Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2046: The stars bloom! end of life

No one laughed, and even once suspected that he was dreaming, and everything in front of him did not really happen!

But the giant shell crater that exceeds 10 million kilometers can never be faked!

Dark Matter Star Bomb? Jiangnan flattened the Holy Law Star Palace?

How did he do it?

As the center of the power of the starry sky, the Holy Law Star Palace has a lot of defense methods!

How could such dangerous goods be brought in without being discovered?

And it detonated successfully?

At this moment, everyone was shocked to see the Vientiane star that was blazing into the sky!

Holy Law Star Palace gone? Even the Thousand Stars Rebellion more than 3,000 years ago was not fierce enough to completely destroy the Holy Law Star Palace!

To a certain extent, it directly represents the majesty of the Holy Law!

But Jiangnan couldn't help but say that, after checking three numbers, he blasted the entire star palace into the sky?

Is this the equivalent of smacking your mouth in the face of the Holy Law?

Now they may know why the peeps come to the Thousand Star Territory!

It's not because of some star disaster at all!

But because of Jiangnan?

The moon raccoon in the black street covered his ears, and looked at the fire in the direction of the Holy Law Star Palace with a pretty face!

Vientiane's vibration is still going on!

Yueli was shocked both physically and mentally. Although he knew that Jiangnan was going to make trouble, he didn't expect to blow up the Holy Law Star Palace at the beginning of the game!

Lord Noah! This time, you might really be having fun!

Jiangnan's methods are far more violent than imagined!

The infinite firelight reflected on Jiang Nan's face, and there was not the slightest emotional fluctuation in his deep, dark eyes!

Half a month ago, the Holy Law Star Palace, which had been humiliated and reviled by all races, had completely disappeared from this world!

At that time, Jiangnan had already made an oath!

Today's shame must bear fruit!

And this cannonball crater that spans tens of thousands of kilometers!

It's the bad fruit!

At this moment, the eyes of human beings are excited when they look at this scene!

Holy Law Society, what qualifications does it have to judge human beings?

That's how it should be! happy!

Really happy riding!

Tiffany's eyes were full of hideous eyes and roared towards Jiangnan!

"Jiang! Nan! Do you know what you are doing? Shenglu Xinggong! You actually leveled the Shenglu Xinggong?"

Lin Ya was very angry: "Human death is not enough to pay for such sins! You can't even think of going out of the Thousand Star Territory today!"

Jiang Nan sneered: "I know exactly what I'm doing! I wanted to do it at the trial meeting half a month ago!"

"Now it's just putting what you think into action!"

"Make no mistake! We came today, and we didn't want to leave! And now it's you who should be worried!"

At this moment, the breath of Tao's body is gradually becoming dangerous: "This crime is extremely evil! Don't think about dying so easily!"

"Is the Holy Law Society something you can disobey? Don't make mistakes again and again!"

Jiang Nan laughed instead!

"It's true! Nearly 30,000 life planets in the city of a thousand stars, and the lives of countless starry races are all in my hands at this moment!"

"This Holy Law Star Palace is just an appetizer, and I want to start the chaos of a thousand stars again!"

"Now! I'll give you one more chance, and this is the last time!"

"Tear up the Ten Thousand Race Agreement! Humans enter the starry sky sequence! I still count three! Think about it!"


Wang Youzhi swallowed excitedly, is it finally my turn?

Huan Lou yelled: "You fart! Who are you fooling? Don't think that you can scare us by blowing up the Holy Law Star Palace. How can the Holy Law Society be threatened by you?"

Jiangnan is still counting down silently, his voice is as cold as iron!


Fama squinted his eyes: "Don't brag about it, 30,000 life planets? That existence was so powerful that it was unreasonable, and he didn't say that he broke the 30,000 planets in the Thousand Star Region!"

"Why are you humans?"

However, at this moment, Tao's mechanical eyes shrank violently!

He suddenly realized the current situation of the City of Thousand Stars!

Dark matter tidal invasion, Thousand Star Region has turned into an island of starlight, isolated and helpless!

In today's City of Thousand Stars, there is no star-devouring powerhouse, and then think of the previous robbery of the Zhoushen Arsenal!

If it is really made by humans, then it is not impossible for it to have a weapon of this scale!

There is no coincidence in this world, everything is premeditated?

Tao hurriedly said: "Jiangnan! Stop it! Everything can be negotiated, and joining the starry sky sequence is not an overnight thing!"

"You act like this. Once you do it, there is no way out! Have you really thought about it?"

Jiang Nan said lightly: "One!"

"Sorry! None of the answers are correct! You forced me to lead humanity to where it is today!"

"It's your own starry sky and all races!"

"This fireworks should be regarded as a return gift from Jiangnan to the starry sky, keep your eyes wide open!"

"Just taste the taste of despair in the smoke of the shattered stars! I would rather be in a sea of ​​corpses and blood than bow my head and admit defeat!"

"Dazhi! Blast me the City of a Thousand Stars!"

Tao Ji said: "Jiangnan! You..."

Wang Youzhi sneered: "Received! Good show! It's the beginning!"

At this moment, the nearly 30,000 trumpets of the Black God, who had long been distributed on the major planets in the City of Thousand Stars, started at the same time!

Detonated the dark matter star bomb that had been prepared for a long time, and the sacred collapsing grenade!

Because it is detonated on the surface of the planet, the planetary shield, the anti-satellite ring and the like are completely useless!

"Boom boom boom boom..."

