Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2004: this moment! extreme peak

But with the blessing of Jixingzhu, the boson also becomes extremely difficult to deal with!

However, this is not difficult for Xia Yao!

I saw Jiangnan carrying the knife and teleporting directly in front of a boson!

Just about to get started!

The boson roared: "Shadow Mire!"

Naturally, the boson next to him would not miss this great opportunity, and his eyes shot like knives!

"Take a closer look!"

The ability they engraved is exactly the ability of the Eye Clan. Looking at it at a glance, anyone who is locked by sight will be immobilized directly!

Jiang Nan just wanted to hide, but how could Xia Yao give them this chance?

"Ultraday Yunxuan? Silence Dark Cloud!"

In an instant, dark clouds with a radius of 1,000 meters bloomed from the cloak of the wolf head!

The boson that was casting Shadow Mire was directly held back!

Even the method of fixing one's body by looking at it closely was blocked by the shadow of the full moon behind Jiang Nan!

Howling Moon Wolf King is almost immune to all negative states!

Jiangnan didn't say a word, a warp speed slash slashed at the boson!

The flame on the body of the God-killer became extremely red, and it was a plasma flame with a higher temperature than the core of the sun!

It was already terrifying that Jiangnan was promoted by Xuexue!

What's even more frightening is that every time Jiangnan cuts a knife, the stars around him will light up, and the attack power will double!

A knife is more fierce than a knife, and even in the warp speed state, I don’t know how many knives were cut in an instant!

And the power of Jiangnan's slash has been raised to the limit of eighty-one times by Jiu Xing's sword, and the more the slash is, the more fierce it is!

Or a ghostly nine-star flash? Is Jiangnan instant 81 flashes?

Because Xia Yao was attached to Jiangnan in the form of a wolf soul!

Jiangnan is attacking, it is equivalent to Xia Yao attacking!

The role of Jiuxingshan is naturally superimposed on Jiangnan!

In an instant, the boson was chopped up!

I don't know how much more efficient it is than fighting alone!

This is the first time Jiangnan knows how to combine skills like this!

The flames burning in the body made Jiangnan even more restless. As his body flickered, he chopped up all the bosons around him, and roared and slaughtered with a knife!

At this moment, with the help of Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao, Jiangnan completely reached his peak!

Extreme Day Cloud Whirlpool silences enemies within a radius of 1000 meters, the Howling Moon Wolf King's body function is increased, and he is immune to negative states!

The nine-star flash superimposes the attack power, and Xuexue increases the blood-burning!

The fiery crown unfolded, and everything near Jiangnan was burned!

So the most inexplicable existence on the battlefield was born!

Jiang Yanwang was completely mad, and the warp speed slashes never stopped between the flickering figures, and every slash was accompanied by a flame attack!

Wherever the figure passes, there are all broken jelly fragments and floating glass corners!

Xia Yao is still not satisfied, Qing Yu, the silver shadows are all stacked on Jiang Nan's body, making Jiang Nan faster!

At the same time, Zhong Yingxue also turned on the endless firepower mode!

The fiery giant fireball blooms wildly with Jiangnan as the center, and never stops. At this moment, Jiangnan is like a walking fort!

Under the overwhelming flame attack, he even brought Jiangnan's air-splitting saw blade, six air cuts!

After all, with the support of the World Tree, the blue trough of the two of them is bottomless, and there is no need to consider the problem of spiritual power consumption!

Even the sky-splitting saw blade that was thrown out was attached with blazing red flames!

And Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao don't have to defend at all, worrying about their own safety, because Jiangnan is their eternal armor!

The strongest combination of the three, the fiery Hades! Ride across the battlefield, slaying gods like grass!

The scene exploded abnormally. Even if the current boson is blessed by Jixingzhu, it still has no advantage when facing Jiangnan!

Even Jiangnan's killing speed is wilder than before!

At this moment, Olivia is simply handsome!

At this moment, Jiangnan was covered in flames, with black armor on his body, the wings of the devil spreading wildly, wearing a flame crown, and carrying a wolf-headed moonlight cloak on his back!

The body is surrounded by stars, and the killing intent is vertical and horizontal, and no Bose body can withstand a face-to-face in front of Jiangnan!

??*(ˊ?o????﹏o????ˋ?)*?? "Prince Dark Horse, how can he be so handsome! Ahhhh~"

At this moment, Olivia's eyes are full of small stars, but looking at Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao, Olivia panicked again!

Prince Dark Horse seems to have his own princess originally?

At this moment, Qianben Sakura shouted excitedly:

?*??(ˊ?ˋ*)??*? "Jiang Yanwang! So handsome! Hack them to death!"

Immediately, a lot of bosons looked at Qianben Sakura, and she was so frightened that she shrank her neck and ran away!

