With Xiangzhu winning two bids in a row, Jiangnan is still eager to try!

After all, I still have quite a few incense beads in my hand!

At the beginning, I took as many as 136 pieces from Xing Cheng's brother, even if it was distributed to Lord Zhu and the others, Jiang Nan still had nearly a hundred pieces in his hands!

This time I came to the City of Thousand Stars, looking for a backer is only one of the purposes, the second purpose is to use the fragrant beads to increase the capital of the Blue Star!

The Black Label Conference is a great opportunity!

What Blue Star lacks at present is not the incense beads, but the background and equipment!

Today's human beings are far from the starry sky, and they want to enter the starry sky stage!

This gap must be closed as soon as possible!

At this moment, the emotions of everyone in the shooting venue were also completely aroused, and they all looked forward to the next black label!

And Fama and Huanlou looked at Wenger, who had been begging for the fragrance beads, and the corners of their mouths also evoked a radian!

It would be strange if the Apocalypse Clan could get it! You've been in the fourth sequence long enough!

I saw that the particle conveyor was loaded again!

The passionate sound of the ringtone resounded throughout the shooting!

(??????????)? "Qiangqiang ~ Interstellar city with three flasks, silicon-based manufacturing, convenient and reliable!"

Jiangnan's eyes were attracted to the past again, and the world view was refreshed again!

I saw three transparent flasks the size of basketballs on the display stand!

Inside the flask is a miniature version of the interstellar city, with all kinds of technological facilities in the city!

It is a fantastic metropolis that can only be seen in sci-fi movies!

Obviously, after space compression, the entire built interstellar city was put into the flask!

Although the size of the city is not comparable to a super-giant city like Heijie, it is not small!

Ringtone smiled brightly:

(??????) "As long as you break the flask, you can resettle, station a planet, build a base, and mine a ore planet. It's simply the best choice!"

"A Flask City only needs 15 billion Star Origin Points~ How about it? Lord Jiangnan has an idea to do it?"

Obviously, Aegis Star Shield, Taoyuan Planet, and even this Flask City are all a complete set!

Three hits at the start! All of them can't be rejected, okay?

Even Interstellar City can be packaged and sold?

Jiangnan immediately said excitedly:

(?°???°) "Fuck! I'll give out another 1.5 incense beads!"

Wenger storms roar:

(σ?? Benefit?) σ "You can't do that! If you want, I'll find a developed planet from the Apocalypse Starfield and send it to you, won't it be over?"

"Xiangzhu is not like you! Give it to me! Give it to me!"

"I can add money!"

However, no matter how Wenger roared, Jiangnan remained unmoved!

After a price increase, the three flask cities were won by Jiangnan at the price of two fragrant beads!

The people watching are staring!

What is the origin of Jiangnan? How could there be so many fragrant beads in my hand?

Could it be that there are star-devouring giant insects in his family?

Isn't that right? The abyss family can't take advantage of such rare star mining machines!

If there were, they would have been robbed long ago!

The star-devouring giants are basically in the hands of energy-type beings. How can Jiangnan be carbon-based?

At this moment, the moon raccoon is also smiling and blooming, and it seems that his future cigarette materials are also available!

Suzine laughed and said, "Boss Jiang is so cool! The next black mark is amazing!"

"A universe-class armed warp speed starship! Just the size of the starship itself is comparable to a planet!"

"It is an excellent vehicle for interstellar travel, suppressing unrest, and racial migration, with a price of 88.8 billion star origin points!"

Jiang Nan swallowed his saliva and immediately raised his hand:

?(>mouth<?) "I! I want it! I will give you 3 incense beads!"

At this moment, everyone in the shooting field is numb!

Jiangnan is here to participate in the Black Label Conference, and is it special to buy goods?

How many incense beads does he have?

"Is there a mine in this guy's house? What's the background? Can he get so many fragrant beads? I don't believe he was killed by abyss!"

"With a standard like Jiangnan, how many fragrant beads are enough for him? Even if he is rich, he will have to dry his green skin sooner or later!"

"I don't believe he can wrap up the entire black label conference!"

Wenger's box on the side has long since washed his face in tears!


Every time Jiangnan auctioned the fragrance beads, he tried to stop it with a higher price, but Jiangnan oil and salt did not enter!

Kaka is to shoot!

So the Black Label Conference was held under the intoxicating fragrance, Jiangnan was like a big Pixiu!

No one knew how many incense beads he could pull out of his pocket!

At least for now, all the black labels have gone into Jiangnan's pocket!

Here, the Black Label Conference is in full swing, and the central star field of the City of Thousand Stars!

The Bose Saint Star Sect belongs, on the Glazed Star, in the Saint Star Hall!

The glazed horn above Xing Luo's head flickered, and he was so angry that he slapped the table!

(?°?yi°?) "Why did you contact me now? Does it take so long to test your identity?"

On the other side, inside the Mars Orbital Sightseeing Sphere, Carl was as transparent as a ghost, covering his broken corner with a face full of surprise!

(?)? Yi? (#) "No... No, it's just that I encountered a million little troubles in the execution of the mission!"

I don't want to, isn't this the only way to get rid of the pursuers?

Xing Luo asked angrily, "Has the test come out? Is that Jiang Nan on Blue Star really him?"

