Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2011: Unite together! We will be invincible

The emperor's reward was held up, and all the major sequences stood up to prevent the Bose from interfering in the Star Market War of Blue Star!

Once the shot is made, there is no need to doubt Muke, Noah and their determination to do it!

After tinkering for so long, the support has not yet been dispatched, and the Bose people on the Blue Star side are all slaughtered by Dawei Tianlong and humans!

It is estimated that there are less than 1,000 remaining combat power!

If it goes on like this, let alone win, Jinglie and the others may be chased and killed!

At this moment, Jinglie frantically called for support, but he never got a response!

With the presence of Dawei Tianlong, I really can't control this scene, rely on!

"Lord Star Master! It's going to die soon, how about the support..."

Xing Luo's face darkened, his teeth were about to shatter!

"There is no support. The clan can't send people over now. This battle is concerned by the ten thousand clan. Even if you die, you can't lose it clearly?"

Once you lose, you really can't end it!

Jinglie said urgently, "But...

In this situation, let alone winning, even surviving is a problem, right?

Xing Luo scolded: "You give Lao Tzu some anger, it's not that there is no chance! Dimensional creatures come to the three-dimensional world, and they will consume the host's spiritual power every moment!"

"Dawei Tianlong is so huge, they can't last long with the strength of Jiangnan!"

"As long as they get through it, they will have no help. In the face of you and Linya, the two planetary destroyers, the advantage is still yours!"

"Stay for me until Dawei Tianlong disappears. As for the way, you can think of it yourself. If you can't win, don't come back!"

Xing Luo directly gave the order to die, and the mess was thrown directly on Jinglie!

Jinglie is about to cry, why don't you bring people like this?


At this moment, he can only survive with all his strength under the powerful offensive of Dawei Tianlong!

You can't hide directly in Gaoweili without showing your face!

Jiangnan is not stupid. Once all the bosons are upgraded to avoid it, there is no need for him to continue to maintain the mighty Tianlong!

It will definitely terminate the summoning and save spiritual power consumption!

If Jinglie and the others attacked again, Jiangnan would still call out Dawei Tianlong to continue working!

The result is still the same!

In other words, if you want to exhaust the spiritual power of Jiangnan and the others, you can't hide even if you hide. You must maintain the offensive and fight with the mighty Tianlong, so that it is necessary to continue to exist!

But if that's the case, it's really dead!

At the beginning, there were thousands of troops, but now there are only less than a thousand dead!

Moreover, the Sharp Knife Team led by Jiangnan is still slashing and killing Bososomes frantically, and the more they kill, the more vigorous they are!

The Bose army at this moment has long been shrouded in fear!

"Lord Jinglie, you can't do it, let's retreat, you can't fight it at all? It's really impossible to advance to the high-dimensional and hide!"

"That's right! We're all dead in a while? I'm the only one left in a formation!"

"Huh? I'm... dead too..."

Jiang Nan's face was full of viciousness: "The whole family just needs to be neat and tidy! You can still ride a horse to give you the rest? Thinking too much?"

Jinglie's eyelids jumped: "Don't hide! Hold on! If anyone dares to hide in Gaowei and doesn't come out as a deserter, I will also kill you when I ascend to Gaowei!"

"Hold me up! This mighty Tianlong won't exist for long. Once he disappears, it will be our counterattack moment!"

Even if you take your life to fill it, you must consume Dawei Tianlong to the offline!

Jiang Nan's eyes are full of sharpness: "Li'er is such a Li'er, I will give you the same words!"

"Are your people dead enough?"

"If I can fight like this for a day, let's see if your people die first, or if my spiritual power runs out first!"

Jinglie sneered: "Really? How long can you hold on?"

While speaking, Jinglie's eyes fell on Freya!

I saw that Freya looked like a number of corpses, rolled her eyes, her fierceness was shriveled, and the whole World Tree looked dry!

It seems to disappear at any moment!

(???﹏???|||) "Nan...Nan Shen! Keep talking nonsense, I won't be able to fight for a day, I'm going to die now! There's not a drop left!"

Don't talk about holding on for a day, even a second will kill you!

Jiang Nan looked back, sweating profusely on his forehead!


What the hell! Are you hitting your face so fast? How long has it been since Dawei Tianlong was summoned?

Freya can't stand it anymore?

I didn't feel how much spiritual power was consumed at all, and it was Freya who was supplying myself all the time, and the spiritual power in my body was always in an empty state!

No matter how much it passed, it was taken by Dawei Tianlong!

The energy in the Star Origin Ring is all used by the self-releasing technique!

Freya felt that Jiangnan was a bottomless pit, the kind that would not satisfy him no matter how much you give him!

At this moment, Dawei Tianlong's eyes turned: "Big brother!"

Due to the insufficient supply of spiritual power, his existence is being crowded out by the three-dimensional world all the time, and it seems that he will be pushed back to the dimensional gap at any time!

Jiangnan is in a hurry, and now the Dawei Tianlong can't be eliminated, the Bose army has not been cleaned up yet!

It must be eaten and wiped as quickly as possible, otherwise there will be many dreams at night!

Even if the strong human beings continue to input spiritual power into the World Tree, it is completely a drop in the bucket, and it is useless!

Spiritual power! Spiritual power?

