockade that Yagang performed at the cost of 12 eyes is really perverted!

The ticket is already in hand!

At this moment, Shaye took time to look at Jiangnan, and when she looked over, it turned into petrification on the spot!

I saw that Jiangnan was going crazy, and Aba kept saying that he was merciless when he started!

There are even seven or eight more angel eggs on the ground!

And none of those angels dared to approach Jiangnan, and they ran away in horror!

"Yangang! Are you sure you have sealed all of Jiangnan's senses, instead of adding a wave state to him?"

Agon's face darkened:

??(What is beneficial?)??"Bullshit! I'm blind? The devil knows what's going on with that kid? Here are the two of us!"

"Go and take him down, no matter how ruthless that kid is, there's nothing he can do when he encounters Yu!"

Shayebei clenched her teeth, turned her head and rushed towards Jiangnan!

At this moment in Jiangnan, no matter how crazy the output is, it is also a sacrifice to survive!

However, the goose chopped and chopped, but Jiang Nan gradually became suspicious!

All senses have been deprived, and now Jiangnan's consciousness seems to be locked in an endless dark box!

However, with the full output and the constant release of spiritual skills, Jiangnan seems to have a sense of the space he is in, and even the surrounding space!

It's like being in the dark sea!

When a palm is released, Jiangnan can feel the rapid flow of space!

Under the splitting saw blade, the "sea water" was cut open, the void black hole was cast, and the sea water was compressed and annihilated!

Maybe Jiangnan noticed it before, but because of the confusion of his own senses, he didn't care!

And this time, when all the senses are deprived, the feeling of feeling the rhythm of space is particularly clear!

At this moment, a sentence suddenly popped out of Jiang Nan's mind!

Li Mingshan's hoarse voice still seemed to echo in his ears!

"Never try to control space, space carries everything in the universe and is the cornerstone!"

"Water can carry a boat! It can also overturn a boat! Those who try to control space will only get lost in it and never get the true meaning!"

"To feel the space, integrate into the space, and become a part of the space..."

Jiangnan's heart is full of emotion, his nose is sour!

Uncle Li... You have already gone to enjoy the happiness, are you still helping me lead the way...

Goosebumps can't help but go straight from the tailbone to the sky!

When Uncle Li told himself in the tenth final of the war, Jiangnan didn't think about it carefully, and he couldn't understand it!

What I miss in my heart is Uncle Li's body, the battle situation!

Just engrave these words in your mind word for word!

Jiangnan didn't understand it before, but now it seems to understand a little...

If this universe is compared to the infinite deep sea, everything in the universe is in the sea!

This sea water is the space, carrying everything!

Not to control the sea water, but to become the sea water and melt into the deep sea! Melt into space!

Do you rhythm with space?

At this moment, the space around Jiangnan seemed to have a heartbeat with him!

The power of the released spiritual skills exploded!

Everything looks so smooth, as if at this moment, Jiangnan is a part of the space, the space itself!

At this moment, Shaye is rushing, and the fiery paradise field is madly pressing down towards Jiangnan!

"It's a pity! Under the detachment of the senses, there is only one death in a lifetime. You can't understand the feeling of death!"

Olivia broadsword:

¤=[=????=????=????????﹏????=????=????=????7! !

Long live!

I saw a pretty face suddenly appear on the atomic broadsword, and he started to speak!

¤=[=????=????=??????? Mouth????=????=????=???? 7 "South God! Run wow fast Run wow! Otherwise, we really have to go down and fly together!"

However, at this moment, I saw a very strong impact of the gods blooming over the battlefield!

He slammed into Shaye's body fiercely!

Shaye's seven orifices bleed, and she lost her mind for a moment!

And a series of harsh sound explosions came!

A fully armed mechanical species rushed at an alarming speed!

Directly in front of Shaye and Jiangnan!

"Detected that the troublemaker is the angel race seraph! Turn on the anti-seraph mode!"