Carl bitterly said:

(??ˇ﹏ˇ?#) "No, it was played by someone else and was replaced by a civet cat! The one in your video is 100% Jiangnan deity!"


With a bang, the entire Holy Star Hall was frozen in extreme cold!

(??yi???) "What? Is it really Jiangnan? He was sent to the city of a thousand stars after closing the star road? This fish slipped through the net!"

"You bastard! What else can you do? You know what that means?"

This one in the City of Thousand Stars is actually Jiangnan! He actually ran away from Blue Star!

He even kidnapped his own son in an upright manner?

If he were to tell what Saint Star had done at Blue Star over the years, then the Bose's face would really be an insole!

Now, on the eve of the Sequence War, all races are eyeing the position of the Star Overlord!

At this time, the incident of the Sacred Star breaking the law, violating the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement, and secretly developing the Blue Star was exposed!

The impact is absolutely huge!

Siji just retreated, if they knew that there are humans in the city of a thousand stars!

You must find it directly and talk about it!

At that time, the handle of the Bose will really be in the hands of others!

"Damn it! You're really damned when you step on a horse!"

Carl was scolded silently, and he almost died without you scolding Lao Tzu!

(?????) "Now... what should I do now?"

Xing Luo's eyes flickered: "Don't let Jiangnan talk nonsense, let alone let his clan master the evidence! Jiangnan must be sealed!"

"Jiangnan must die, take it as fast as possible!"

Carl hesitated: "But your son is in his hands. If he takes this as a threat, wouldn't it be a good idea to start?"

The blue veins on Xing Luo's forehead collapsed:

(??? dish???) "This kid is killing himself!"

"Then eat the blue star in one go! Once the blue star is transformed into a star market, the raw rice will be cooked!"

"Even if the evidence is exposed by then, the impact will be limited! The Lanxingxing Ruins will be enough to seal the mouths of all clans!"

"Be sure to do both!"

While going to seal the mouth of Jiangnan, go to crush the Blue Star with the appearance of thunder, both at the same time!

Otherwise, once the Blue Star is moved first, the human beings will get along with Jiangnan, and this kid can do anything in the City of Thousand Stars!

Totally out of control!

Today's Xingluo can't care so much anymore, Jiangnan is an absolute unstable factor!

What's more, his son is still in his hands!

Besides, the matter of letting human beings run to the City of Thousand Stars must not be known to Chuguang and the people in the creation world!

I was already wiping the **** of the holy star, and now let the human race run to the city of a thousand stars?

It can be said that this is not a bullshit, and they must not be buried and killed?

So he turned his head and explained: "Bring your people, ready to receive support troops at any time, and take down the Blue Star in one go, is that clear?"

"I'm going to tell the Emperor's reward, and let him cooperate to lift the blockade of the star road over there!"

"The people who are drawn from the Bose Star Field to the Holy Star, and by the way, call the Herrscher unit to help! The speed of winning must be fast!"

Carl's eyes are bright, is he finally going to come to support and take down the Blue Star in one breath?

The suffocation that I have endured finally has a place to spread!

Make you crazy? Just wait till you die!

So he hurriedly said: (?????)? "Lord Star Master! Send more people here. Now that Lan Xing's pants are broken, and he still has a domain, it's more difficult to deal with!"

Xing Luo stared: "What do you say? I let the slaughterer Jinglie lead the team! Is it enough?"

"Isn't it more reliable than your trash?"

Carl's eyes were full of excitement, and he automatically ignored the word trash!

"Enough! Enough! I'll be ready to wait for them to come!"

Xing Luo, who hung up the Jiaojiao newsletter, looked uncertain!

The action must be fast, and the silicon base cannot be exploited to open the star road!

Therefore, the troops to fight the Blue Star must be strong!

So I immediately contacted Jinglie in the Bose Star Field!

"I'll let the Emperor reward adults open the star road to Blue Star for a while!"

"Lead me and take down the Blue Star as fast as you can! Do you hear me clearly?"

Jinglie was stunned: "Blue Star? Send me there? Don't you steal it? But the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement..."

Xing Luo narrowed his eyes: "This is the end of the matter! Do you understand after flipping the table? I'm not playing by the rules!"

"This is no longer a star market development game! It's a war launched by my holy star's foreign race! To protect the interests of my Bose!"

"Fight it like a war for me! Do you understand?"

Jing Lie licked his lips: "Yes! Lord Star Master! I'll dispatch my staff now, this battle will be a massacre!"

The corner of Xing Luo's mouth twitched: "Don't play too much, Blue Star is gone, what's the use of taking it down? This Xingxu Laozi wants it!"

Jinglie smiled and said, "Don't worry! Lord Star Master, I know what I have in mind! Contact me at any time!"

Xing Luo stood up suddenly, killing intent in his eyes!

"Fight me? The body of an ant! How dare you shake the majesty of the gods? After this battle! I want you to lose everything!"

"Death will be an extravagant hope at that time. This is the price you must pay for daring to provoke the majesty of the gods!"

"It's useless to struggle! I'm going to pinch you to death! Just leave me obediently and wait to die on the spot!"

"Someone! Where is Jiangnan now?"

Someone immediately said: "Participate in the Black Label Conference at the Black Street Tianyu Grand Auction!"

Xing Luo narrowed his eyes: "Call the Master! Come with me!"

"I will let you know today! Under this starry sky, who has the final say!"

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