Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2035: Leverage the fulcrum of the city of a thousand stars

I saw the black **** retracting his fingers, his face full of pride, finally let this kid suffer a loss, ah, ah, satisfied!

"Don't worry, you can always believe in the black god, I know better than you how to make things more interesting!"

"I will return the same words to you! Trust me once, and I will return you a blue star human who shines in the starry sky!"

Jiang Nan gave a free and easy smile, stretched out his fist towards the Black God, and the fists of the two collided heavily!


But he heard Hei Myth turn his head: "Since you want to do it, then make it bigger!"

"Swallowing the stars in the starry sky is still a trouble that has to be faced. Once the swallowing stars end, my 30,000 trumpets, plus your human powerhouse, are not enough to set off a wave in the city of a thousand stars! "

"It can't be tossed, and the city of a thousand stars is the center of the civilization of all races in the starry sky. All roads lead to a thousand stars. Once the action is taken, the support of all races will be there soon!"

"We can't afford a war of attrition, and Jiang Fan demolished one last time. Now the City of Thousand Stars itself has very strong defensive measures, and there are too many points to overcome!"

Jiangnan laughed directly: "I said, if there are no conditions, we will create conditions. The Star Slashing operation must not be a war of attrition, but a blitz war!"

"In the shortest time, cause the greatest degree of damage, as for the support of Wanzu..."

"Of course, they can seal the star path of the Laniakea supercluster, and why don't we wait for the same operation to seal the star path of the City of Thousand Stars?"

The Black God was stunned: "Good guy! You are big enough to play, but don't expect me to do this!"

"Although I am at my peak in the interdimensional gap, it is difficult for my power to affect the three-dimensional world, not to mention the city of a thousand stars!"

Jiang Nan smiled evilly: "I didn't expect you to do it at first, someone can do it!"

"The starry sky is not a monolith. If you want to achieve the star cutting action, you must be vertical and horizontal, and you need a fulcrum that can shake the city of a thousand stars!"

"As long as this action fits the minds of some beings, they are naturally willing to help, such as Noah of the Dark Universe!"

This is not Jiangnan's imagination, Noah's attitude has always been ambiguous, and it was the same during the Holy Law Judgment Conference!

He is a master who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and he only wants to stir up the pool of water in the starry sky!

You can see it through his crazy firing behavior at the Black Label Conference!

And the dark universe is the third position. They want the Bose to pull their crotch, but they also don't want to see the rise of the silicon base!

The location is awkward!

Although this time by boycotting the Bose group, there are certain benefits, but the silicon base is the ultimate beneficiary!

Noah should have a sense of crisis too!

The black **** smacked his lips: "You want to convince Noah? Let them reach out to help? Should the inside and outside work together? Is it reliable?"

"If it is discovered by Wanzu, the position of the Dark Universe will be embarrassing. Can they take the risk to help?"

Jiang Nan shook his head: "I'm not sure yet, but think about it from a different perspective. If I complete the Star Slashing operation on the eve of the Sequence War, the impact will not be that big!"

"For the dark universe as a whole, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages! Risks always coexist with opportunities!"

"Let's see if Noah has the guts to play with us!"

The more the Black God listens, the more vigorous it is. This dungeon is powerful enough to create opportunities when there is no chance?

Can you demolish the City of a Thousand Stars with your own hands? Just thinking about it is exciting!

"What other arrangements do you have? Tell me all about it. We have already formed an alliance. I should also know the plan, right?"

"And after you demolish the City of Thousand Stars, what about the follow-up arrangements? How will it end? How can you guarantee that you won't make the same mistakes as Jiang Fan?"

Jiangnan's face was full of evil, he laughed, turned his head and shared his follow-up plan with the black god!

(?)?3?) "Gu Niu Gu Niu Gu Niu~"

(●???????) "Oh huh? Bah, ah, ah?"

(?)?3?) "Gu Niu!"

As the two talked more and more deeply, the Black God made bursts of exclamations from time to time!

At the time of the rise, the two of them still laughed "Jie Jie Jie!"


Looking at Momo and Olivia, they all got goosebumps, what kind of fairy plan is this!

It's really something that a human brain can come up with, it's really a bamboo shoot, it's so bad!

Jiang Ning kept wiping cold sweat on the side. He originally thought that the star-slashing action was just an unrealistic delusion, and it was difficult to achieve!

But now it looks like that's not the case at all!

Can it really be done? Is this what Xiaonan wants to do?

The two were chatting for a long time on the rocking car, and the rocking car was about to run out of electricity!

The black **** said excitedly: "It's not too late, we have to get Noah's first, right? Hurry up and go, it's only half a month, don't waste it!"

"I'll choose a trumpet to go with you!"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

Why do you feel that the black **** is more anxious than himself, and he is more concerned!

I saw the black **** snapped a dozen fingers, the surrounding situation changed, and the space shifted!

Everyone immediately came to the Black God Collection Museum, a pure white space!

The glazed **** like stars are full of organ puzzles from all races in the starry sky!

Don't think about it, Ye Yuan probably came from here!

Every time I see it, Jiangnan feels incomparably shocked. How long has it been collected?

The Black God leaned on his chin and mused as he walked:

(??°??°) "Hmm~ Which trumpet should I choose?"

