Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2009: Big clan game! Undercurrent

Heijie Tianyu hypermarket, with the appearance of Dawei Tianlong, almost filled the entire broadcast screen!

The whole starry sky has been seen, and this time the Dawei Tianlong is famous!

There was an uproar in the audience, and no one thought that Jiangnan was really a summoning system!

And it also summoned such a powerful dimensional creature, which directly brought the situation back!

Σ(°Д° "Fuck! This mighty Tianlong just broke a blue giant star of the Tianchen clan on the dimensional battlefield some time ago, and the level is at least half a star!"

"I didn't expect this level of existence to be Jiang Qianyi's summoned beast? Is this guy a real girl?"

('-﹏-`;) "Dear me! With the help of Dawei Tianlong, it's hard to say who will win and who will lose. The Bose can't take it off?"

(¬_¬) "You think too much! The first-sequence star star overlord, the real star-devouring giant is not without it, how could it be overturned? Just wait and see, the situation is about to escalate!"

Jiangnan's move was beyond everyone's expectations, and the scale of victory was tilted toward mankind madly!

Things are getting more and more unpredictable!

?(?っ≥?≤c)? "Yeah~ This is really great! The Jedi counterattack? Turning back against the wind? Nanshen is absolutely amazing!"

The inappropriate voice of the moon raccoon sounded in the field, and the excited pretty face flushed!

Such a powerful Dawei Tianlong turned out to be a summoned beast in the south of the Yangtze River?

There might be a real chance this time!

As soon as he finished speaking, Fama and Huanlou looked over with cold eyes!

The smile on Yueli's face froze, but he was still excited!

Where is the limit of Jiangnan? This hand is so beautiful!

The prisoner bird and Watt's eyelids also jumped. The matter was made worse by Jiangnan, and the existence of Dawei Tianlong came out?

People are really forced out!

Noah couldn't help sitting up straight at the moment, looking at the picture on his brain with bright eyes!

"This is really unexpected, Dawei Tianlong? Do humans have something to do with the one in the dimensional gap?"

"It's the Bose's turn to sit still, right? It's a rare opportunity, so I have to join in the fun!"

As he spoke, his body suddenly disappeared from the throne!

At the same time, in the Temple of Apocalypse, Madam Manti and Wenger all widened their eyes, staring at the broadcast screen, unable to say a word!

Wenger is numb, what the hell! No wonder this kid in Jiangnan is not afraid of heaven and earth, co-authoring and hiding such a hole card?

"Lord Female Zun, maybe they can really be overturned by Jiangnan. In the early years, when my Apocalypse Clan experienced the Star Ruins War!"

"It is by relying on the King of Heroes to sacrifice himself, summon powerful dimensional creatures, and win the Star Market War, so that I am today's Apocalypse Clan!"

"How similar the current human beings were to the Apocalypse Clan back then!"

Madam Manti's eyes are full of reminiscence, is it the King of Heroes? That's the old yellow calendar!

"It's not that simple. If the Bose people really overturned in this battle, it would be a big loss if they lost the glass. As the first sequence, the overlord of the starry sky, the Bose people will never allow such a thing to happen!"

"More than 3,000 years ago, there was a chaos of thousands of stars because of human beings, which brought disaster to ten thousand races. If it is shriveled in the hands of human beings this time, that face will be lost!"

"Since Dawei Tianlong came out, it is estimated that the old guys from the Bose tribe should move!"

Wenger was sweating profusely on his forehead, **** it!

Shouldn't it evolve into a star-swallowing giant confrontation in the end? How big is it going to be?

And at this moment, where the Divine Machine Star is!

Mook's mechanical eye shrunk, the CPU continued to be high temperature, and the cooling system was running wildly!

He has calculated all the possibilities in advance, but he did not expect such a possibility that Dawei Tianlong would appear at all!

Is Jiangnan still hiding such a big hole card?

very good! very good!

The more people make things happen, the more space the silicon-based can operate!

At this moment Tao came over to inform: "Lord Muke! There is action on the Bose side, and the Star Road blockade has been opened!"

"It is estimated that a swallowing star boson will come and intervene!"

Mook suddenly stood up and squinted: "Very good! The sword has been sharpened, and it's time to slash at the Bose!"

"Start the navy, lead the rhythm of public opinion, and push the Bosers to the execution platform for me!"

"I think they dare to try it!"

Tao Ying said: "My subordinates take orders!"

But the Temple of the Holy Star of Glazed Star was completely fried! Xing Luo stared at his eyes with disbelief!

"How is this possible! Dawei Tianlong? Damn Jiangnan! You are still hiding this from me?"

The situation on the battlefield of the starry sky is already one-sided, whether it is Jinglie Linya or Jixingzhu, the dimensions come in all kinds of ways!

In the face of the existence of such a level as Dawei Tianlong, it is all useless!

Under absolute strength, everything is false!

At this moment, the communication between the three of them was about to explode. Tiffany picked up Xing Luo's shirt, and the veins on his forehead jumped!

(?°?yi°?) "Look at what you've done! Didn't they say that Jinglie and the others won nine out of ten in the past? If you keep fighting like this, the Star Market War will be lost!"