The Bose army fighting on the battlefield may not have paid much attention, but in fact, the Bose army has been reduced by one third by Jiangnan!

And that number is still rising!

Soon the bosons discovered that although the Jixing Bead can suppress other humans to a certain extent, it is useless to the animal in Jiangnan!

Even if he is human, he has never been a human on a horse!

No boson wants to be hacked to death by Jiangnan!

So this is what happened in the field!

Jiangnan is chasing the bosons without domain to kill, and a group of bosons with domain are chasing Jiangnan to kill!

But even if they run, they can't run across Jiangnan, because they don't have fast warp speed!

Moreover, under the whispers of the gods, Jiangnan can intercept random killings at warp speed in advance!

Even if they reproduce the abilities of the Apocalypse Clan, it is useless, Olivia can see as far as 30 seconds!

Ordinary Apocalypse people can't do it at all!

This explosion scene was all released through the live broadcast screen, which completely shocked the starry sky!

Originally thought that the black flash of Jiangnan was already the peak of combat power!

Who knew this fiery Hades was?

The flame crown on the top of the head is too exploding, and it is more appropriate to describe it as the king of hell!

At this moment, Jiangnan is the living king of the bosons!

The appearance of the Star Collection Bead made the starry sky extremely dissatisfied. After all, no one wants to see their own clan being used as a tool for re-engraving!

Even if they are so-called sinners!

I thought that the Bose army would take down the human beings in one fell swoop, but who knew that Jiangnan would be killed!

Watching Jiangnan madly kill Bosons, Wanzu felt an inexplicable pleasure in their hearts!

Live on a horse!

Jiangnan doesn't care at this moment, and is preparing to expand the results in one breath!

But the boson starts to run away when it sees itself, which really delays things!

Zhong Yingxue naturally knew what Jiang Nan was thinking, and said loudly, "Wu Liang! Help!"


Jiang Nan, who was startled by a loud roar, shivered, and saw a red-armored general with a net height of 30,000 meters rushing in the starry sky!

Inside is a red devil muscle bear!

Jiang Nan's eyes widened:

Σ(?mouth?|||) "Fuck? How did it become so big?"

Wu Liang laughed: "New skills! Brother Nan is ready!"

I saw General Chijia raised his finger, pointed at Jiangnan, and roared: "I don't want to **** him!"


Just like firing a gun, at this moment, a bright red light suddenly appeared on Jiang Nan's body!

And those bosons became angry the moment they saw Jiangnan, they no longer ran away, but roared towards Jiangnan!

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

Nima! Don't you accept that my taunting skill has evolved? Can you designate personnel to ridicule others?

Is it so convenient? It's simply magic!

Not only is Jiangnan getting stronger, Wu Liang and his skills will also evolve every time the level is upgraded!

I saw Wu Liang spread his arms: "Sister Xue! Give me a wave! Don't hold back!"

Zhong Yingxue didn't even think about it, countless giant fireballs rudely blasted towards Wu Liang!

This stance clearly meant that he wanted to blow up Wu Liang to death!

And Wu Liang didn't dodge, he roared, "Swallow the sky and eat the earth!"

The cyan light bloomed on the phantom of the Red Armor General, and all the attacks that Zhong Yingxue smashed were absorbed by the Red Armor General!

It didn't even shake him in the slightest!

And it also absorbed all the attacks that smashed in the past, and it grew wildly!

Looking at the rush to the height of 100,000 meters!

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Wu Liang's defense is now unstoppable by Xue Xue? So perverted? What kind of skill is this?"

Xia Yao laughed and said: "Wu Liang's daotian skills, swallowing the sky and eating the earth, whether it is a physical attack or a magic attack, the energy of the attack will be absorbed and used to strengthen himself!"

"Now Wu Liang's defense is quite terrifying!"

Wu Liang laughed and rushed out with a savage collision!

"Not only can it be sucked, but it can also be released!"

Wu Liang, who plunged into the pile of bosons, immediately exploded!

Release all the attacks absorbed along the way in one breath, and the terrifying energy wave swept wildly!

After his release, Wu Liang's red-armored general turned into a small man again, and he scurried around on the battlefield, looking for beatings everywhere!

The more you get beaten, the bigger Wu Liang gets!

The corners of Jiangnan's mouth twitched, this meat Tan was completely understood by Wu Liang's play?

Cow batch!

With Wu Liang's dissatisfaction with him, Jiangnan rushed to kill him again!

Of course, Wu Liang didn't die enough to give Jiangnan the boson with the domain to ridicule it together!

Otherwise, this wave will be slaughtered!

At this moment, Xingcheng was completely infected by the high-spirited fighting spirit on the battlefield, and began to stop picking up pieces of war fortresses everywhere to eat!

Instead, he focused on the nine star dragons that were pulling the set of star beads. After all, there were two of them that were initially roasted by the collapsing star cannon, and they smelled quite fragrant!

