Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1968: A thousand years of scourge?

In front of Noah's Manor, a lot of people have gathered at this moment!

It's all for fun!

After all, Edius, who is an angel, has been standing here for a long time!

The tour of the gods has also been open, isolating the inner and outer spaces of Noah's Manor and preventing the possibility of Jiangnan returning to the city.

From time to time, I look outside the city, with a little doubt in my eyes!

It's been so long, why hasn't Shaye sent herself a message? With the configuration of Yagang and the others, shouldn't they even be able to take down a Jiangnan?

However, at this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the crowd!

"Hey, hey~ I'll let you go, what are you squeezing? I'm going back to the house to sleep!"

Everyone couldn't help but look in the direction the voice came from!

I saw Jiangnan, who was covered in darkness, pulling Olivia's hand and pushing forward!

In an instant, everyone's expressions became extremely frightened!

?(okou o*)? "Hey~ Jiangnan? This is Jiangnan's melon? His melon is a poisonous pumpkin, can't you eat it?"

Seeing Jiangnan's appearance, the crowd watching the excitement immediately ran halfway!

After all, those who saw it before were angry, and I would like to hear the ghost scene of Qixiang still fresh in my memory!

Even Edius was stunned!

He looked at Jiangnan in amazement!

What the fuck? How did he come back? Shaye, didn't they go get this kid?


Before he could wait for Edius to move, he saw Jiang Nan took out his little pony and smashed the phantom of the **** patrol in front of him!

Just hear a "click"!

The phantom of the angel of the **** patrol seat was directly smashed out of a hole, and Jiangnan stepped into the killing line in one step!

The eldest brother of Odius stared at Jiangnan with a look of horror!


How is this possible?

Just... come in? This horse is a **** patrol, how did you break it with a hammer?

"Hey hey? You..."

Jiangnan stared:

(?°?д°?) "Stupid bird man, what are you looking at? Haven't seen Xiaoshuai pot? I've been sticking here for hours, what about the COS telephone pole?"

"Disappear in front of Lao Tzu! Watching you affect your appetite!"

Ardius is very angry:

??(?°?yi°??)?? "Who are you scolding? What about Shaye and the others? What did you do to them?"

Jiang Nan pouted: (¬?¬?) "What's wrong with them is none of my business? Go away or not? Don't blame me if you don't go away!"

Edius' eyes flickered, Jiangnan returned safely, which means that something happened to Shaye and the others?

impossible! It is impossible for the Angel Judgment to take down even Jiangnan!

Can we just wait and ask for more details?

??(? ̄?~ ̄?)?? "Heh~ let me get out? Do you have this power? Although you and I are both in the killing line now, I can't kill you!"

"But as a resident of Noah's Manor, it's only right for me to stay here. Do you care about you? I..."

Jiangnan looked unhappy:

(What benefits?) "The chattering is annoying! Three numbers! Get out of here!"

While speaking, he took out an angel egg directly from the different dimension, and didn't wait for Edius to react!

Xiao Maza smashed the egg shell directly, and then poured a bowl of chicken soup directly down the crack!

There was a scream like killing a chicken from the eggshell, and it was immediately melted away!

There is one more mark of Angel's Sorrow on Jiang Nan's body!

"Three! Still not going?"

While talking, he took out two more angel eggs, knocked them open, and poured chicken soup into them!

Edius: ! !

??(?◣yi◢)?? "Jiangnan! You dare to ride a horse!"

How dare you kill the angels in front of Lao Tzu?

He was furious, and his big hand grabbed it directly towards Tianling Gai in Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan didn't lift his head, Olivia suddenly shouted!

?(o≥mouth≤o)? "Yeah! Sharks! Someone is breaking the rules, and they're in the killing line!"

The next moment, a flash of blood flashed in front of Jiang Nan, and the prisoner bird held a blood-colored sickle, directly in front of Edius' neck!

Killing intent blooms in the eyes:

乁(? ̄?– ̄?) ㄏ "Go ahead! It's just what I want, I've endured you for a long time!"