"Strong Interaction Shield Generation!"

I saw that the arm of the mechanical species deformed wildly and turned into a bright silver streamlined shield!

Shaye's fiery attack slammed into the shield!

In the midst of the blazing flames, there was no trace left on the shield!

"Extremely cold jet!"

From the palm of the other arm of the mechanical species, endless white air spews out, wherever the white air passes, the blazing flames go out, and all things are frozen and shattered!

Even Shaye's arm was frostbitten!

And on the chest of the mechanical species, a scarlet B character is very eye-catching!

Obviously, this person is an existence with Grade B authority in the silicon base!

Has the authority to mobilize forbidden weapons to destroy planets and even stars!

It's not just one that comes!

But a whole patrol starship, jumped directly to the sky above the battlefield!

The siren on the starship is blaring!

Teams of fully-armed machines planted the boat, with the uniform "B" logo on their chests!

In addition, there are Dark Universe, Stardust Race, and even Zerg Race!

Thousands of people even came down from the starship, uniformed!

Just listen to the icy announcement from the starship!

"First warning! Now! Order you to stop fighting immediately! All of them stop, hold their heads and squat down on standby!"

"Otherwise, the Holy Law will order the troops to suppress you. In the event of casualties, we will not be held responsible! You will be responsible for the consequences!"

The warning sound echoed over and over again!

At this moment, Shaye's expressions froze!

damn it! How did the law enforcement force come?

Olivia's eyes lit up:

¤=[=????=????=????o?????o????=????=???? 7 "The Law Forces? Saved! Nanshen! Stop! They..."

Before the words were finished, Jiang Nan rushed over to the Class B mechanical species with the atomic sword!

(?*yi*) "Ababa!"

(Warp Slash!)

Olivia: ! !

¤=[=????=????=????o?o=????=???? 7 "South God! You can't cut it! This is the law army! If you do anything with them, you will be punished Take them to jail!"

However, Gee Jiangnan didn't even know that the law-ordered troops were coming, and going up was warp speed slashing!

I saw that the mechanical species rushed the shield directly to Jiangnan!

I heard a loud "clanging, clanging" sound, and the sparks from the shield were chopped straight up, a hard batch!

Accompanied by Olivia's screams!

¤=[=????=?????﹏?=????=????7 "Yeah! It hurts, hurts, hurts! The blade is rolled, and the mouth is broken!"

This shield could not be cut at all, and I saw the scarlet mechanical eyes of the mechanical species staring at Jiangnan, flickering endlessly!

(〃?_?)っ] "Please stop! Otherwise, you will be suppressed!"

Olivia explained anxiously: "He can't hear it! He was hit by the power angel's sensory stripping. It's not that he wants to hit you. He is self-defense, yes!"

"Can't you arrest him and go to jail?"

The mechanical species squinted and turned to the power angel Yagang!

Not only is Jiangnan chopping, Wenger is still playing there!

And all the angels have been forced to stop fighting!

The majesty of the Holy Law Society cannot be violated, not to mention that this is the law troop representing the law of the stars!

At this moment, many dark cosmos bodies and Zerg in the law order troops are all looking at the atomic sword in amazement!

What the fuck? what's the situation? Did the knife speak?

The mechanical species turned and rushed towards Argon:

(〃?_?) "Please stop casting spells immediately, otherwise it will be regarded as not cooperating with the law-ordered troops, and the suppression will be carried out!"

The next moment, I just listen to the hundreds of mechanical warriors of the Law Commander start the broadcast!

"Anti-Angel Mode, is being generated!"

Yagang Steel clenched his teeth, his face was extremely ugly!

The atmosphere in the field suddenly dropped to freezing point!

Jiangnan: ?(?*Dish*?)? "Ababa!"

(Give me all to die! Die!)


¤=[=????=????=?????????=???=???? 7 Baby hurts! But the baby doesn't say it!

Machine Type: (〃?_?)っ]…

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