Even if the handcuffs were untied, Jiang Nan did not move at will, but grinned!

"Captain, are you really joking, human? How could I be human? Under the Ten Thousand Race Agreement, Blue Star has been banned for how many years!"

"Where can humans come to this city of a thousand stars? I am a pure-blooded abyss family, but I am gifted with extraordinary talent, and it's just 100 million black points!"

Pooh! I can't admit to being beaten to death, the ghost knows what's going on?

Are you taking your own words?

Countless people's futures are on their own, so be careful!

Tao's mechanical eyes flashed:

(〃¤_¤) "You are very powerful, your heart rate has not changed at all, and your blood pressure is stable and normal. You can control it to such an extent that your psychological quality is indeed strong!"

"But do you know that my mechanical prosthesis is equipped with a lie detector function. Although you control it perfectly, when I heard my words to reveal your identity, my pupils shrunk by 76.83%!"

"So...is it necessary to continue to cover up?"

Jiangnan's mouth twitched, is he Lai Lai Di so perverted?

Observed so meticulously? Analyze each other's reactions all the time?

I saw Jiangnan grinning:

(●ˉ??ˉ?) "I just regained my senses, the lights are dazzling, and my pupils constricted is a normal physiological response. You are from the Law Forces, how dare I lie to you?"

Tao was not at all impatient:

"Don't worry! This patrol starship is completely under my control, and almost all of the seventh detachment are my people!"

"I have hundreds of mechanical prosthetics guarding me outside. The content of our conversation starts from this room and ends here!"

"Besides! Do you really think that the law enforcement troops will patrol here by chance, and care about your business with the Angels?"

"That's just for others to see. I'm here for you. If there is no data to speak, you and I will not sit alone in this interrogation room to talk!"

The smile on Jiangnan's face gradually disappeared. As expected of the silicon base, he was straight to the point!

I saw Jiangnan's hands grabbing the teacup, his fingers constantly spinning on the edge of the cup...

(¬~¬?) "How did you discover my human identity?"

Tao's mechanical eyes flicker, just talk!

"Under the starry sky, there are almost no secrets to my silicon-based mechanical species. I waited for the cleaning robot of Noah's Manor to be hacked, and when I cleaned the room, I collected the hair that you naturally shed!"

"Send it to the anti-life laboratory to analyze your DNA double-helix structure. After comparison, the starry sky does not match, and it is very different from the abyss gene sequence!"

"Your DNA gene sequence is more than 99% similar to the existence that walked out of Blue Star more than three thousand years ago, so it can be concluded that you and that existence are of the same race and human!"

Jiangnan's mouth twitched: "You mean Jiang Fan?"

Is it so scary? Even my lost hair was collected and analyzed?

A little perverted?

It's a little hard to hide some secrets under silicon-based eyelids?

I have been cautious enough, but have I still been exploited by the silicon base?

Tao Mechanic's eyes are bright, and he is on high alert!

(〃?_?) "Shen said his name bluntly! So, do you need me to list the rest of the evidence?"

Between the blinking of the mechanical eye, a line of comparative data is projected, even including surveillance photography, physiological structure diagrams, and battle video analysis...

Thousands of pieces of data analysis are sprinkled, almost filling the entire interrogation room!

Every piece of evidence clearly points to the fact that Jiangnan is not an abyss race, but a human being!

Jiang Nan's face is black, do you want to be so terrifying?

In this fishing operation, the biggest gain was not Norman, but attracted the attention of Siji?

Apparently, Si-kye has been investigating himself since the duel of natural selection!

As a competitor of the Bose, any event that is beneficial to him will pay attention!

When Jiangnan provoked Norman, he had this mentality. Taking advantage of this opportunity on the eve of the Sequence War, he made a big deal of it, and then aroused the attention of all parties!

But Jiangnan is not sure whether he can catch the silicon base, even if he can't, he can still get the bargaining chip of Norman!

No matter how you look at it!

That's why Jiangnan slapped Norman madly. It seems to be a farce of a juvenile conflict, but who can think of the true intention behind it?

Nothing Jiangnan does is done for no reason!

Now it has attracted silicon base, which is exactly what Jiangnan wants!

But the main event is what to talk about next!

I saw Jiang Nan leaning on his chin, his eyes flickering:

(??°??°) "Indeed! As you guessed, I belong to the human race!"

"But now that you are trying so hard to find me, where is the trouble?"

Since he couldn't hide it, he simply admitted that, although Jiangnan knew that Siji was looking for his own purpose!

But it's still worth asking!

Both sides negotiate! Be sure to take the initiative in your own hands!

Otherwise, if you seek skin with a tiger, there will be no bones left that will be eaten!

Tao nodded: "Very good! The next thing is not something I can talk to you about, please wait a moment!"

"Wait, Mook-sama will come to talk to you later!"

