Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1984: Absolute dead end?

At this moment, Xing Luo, even if he is the Lord of the Holy Star, the first sequence, must bow his head when facing Noah!

Although this is just an idea clone!

The majesty of the star-swallowing powerhouse is absolute, it is the real ceiling under the starry sky!

The gap between planet destroyer and swallowing star can be said to be the difference between cloud and mud!

If he has not reached the swallowing star in one day, he will not be able to cross this class in one day!

At this moment, the moon raccoon breathed a sigh of relief, Lord Noah finally arrived, it was saved!

And everyone in the store is completely numb. I didn't expect to participate in an auction, and can I still see such a starry star confrontation?

The reason is just because of a Jiangnan?

Erdius was sweating profusely on his forehead. What Jiangnan said before was true. There were indeed many people who wanted to kill him!

Compared with Shengxing, Heaven is a piece of shit, isn't it?

Jiang Nan licked his dry lips and looked at Noah's figure with a twinkle in his eyes!

Did Noah really come out to protect me?

Is it just because Xing Luo saved his face and ruined his business, or was there another reason?

In any case, Lao Tzu is still alive!

As long as you are alive, there is a chance!

Noah squinted: "Very good! At least you haven't been dazzled by the power!"

"Now! Exit the bidding field for me! I will find the emperor's reward to calculate the price of that sword just now!"

Xing Luo steel teeth clenched, his eyes staring at Jiangnan!

(?°?yi°?) "Sorry! Forgive me! Jiangnan tied my son! I hurt my Bose, he must die today!"

Noah said coldly: "This deity doesn't care about your parents, let alone who did what!"

"On the day of the Black Label Conference, the Black Street will stop fighting! I told you to take someone out! Didn't you hear it?"

"Or are you deaf? I don't want to repeat the same thing a second time!"

While speaking, the dark matter around the body began to compress, the space was distorted, and the breath on the body became more violent!

But Xingluo still didn't retreat, it's about the face of the Bose clan, let Jiangnan live one more second!

The risk will increase by one point!

"My trip is not for me personally, but for the law of the stars! Act on behalf of the Holy Law Society!"

"The Black Label Conference blatantly sells taboo weapons. Once the taboo weapons flow out, they end up in the hands of some ignorant clowns!"

"Who will bear the losses? This has seriously violated the law of the stars! It is reasonable for me to come to enforce the law, and please Lord Noah not to interfere!"

As he spoke, his eyes pointed directly at the dark matter star bomb on the booth that had not been sold short!

Noah snorted coldly: "Ha~ use the law of the starry sky to press me? Did you forget that the deity is a member of the law council?"

"Even if you manage it! It's not your turn to manage! Besides, what the deity does is what the other top ten sequences want to do!"

"Do you know why no one came to find fault with me? Go back and inquire with your parents before confronting me!"

"Now! Exit for this deity!"

Xing Luo's face was ugly, why didn't he know what was going on here? Just shoot!

The major sequences are also acquiesced, because they will also benefit from it!

"But Jiangnan..."

Noah squinted: "But what? What other reason do you have to tell me?"

"Or, what is the reason why you have to step on my face and win Jiangnan during the Black Label Conference?"

"It's not enough for your son to be tied up! If there is, tell me about it!"

Xing Luo froze, how could he tell about Lan Xing?

That horse riding is directly exposed!

Blue Star has not eaten yet!

Once exposed, not only the silicon base will come looking for trouble, but even the dark universe will not miss this opportunity!

Xing Luo looked at Jiang Nan with a ruthless expression, still not reconciled!

Jiangnan smiled brightly:

(?ˉ??ˉ?) "Give you three seconds! Get the **** out of here! Don't delay our Black Label Conference!"

Xing Luo stared: (?◣yi◢) "Jiangnan! You are riding a horse..."

I saw that Jiangnan took out a giant loudspeaker directly from the alien space!

(?≥mouth≤)? "Listen, everyone! I'll tell you a secret! Actually, Shengxing and the others..."

Star Luo: ! !

(???)? "Shut up! Shut up for Lao Tzu! If you say one more word, Lao Tzu will take it directly..."

Halfway through the sentence, Xing Luo's voice stopped abruptly!

Jiang Nan sneered: (¬?¬?) "What do you take? Come! Make it clear, I'm listening! What do you want to threaten me with?"

Xing Luo's fist was almost crushed!

can not say!

Jiangnan can break things out at any time, but he hasn't won the Blue Star yet!

Once Jiangnan stabs things out, he will no longer have any scruples and can directly eat Blue Star!

But things have also been exposed, irreversible!

Gangnam! So far, are you still threatening me?

The eyes of the two collided in the air!

Xing Luo gritted his teeth: "I will retreat! I will retreat now!"

Jiangnan's back is also full of cold sweat, the bet is won! Xing Luo, he can't let it go!

Even in Jiangnan, this time cannot really use a loudspeaker to stab things out!

