Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2021: Little edited planet?

The role of Jupiter is quite important, it can block meteorites from Blue Star!

Although there is now the Aegis Aegis, I am not afraid of these, but the solar system lacks a planet and always feels that something is missing!

Although the Aegis Star Shield had been crushed by the dimensional arrival at the beginning, many small modules were not broken. After narrowing the coverage, they could barely be used!

As for the Taoyuan star in the bid, Jiangnan did not plan to put it in the solar system!

After all, when the time comes to enter the starry sky sequence, after joining the city of a thousand stars!

Humans also need to place stationed planets in the outer ring of Qianxingyu as their bases!

So suitable life planets are not easy to find, wait until the time is right!

Then put the Flask City up, and you can live directly!

It can be said that Jiangnan has already considered the follow-up matters properly!

(??°~?°) "That's right~ Martin, pull the moon back to its original orbital position, otherwise the moon will appear in the daytime in the future, and it will look weird!"

When Martin heard it, he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood on the spot!

Lai Lai Di, although Lao Tzu is called the Star Catcher, that's not how you use it!

Pulling the moon around? Are you polite?

However, he still said with a dark face:

(???????)? "Yes! I'll go and pull it back, Koronov, Lance, you guys come to help pull the moon!"

As soon as Jiang Nan heard this, his ears immediately perked up:

(??????) "Lance? Which Lance? Is it the Lance who was made mentally retarded by Miyazaki?"

Miyazaki: (???3??) Shh~

You make me embarrassed like this!

Lance's face darkened: (?????????????) "Can we not mention this?"

Jiangnan: (????) "It's okay not to mention it, but I remember that you seem to owe me a big sword and haven't paid it back to me, right?"

Lance almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood. Do you remember when you killed Tama?

Is this all about the Year of the Monkey?

He couldn't help but say speechlessly: "You have a starship now, and I'm still missing a big sword?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "One yard is one yard, that's how the family came from, besides... sigh~"

Halfway through the words, Jiang Nan gasped sharply and looked behind Lance!


Lance's expression froze, and he turned back subconsciously!

(??~?) Huh?

However, at this moment, I suddenly felt a vicious wind blowing from the back of my head, and it was too late when I came back to my senses!

Jiangnan's little Maza smashed directly on Lance's head, opened a scoop on the spot, and smashed it with blood!

Lance broke out in a cold sweat, covered his head and ran away:

?(?mouth?)? "What are you doing? You can't hit me in the head, you? It's hard to heal! If you get mentally retarded again, will you pay?"

Jiangnan blew on the little horse, with a comfortable face:

(????) "It's all opened, you can't fall, hahaha, go, go to the star!"

So I directly took people to jump on the Universe-class starship, turned on the warp engine, and rushed towards the Andromeda Galaxy!

At the same time as the star, I collected a wave of fragrant beads to replenish Mila...

Everyone was not surprised to see this scene, but rather gloated over the misfortune!

Lance's face darkened: "Why didn't you remind me?"

Bombardier laughed and patted Lance on the shoulder: "It's all been scooped up, and it's not worse than you? After all, you are extraordinary!"

"You can still see it! Such a low-level trick as a flying saucer? The brain hasn't become too good, has it?"

Badr rolled his eyes: "Didn't you also get hit? You got hit several times!"

Lance was stunned for a moment, and then he showed a happy smile. Although he was fired, he felt like he was integrated into the Blue Star family at this moment!

So being opened by Nanshen with a pony is considered an admission ceremony?

What kind of strange ritual is this horse riding?

There are a lot of things to deal with after the war, and while Olivia is working hard and wiping her tears!

Barty ran to her side in a frenzy and wanted to learn from her, so Xiu Ji naturally had a subordinate...


As soon as the universe starship started, it was naturally taken over by Aijiang!

After all, the ability of silicon-based to invade and control its own products at will through the terminal database is really terrible!

But after being controlled by Aijiang, there is no such worry at all!

And the universe-class armed starship has a drag star mode, after all, it basically belongs to the top starship ranks!

After scanning a large area of ​​Andromeda, I found a gaseous planet similar in size, color, and mass to Jupiter, and pulled it with a gravitational field!

I was going to drag it back to the solar system to install it. In order to be more like it, I also let Xingcheng enter and stir up a hurricane eye similar to the Great Red Spot!

I stopped by to see Xing Cheng's brother, this guy is even bigger!

The body length has exceeded 10,000 kilometers. The bigger the body, the faster it grows!

The surrounding planets were eaten up by him, and he opened his arms to eat. He was a veritable starry sky beast!

Eat it all the time, after eating a few galaxies, it will be a matter of time to grow to the level of swallowing stars!

This wave has harvested nearly 200 fragrant beads in the hands of the Tong tribe's mining team!

As Jiang Ning Jie said, this is a veritable money-printing worm, no wonder one worm's egg is enough to trigger a race war!

These fragrant beads are the capital for mankind to enter the starry sky. Compared with the starry sky, human beings are extremely backward!

Basically in a primitive state, want to close the gap and develop rapidly!

The means of making money are absolutely indispensable, even if the star-devouring giant insect is one!