Tao's mechanical eyes went out as he spoke, and the mechanical prosthesis sat directly on the stool and didn't move!

Apparently it's turned off!

The next moment, the mechanical prosthesis was activated again, the mechanical eyes lit up, and the "B" symbol on the chest fluctuated, and it was replaced with the scarlet "A" word!

Jiangnan's scalp is numb, the owner of Grade A authority?

Isn't that the equivalent of a swallowing star powerhouse?


At this moment, Jiangnan's lips are a little dry, and it is the first time he has come into contact with the existence of Tun Xingxing!

Still silicon-based!

But the silicon base is too convenient, right? Just change your consciousness? Tao is gone!

Does this mechanical prosthesis belong to Muke's will now?

I saw Mook said:

(〃?_?) "Can you come to the City of a Thousand Stars from the Laniakea supercluster while the star road is blocked?"

"Did you sneak through the dimensional cracks? After all, the place where you first appeared was the dimensional battlefield!"

Jiang Nan's heart tightened, blanch! It was Wang Fried when he opened his mouth?

Has Siji already investigated all the trips and everything that he has done in the starry sky?

This kind of no secret, the feeling of being led by the nose is really annoying!

Come up to grab the initiative?

It seems that this Mook is also a master negotiator!

Jiang Nan smiled: "There's no way, whoever makes the family saint star strong, the star road will be sealed if it is sealed!"

"If the road doesn't work, you can only take the small road, right?"

Muke said lightly: "I didn't expect to find a human in the city of a thousand stars, so do you know why the star road was blocked?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "It seems... because of a beacon signal that shouldn't have appeared!"

Muke's mechanical eyes flashed: "Indeed! If it wasn't for the Saint Star to seal the Star Road, I, Siji, would have sent troops to Blue Star to investigate!"

"I got the evidence that the Saint Star violated the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement, knew the law and violated the law, and illegally developed the Blue Star Market!"

"And now, it seems that I can get the evidence without going to Blue Star!"

"Because the evidence is sitting right in front of me, isn't it?"

For Siji, Jiangnan appeared in the City of Thousand Stars, and it was still in such a tyrannical attitude!

This is the evidence itself! Living proof of walking, okay?

If Sacred Star did not develop Blue Star, then there would not be an existence like Jiangnan!

They even sneaked to the City of a Thousand Stars!

Jiangnan still looks the same:

(¬_¬) "Oh? To use me as evidence? What do you need me to do?"

"And what can I get by doing this for you?"

Muke said lightly: "This is what I have said, I will get straight to the point! I need you to stand up as a human!"

"Go to the Holy Law Star Palace with me, confront the Bose family face to face, and tell what the Holy Star has done in Blue Star over the years!"

"Didn't they refuse to admit it and let me show evidence?"

"Then I'll show them evidence and see how the Bose family can argue!"

The smile on Jiang Nan's face gradually disappeared: "Then what can I get?"

Mook: "Don't worry! My Silicon Foundation will do my best to protect your safety! Prevent retaliation from the Bose family!"

"If the purpose is achieved by this handle, the Holy Law will start to lift the sanctions and restrictions on all aspects of my silicon base!"

"I can provide you with unlimited resources to support your growth, and my silicon-based family will always be your most loyal friend!"

Jiang Nan took a deep breath: "I'm sorry, this is not what I want! If I go with you, stand up and confront the Bose family!"

"Your goal has been achieved, and it's okay to have your protection, but what about Blue Star?"

"Blue Star can't bear the anger of the Bose clan at all, and the Holy Star will have no scruples, and the billions of humans on it will..."

Before Jiangnan finished speaking, Muke interrupted directly!

(〃¤_¤) "How about Blue Star? What does human life and death have to do with my silicon base?"

"Are you thinking too much? I just want to achieve my clan's purpose through you!"

"I don't care what you want! It's what I give you! You have to give me what you want!"

Jiang Nan suddenly got up, propped up the table with both hands, leaned forward, and his eyes were full of coldness and sternness!

"What if I say no?"

Muke said lightly: "You don't have the right to say no! If you cooperate! This is a negotiation!"

"If you don't cooperate! Then this is a coercion!"

"You are a smart person, you know what I mean! You are alone in the huge starry sky! My silicon-based forces are all over the starry sky! You don't have the foundation or strength to resist!"

"When life is weak, it is enough to just take care of yourself. How about your kin? Does it really matter?"

Jiang Nan took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and then sat down on the stool!

He raised his hand and patted his cheek fiercely, even leaving two bright red palm prints!

Be calm, are you really scheming with a tiger?

But it's not over yet! This is not the situation Jiangnan wants!

(¬?¬?) "Heh~ Is a machine really a machine? You can only see the immediate benefits! It's so stupid!"

Mook's mechanical eyes flashed red!

(〃?_?What did you say?"

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