"So many people are dispatched, if you still lose to humans, do you know what that means?"

Naruo looked gloomy and cold: "If you hadn't put Jiangnan back, there wouldn't be so many things!"

"You brought the trouble yourself! The Holy Star is in your hands, is it really a good leader?"

Xing Luo stood up suddenly, his eyes blood red!

"Enough! I personally went over to kill the dragon and open the star, my mess, I will collect it myself!"

"I'm going to invite Lord Emperor Reward to reopen the Star Road. This time, I see what else they can do..."

Before the words were finished, an extremely terrifying wave came from the hall!

The entire temple became silent, and the faces of Xing Luo and the others turned pale!

I saw a figure with a negative hand stepping out of the void!

The top of the head is glazed and double horns, and a long ice silk hair is meticulously combed behind his head. He looks middle-aged, his eyes are cold, and he is ruthless and indifferent!

Just standing there, it is like the center of the starry sky, and the power it exudes makes people dare not look directly at this figure!

Not angry and arrogant, the space around him is bizarre, disillusioned and disillusioned!

Xing Luo hurriedly bowed: "Master Emperor Reward, why are you here?"

In the face of swallowing stars in the clan, one of the real people in this starry sky, how could Xing Luo dare not be humble?

The emperor snorted coldly: "My mouth is slapped on my face. If the deity doesn't come again, wait for you to lose the face of the Bose tribe?"

Xing Luo's face was extremely ugly: "I'm sorry! I made the Emperor pay adults trouble!"

The emperor gave Xing Luo a cold look: "Start the star road, I will personally go over to finish it!"

"It's just a blue star, stopping you from here? Waste!"

"I wanted to reuse it for you, but after this matter, it's time to consider whether you really have the qualifications to lead the Holy Star!"

Xing Luo's heart is cold, but what can we say now? Who told him to do things like this bird?

"Everything depends on the arrangement of the emperor's reward!"

The emperor paid his sleeves and walked straight to the alien gate of the temple!

Obviously, I want to go directly to Blue Star and end this Star Market War with a crushing attitude!

At the same time, it is also to show the power of the Bose tribe to the starry sky, an iron fist!

Even so, my Bose clan is still the first sequence, starry sky overlord, please recognize the reality!

Once the emperor's reward comes to Blue Star, even if humans have the ability to reach the sky, there will be no chance!

Just when the emperor's reward is about to set off!

I saw an incomparably huge projection above the Holy Law Star Palace!

Huge enough to be seen by everyone in the City of a Thousand Stars!

And the projection is not someone else, it is Muke!

The sudden change attracted the attention of everyone in the City of Thousand Stars!

I saw Mook's projection looking straight at the glazed star!

"What? The actions of the holy star have caused such serious consequences now! The Bose clan still intends to go their own way! Are you disregarding the laws of the starry sky?"

"This is the overlord of the starry sky, isn't the behavior of the first sequence of Bose people correct?"

Lang Lang's mechanical sound spread throughout the Thousand Star Region!

The emperor's action froze, looking straight at the starry sky, his eyes were full of gloom!

Humph, unreliable speculators!

I saw the figure of the emperor's reward madly enlarged, and the infinite glass of light gathered in the air!

In the end, an incomparably huge figure of glass light was formed on the glaze star, even larger than the projection of Muke!

The power is amazing!

The emperor's reward at this moment is like the incarnation of a god!

Qi said coldly: "How do I do, how do I do things about the Bose family, it's not your Siji's turn to intervene!"

The voice resounded through the stars!

The ten thousand races in the City of Thousand Stars are numb, looking at the starry sky in horror!

WOW! The first and second sequences, the existence of two swallowing stars face to face?

This is insane!

Not only can you see the city of a thousand stars, but the picture is directly recorded by the silicon base and broadcast to the whole sky through the terminal database!

Let all races in the starry sky see it!

Muke didn't give in half a step, and immediately spoke!

"Wrong! Very wrong! Your Bose people have seriously violated the laws of the starry sky! Star Market Management Regulations! And the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement!"

"The starry sky law was jointly formulated by the top ten races in the starry sky sequence, and the starry sky was unanimously approved by all the starry races! Fair, just and open, the starry sky all races strictly abide by the law!"

"It is an important means to maintain the peace of the starry sky and the development of all ethnic groups! The only commandment!"

"Nowadays, your Bose people regard the laws of the starry sky as nothing, and do whatever they want. How can you respect the starry sky?"

"Is it possible that the identity of the first sequence is the capital of your Bose people's reckless actions?"

The emperor's face was extremely gloomy, and his emotions were suppressed!

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

Muke said without any emotional fluctuations: "I know very well! The other family dare not say it! I dare to say it!"

"The starry sky law is not a decoration! As a member of the Holy Law Society, you should do your best and strictly abide by the starry sky law!"

"My silicon base is a firm supporter and executor of the law of the stars!"

"If you let your Bose clan do it! You will disregard the trust of the starry sky, and so! Is there any law under this starry sky?"

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