The anxious Jiangnan's eyes suddenly fell on the blue star, and the light burst out in his eyes!

"Freya! Blue Star!"

Freya was stunned and used all her strength to make the huge root system of the World Tree extend towards Blue Star!

Jiangnan roared at the starry sky, because he knew that under the mechanical eye broadcast, all the people of Blue Star could see it!

"All Blue Star old and young masters, brothers and sisters! I need spiritual power, a huge amount of spiritual power!"

"Shine the starry sky, or shatter your bones, at this moment!"

"No matter what country you are, what race, skin color, at this moment we have a common name, that is human!"

"No matter where you are, please donate your spiritual power and help us!"

"All human beings are united, and we will be invincible!"

Jiangnan's loud and clear words resounded through the starry sky, recorded by the mechanical eye, and broadcast to every corner of Bluestar in real time!

To be seen by all mankind!

For a while, a roar suddenly rose from the land of Blue Star, and it went straight to the sky!

At this moment, both men and women, old and young, all rushed out of the house and came to the street and the field!

One by one, with red eyes and blushing faces, they tried their best to release their spiritual power towards the sky!

"Nan Shen needs help! It needs spiritual power! Everyone, do your best! We may not be able to help much, but we can still do this little thing!"

"Give it to you! I'll give it all to you! I'll give you as much as you want. Go fight and kill all these bastards!"

"I will squeeze out the last drop of spiritual power for you. Nanshen and the others are fighting to the death for mankind on the battlefield. They are not helping at all. Are they still people? Just spiritual power! Take them all!"

At this moment, one after another figure unleashed his pure spiritual power!

Qin Shu and the others roared and rushed to the sky, draining their spiritual power, and even smashed all their spiritual beads to release their spiritual power!

Don't ride a horse!

Anyway, if you lose, there will be no future, it is better to fight to the end!

On the Blue Star, all spiritual warriors are releasing their spiritual power!

Li Xiang stood on the street with his wife and children in his arms, looked up at the sky, and relaxed with all his strength!

"To win!"

Li Muyan, Zhou Yuqing, Xiao Zhenmotian, Lingfeng Wangba, Yao Hongmei…

There are too many people, all of them releasing their spiritual power. Maybe we can't do anything, but this time, at least we must help Nanshen!

Because he carries the hope of all mankind!

The power of one person may be small, but the power of all the spiritual warriors of all mankind combined, and at the same time, this power is absolutely terrifying!

I saw one after another of pure spiritual power rising towards the sky, hundreds of rivers flowing into the sea, like cyan meteors rushing into the sky one after another!

This scene is really too spectacular, unprecedented!

Yang Jian even spoke immediately!

"Monroe! Old lady Bei! You know what to do!"

Today's Blue Star is already a complete star market. Through the star core, you can completely control all the resources on the Blue Star!

I saw a huge vortex of spiritual energy rolled up in the sky, bringing together all the spiritual energy that the spirit warriors around the world bloomed!

Even the aura of Blue Star itself!

The root system of the World Tree phantom protruded and plunged into the incomparably huge vortex of spiritual clouds!

In an instant, the phantom of the World Tree skyrocketed wildly, and the shriveled trunk came back to life!

The bare tree canopy is instantly lush and green, and there are even bright flowers of life blooming on it!

This is the bloom of all human life!

The deflated Freya became smooth and watery again, and rubbed her eyes with reddened eyes!

And Jiangnan was flushed red by the huge amount of spiritual power!

Now the entire Blue Star, including all the human spirit warriors above, are supplying spiritual power to the World Tree!

Jiangnan will be supplied by World Tree again! Such a huge amount of spiritual power, at least in the short term, can maintain the spiritual power consumption of Dawei Tianlong!

Dawei Tianlong laughed loudly, and became more enthusiastic for a while!

Jiang Nan looked solemn: "Don't underestimate the power of human beings! I have never been alone!"

Not alone in the fight!

Jinglie's complexion is extremely ugly, this is riding a horse!

I thought it was going to end soon, but who would have thought that Jiangnan could still play like this?

Filling in all the lives of people like myself, whether it can survive until Dawei Tianlong goes offline is two things to say!

But what else could be done? You can only fight hard, and there will be no support at all!

Jinglie was completely anxious: "What is that Igor! Didn't you say you have any plans? Can you still do it?"

At this moment, Jinglie, who has no choice, can only go to the doctor in a panic!

Carl even slapped Igor on the shoulder: "What about you? Plan!"

Under such a situation, if you can rely on this to pull back the situation, you may not be punished when you go back, but instead you will be rewarded!

Igor swallowed his saliva: "It's already… already urging, Lord Jinglie, don't worry, if this plan works, human beings should not be afraid, and the victory is still ours!"

"The power of this knife for more than 20 years, humans can't stop it!"

Jinglie's eyes brightened: "Do you still have this hand? You can do it, kid!"

Cooper's eyes flickered, the situation is now on the human side, Quinn, don't be stupid!

His heart also lifted up!

Igor was sweating in a hurry, hasn't it been won there yet?

Yang Jian squinted his eyes. Now that the matter is over, Sheng Xing can't help but use his knife!

It is a matter of racial survival, and everything is on this one time. How could Yang Jian be so careless?

Poke it! I'll see if you can poke it!

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