"Use your blood to color the killing line, it will be very bright, right?"

Odius froze, and the veins on his forehead jumped violently!

[The resentment value from Odius +1008! ]


Two more angel eggs were melted!


The prisoner bird was even a little excited watching this scene:

乁(?.???)ㄏ "Are there any more? Let's drive a few more!"

Jiangnan grinned:

(? ̄?.? ̄?) "Not a lot, so let's open a few more!"

After he said that, he took out two more, and if he picked up the pony, he would smash it!

Edius: ! !

??(|||?Benefit?)?? "Don't! Don't smash it! You are cruel! I'm leaving! I'll leave as soon as I ride a horse!"

If you stay any longer, the ghost knows how many Jiangnan will have to kill?

Why does he have so many angel eggs? Could it be that something happened to Shaye and the others?

Jiangnan pouted:

??o·(乛ε乛?) "Get the **** out of the way, won't it be over? Squeak! Drink~ Bah!"

Saying that, put the eggs into the different dimension and go back to the house in style!

The people who saw it were dumbfounded, how ruthless!

In front of an angel, three angel eggs were rectified and laid?

Are you really not afraid at all?

Erdius could only leave in a daze, to investigate what was going on, while the prisoner bird had bright eyes!

Good guy, I thought I would never see Jiangnan again!

Who knew it would come back alive? Also brought so many angel eggs? Does this kid have something?

It's really good people don't live long, and the scourge is left for thousands of years!

As soon as she returned to the house, Aijiang slammed into Jiangnan's arms and slammed for a while!

?(?????ヮ????)? "Master! You are back, scaring Ai-chan to death!"

Jiangnan's mouth twitched: "What's the situation? Are you mopping your head in COS?"

I saw a lot of notes on Aijiang's face, the most terrifying ones were Momo and Xingcheng!

The heads of the two are no longer heads, they are completely turned into mops, okay?

Ye Yuan is full of red light:

(?ˇ?ˇ?) "What am I talking about? Can you come back? It's sloppy! Give me money!"

Aijiang Duzui: ?(?????)? "Just give it! As long as the master can come back, whatever!"

Speaking of which, he reluctantly turned to Ye Yuan's star source point!

Jiangnan's mouth twitched, my dear, is this a bet on whether I can come back?

Then a teleportation came to Ye Yuan:

(?????) "Hey~ it's not too much to meet in half, right? If I don't come back, don't you lose?"

Ye Yuan rolled his eyes: "Half of the fart, come two laps? Do you have the ability to win it from me?"

After thousands of training sessions, Ye Yuan felt that his card skills could already be called a **** of birds!

Jiangnan's lack of interest: "Come on, I'm afraid I'll lose your pants! You guys play, I'm going to practice!"

While talking, he ran to the side and took out piles of Star Origin energy blocks, ready to start practicing!

Ye Yuan was stunned, this kid has changed? Don't play if you win? Shouldn't he be afraid of me?

The war is imminent, Jiangnan decided to sharpen the gun again!

When the senses were sealed before, the feeling of spatial rhythm is still fresh in Jiangnan's memory!

This kind of opportunity is not easy to come by, it is better to consolidate it and see if it will yield anything!

But before practicing, Jiang Nan didn't know what to think, and the corner of his mouth evoked a radian!

He took out his brain and sent a text message to Yueli!

Nanshen: (??°???°)? "Li Baoer, is there another appointment at the Black Label Conference tomorrow?"

Immediately after posting, start practicing!

On the other hand, the moon raccoon who cooperated with the inspector to check the accounts of Heijie was already so bored that he fell asleep!


Lean on your chin and doze your head straight!

Not only the moon raccoon, but Suo Sang's mentality exploded. They were all thieves and beautiful fake accounts. Who doesn't know what's going on in the black street?

I'm just nitpicking myself!

I don't know what happened to the young master Norman, that Jiangnan was too arrogant, and dared to openly slap the face of the Bose!