As for Momo Olivia, they've been completely confused, okay?

Does he really have a museum trumpet?

But as she walked, Olivia turned her head sharply, as if she had discovered something incredible!


Like the wind, he ran to the front of a small glass ball, and what was kept inside was a young man of the Apocalypse clan radiating blue light all over his body!

Close your eyes as if falling into a deep sleep!

Olivia rubbed her eyes and looked terrified:

(??? mouth???) "Big grievance? This... Where did this come from?"

The black **** tilted his head: (??~???) "Oh Huo? Is this Apocalypse youth? My earlier collection? Sacrifice myself to me as a contract!"

"I quite like this!"

Olivia immediately cried with a wow, knelt on the ground with a clatter, and gave a big salute!

Crazy kowtow!

(*??? Mouth??)? "Lord King of Heroes! Olivia, the unworthy descendant, came to see you, woo woo woo~"

(????)? "Please rest assured, the Apocalypse Clan is doing well now, the Star Ruins War has been won, we are now Carbon-based Light, the fourth starry sky sequence! You can rest in peace~"

At this moment, Olivia's face was full of respect and sadness!

As a talented and beautiful girl from the Apocalypse family, how could she not recognize the King of Heroes!

On all the planets to which the Apocalypse Clan belongs, there are statues of hero kings. Every Apocalypse Clan child has received historical education since childhood!

The heroic king turned the tide and won the Star Market War. Is it a required course?

Let the children remember the bitter and sweet, and do not forget the history!

I just killed Olivia, I didn't expect that I would see the real body of the King of Heroes here!

The hero king who sacrificed himself for the race back then became a collection of the Black God?


Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead: (??w???) "Is this seeing my ancestors?"

Is it so embarrassing?

However, the collections in the museum of the Black God are basically ancestral figures, right?

I saw Olivia looking at the King of Heroes reluctantly, and pitifully begged:

() "Big injustice, can the King of Heroes still live?"

"Can't I play mahjong with you?"

The Black God waved his hand:

(︶~︶●)? "Don't think about it, there's no drama, his consciousness dissipated at the moment of Stud, this is a body!"

"How many millions of years ago? Even if it doesn't dissipate, the Apocalypse family can't live so long, no matter how perverted they are?"

Olivia looked lost, but it was also a good choice to let the King of Heroes live in the legend forever!

Immediately wiped away his tears, he bowed respectfully to the King of Heroes!

The Black God looked at this scene, his eyes flowed, his expression gradually became evil, and he even couldn't help but let out a laugh!

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

"What are you happy about?"

Hei Shen shook his head and gave Jiang Nan a look:

(●???) "It's nothing, I just remembered something fun!"

Jiangnan: (??ж?) Oh~ that's it~

Jiang Ning: (??﹏???)

These two kings of bamboo shoots together, there must be no good thing!

After choosing a circle, in order to act in a low-key manner, the Black God still chose his latest collection!

I saw a human figure stepping out of the glass ball, infused with the power of the Black God!

It was a tall, handsome middle-aged man who was both masculine and feminine!

And the level of this human being has the level of breaking a star!

Jiang Nan's eyes twitched, and he was really spelled out. I knew that the Black God collected human organs to play trumpet!

The Black God grinned:

(???????) "Just use this number. After all, we are acting together with humans, so we can get along better, right?"

Jiang Ning tilted his head: (??~??) "Strange! does this person give me a familiar feeling? I seem to have seen it somewhere? But I don't know him at all?"

The most familiar stranger? Maybe that's how it feels?

Jiang Nan's eyes are dodging, his face is guilty!


It's strange if you're not familiar with it, hey, the parts of this human body were all dismantled from the bodies of human powerhouses and crowdfunded!

I saw this human subconsciously scratching his butt:

(??????????) "You have to come up with a name for me, but you can't be called the Black God when you go out? Do you have any good ideas?"

"There are too many trumpets. If you name them one by one, there is no good idea!"

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin and looked solemn:

(?°??°)? "Is it called Wang Youzhen? What do you think?"

Momo: ('?ж?) Pfft~

Southern God! Can you be any worse?

The black **** frowned: (???~??)???? "Wang Youzhi? There is no force? Not very tall?"

Jiang Nan stared: "What do you know? You don't know the connotation of this at all! You are the king of the dimension! So you took the surname of Wang, and you have a big hemorrhoid!"

"That's why it's called Wang Youhe! How appropriate?"

Wang Youzhi's eyes brightened upon hearing this:

(??ヮ?) "In this way, there is a bit of charm, so let's call Wang Youzhi!"

While talking, I scratched my butt...

Mo Mo tilted his head fiercely, his shoulders kept shaking, the god-like king You Hemorrhoids! Hemorrhoids of hemorrhoids, right?

Your hemorrhoids and appendix should be on Wang Youzhi's body, right?

Thinking about it this way, Mo Mo always has an inexplicable feeling, does this count as a blood relationship with him?

Hope he never knows the truth!

Wang Youzhi said excitedly: (???`?'??)? "Now it's time to find Noah!"

Jiangnan grinned:

(?ˉ??ˉ?) "I've already contacted the moon raccoon, so let's see if Noah will play!"

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