Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2032: that's not me at all

Jiang Ning was taken aback by Jiangnan's idea, attacking the Black God?

That is the absolute overlord in the dimensional cracks, the existence of god-level, once the swallowing star powerhouse sneaked in and never came back!

The last time Jiangnan and the others took advantage of the lost country, it was a miracle that they were able to get out alive!

Are you going to go again? Want to attack him?

(??﹏??) "Can... can it be done? Don't complete the strategy, and then put yourself in!"

In that way, before the Star Slashing operation started, it had already died in the cradle?

Jiang Nan grinned: (?ˉ??ˉ?) "Oh~ I'm quite familiar with the Black God, don't worry, I still have a million points of confidence!"

"It's not too late, time is running out, let's get rough hair now!"

While talking, he pulled Jiang Ning and went to find someone!

Jiang Ning: ? ? ?

Is this rough? Do you want to be so sloppy?

Jiangnan directly found Xingcheng, Momo, Aijiang, and Olivia!

They are all old acquaintances of Ye Yuan. After all, acquaintances are easy to handle!

As soon as Olivia heard that she was going to the Lost Kingdom to find the Black God, she was almost not frightened by the atomic reorganization on the spot!

(*??mouth??) "Black...Black God? God of Dimension Cracks? I...I don't really want to go, I'm afraid!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

(*??~??) "Afraid of wool? Haven't you ever been in contact with Ye Yuan? You even scolded him, have you forgotten?"

Thinking of this, Olivia trembled even more evilly. She still can't believe that Ye Yuan is the trumpet of the Black God?

Why is Nanshen so certain? What if it's wrong?

Even if he was reluctant, he was pulled into the car by Jiangnan!

After explaining to Yang Jian's side, he smashed the space with one punch and pulled everyone to the boundless pitch-black dimensional gap!

Start summoning the mighty Tianlong with your bare hands!

Summoning in the dimensional gap, you don't need to consume Jiangnan's spiritual power, and it is not in the three-dimensional world!

Sure enough, the fart was great, and the boundless and huge dark golden dragon body of Dawei Tianlong suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

The body is bigger than before!

"Why do you call me? I'm still digesting the gift, I don't have time to fight for you, don't ask me for small things, big things can't be settled!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "Hey hey hey! The last time you were outside, you didn't come with this attitude, you need to feel more respectful!"

Dawei Tianlong stared: "You still picked it up? The gifts are all in hand, and I'm still used to your problems?"

"Why did you call me here?"

The corners of Jiangnan's mouth twitched, this mighty Tianlong is a bit dragged?

"Let's go to the lost country to find the Black God, hurry up, we are in a hurry!"

Dawei Tianlong tilted his head:

(¬~¬) "No load! Go to the dimension wind road by yourself, do you think I'm a bus dragon?"

Jiangnan: (?°??°?)

"You forgot what happened last time, right? Believe it or not, I'll put some shoes on for you? I'll give you a few more good words, maybe I'll take you to the next level!"

When Dawei Tianlong heard it, he gave a savage shock. If he brought out something magical, he would suffer again!

On the contrary, if you get another gift, then you can…

(?°???°)? "Get on the bus! Hold on to the dragon's horn, and the No. 101 bus dragon will serve you wholeheartedly!"

Olivia: (?﹏??)

Is this really the mighty Tianlong that killed the Quartet in the Star Market War?

Why is it not the same as expected?

Everyone got on the Dawei Tianlong, and its huge dragon body turned its head and plunged into the dimensional wind path, rushing towards the lost country!

"Hey~ I ask you, how is the state of the Black God recently? Are you in a good mood?"

Dawei Tianlong looked contemplative: "Well~ it's not bad, but it's a little bit unprofessional, quite addicted..."

Jiangnan: ? ? ?


The boundless and vast lost kingdom floats quietly in the center of the dimensional gap, like rootless duckweed!

The intricate dimensional winds flow into the sea, and countless dimensional creatures come in and out of the lost country!

The kingdom is in ruins, and in the Lost Temple in the center of the lost kingdom, the crab boss rushed in with eight legs!

"Report ~ Dawei Tianlong brought Jiangnan and others to ask to see you!"

At this moment, the black **** in the hall, like black briquettes, is still sitting in front of the Xiaobawang game console to beat the game!

Staring intently at the display screen, pressing the gamepad with my hand pressed the phantom!

"I know I know! Let them come over and get out~"

Boss Crab hurriedly stepped back, and the Black God suddenly stood up at this moment, the black mist surged, pacing back and forth in the temple, looking a little excited!

"Is it coming? Ness!"

But then he got angry again!

"Tsk! Just remembered to come and see me? I gave them death for nothing, and don't care about me at all!"

But thinking of Jiangnan and the others coming over, I was still a little excited!

"Oh? Are you here?"

I saw the Black God hurriedly running back to the game console, pretending to be nonchalant and starting the game!

And with the deepening of Dawei Tianlong, the group also came to the Lost Temple!