After wandering around the Andromeda galaxy, putting the fake Jupiter in its original orbit, pretending nothing happened, hoping to fool it...

Jiangnan docked the universe starship on the blue star track!

After all, such a big ship cannot enter Blue Star!

After returning to Blue Star, Jiangnan immediately found Li Bing, preparing to install the honeycomb inter-star communication tower photographed at the Black Label Conference!

With this thing, you can connect to the star network in the starry sky, and receive and send messages without delay!

At the same time, in the Milky Way region, real-time communication is possible!

From then on, the Milky Way is no longer an island of stars and is no longer in the service area!

Li Bing was so excited that once he was connected to the Qunxing network, wouldn't he be able to receive messages from aliens and learn countless technologies and knowledge technologies that he didn't understand?

Just thinking about it makes Li Bing unable to open his legs, okay?

She just stayed by Jiangnan's side and didn't leave, because she didn't know what good things Jiangnan would bring out of her other dimension~

Jiangnan took everyone to teleport to the roof of the world and installed the hive inter-star communication tower!

Then I stuffed Li Bing with a bunch of hammer cards, a portable brain, and asked her to turn around and send it to everyone. Of course, Xuexue Mila and the others also have a share!

They were all souvenirs that came from the owner of the crystal family when they visited the black street market and brought everyone!

Li Bing's pretty face flushed, and she tightly hugged the Portable Smart Brain in her arms!

Looking at Jiangnan's eyes glowing with thief:

(???.???) "My room will not be locked tonight, do you want my sister to perform a general examination on you? Silly~"

Jiang Nan was stunned, what was the whole body doing to check?

(?ˇ?ˇ?) "Cough cough~ After the war, I did feel my body was ill and very tired. It was indeed necessary to perform a full body..."

Zhong Yingxue: (?~??)

"Xiao Nan is quite healthy, I have already checked the inside when they fit together!"

Xia Yao: (?`?'?)

"I checked the outside too!"

There is a smell of vinegar in the air!

Li Bing burst into a smile: (¬.?¬) "You two are quite comprehensive, alright, alright! Don't make fun of you!"

"Speaking of which, are there any good treasures left? Don't squeeze out a little bit, hurry up and dig out!"

Jiangnan laughed, and took out his lightsaber and gave it to the big wolf to destroy them!

Righteously explained: "Their aliens use this to shoot lightsabers to disguise!"

"Be careful not to do the opposite, it's easy to poke yourself!"

Li Bing rolled his eyes:

(︶?︶〃)? "Damn~ Who would be so stupid to use a lightsaber in reverse? A normal person can't do such a thing, right?"

Xing Cheng stared at Li Bing with a little resentment in his eyes and did not speak!

(?`~'?) Humph!

Li Bing: (??w???) Also... Really wow?

At this moment, Jiang Nan kept winking at Xia Yao!

Xia Yao's face was full of teasing smiles, he must have wanted to see his lightsaber disguised as a beast-eared girl, right?


It's all so obvious!

So I quietly made an okk gesture, and I'll show it to you at night!

Jiang Nan was a little excited for a while, so he can't be old Ness?

Li Bing directly activated his lightsaber, and the high-temperature plasma beam shot out, causing his pretty face to turn red!

(*???)っ "Oh wow~ this is great! There are still good babies gone!"

Jiang Nan was stunned: "It really does exist, but this thing has to choose a place!"

So he led everyone to the Pacific Ocean and teleported away, and also contacted Freya and Cooper in the middle!

Immediately, Han Menglu and the old lady Beiqiu were notified to let Xingnuo cooperate with their actions!

The high seas of the Pacific Ocean are endless!

Freya is still a little autistic at the moment, immersed in the matter of Quinn's betrayal, and a little unhappy!

Jiang Nan opened his mouth to persuade, but Cooper shook his head slightly towards Jiang Nan!

Jiang Nan was stunned, and then stopped talking!

Freya said in a low voice: (???) "Why did you call me here? I don't want me to pay you back, right? If you want money, you won't give it to your life!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes, raised his hand and hammered Freya in a shudder!

"I expect you to pay back the money? I can't expect the sun to come out in the west! This time I'm here to give you something good!"

Freya heard it as a gift for herself? Immediately came the spirit!

(???.???)? "What gift? Can I drink it? It must be drinkable, right? What does the alien wine taste like?"

"I've never tasted it in my life. The alcohol level should not exceed 100 degrees? Just thinking about it is exciting!"

Jiangnan has a dark face, this goddess is helpless!

"Can you be a bit more promising? It's not so much a gift for you, it's a gift for all mankind!"

Everyone looked at Jiangnan in surprise!

Li Bing was puzzled: (???~??)???? "What? Are you doing it so mysteriously? You even went to the Pacific Ocean?"

However, at this moment, only the loud rumbling sound came, and the seabed under everyone's feet began to rise wildly!

Jiang Nan grinned: "Let's build a suitable size continental shelf first!"

Li Bing: ? ? ?

Hey Hey hey! Now the map editors have been upgraded to the level of editing planets at will?

The speed of changing the Lanxing instrument is not as fast as yours, right?

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