With the order of Jiangnan, I saw that in the city of a thousand stars, 30,197 stationed planets exploded at the same time!

One after another incandescent light lit up, and the planets were like exploding watermelons, bursting with the most blazing light in their life!

The surface was blasted away, the mantle exploded, the star core exploded, and the planetary fragments flew everywhere, shattering like glass marbles!

Every planet is as bright as fireworks, and more than 30,000 are blooming at the same time!

At this moment, the stars in the Thousand Star Region are dazzling, extremely dazzling and splendid, which outlines a gorgeous and charming picture, but it is the last chapter of life!

Beautiful but also deadly!

Every bright spot of light represents the passing of countless lives!

But Jiangnan, do not regret it!

It was not just the more than 30,000 stationed planets that exploded together!

And the super-giant mechanical wormhole standing in the Quartet of Thousand Stars!

Beixuanmen, Kayemen, Qiongloumen, and Tianmen, all collapsed and exploded, and were blown into pieces by star bombs and sacred grenades, flying in the starry sky!

One thought collapses the gate!

At this moment, the leader of the dark universe, Dak, who was trying his best to block the invasion of dark matter tides at the border of the Thousand Star Territory, stared blankly at this scene!

Seeing that the entire city of a thousand stars is bathed in the flames of war and gunpowder smoke!

Killing Lord Noah wouldn't have thought that Jiangnan's methods would be so violent, right?

Over 10,000% achieved the goal! It's a bit over the top!

The eyes of the stars hanging on the city of a thousand stars stared at this scene and recorded all this!

The starry sky history book on the desktop turns pages like crazy!

It took less than three minutes to step out of Jiangnan from the dimensional gap to the City of Thousand Stars!

The Holy Law Star Palace is gone, and the stationed planets in the city of more than 30,000 thousand stars have also collapsed!

Is Jiangnan so violent?

At this moment, under the shining stars, Tiffany Fama and the others were all stunned!

Staring blankly at the scene in front of me, my body and mind are cold!

Jiangnan is not kidding? Did he really do that?

Collapsed more than 30,000 planets? The gates of the Sifang Wormhole were all blown up?

Where did human beings get such terrifying energy?

The Holy Law Society, including all the starry sky and myriad races in the City of Thousand Stars, all understand at this moment!

These stars exploded like a blow to the head, hitting them heavily on their heads!

They are going through history. This is a war that is no less than the chaos of the Thousand Stars more than 3,000 years ago. It is destined to be deeply remembered in the stars!

Add a touch of color to the history of the starry sky!

And it was Jiangnan who started this war! It's human!

At this moment, Huanlou's eyes are filled with fear, and the scene in front of him seems to make him dream back to the chaos of the Thousand Stars more than 3,000 years ago!

That time he tried his best to survive, but this time again?

Just the heavy damage suffered by the City of Thousand Stars has already surpassed the last time!

But it's far from over!

A new round of the Thousand Stars Rebellion has begun!

Tiffany's eyes were splitting: "Jiangnan! How dare you! How dare you!"

Something really happened, enough to shake the starry sky!

I saw Jiang Nan raised his head high, and his eyes were full of coldness!

"It's useless for you to talk about it now! I'll give you two chances, but you don't want it!"

"I don't want to talk anymore, I no longer expect to peacefully win the power that belongs to us humans from the hands of the starry sky!"

"Opportunities are fought for, they are fought with fists!"

"Does it hurt? Is it hate? How much can you now feel the feelings of human beings back then?"

I saw Jiang Nan slowly spread his arms at this moment, with murderous intent in his eyes, his whole body was blooming like a raging wave, and a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"From this moment on! I am Jiangnan! It is the calamity of your starry sky!"

"All human beings! Kill me! The entire battlefield is yours! Let blood and fire burn the city of a thousand stars!"

With the order of Jiangnan, all the human powerhouses rushed in all directions!

Like a dragon entering the sea, everyone has their own tasks and responsibilities!

Tao immediately ordered: "All the thousands of stars in the starry sky! Kill Jiangnan and its fellow human beings at all costs!"

"It is bound to kill all human beings! Endless death! Law order troops, attack!"

But Jiangnan had been prepared for a long time, and when he raised his hand, he launched a warp bubble towards the rushing Law Command and the starship group!

Tao immediately shot an empty rubber bullet, solidified the surrounding space, and forced the warp bubble to stop!

However, a transformed stellar power furnace has emerged from the warp bubble!

pottery:! ! !

not good!

In an instant, the casing of the power furnace shattered, and a huge star exuding incomparably hot and high temperature expanded wildly and grew!

Squeeze the rushing fleet and the law troop towards the side frantically!

In the blink of an eye, there is a huge and dazzling star in the starry sky!

And it was thrown out by Jiangnan alone. This is the transformed stellar power furnace bomb!

I saw that the star-shattering cannon in Jiangnan's hand had been aimed at the star that was thrown out!

With a grin: "Just taste the real supernova explosion!"

As he spoke, he pulled the trigger, and the blazing star-collapsed cannon shot out from Jiangnan's hands!

Smashed **** that star!

The next moment, the star was immediately penetrated by the fierce star-collapse cannon, and then exploded!

The fiery flames engulfed the entire rushing legal troop!

Jiang Nan turned around and rushed out at warp speed. Under the supernova explosion, Jiang Nan's body was so free and easy that he didn't even look at the explosion!

A true Southerner who never looks back at the explosion!

That's right! Jiangnan just blasted a real star!

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