If it weren't for the atomic recombination, Olivia wouldn't know how many times she had been scared to pee along the way!

She actually saw a lot of dimensional creatures in the kingdom with the same size as Dawei Tianlong!

This is horrific!

As for Jiang Ning, he was completely shocked, watching everything in the lost kingdom!

This is an absolute taboo and mystery for creatures in the three-dimensional world!

I never thought I would be able to come here in person one day!

As for Xingcheng Momo and the others, they are completely indifferent. Instead, there is a feeling of nostalgia for revisiting the old place!

At this moment, Jiangnan's mood is also relatively uneasy, and he took everyone all the way into the Lost Temple!

As soon as I entered the door, I heard the sound of "da da da" and saw a yellow excavator driving past with black smoke!

The accelerator is opened to the maximum, and the broken hammer is facing the Roman column of the Lost Temple for a while~

Looking at the ruins next to it, a lot of people have been demolished!

A dark figure is sitting in the cab, driving the excavator seriously...

Jiang Ning: ! !

∑(°mouth°?) "Why...why is there an excavator here to demolish the lost temple? The black **** doesn't care?"

Momo sweated profusely on his forehead: (??w???) "Is it possible that this excavator is the Black God?"

Jiang Ning: okouo* Huh? "

Dawei Tianlong gritted his teeth, looking at this excavator and getting angry, I sold my body because of this!

Olivia was stunned: (*???) " this the body of the Black God? So mysterious!"

Jiang Nan shook his head: ?(°ー°〃) "No no no, this shouldn't be the case, that black coal ball from the game is the one, right?"

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on the black briquettes with slender hands and feet...


Olivia: (′?ж?)σ~poof

Forgive me for not holding back, this is completely different from what I imagined!

Is the dimensional overlord so cute?

I saw a "?" pop out from the top of the black god's head and threw the gamepad to the ground!

Turning around and staring at his hips, he said:

?● "What black coal balls? Your whole family is black coal balls!"

"This deity is the overlord of the dimension! Black God! How about the due respect? Why don't you kneel down and surrender?"

During the speech, the momentum rises from the body, the surrounding situation changes, and the space is disillusioned and disillusioned!

Its image is infinitely taller, and the suffocating momentum seems to crush everyone's soul!

Dawei Tianlong was directly scared to the ground, and frantically winked at Jiangnan and the others!

On the other hand, Olivia was shaking like a sieve, and slumped on the ground, her body overflowing with the fragrance of flowers!

Jiang Ning's pretty face turned pale. Facing this kind of coercion, it seemed that the existence of a star star was not enough to see. He is the absolute ruler of this world!

The body can not help but slowly bend down, just about to kneel on the ground!

I saw Jiangnan teleported to the Black God and slapped the Black God with his elbow!

(??????????) "Aiya~ why are you angry, they are all old acquaintances, why are you still going through these procedures? Look at the warning Ji is scared!"

Olivia: (???.)!

"I don't have it! This is a girl's body fragrance! Body fragrance, ah!"

Hei Shen was very angry: "What kind of acquaintance? Am I familiar with you? It took so long to come back to pay tribute to me? It seems that you didn't take the task I explained to you at all?"

"And let my most loyal servant shed blood on the starry sky? Have you thought about what to compensate for the deity?"

"Otherwise, you will never want to go out, just stay in the lost country and accompany the deity forever!"

Jiangnan: (??.???) "Acting? Killing Nagada to act with me?"

"Isn't that Ye Yuan from your trumpet? The whole thing is quite like that!"

The Black God's movements froze, and the aura on his body became even more terrifying!

"Oh? Why do you think it's my trumpet? Are you really sure?"

Olivia shook her head frantically, Nan Shen, stop provoking him, this doesn't look like an acquaintance at all!

Maybe you made a mistake, and that would be the end of it!

Black God: ! !

He lai Lai drop, when did Jiang Nan realize that Ye Yuan is my trumpet?

Can't admit it! I can't even recognize it if I beat him to death!

Once you admit it, wouldn't it be Lao Tzu who had beaten hundreds of thousands of times in the sack and flew freely in the sack?

I don't want face, image ah?

I'll make up for all the losses I've suffered before!

Jiangnan is speechless: "Have you forgotten the glorious deeds of our handsome and compelling combination of invincible players in the sea of ​​​​stars?"

The black **** glared: "What are you talking about? This deity doesn't understand at all!"

"What about the fun you promised to bring me? I've already broken all the speedrun records in the game 300!"

"If you don't bring something that pleases the deity this time, then the deity will play with you!"

Jiang Nan's face darkened, he has learned a lot? Is it a preemptive strike this time?

You said Ye Yuan wasn't you? Who are you fooling?

"Don't worry! How can I miss you? This time I brought a good baby who is loved by countless people. I was immersed in it for a while when I was young and couldn't extricate myself!"

"You must like it!"

The Black God suddenly became interested, and this kid really came prepared!

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