─=≡Σ((((つ?? Mouth??)つ "Ahhh~ Cheng Baoer will eat you all!"

At this moment, Xing Cheng shouted and rushed towards the Xinglong!

Halfway through the journey, it turned into his own body. Suddenly, a giant star-devouring worm was nearly 300 kilometers long and more than 30 kilometers thick!

Open the huge mouth, launch a giant bite, and bite off a small half of a star dragon in one bite!

To be honest, Xinglong's body is not small, but compared with Xingcheng, it is indeed a lot smaller!

Not even half her age!

Xingcheng suddenly changed his body and went to eat Xinglong, which really surprised Jiangnan!

When did she get so fat?

However, Xingcheng really didn't eat too much along the way, and didn't watch how she pulled, just eating and not pulling, she had gained weight, how could she look like her brother?

Seeing Xing Cheng eating happily, Jiang Nan didn't worry about her revealing her body anymore. After all, the more than 90 incense beads thrown out were enough to explain the problem!

As long as you are not stupid, you can guess that there are star-devouring giant insects in Jiangnan!

However, the star-devouring giant insect that suddenly appeared really shocked the starry sky!

WOW! If you read it right, this thing just now was human, right?

Can human beings be transformed into star-devouring giant insects?

The prisoner's face turned black, and I guessed it on the horse! In addition to the star-devouring giant insect, who can eat Laozi's three thousand bowls of rice?

But how can people become star-devouring giants? Or how did this thing become human?

Of course, Xinglong wasn't a vegetarian either, so naturally he couldn't wait to be eaten by Xingcheng!

The other eight began to resist desperately!

A pillar of starlight spewed out of his mouth, slammed into Xingcheng's worm body, and blood splattered all at once!

There is even Xinglong who is madly biting Xingcheng at the risk of being cut by scales!

In terms of Xingcheng's self-healing ability, it's not a problem at all!

But being bitten by the food, Xingcheng is still very angry!

If Ben Chengbao wants to eat you, just let me eat it obediently! How come big chicken legs still bite insects?

The angry Xingcheng began to frantically use spiritual skills!

One after another, giant space blades were launched from Xingcheng's rotating scales!

What space distortion, space cutting, etc. are all over it, and it's all messed up!

The blood cut off by Xinglong is even more terrifying!

Xingcheng's huge insect body actually shifted its position instantly!

Of course, this is not teleportation, but a space transfer. Don't forget, Xingcheng is on the Black God's side, and he also has full skill slots!

It's a space spirit skill that can blow the sky, but Xing Cheng doesn't know how to use it very well, and he doesn't use it very much in normal times...

But when it comes to cooking, Xingcheng is serious!

In the blink of an eye, Xing Cheng swallowed three star dragons and was chasing after the fourth one!

At this moment, all races in the starry sky are numb, and even if the beast turns into a star-devouring giant insect, why is he still a star-devouring giant insect of the space system?

Something's wrong, right?

However, Xinglong is also anxious, you eat Laozi? I eat you too!

So he started to gnaw at Xingcheng, tearing off large pieces of flesh and blood, and the rest of the Xinglongs also took the opportunity to squirt starlight to blast Xingcheng, leaving scars on her body!

The painful Xingcheng twisted!

How can Zhong Yingxue, who is distressed for her child, bear it?

"Xiao Nan!"

Jiang Nan squinted: "Received!"

I saw Jiangnan raised his hand and grabbed it, the palm was fully formed, and it turned into a glass ball and returned to the palm!

Immediately aiming at the Xinglong who was biting Xingcheng, he stretched out his big hand!

The infinite flames gathered in Jiangnan's hands and turned into a flame spear!

The voices of Zhong Yingxue and Jiang Nan overlapped at this moment, and the flames on his body rose!

"Burning to the end of the gun!" ×2

The next moment, Jiang Nan strode out and threw the Spear of Ending in his hand violently, wrapping it at warp speed in an instant!

In just an instant, the spear of finality crossed half of the starry sky battlefield and plunged into Xinglong's body!


The boundless and fiery explosion sounded, and Xinglong's huge body was blown away, and his body was swept by black flames, and he let out a painful wailing!

Immediately afterwards, Jiangnan grinned: "Bloom!"


The glazed ball that plunged into Xinglong's body along with the Spear of Ending blossomed into a size of 100,000 meters in an instant!

Pulled away from Xinglong's body, the picture was extremely bloody, and he lost half his life if he didn't die!

It was swallowed by Xingcheng with a single giant bite!

Nanbao is so good, even grilled before eating!

The powerful combination of Zhong Yingxue and Jiangnan's attack is absolutely terrifying!

Jiangnan laughed directly: "One more shot?"

Zhong Yingxue said excitedly, "Come on!"

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