It's time for him to pay the price!

At this moment, the special concern alert sounded, and the moon raccoon immediately became energetic!

He quickly took a puff of his pipe to refresh himself, and looked down, his eyes were full of surprises!

From Jiangnan?

Another appointment tomorrow? Does that mean he's okay? things work out?

Can't help but directly put the brain to the desktop to reply!

Moon raccoon: ?(?っ?????????c)? Good!

Suo Sang immediately noticed the content on the chat interface, and his eyes narrowed!

Jiangnan news? Is he all right?

Didn't Master Norman go with the people from heaven to **** him? Why is Jiangnan still in the mood to flirt with Yueli?

Suosang's eyes flickered: "No major problems have been found, so let's do this first!"

"I have other things to do, so I'll leave first!"

After he got up and was about to leave, the moon raccoon teased and hurriedly greeted:

?(?っ???c)? "Eh~ I'm leaving now? Just check it out for a while, I don't mind!"

Suosang's expression was icy cold, he snorted coldly, and left with a flick of his sleeves!

Turning around, I came to the Stargazing Hotel on the Black Street, and the Kunta people in the room were anxiously circling in circles!

Why hasn't Master Norman come back?

Said to go with the angel to make Jiangnan ugly, how long has it been?

At this moment, Suo Sang suddenly appeared in the room!

"Where's Norman? It's not over yet? I received news that Jiangnan is still fine!"

Kunta hurriedly lowered his head: "I've seen Lord Suosang, the young master hasn't come back yet, Jiangnan is all right? Impossible? He..."

Suo Sang squinted: "I can't read it wrong, contact Norman and ask him..."

Kunta sweats profusely on his forehead:

(?????ˇ﹏ˇ?) "Lian... I can't get in touch, Young Master Norman's horns made Jiangnan slapped!"

Suosang stared: Σ(っ°mouth°;)っ"What?"

This time, not only Edius was stunned, but Sosanquinta was also stunned!

After looking for thirteen tricks, they still can't see Shaye and the others, and Jiangnan appeared in Noah Manor intact!

As for Norman, he disappeared directly, and the world evaporated!

Kunta was completely panicked, if the young master really has three strengths and two weaknesses, it would be a bad dish!

This matter is no longer something I can handle, so I can only report to Lord Xing Luo!

In the middle of the night, in the star-watching room, with a bang, Jiangnan's level broke through to Daotian five-star!

Another hundred million star source points evaporated!

The nutrition you get from eating delicious mountain and sea food is naturally not comparable to eating bran and pharyngeal vegetables!

However, Jiang Nan did not open his eyes, but sat silently on the spot!

The next moment, the space around Jiangnan froze, and then flowed towards his body like crazy, and he seemed to disappear for a moment!

It becomes endless pitch black, which is different from the blackness of black garlic, it is invisible blackness!

Ye Yuan, who was playing mahjong, was stunned, suddenly stood up, his eyes were extremely sharp, and he stared at Jiangnan!

His eyes are full of shock and astonishment!

However, this state only appeared for a moment and then stopped abruptly, Jiang Nan suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of red blood!

His body was already soaked in cold sweat, he was panting on his knees, and the expression on his face was full of surprise!

Ye Yuan's expression was solemn: "Boy! What was that just now?"

Aijiang and Momo both looked at Jiangnan in confusion!


What's wrong?

Isn't it just a level up? What's all the fuss about?

This is normal for Jiangnan, okay?

Obviously, they didn't notice the abnormality just now!

Jiang Nan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "No...nothing!"

After he finished speaking, he looked down at his hands in a daze, and remained silent, the doubt in his eyes never faded!

Even Lao Tzu himself doesn't know what it was just now!

Jiangnan just didn't dare to use it, and he didn't even dare to open it!

Because he feels that he will die, he will definitely die!

Ye Yuan still had a solemn expression on his face, slowly sitting on the stool, frowning tightly, was it his own illusion?

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