Otherwise, the undisguised holy star will go all out to eat the blue star, and there is a high probability that he will be folded here!

If Jiangnan can't get out, neither can Xing Luo!

But in the end, Xing Luo still chose to make concessions, Jiangnan can't fight, he can't fight!

But there won't be any change in the ending, it's just a matter of sooner or later!

Noah glanced at Jiangnan, and his eyes flashed!

secret? What did the star do? It seems that Jiangnan is holding the handle of the holy star?

With just a few words, Xing Luo was forced to retreat?

At this moment, there is a strong look of interest in Noah's eyes!

As for everyone in the store, their hearts are itching, what's the secret? Don't talk about half of it?

Noah said coldly: "After the black label conference, I don't care what you do! But the black label conference is going on, don't take half a step into the store!"

"Otherwise, don't blame the deity for being rude!"

Xing Luo could only take people out of the Tianyu hypermarket, nodding and saying yes.

No one expected that this fierce confrontation would end in such a way!

Noah glanced at Jiangnan lightly, and the aggregated dark matter instantly dissipated into nothingness!

Obviously left!

However, Noah is also standing in the sky above the Tianyu hypermarket, his face sinking like water!

(???????) "Everyone obeys the orders! Surrounded Tianyu hypermarket for me, and the field expands!"

"Don't let me out even a single atom!"

At this moment, thousands of bosons were scattered, and the entire Tianyu hypermarket was surrounded by water!

If you have a domain, you can put a domain, and if you don't have a domain, you are ready to attack at any time!

Under the superposition of the fields, except for the people in the hypermarket!

There is no life outside, all are blocked!

At this moment, Jiangnan has completely become a turtle in a urn!

I saw Xing Luo leaning on his sword in both hands, standing above the void, his eyes were cold!

(? ̄?? ̄??) "How long can you jump?"

Jiang Nan can't escape, even if he can drag him to the end of the Black Label Conference!

By that time, Blue Star has already been captured!

Xingluo will have no scruples, and Jiangnan will surely die!

Don't forget, Xing Luo is a two-pronged approach, grasping with both hands!

No matter what, Jiangnan must die today!

At this moment, even in the store, you can feel the cold air that penetrates all the time!

The entire venue can be said to be silent, and the atmosphere is extremely solemn!

Jiang Nan pouted: (¬?¬?) "At least it will last a little longer than your son!"

"What do I do? Go ahead?"

While speaking, he sat on the stool with his buttocks up, and raised Erlang's legs!

The God-killing knife was still in the dumb sack, and he grabbed a cake and ate it!

It was so random that it seemed like what just happened had never happened at all!

This should not be the mentality that there are thousands of bosons waiting to kill him outside!

Olivia's legs were so frightened that she slumped on the ground!


She has never experienced such a big scene in her life!

Jiangnan is so calm, as if everything is under control!

Momo's face is white, what a strong mentality, and still remain indifferent under such a situation?

The prisoner bird swallowed:

??(乛﹏乛????)??"Iron juice! You buy it first, I will withdraw it! Don't wait for a random knife to hack me to death! My life is not as hard as yours!"

"I hope to see you again in the future!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "I will see you! It won't be very far!"

The prisoner bird flapped its wings and flew away, and then went to a box with Jiangnan. The prisoner bird was not sure if he could survive until the end of the Black Label Conference!

At this moment, You Lulu and Roentgen are also scared to pee!

?(???.)? "South...South God? Can we both..."

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows: (??д??) "Huh? What are you two?"

You Lulu gave a shock:

?(?﹏?.)? "'s okay!"

At this moment, You Lulu didn't dare to leave, and she didn't dare to stay, so she could only crouch in the corner of the box with Roentgen and tremble!

Olivia's face was white, she raised her hand and waved, under the atomic reorganization, the box that had just been cut off was directly repaired!

Jiang Nan smiled: "Olivia, remember the whispers of the gods all the time, my life is in your hands!"

"Although Noah's face is now covered, it does not rule out the possibility of Xing Luo jumping over the wall!"

Olivia nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Leave it to me!"

Thank you for laughing in this situation!

At this moment, Jiangnan is holding the snail shell tightly in his hand, and the news of Brother Jian has not come yet!

It also means that the star road of the Laniakea supercluster has not yet been opened, and the Holy Star's troops have not yet opened the Blue Star!

The star road is not open, and I have no way to go back!

I can only stay here and wait for the news!

The moon raccoon wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, only to feel that his hands and feet were cold!

?(???﹏?)? "Look... it looks like a little unpleasant accident happened! But it's okay! The Black Label Conference is held normally!"

"Ring tone! You go on!"

At the moment, Suzune's lips are dry, and she is still considering whether to resign as the host after the show is over!

Tai Te Meow is dangerous!

(??﹏????) "Ahaha~ Let's have the next black label, the Plasma Collapsing Star Cannon!"

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